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Abstract. The ability of two nitrogen cycle models, of contrasting complexity, to predict N mineralization from a range of grassland soils in the UK, was evaluated. These were NCYCLE, a simple mass balance model of the N cycle in UK grasslands, and CENTURY, a more complex model simulating long-term C, N, P & S dynamics in grassland ecosystems. The models were tested using field measurements of net N mineralization from a range of grassland soils (differing in soil type, history & management practice), obtained over a 2 year period using a soil core incubation technique. This method was considered to measure the total net release of mineral N from the soil organic matter over a specified time, including N which may have been recycled several times. NCYCLE consistently under-estimated mineralization rates at all sites. By contrast, there was some correlation between CENTURY predictions of net N mineralization and field measurements. This may have reflected the different abilities of the two models to simulate N recycling. Neither model, however, was able to predict adequately the effect of cultivation and reseeding on net N mineralization.  相似文献   
Sandy‐textured Mediterranean soils are invariably depleted in organic matter and supply only small amounts of N to crops. To compensate for these deficiencies, we tested the N supply from six organic wastes applied to a Cambic Arenosol in pots growing ryegrass. The results showed that the behaviour of the wastes in supplying N to a ryegrass crop grown in this soil can be predicted by observing their performance in laboratory aerobic incubations. The N made available during these incubations fitted well to a one‐pool kinetic model.  相似文献   
单宁对反刍动物营养代谢的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
单宁是一类广泛分布于植物中的多酚类化合物,具有多种生理活性。本文主要对单宁的理化性质、单宁在植物尤其饲料作物中的分布以及单宁对反刍动物营养代谢的影响以及应用作一综述。  相似文献   
内蒙河套灌区盐碱低产田建立有机质富积层改土培肥效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过连续四年在内蒙古河套灌区低产盐碱地定点、定位试验与定时测土分析,明确了土壤耕层增施有机物料建立有机质富积层,能够改善土壤理化性状,尤其是能降低土壤表层含盐量,提高作物保苗率和显著增加作物产出量。  相似文献   
The effect of 50% shading and NO3:NH4 ratio (0:100, 75:25, 50:50, and 25:75) in the nutrient solution on growth, yield, quality and N metabolism in hydroponically grown strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa var Camarosa) was evaluated. Both fresh and dry weights of leaves were significantly lower when a high concentration of either NO3 (100%) or NH4 (75%) was the sole N source in the nutrient solution. In unshaded plants, increasing of both NH4 and NO3 ratio in the nutrient solution reduced photosynthetic (Pn) rate, however in shaded plants the reduction of Pn became more pronounced at a higher ratio of NH4 in the nutrient solution. The yield in terms of fresh and dry weight of fruit per plant was significantly increased at the 75:25 and 50:50 (NO3:NH4) treatments. Fruit size was significantly affected by the treatments, so that the biggest fruits in both shaded and unshaded plants were obtained under the 75:25 and 50:50 (NO3:NH4) treatments. Total soluble solid (TSS) in unshaded plants was increased with increasing NH4 ratio in the nutrient solution, however in shaded plants it was reduced at high NH4 ratio in the nutrient solution. In both shaded and unshaded plants, higher concentration of NH4 significantly reduced the post-harvest life of the fruits. The increase of tissue N concentration was nearly proportional to the NH4 concentration in the nutrient solution. The activity of nitrate reductase (NR) was increased by increasing NH4 from 0 to 50% and then reduced at a higher ratio of NH4 in the solution. Shading increased NH4 concentration so that the shaded plant had nearly twice as high NH4 concentration in the leaves. The increase of NH4 concentration induced by shading could be partially the reduction of NH4 assimilate because of the shortage of carbohydrate.  相似文献   
为探明不同施肥方式对糜子营养品质、食味品质和产量的影响,于2019年在山西河曲进行试验,以河曲大红糜子为材料,选用不同配比的有机肥(羊粪)、生物菌肥、尿素和复合肥,研究不同施肥配比对糜子品质和产量的影响。结果表明:不同肥料配比对糜子产量和品质性状显著影响,复合肥和有机肥(F+Y)配施显著提高糜子籽粒产量(GY)、净光合速率(Pn)、钙(Ca)和铁(Fe)含量,显著减低直链淀粉含量(AC);相关性分析发现,籽粒产量(GY)和净光合速率(Pn)呈极显著正相关,相关系数为0.82,镁(Mg)与铁(Fe)呈极显著正相关,值为0.68,直链淀粉含量(AC)与醇溶蛋白含量(Gli)、钙(Ca)达到极显著负相关,值分别为-0.66和 -0.50;主成分分析发现,糜子各性状指标分为4个主成分,分别代表糜子食味品质、营养品质、产量指标和蛋白营养品质,综合得分以复合肥和有机肥(F+Y)处理最高,并显著高于其他处理。综上所述,复合肥(187.5 kg·hm-2)与有机肥(1.5×10 kg·hm-2)配施是糜子获得优质高产的主要施肥方式。  相似文献   
施肥对甜菜产量、物质积累和养分吸收规律的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用田间试验研究了施肥对甜菜产量、干物质积累和吸肥规律的影响。结果表明:氮、磷、钾肥配合施用可以提高甜菜产量,制约甜菜产量的养分因子依次为N〉P〉K。干物质日积累规律为:苗期增长缓慢,叶和块根分别在出苗后80,125d达到最大值,在60~80d时,块根的日积累量超过叶。氮的吸收速率,全株表现为慢-快-慢的规律,叶片和块根分别在出苗后100,160d达到最大值,氮的累积总量在叶中较多。磷的吸收速率,叶片表现为出苗后40~80d最快,块根在40~120d快速增加并达到最大值;磷在叶和根中的累积量分别在出苗后80,120d达到最大,80d之后根的累积量超过叶。对于钾,叶在出苗后40—120d快速吸收并达到最大值,块根在出苗60d后吸收加快,收获时达到最大;在整个生育期内块根对K的吸收量都低于叶。甜菜单株日吸收N和P量分别在出苗后100,60d达到最大值;K的日吸收量苗期较少,40~80d快速增加达到最大,收获前出现负增长。  相似文献   
研究温度、营养盐浓度以及光照强度对淡水浮丝藻(Planktothrix sp.)及其代谢产物二-甲基异莰醇(2-MIB)的影响,为控制丝状蓝藻生长及预警水体嗅味物质污染提供实践依据。浮丝藻由中国科学院水生生物研究所淡水藻种库分离于安徽巢湖;设置的实验温度为15、20、25、30℃,BG-11营养盐溶液体积分数为20%、30%、50%、100%,光照为1 000、2 000、3 000、4 000 lx。结果表明,温度对浮丝藻生长密度、总2-MIB生成量及胞外2-MIB分泌量影响最显著,25℃是浮丝藻最适宜生长温度,最高细胞密度可达6.04×105个/mL,30℃是其最适宜的产2-MIB温度,总2-MIB生成量和胞外2-MIB分泌量均最高,分别为3.64×103ng/L和2.78×103ng/L;其次为营养盐浓度,增大BG-11营养盐浓度,浮丝藻生长密度和总2-MIB生成量会随之增加,低浓度营养盐时胞外2-MIB分泌量所占比例较高,表明低浓度营养盐更有利于浮丝藻进行胞外2-MIB分泌;光照对浮丝藻生长及产嗅味物质影响较小,...  相似文献   
近天然落叶松云冷杉林土壤养分特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了吉林省汪清林业局近天然落叶松云冷杉林不同土层(0<土壤深度h≤20cm、20cm<h≤40cm和40cm<h≤60cm)的土壤养分状况及间伐强度对其的影响.结果表明:研究区0<h≤20cm土层的土壤养分含量丰富.随着土壤深度的增加,土壤养分质量分数降低,在不同土层间差异均达极显著水平(P<0.01);在垂直剖面上,土壤养分变异系数均有不同程度的差异,其中0<h≤20cm土层土壤有效P质量分数的变异系数最大,达到79.0%;土壤有机质、全N、碱解N的表聚系数较大,而全P、全K和速效K的表聚系数较小;不同间伐强度下,土壤养分的表聚系数也存在差异,且以中度间伐的表聚系数最大,说明40%以下的间伐强度,20a后没有引起土壤养分质量分数的显著变化,可见,间伐对土壤养分的长期效应不显著.  相似文献   
对特爆2号喷施外源激素6-BA,研究不同浓度6-BA对爆裂玉米籽粒胚乳细胞增殖、籽粒增重以及营养物质充实的影响。结果表明,6-BA显著提高籽粒的胚乳细胞数和粒重,浓度越高差异越显著;6-BA处理对胚乳细胞大小有一定程度的提高作用,但与对照相比无显著差异。授粉后10 d,6-BA处理对籽粒蔗糖和淀粉含量影响并不显著,但显著提高蛋白质含量;授粉15 d以后,6-BA处理籽粒蔗糖、支链淀粉和总淀粉含量明显高于对照,但不同浓度6-BA处理间并没有显著差异;蛋白质含量在授粉20 d以后差异较大,表现为60 mg/L10 mg/L0 mg/L(CK)。本试验中,喷施6-BA可获得较高的粒重和籽粒营养物质积累。  相似文献   
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