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Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas and the huge CH4 fluxes emitted from paddy fields can prejudice the eco-compatibility of rice cultivation. CH4 production in submerged rice crops is known to be highly influenced by water temperature. Hence, lowering ponding water temperature (LPWT) could be an option to mitigate CH4 emissions from paddy environments when it is possible either to irrigate with slightly colder water or to increase ponding water depth. However, paddy soil is a complex environment in which many processes are simultaneously influenced by temperature, leading to a difficult prediction of LPWT effects. For this reason, LPWT efficiency is here theoretically investigated with a one-dimensional process-based model that simulates the vertical and temporal dynamics of water temperature in soil and the fate of chemical compounds that influence CH4 emissions. The model is validated with literature measured data of CH4 emissions from a paddy field under time-variable temperature regime. Based on modeling results, LPWT appears promising since the simulated reduction of CH4 emissions reaches about −12% and −49% for an LPWT equal to −5 °C during the ripening stage only (last 30 days of growing season, when rice is less sensitive to temperature variations) and −2 °C over the whole growing season, respectively. LPWT affects CH4 emissions either directly (decreasing methanogenic activity), indirectly (decreasing activity of bacteria using alternative electron acceptors), or both. The encouraging results provide the theoretical ground for further laboratory and field studies aimed to investigate the LPWT feasibility in paddy environments.  相似文献   
Oxidation of methane in the rhizosphere of rice plants   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Oxidation of CH4 in the rhizosphere of rice plants was quantified using (1) methyl fluoride, a specific inhibitor of CH4 oxidation, and (2) measuring changes in plant-mediated CH4 emission after incubation under air, N2, or 40% O2. No significant rhizospheric CH4 oxidation was observed from rice plants in the ripening stage. CH4 emission from rice plants 1 week before panicle initiation increased by 40% if CH4 oxidation in the rhizosphere was blocked. The growth stage of the rice plant is an important factor determining the rhizospheric CH4 oxidation. Fluctuation of rhizospheric CH4 oxidation during the growing season may help to explain the observed seasonal CH4 emission patterns in field studies. Measurements from four rice varieties showed that one variety, Pokkali, had higher rhizospheric CH4 oxidation. This was probably because Pokkali was in an earlier growth stage than the other three varieties. Both in the early and in the late growth stages, incubation under N2 caused a much stronger CH4 flux than inhibition of CH4 oxidation alone. Apparently, N2 incubation not only blocked CH4 oxidation but also stimulated methanogenesis in the rhizosphere. Incubation under a higher O2 atmosphere (40% O2) than ambient air decreased the CH4 flux, suggesting that increasing the oxidation of the rice rhizosphere may help in reducing CH4 fluxes from rice agriculture. The O2 pressure in the rhizosphere is an important factor that reduces the plant-mediated CH4 flux. However, inhibition of methanogenesis in the rhizosphere may contribute more to CH4 flux reduction than rhizospheric CH4 oxidation.  相似文献   
六氟化硫(SF6)示踪法测定反刍动物甲烷排放的技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
详细描述了用六氟化硫示踪法测定反刍动物甲烷排放的技术,包括基本原理、仪器准备和测试条件。还研究了适用于中国的采气设备、示踪参数、测定条件等技术,本技术经济实用且易操作,现正在试用。  相似文献   
稻田温度与甲烷排放通量关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
稻田温度与CH4 排放通量有密切关系 ,通过灰关联分析发现稻田 5cm深处温度与CH4 排放通量关系最密切 ,水稻抽穗期CH4 排放通量达极大值 ,而完熟期CH4 排放通量达极小值。温度对CH4 排放通量的增效应明显 ,减效应较弱。稻田温度与CH4排放通量的关系呈S型曲线相关关系。  相似文献   
蓝藻厌氧发酵生产沼气是蓝藻资源化利用的一个重要方式。综述了蓝藻厌氧发酵产沼过程的控制因素和厌氧反应器的应用,为从工程上实现蓝藻发酵制沼气提供参考。  相似文献   
利用我国业务使用的5个大气本底监测站的观测资料,分析了2009年1月至2013年12月不同地区近地面甲烷(CH_4)浓度的分布和变化规律。结果表明:这5年临安站CH_4浓度最高,其次是龙凤山站,上甸子站居中,而香格里拉站和瓦里关站CH_4浓度最低。上甸子站和龙凤山站CH_4浓度具有明显的双峰特征,最高值出现在夏季,次高值出现在冬季;且受人为活动的影响,CH_4浓度日变化幅度很大。而香格里拉站和瓦里关站由于海拔高,人为排放源少,只有1个峰值出现在自然源排放强烈的夏季。除上甸子站CH_4浓度呈逐年略下降趋势外,其余4个站的CH_4浓度都呈逐渐上升趋势。  相似文献   
The potential environmental effects of livestock farming are mainly associated with intensification of poultry, pig and dairy cow production systems. The major impacts are mainly caused by housing of livestock, which can lead to air and water pollution associated with nitrogen and phosphorus emissions and losses from manure. European countries regulate the potential for these types of pollution through a number of mechanisms, which have received wide public acceptance. In grazing systems, nitrogen pollution, associated with the use of nitrogen fertilizer, is also the subject of legislation. Perhaps because of this regulatory approach, surveys of the public have found that human food quality and animal welfare are more important issues than effects on air and water quality when considering livestock systems.Variation in stocking rates of grazing ruminants can change the structure and composition of pastures with potential impacts on biodiversity and the production of methane, a greenhouse gas. In European countries, maximum stocking rates have been set to reduce these impacts. Surveys of the European public have suggested that they are willing to pay for the mitigation of these environmental effects but that they also value strongly the cultural component of grazed livestock systems. There are few underlying concepts about how society views the environmental impacts of livestock systems. These are used to conclude that current attitudes are likely to prevail in the next decade.  相似文献   
反刍动物体内甲烷的产生是瘤胃发酵能损失的主要原因,减少甲烷产量对提高反刍动物的能量利用率和环境保护均具有重要意义。因此,本文就反刍动物甲烷生成的机制及影响其生成量的因素等方面做一综述,并对降低甲烷生成量的调控方式进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   
研究水稻对稻田甲烷排放的影响对有效控制或减少大气甲烷含量、保护大气环境等具有非常重要的意义.笔者从水稻根系对稻田甲烷产生的影响、水稻对稻田甲烷的传输影响和水稻根系的氧化能力对稻田甲烷排放的影响三个方面,对国内外水稻植株影响稻田甲烷排放的研究做一综述,并且分析了未来需要加强的研究内容.  相似文献   
The closed-chamber method is the most common approach to determine CH4 fluxes in peatlands. The concentration change in the chamber is monitored over time, and the flux is usually calculated by the slope of a linear regression function. Theoretically, the gas exchange cannot be constant over time but has to decrease, when the concentration gradient between chamber headspace and soil air decreases. In this study, we test whether we can detect this non-linearity in the concentration change during the chamber closure with six air samples. We expect generally a low concentration gradient on dry sites (hummocks) and thus the occurrence of exponential concentration changes in the chamber due to a quick equilibrium of gas concentrations between peat and chamber headspace. On wet (flarks) and sedge-covered sites (lawns), we expect a high gradient and near-linear concentration changes in the chamber. To evaluate these model assumptions, we calculate both linear and exponential regressions for a test data set (n = 597) from a Finnish mire. We use the Akaike Information Criterion with small sample second order bias correction to select the best-fitted model. 13.6%, 19.2% and 9.8% of measurements on hummocks, lawns and flarks, respectively, were best fitted with an exponential regression model. A flux estimation derived from the slope of the exponential function at the beginning of the chamber closure can be significantly higher than using the slope of the linear regression function. Non-linear concentration-over-time curves occurred mostly during periods of changing water table. This could be due to either natural processes or chamber artefacts, e.g. initial pressure fluctuations during chamber deployment. To be able to exclude either natural processes or artefacts as cause of non-linearity, further information, e.g. CH4 concentration profile measurements in the peat, would be needed. If this is not available, the range of uncertainty can be substantial. We suggest to use the range between the slopes of the exponential regression at the beginning and at the end of the closure time as an estimate of the overall uncertainty.  相似文献   
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