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Summary In three field trials conducted during the summer season of 1986, 1987 and 1989 in an alkaline soil, 17 accessions of annual Sesbania spp. were evaluated for nodulation, N2 fixation (acetylene reduction assay), dry weight of roots and shoots, woody biomass production, and nutrient uptake. At 50 days after sowing all the accessions were effectively nodulated (average 36.4 root nodules plant-1) with a high nodule score (3.4). There was a lot of variation in nodule volume and mass and in acetylene reduction activity but not in N content (5.2%). N uptake in shoots, roots and nodules averaged 639, 31, and 13 mg plant-1, respectively, and much of the fixed N remained in shoots. Accessions of S. cannabina complex performed better than others. S. rostrata had poor root nodulation but exhibited excellent stem nodulation (300 nodules plant-1) even though not inoculated with Azorhizobium sp. Average concentrations of N, P, K, S, Ca, and Mg in the shoots were high, at 3.2, 0.28, 1.5, 0.28, 1.5, and 0.4% respectively, and Na was low (0.15%), reflecting the usefulness of Sesbania spp. as an integrated biofertilizer source. Green matter production was 26.0 Mg ha-1 (5.9 Mg dry matter) and N uptake was 158 kg ha-1, 54 days after sowing. Average woody biomass of six accessions at maturity, 200 days after sowing, was high (19.9 Mg ha-1), showing its potential for shortterm firewood production. Total nutrient uptake for production of woody biomass (200 days of growth) was no more demanding than growing the plant to the green-manuring stage of 50–60 days' growth.  相似文献   

Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) (L.) DC) seedlings of the accession TPT‐1, were grown in a greenhouse with graded, balanced total soluble salt (TSS) concentrations. After 4.5 days, plant height increased quadratically, with a maximum (149 cm) at 3000 ppm TSS. Seedlings were shortest at 1000 and 10,000 ppm TSS, 44.0 and 79.0 cm, respectively. Fresh weight of shoots increased quadratically with greatest weight, 29.03 g, at 5000 ppm TSS. Percent dry matter increased linearly with increasing TSS. Concentration of N, K and P increased quadratically with an increase in the TSS concentration in the growth medium. Concentration of Ca decreased quadratically with increasing TSS. Among the micronutrients, Fe and Mo concentration was quadratic, both elements were highest in the seedlings at 1000 and 10,000 ppm TSS rates. Concentrations of Mn and Zn increased linearly with increasing TSS. Winged bean seedlings at the 1000 to 3000 ppm TSS rates had spindly stems and a sparse, yellow foliage, typical for winged bean seedlings observed in the field during the first 4 to 5 weeks of growth. Seedlings at the 4000 and 5000 ppm TSS rates had sturdy stems and an abundant green foliage. At higher TSS concentrations, 5000 to 10,000 ppm TSS, seedlings had short intermodes and dark green foliage.  相似文献   
Rose plants that are flush harvested exhibit episodic growth patterns. During these crop cycles little biomass accumulation occurs immediately following harvest; and as new shoots emerge a period of rapid shoot growth and biomass accumulation occurs. The temporal changes in whole-plant nutrient and carbohydrate distribution during these crop cycles and the role of storage in new shoot growth are not well documented. The objective of this project was to quantify N, P, K, and total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) distribution in roots, base stems, base leaves, and new shoots during crop cycles in response to light availability. Plants were grown in solution culture under high or low light (mean daily light integral 45.3 or 13.1 mol m−2 d−1, respectively) during 30–35 day crop cycles. Every five days destructive sampling was used to determine biomass and N, P, K, and TNC concentration of rose plant compartments. N and TNC accumulated in base plant compartments during the first ten days of the crop cycles. N, P, K, and TNC in base plant compartments declined during days 10–25 during a crop cycle concurrent with the rapid growth of flower shoots. N, P, and K storage in base plant parts represents 27, 22, and 24% of the potential N, P, and K required by flower shoots under high light; and 19, 21, and 22% of requirements under low light. TNC storage in base plant parts represents 4–10% of the final biomass of flower shoots. Mobilization of N, P, K, and TNC stored from base plant parts appears to be important during the stage of rapid flower shoot growth when absorption by roots or photosynthesis by shoots was insufficient to meet flower shoot demands. Plant carbohydrate status was improved under high light conditions; storage of N and TNC declined under low light.  相似文献   
The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate effects of partial replacement of fish meal with soybean meal on digestibility in Atlantic cod and effects of biotechnological processing of soybean meal. Other objectives were to find out if apparent digestibility in cod was affected by age, temperature and/or faecal sampling methods, and to map digestion and absorption patterns along the intestinal tract for different age classes and diets. A control diet with fish meal as the main protein source (FM), a diet with 24% of crude protein from conventional extracted soybean meal (SBM), and a diet with 24% of crude protein from a bioprocessed soybean meal (BP-SBM) were used. Yttrium oxide was added as an inert marker for digestibility determination. The diets were fed to duplicate groups of 534 g (1-year-old) and 1750 g (2-year-old) cod in seawater. Faeces were stripped from the distal-most section (distal chamber) of the intestine after 48 and 84 days of feeding. In addition, intestinal contents were removed by dissection after 84 days. The dissected intestine was divided into 5 sections and contents were analysed separately. Dietary soy did not alter the viscosity of the digesta. The replacement of fish meal protein with soybean protein reduced the apparent digestibility of crude protein, fat, energy and almost all amino acids, independent of type of soybean meal processing. Larger fish had higher digestibility of starch, ash and several amino acids than smaller fish. A temperature decrease from 9.1 °C at feeding day 48 to 6.8 °C at day 84 resulted in lower digestibility of starch, ash and several amino acids. Absorption of amino acids was quantitatively terminated in the distal part of the mid intestine when feeding the soy-containing diets, but continued into the distal chamber when feeding the FM diet. Absorption of fat was completed in the proximal part of the mid intestine when feeding the soy-containing diets, but continued into the middle part of the mid intestine when feeding the FM diet. Soy did not affect absorption pattern of starch along the intestinal tract. Faecal sampling by dissection resulted in higher apparent digestibility of macronutrients than stripping in the 2-year-old cod, and higher apparent digestibility of protein in the 1-year olds.  相似文献   
Field experiments were carried out at the Horticultural Research Institute, and in five commercial apple orchards, located in southwest Finland including the Åland Islands during 1994 and 1995. The experimental cultivars were Melba, Raike, Red Atlas, Åkerö, Aroma, and Lobo. The treatments were untreated control and preharvest calcium chloride (CaCl2) sprays at Ca 2.0 g/l. Fruit samples were stored for two to six months at 2–4 °C and 85–95% RH. The percentage of the incidence of physiological disorders of stored apples was scored. Fruit macronutrients, firmness, diameter and juice titratable acidity and percentage of soluble solids were determined. Only a few nutrient effects in the flesh of the apple cultivars were a result of CaCl2 sprayings. Preharvest CaCl2sprays increased fruit firmness and the titratable acidity but decreased soluble solids, soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio, and the incidence of physiological storage disorders of some cultivars. When looking at the mean of all cultivars, CaCl2 sprayings increased titratable acidity and decreased soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio after four months of storage during 1995 and reduced the incidence of physiological disorders after three months of storage during 1994 and after four months of storage in 1995.  相似文献   
Crop management practices, especially tillage and rotation, can impact soil nutrient stratification, crop growth, and yield. The objectives of this study were to determine the soil-profile distribution of plant-available nutrients in four depth intervals from 0 to 90 cm for different cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cropping systems, tillage regimes, and N fertilization rates in a south-central Texas silty clay loam soil after 5 years of treatment imposition. Distribution of nutrients in the soil profile varied between cropping systems (continuous cotton monoculture and cotton–corn (Zea mays L.) rotation), conventional (CT) and reduced tillage (RT), and N fertilization rates (0, 80, and 160 kg N ha−1). Plant-available P showed the greatest stratification and was 426% higher at 0–15 cm than at 60–90 cm, while SO4 had the greatest increase (42%) with depth. The percentage decrease from 0–15 to 60–90 cm was 47% and 147% for NO3 and K, and 76%, 12%, 43%, and 232% for Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn, respectively. In contrast, Ca and Mg concentrations increased 22% and 15%, respectively, from 0–15 to 60–90 cm. Increasing the N fertilization rate increased plant-available NO3 and SO4 but decreased K, Fe, Cu, and Zn concentrations. Inclusion of corn in rotation with cotton decreased plant-available Mn, Fe, and Cu from 15 to 90 cm relative to continuous cotton at 160 kg N ha−1. For unfertilized soil, rotation increased micronutrient concentrations at 15–60 cm compared to continuous cotton. On average, CT cotton–corn had significantly lower K, Ca, Mg, Na, and SO4 concentrations than CT continuous cotton. Reduced tillage and diversified cropping systems altered the distribution of plant-available nutrients in soil relative to CT and continuous cotton. In fact, RT increased plant-available P and NO3 in surface soil, which may have contributed to higher lint yields than CT continuous cotton.  相似文献   
Boron (B) is known to play important roles in the structures of cell walls and membranes and in the integrity and functions of membranes in plants. Under the conditions in the central Amazon region, there are few studies about this nutrient. In Brazilian soils, the hot-water B extraction method has been extensively used for evaluation of soil B status. However, difficulties with this method result in poor accuracy and precision of extraction of available B in soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield, foliar concentration, and efficiency of B extracting solutions and the effect of B fertilization on B uptake in banana (Musa spp.) leaves and fruits, subgroup Cavendish (AAA), cultivated in a Xanthic Ferralsol (dystrophic Yellow Latosol) located in Amazonas State, Brazil. The experimental design was a completely randomized split plot, with four B rates (0, 4, 8, and 12 kg ha?1), two harvest cycles (subtreatments), and four replicates. Available B was determined with seven extractant solutions: Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, hot water, hydrochloric acid (HCl) 0.05 mol L?1, HCl 0.1 mol L?1, HCl 5.0 mol L?1, and potassium chloride (KCl 1.0 mol L?1). The application of B fertilizer increased the yield and B concentration in leaves and fruits. Hot water and KCl 1.0 mol L?1 were the most efficient extracting solutions for the determination of available B in soil. The application of 3.4 kg B ha?1 in the first cycle and 1.3 kg B ha?1 in the second cycle guarantees an adequate nutritional status in banana plants.  相似文献   
《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1467-1482

Plant part analysis for evaluating the nutritional state of the crops is a practice commonly used. The analysis of flowers can allow an earlier diagnosis of nutritional deficiencies, excesses or unbalances, which facilitates its correction before the occurrence of irreversible losses in productivity and quality. The objective of this study were to determine the coffee tree (Coffea arabica L.) flower nutrients sufficiency ranges, to compare and correlate concentrations of nutrients observed in flowers and leaves collected 90 days after bloom, and to correlate the concentrations of nutrients in flowers and leaves with fruit yield. Samples of 26 experimental plots were collected. The plots were set up in nine different orchards five to nine years old and with 3000–5000 plants/ha, in the region of Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Eleven experimental plots were selected with mean yield greater than 7.0 kg/plant of coffee berry for the calculation of the nutrients sufficiency ranges. The concentrations of nitrogen (N), potassium (K), boron (B), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) were similar in flowers and leaves, whereas those of phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) differed among the parts. There was correlation among the contents of N, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in flowers and in leaves. For flowers a model of six variables and for leaves a model of eight variables explained 80% of the variation in the mean yield of the coffee tree plants. It is concluded that, flowers permit earlier diagnosis and greater precision in the diagnosis of the nutritional state of the coffee tree.  相似文献   
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