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为评价湛江沿海涉海工程建设过程中引起的悬浮物质对附近海区海洋动物的影响,研究了底泥液相及不同浓度底泥悬浮物对川纹笛鲷和尖吻鲈的致死效应。试验结果表明,在8d的试验时间里,底泥水相对川纹笛鲷和尖吻鲈均无致死效应。底泥悬浮物浓度≤160mg/L时,川纹笛鲷和尖吻鲈的死亡率均处于较低水平。底泥悬浮物浓度≥2560 mg/L时,川纹笛鲷死亡率达75%,尖吻鲈死亡率达70%。通过概率单位法计算得出川纹笛鲷的8d半致死浓度为716.14 mg/L,尖吻鲈的8d半致死浓度为1105.096 mg/L。  相似文献   
Lethrinus miniatus and Lutjanus sebae are important commercial and recreational species of reef fish. Within Australian waters the former species is less widespread than the latter and has a discontinuous distribution, whilst the latter is continuously distributed in tropical Australian waters. The demographic attributes of these species (e.g. long life span, low rates of natural mortality) make them vulnerable to over-exploitation. Consequently, conservative harvest strategies including no-take zones for these species have been adopted by fisheries management agencies to control exploitation. Information on the genetic stock structure of these species is important for developing specific management strategies. However, little is known about genetic stock structures within and between east and west Australian populations of these species. The current study used the mitochondrial genome hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) of the control region to examine variation between two sites from both the east and west Australian coasts for each species. HVR1 for L. sebae did not differ genetically either within or between coasts (Fst < 0.018, p > 0.15) at the sites studied, suggesting a panmictic population structure. Similarly, L. miniatus did not differ significantly between sites sampled within coast. However, the west coast HVR1 for L. miniatus east and west coast populations, were discrete (Fst of at least 0.92, p < 0.0001). The degree of genetic sub-division between east and west coast populations indicates that they should be managed as discrete stocks. Further, when considering both species, the lower genetic (both haplotype and nucleotide) diversity in three of the four sites on the west coast of Australia, indicates that this region is genetically impoverished and neutrality tests suggest that selection is responsible. Consequently, west Australian populations will be less resilient to perturbations (e.g. fishing, climate change) than east Australian populations, which have higher genetic diversity.  相似文献   
氟苯尼考在红笛鲷体内的药代动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究氟苯尼考在红笛鲷体内的药代动力学特征,在水温(20±2)℃条件下,氟苯尼考以10 mg/kg单剂量腹注和口灌健康红笛鲷(Lutjanus sanguineus),采用HPLC-MS/MS测定组织中的药物浓度,数据用DAS3.0软件分析。结果显示,两种给药方式下红笛鲷血浆药时数据均符合一级吸收二室模型;腹注给药后血浆、肝脏、肾脏和肌肉的峰浓度(C_(max))分别为10.62μg/m L、8.36、22.57和4.76μg/g,达峰时间(T_(max))分别为1.2、1.0、1.0和6.0 h,消除半衰期(t_(1/2β))分别为29.76、17.84、17.23和19.48 h;口灌给药后血浆、肝脏、肾脏和肌肉的C_(max)分别为2.35μg/m L、1.45μg/g、4.06μg/g和1.73μg/g,T_(max)分别为2.69、1.5、1.5和4.0 h,t_(1/2β)分别为40.59、12.29、37.78和47.34 h。结果表明,腹注给药方式下氟苯尼考在红笛鲷体内的吸收快于口灌给药,在血浆和肝脏中的消除快于口灌给药,在肌肉和肾脏中的消除则慢于口灌给药。研究结果为氟苯尼考在临床上的合理应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
以间隔200mg/kg的恩诺沙星设置8个浓度梯度腹腔注射红笛鲷进行急性毒性实验,测得其安全浓度为67.56mg/kg,参考安全浓度及日常生产给药量取0、20、40、80mg/kg鱼体重恩诺沙星,以腹腔注射及拌料投喂两种不同给药方式,研究恩诺沙星在该浓度范围内对红笛鲷血清中一些免疫指标及其感染细菌后死亡率的影响。实验结果表明恩诺沙星在40m非g浓度组中提高AKP活力、IgM含量、溶菌酶含量的同时可提高红笛鲷抵抗外界细菌感染的能力(P〈0.05)。当用药浓度不足(20mg/kg组)或浓度过高(80mg/kg组),虽然对AKP活力和IgM含量也有影响,但在投喂组中,红笛鲷体内的IgM含量受抑制显著,经腹腔注射2.3×10^7 CFU/mL溶藻弧菌 ( Vibrio alginolyticus )攻毒后,注射组中相对生理盐水组的死亡率55%;20、40、80mg/kg浓度组红笛鲷的死亡率分别为45%、30%、50%;投喂组中,0、20、40、80mg,kg浓度组红笛鲷的死亡率分别为55%、40%、30%、60%;40mg/kg浓度组中抗菌能力增强;20、80mg/kg浓度组中红笛鲷抗菌能力不受影响或有负面影响。  相似文献   
为探讨鱼体抗氧化系统以及神经系统对水体中汞胁迫的响应机制,在实验条件下研究了汞离子对红鳍笛鲷幼鱼[体长为(4.95±0.79)cm,体重为(4.57±2.02)g]的急性毒性及对鱼体肝脏、鳃组织的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)及脑组织乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)活力的影响。结果表明:半静水实验条件下,汞离子对红鳍笛鲷幼鱼的安全浓度为0.040mg/L。汞离子暴露6h时,各浓度组的肝脏SOD酶活均比对照组有显著升高(P<0.05)。随暴露时间的增加,低浓度组SOD的活性变化较小,而高浓度组鱼体肝脏SOD的活性出现被诱导或被抑制的现象,表明鱼体在高浓度汞胁迫下抗氧化系统出现一定程度的紊乱。鳃的SOD活力在暴露6h亦显著升高,随时间的延长,各浓度组SOD的活性具不同程度的下降趋势。MDA含量的变化表明,鳃组织在暴露6h时已开始受到显著损伤(P<0.05),而肝在6h时无显著变化,在12h时开始受损伤。脑组织AChE活性在暴露6h时略受抑制(P>0.05);暴露12h时高浓度组显著增加(P<0.05),诱导率平均为36%;汞离子暴露24h时,鱼脑AChE的抑制率分别为28%~38%;暴露48h、96h时抑制率...  相似文献   
Successful rearing of larval fish requires culture conditions and feeding strategies matching the ontogenetic status of larvae. This study describes the external morphology and development of organs and structures involved in the feeding process (i.e. sensorial organs, mouthparts and digestive system) from hatching until first feeding in Pacific red snapper. Hatching occurred 26 h after fertilization at 26°C and total length (TL) was 2.45 ± 0.08 mm. The larvae showed an undifferentiated eye and digestive tract. At 48 hah, TL was 3.31 ± 0.12 mm. Yolk and oil globule were still present. The mouth was still closed, but the Meckel's, quadrate, hyoid and hyomandibular cartilages were present. The retina was formed by 5 layers, and a thin layer of pigment epithelium was observed in the outer nuclear layer (ONL). At 70 hah, TL was 3.44 ± 0.22 mm. A remnant of oil globule was still present. The mouth and anus were open. At 93 hah, the number of cones in the ONL of the retina have increased and there was more pigment in the pigment epithelial layer. A joint between Meckel's and the quadrate cartilage and also a joint between the hyomandibular cartilage and the skull were present. The presence of live feed was detected in the digestive tract of these larvae. Based on these observations, the Pacific red snapper larvae is functional to start ingesting live feed between the 3rd and 4th day after hatching.  相似文献   
对千年笛鲷Lutjanus sebae、红鳍笛鲷L.erythopterus和紫红笛鲷L.argentimaculatus及不同生长阶段千年笛鲷的含肉率、肥满度、比肝重及其肌肉生化成分进行了分析,结果表明,3种笛鲷的含肉率差异极显著,肥满度、比肝重和肌肉营养成分的差异较小,而对于不同生长阶段的千年笛鲷而言,其差异明显。肌肉粗蛋白、粗脂肪和水分含量的大小顺序均为红鳍笛鲷>紫红笛鲷>千年笛鲷。不同生长阶段的千年笛鲷,随着鱼体的生长,其含肉率增加,肥满度和比肝重降低;粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量增加,水分和灰分含量减少。  相似文献   
以持异性引物扩增了金焰笛鲷(Lutjamts fulviflamma)的核糖体第一转录间隔区(ITS-1),扩增产物经克隆后测序,测得 ITS-1长度为566 bp。其中 A、T、G、C 4种碱基的含量分别为14.1%、16.1%、30.2%、39.6%,G C(69.8%)含量明显高于 A T 含量(30.2%)。将此引物在笛鲷属其他4种鱼类中扩增,发现该对引物有很好的通用性;比较发现在不同种中 ITS-1存在着较大的差异,适合将其应用于分子系统学和种质资源方面的研究。  相似文献   
细胞色素P450酶 (Cytochrome P450, CYPs) 由P450基因编码,其中Cyp1a基因参与不同类型外源物质的生物转化和代谢。克隆了紫红笛鲷 (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) Cyp1a基因,对其组织表达模式进行分析,探讨了不同质量浓度 (10、50和250 μg·L−1) 一溴联苯醚 (4-bromodiphenyl ether, BDE-3) 和十溴联苯醚 (decabromodiphenyl ether, BDE-209) 胁迫对紫红笛鲷肝脏Cyp1a表达及7-乙氧基香豆素-O-脱乙基酶 (7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase, EROD) 活性的影响。结果表明,紫红笛鲷Cyp1a cDNA全长2540 bp,开放阅读框长1 566 bp,编码521个氨基酸。同源分析结果表明紫红笛鲷CYP1A与花鲈 (Lateolabrax maculatus) CYP1A蛋白相似性最高 (92.69%),进化树分析与白梭吻鲈 (Sander lucioperca) 聚为一支,进化地位最近。Cyp1a基因在紫红笛鲷肝脏表达量最高,其次是脑和鳃,肌肉最低。10 μg·L−1 BDE-3和BDE-209未对Cyp1a基因表达和EROD活性产生影响,而50和250 μg·L−1BDE-3胁迫7~15 d则对两者产生显著抑制,且呈现剂量效应。与BDE-3相反,50和250 μg·L−1 BDE-209 处理组Cyp1a基因表达和EROD活性显著增加,且Cyp1a基因表达与EROD活性呈显著正相关。高浓度BDE-3和BDE-209可对紫红笛鲷肝脏Cyp1a基因的表达产生影响,但两者的影响模式不同。  相似文献   
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