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Many studies of land-cover and structural changes in cultural landscapes have used historical maps as a source for information about past land-cover. All transformations of historical maps onto modern coordinate systems are however burdened with difficulties when it comes to accuracy. We show that a detailed land survey of the present landscape may enable transformation of an old cadastral map directly onto the present terrain with very high accuracy. The detailed resulting map enabled us to locate remnants of semi-natural grasslands and man-made structures with continuity from 1865 and to test hypotheses about relationships between landscape changes and landscape characteristics. The main land-cover change 1865–2002 was decrease of arable fields, and addition of three new land-cover classes: horticultural, orchard and abandoned areas. Of the 330 man-made structures present in 1865, only 58 remained in 2002, while 63 new structures had been built after 1865. We found that semi-natural grasslands with continuity since 1865 were situated on ground with significantly lower production capacity than mean 1865 production capacity. The man-made structures with continuity since 1865 were also associated with areas with significantly lower production capacity than the 1865 mean, situated in significantly steeper terrain but not further from the hamlet. Our study illustrates the potential of digitised and accurately transformed historical cadastral maps combined with detailed field surveys for analysis of land-cover and structural changes in the cultural landscape.  相似文献   
This study examines mass movement associated with land use change, particularly deforestation, from multiple perspectives. The significance of such understanding is related to the degree of impact landsliding may cause on human settlements and economic activities, and on forest ecosystems. In this paper, the distribution of hillslope instability in the Sierra Norte, Puebla, Mexico is addressed by means of a diachronic analysis, which involves the development of vegetation indexes, as well as vegetation fragmentation derived from Landsat-5 (TM) and Landsat-7 (ETM+) satellite images from 1989 and 1999, respectively. The time period was chosen to compare vegetation cover conditions prior and after the extreme October 1999 rainfall event that triggered hundreds of slope failures in the study area. Results suggested there was a significant vegetation reduction from 1989 to 1999, which was strongly expressed by an increase of 809 km2 of bare surfaces. Additionally, areas with highest vegetation density (91–100%) decreased considerably, from 1245 to 363 km2, resulting in a net vegetation reduction of 70%. Furthermore, it was possible to highlight that landslide concentration was much higher on surfaces that were bare and had low vegetation density (0–50%), representing 85% of hillslope instability, than on surfaces having a greater density of vegetation cover. Land use change and land degradation are precursors to environmental hazards, such as mass movement events, that pose serious threats to regional population distributions and economic vitality.  相似文献   
A better understanding of scaling-up effects on estimating important landscape characteristics (e.g. forest percentage) is critical for improving ecological applications over large areas. This study illustrated effects of changing grain sizes on regional forest estimates in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan of the USA using 30-m land-cover maps (1992 and 2001) produced by the National Land Cover Datasets. The maps were aggregated to two broad cover types (forest vs. non-forest) and scaled up to 1-km and 10-km resolutions. Empirical models were established from county-level observations using regression analysis to estimate scaling effects on area estimation. Forest percentages observed at 30-m and 1-km land-cover maps were highly correlated. This intrinsic relationship was tested spatially, temporally, and was shown to be invariant. Our models provide a practical way to calibrate forest percentages observed from coarse-resolution land-cover data. The models predicted mean scaling effects of 7.0 and 12.0% (in absolute value with standard deviations of 2.2 and 5.3%) on regional forest cover estimation (ranging from 2.3 and 2.5% to 11.1 and 23.7% at the county level) with standard errors of model estimation 3.1 and 7.1% between 30 m and 1 km, and 30 m and 10 km, respectively, within a 95% confidence interval. Our models improved accuracy of forest cover estimates (in terms of percent) by 63% (at 1-km resolution) and 57% (at 10-km resolution) at the county level relative to those without model adjustment and by 87 and 84% at the regional level in 2001. The model improved 1992 and 2001 regional forest estimation in terms of area for 1-km maps by 15,141 and 7,412 km2 (after area weighting of all counties) respectively, compared to the corresponding estimates without calibration using 30 m-based regional forest areas as reference.  相似文献   
Petit  C.C.  Lambin  E.F. 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(2):117-132
Historical reconstructions of land-use/cover change often require comparing maps derived from different sources. The objective of this study was to measure land-use/cover changes over the last 225 years at the scale of a Belgian landscape, Lierneux in Ardennes, on the basis of a heterogeneous time series of land cover data. The comparability between the land-cover maps was increased following a method of data integration by map generalisation. Two types of time series were built by integrating the maps either by reference to the initial map of the time series or by pair of successive maps. Land-cover change detection was performed on the initial time series without data integration and on the two types of integrated time series. Results reveal that land cover and landscape structure have been subject to profound changes in Lierneux since 1775, with an annual rate of change at the landscape level of up to 1.40%. The major land-cover change processes observed are expansion of grasslands-croplands and reforestation with coniferous species, leading to amore fragmented landscape structure. The annual rates of land-cover change estimated from integrated data are significantly different from the annual rates of change estimated without a prior integration of the data. There is a trade-off between going as far back in time as possibleversus performing change detection as accurately as possible. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
As in many other developing countries, the state government of Acre, Brazil, is developing a program for compensating forest holders (such as communities of rubber tappers and indigenous peoples as well as small, medium and large private land holders) reducing their emission of atmospheric heat-trapping gases by not deforesting. We describe and then apply to Acre a method for estimating carbon stocks by land cover type. We then compare the results of our simple method, which is based on vegetation mapping and ground-based samples, with other more technically demanding methods based on remote sensing. We estimated total biomass carbon stocks by multiplying the measured above-ground biomass of trees >10 cm DBH in each of 18 forest types and published estimates for non-forest areas, as determined by measurement of 44 plots throughout the state (ranging from 1 to 10 ha each), by land-cover area estimated using a geographical information system. State-wide, we estimated average above-ground biomass in forested areas to be 246 ± 90 Mg ha−1; dense forest showed highest (322 ± 20 Mg ha−1) and oligotrophic dwarf forest (campinarana) the lowest biomass (20 ± 30 Mg ha−1). The two most widespread forest types in Acre, open canopy forests dominated by either palms and bamboo (for which ground-based data are scant), support an estimated 246 ± 44 and 224 ± 50 Mg ha−1 of above-ground biomass, respectively. We calculate the total above-ground biomass of the 163,000 km2 State of Acre to be 3.6 ± 0.8 Pg (non-forest biomass included). This estimate is very similar to two others generated using much more technologically demanding methods, but all three methods, regardless of sophistication, suffer from lack of field data.  相似文献   
Given the extent of biological invasions in industrialized countries, our understanding of the determinants of overall patterns of biological invasions could gain most from consideration of why exotic species are absent from some areas, rather than from distribution patterns of exotic species. Fish communities were sampled at 381 sites representing 221 rivers in the Adour-Garonne stream system (116 000 km2, SW France). Very few rivers were not colonized by exotic fish species, however, on a local basis, only 33% of the sampling sites hosted exotics. Using General Linear Modelling, we found that patterns of exotic fish (occurrence, number of species, proportion within assemblage) responded to both land-use and physical variables, whereas patterns of native fish only responded to the local meso-scale characteristics of each stream reach from headwaters to mouth. All fish communities were susceptible to invasion regardless of native species richness, and higher native species richness did not decrease the opportunity for establishment by exotic species. The likelihood that exotic fish are absent primarily increased with elevation and with lower human influence upon the land cover, while human-impacted landscapes (agricultural and urban areas) were more likely to host exotic fish and higher numbers of exotic species. In light of urban and agricultural development, our ability to detect responses of exotic species to landscape alterations using a combination of simple physical and land cover variables exemplifies a cost-effective technique for assessing areas at greater invasion risk in large stream systems.  相似文献   
不同植被覆盖类型黑土水分动态变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用中子水分仪定位监测方法,研究黑土区平水年大豆地、草地和裸地3种覆盖类型土壤水分变化特征.结果表明:土壤水分空间垂直动态变化随深度增加而降低,基于变异系数(CV)将土壤水分垂直变化分为4层,即水分速变层、活跃层、次活跃层和相对稳定层.不同覆盖类型下,土壤水循环深度依次为大豆地>草地>裸地,土壤水循环强度依次为草地>大豆地>裸地;3种覆盖类型的土壤剖面含水量在作物生长季节内呈增长型变化特征,裸地0~20 cm土层各时段土壤含水量均高于草地和大豆地;30 cm土层以下土壤水分含量依次为草地>裸地>大豆地.该区土壤储水量主要受降雨调控,3种植被覆盖类型下,土壤水分的总蒸散量依次为草地>大豆地>裸地.  相似文献   
One widely asserted proposition is that land protection in a metropolitan region can contribute to a scarcity of housing by reducing the total housing stock. However, much land protection occurs on land that is less suitable for development, as slopes are too sleep or because the site is too wet. An alternate hypothesis is that development in lands with these characteristics would likely occur at a lower density, and contribute little to housing stock. This study examines these two competing hypotheses for the southern portion of the San Francisco Bay Area, known as the Silicon Valley. We mapped conservation and urban development in the study area from World War II to the present. We created a counterfactual map, using a regression-based model to examine a “what if” proposition - what would the density of development have been in currently preserved lands if they had been developed like other topographically-similar unprotected sites on the landscape? In our study area, there are currently 790 000 housing units. If conserved lands, which total 47 000 ha, were developed there would likely only be an additional 51 000 housing units. Most conserved land is either too wet to be developed or is of steep enough slope that housing density would likely be low. Our results suggest that land protection had a relatively minor role in limiting the total housing stock of the region.  相似文献   
Demographic changes introduced by migration strongly affect economic activities and may thus trigger land-use changes. Migration has been usually overlooked in land use change modelling, even though it is recognized as a dominant demographic factor that influences land use. This paper analyzes to what extent migration patterns influence land-cover and land-use change at the watershed level. A RS-GIS and statistical approach was used to quantify and analyze both land-cover change and change in population per spatial unit. It was hypothesized that migration should exert a strong effect on land-cover change. The exercise was carried out in the Basin of Lake Cuitzeo, Michoacan, in Central Mexico, an area of high emigration to the USA, albeit showing a net increase in its total population. The expansion of scrubland areas at the expense of rain-fed agricultural land is associated with the abandonment of agricultural land with poor soils. As a consequence, vegetal succession has been promoted and subtropical scrubland increased.  相似文献   
The land-cover/use change dynamics in Manica Province in Mozambique are analysed, based upon interpretation of LANDSAT images, to assess trends and highlight management suggestions considering current policies in place that include the ownership and participation of local communities in natural resources management and the recognition of traditional ownership systems. Applying an object-oriented approach to compare the year 2004 with 1990, one observes that land-cover/use changes are not distributed evenly in the province. A substantial decrease in areas with trees belonging to the ‘miombo ecosystem’ occurred and an increase of cultivated areas. The nature of agriculture is changing from shifting cultivation to more permanent types. These changes are found in prevalence on gentle slopes and close to the road network.  相似文献   
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