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Soils were examined at 2505 m elevation in Haleakala's crater (Maui, Hawai?i) beneath 50 adult Hawaiian silversword plants (Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC.); mean canopy diameter was 42.0 cm. Exposed volcanic Inceptisols (Andic Humitropepts) seem significantly eroded beyond the dense rosette crowns, but remain unaffected below plants. Rosettes are perched on isolated basal soil mounds or pedestals 27–121 mm high (mean: 77.5 mm). Geomorphic field response of soils below rosettes and adjacent (∼ 100 cm apart) bare soils differs. Infiltration rates are higher under plants (mean: 158.7 mm/min) than in exposed control soils (60.0 mm/min). Soils below silverswords also show greater shear strength (146.1 g/cm2) and compressibility (2.795 kg/cm2) than unprotected soils (36.1 g/cm2, and 0.108 kg/cm2, respectively). Soil in the plant mounds contains more organic matter; this has influenced other pedological properties, which also differ substantially between sampling positions. Substrate under plants has a porosity ∼ 53% higher than exposed soil, while bulk density is 62% higher in soil outside the plant crown. The observed microtopographic differences are ascribed to greater soil erosion by rainsplash and runoff outside the silversword canopy. The dense rosette crown effectively intercepts raindrops; soils beneath plants also have a high surface cohesiveness provided by a dense network of fine plant rootlets and partially decomposed organic material. Higher runoff rates occur on the less permeable substrate beyond rosettes, which is affected by soil crusting.  相似文献   

Nickel (Ni) is an essential element for plants. Abundant information exists on Ni toxicity in soil–plant system but not much is available on its critical level of deficiency (CLD) in soils and plants. Five chemical extractants were evaluated to find a suitable extractant for Ni in Inceptisol. Twenty-one soils having low to high levels of Ni were used to grow barley (Hordeum vulgare L). The amount of Ni extracted was correlated with Ni concentration and uptake by barley. The diethylene triamine penta acetic acid-calcium chloride (0.005 M DTPA-CaC12) was identified as the most promising soil extractant for Ni. The CLD of Ni for 0.005 M DTPA-CaC12 in soil was 0.22 mg kg?1 whereas in barley plant it was 2.14 mg kg?1. Application of 7.5 mg kg?1 Ni in soil caused a significant increase in Ni concentration in the shoot of barley in all the soils irrespective of the initial Ni status.  相似文献   
Understanding the vertical and lateral distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil organic carbon density (SOCD) is indispensable for soil use and environmental management because of their vital role in soil quality assessments. Primarily, they are needed in calculating soil organic carbon storage (SOCS). The objective of this research was to provide digital maps of SOC and SOCD variation as well as their uncertainties at multiple standardized depths (H1: 0–5, H2: 5–15, H3: 15–30, H4: 30–60 and H5: 60–100 cm) using a parsimonious model with optimized terrain-related attributes and satellite-derived data. SOCS were evaluated at soil subgroup levels. An area of about 808 km2 with varying elevation, plant cover and lithology from the Miandoab region, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran was selected as a case study area. A total of 386 soil samples were collected from 104 profiles comprising various soil genetic horizons. A continuous spline function was then fitted to the target properties in advance of creating a dataset at five standard depth intervals (following the GlobalSoilMap project). These were then grouped into three classes including top (H1), middle (H2, H3 and H4) and bottom (H5) depths to ease interpretation. Static and dynamic covariates (30-m resolution) were derived from a digital elevation model (DEM) and a suite of Landsat-8 spectral imageries, respectively. Four candidate models including stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR), random forest (RF), cubist (CU) and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) Tree were tested in this study. Finally, the digital maps at 30-m resolution of SOC and SOCD and their uncertainties were prepared using the best-fit model and the bootstrapping method, respectively. Four soil subgroups (Gypsic Haploxerepts, Typic Calcixerepts, Typic Haploxerepts and Xeric Haplocalcids) were identified across the study area. The covariates had variable contributions on the evaluated models. The XGBoost Tree model generally outperformed other models for prediction of SOC and SOCD (R2 = 0.60, on average). Regardless of soil subgroups, the uncertainty analysis showed that the SOCD map had a low prediction interval range value indicating high accuracy. Additionally, the highest SOCS and SOCD was observed at the top followed by middle and bottom depths in the study area. All subgroups exhibited a decreasing trend of SOCD with increasing depth. A similar trend was also observed for SOCS. The highest SOCD (on average) was observed in Gypsic Haploxerepts (4.71 kg C/m2) followed by Typic Calcixerepts (4.46 kg C/m2), Typic Haploxerepts (4.45 kg C/m2) and Xeric Haplocalcids (4.40 kg C/m2). Overall, the SOCS normalized by area within soil order boundaries was greater in Inceptisols than Aridisols across the study area. The findings of this study provide critical information for sustainable management of soil resources in the area for agricultural production and environmental health in the Miandoab region of Iran.  相似文献   
Pot culture experiment was conducted to evaluate the suitability of extractants and to determine the critical limit of boron (B) in soil and mustard plant in Inceptisols of Varanasi. Twenty-one bulk soil collected from different locations were used for growing mustard. Five extractants, namely hot water, hot 0.01molar (M) calcium chloride (CaCl2), 0.01M CaCl2 + 0.05 M mannitol, 1.0 M ammonium acetate (NH4OAC) and 0.05 M hydrochloric acid (HCl), were assessed by correlating the amount of extractable B in untreated and B fertilizer-treated soil with Bray’s per cent yield, plant tissue B concentration and B uptake by mustard. Similarly, correlation coefficients of the B extracted by different extractants and soil properties were calculated. The suitability of B extracted by different extractants was in the order of hot 0.01M CaCl2 (HCC-B) > hot water (HW-B) > 1.0 M NH4OAC (AA-B) > 0.05M HCl (HA-B) > 0.01M CaCl2 + 0.05M mannitol (CCM-B). The critical limits of extractable B in soil as determined by the graphical procedure were 0.54, 0.60, 0.36, 0.45 and 0.45 mg kg?1 and the statistical procedures were 0.54, 0.60, 0.38, 0.46 and 0.48 mg kg?1 with HW-B, HCC-B, CCM-B, AA-B and HA-B, respectively. Soil containing available B below the critical limit responded to B fertilization.  相似文献   
Some Inceptisols representing the Singla catchment area in Karimgaunge district of Assam, India, were studied for lime requirement as influenced by the nature of soil acidity. The electrostatically bonded (EB)-H+ and EB-Al3+ acidities constituted 33 and 67 percent of exchangeable acidity while EB-H+, EB-Al3+,exchangeable and pH-dependent acidities comprised 6, 14, 20 and 80 percent of total potential acidity. The pH-dependent acidity made a major contribution towards the total potential acidity (67%~84%). Grand mean of lime requirement determined by the laboratory incubation method and estimated by the methods of New Woodruff, Woodruff and Peech as expressed in MgCaCO3 ha-1 was in the order: Woodruff (15.6) > New Woodruff (14.9) > Peech (5.1) > incubation (5.0). Correlations analysis among different forms of acidity and lime requirement methods with selected soil properties showed that pH in three media, namely water, 1 mol L-1 KCl and 0.01 mol L-1 CaCl2, had a significant negative correlation with different forms of acidity and lime requirement methods. Exchangeable Fe and Al showed significant positive correlations with EB-Al3+ acidity, exchangeable acidity, pH-dependent acidity and total potential acidity, and also lime requirement methods. Extractable Al showed positive correlations with different forms of acidity except EB-H+ and EB-Al3+ acidities. The lime requirement by different methods depended upon the extractable aluminium.Significant positive correlations existed between lime requirements and different forms of acidity of the soils except EB-H+ acidity and incubation method. The nature of soil acidity was mostly pH-dependent. Statistically, the Woodruff method did slightly better than the New Woodruff, incubation and Peech methods at estimating lime requirement and hence the Woodruff procedure may be recommended for routine soil testing because of its speed and simplicity.  相似文献   
Influence of boron (B) application to cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) was investigated in a pot experiment taking 15 Inceptisols with four levels of B. The critical levels of B for deficiency, adequacy and toxicity in soil and in cauliflower plant were also determined. Hot-calcium chloride (CaCl2) extractable B in these soils varied from 0.33 to 0.78 mg kg-1 and its content for deficiency to cauliflower was 0.48 mg kg-1. Boron application significantly increased cauliflower yield, plant B concentration and uptake of B. The critical plant B concentrations for deficiency, sufficiency and toxicity varied with the growth stages and the values being 26, 31 and 48 mg kg-1 at 50 days of growth and 17, 24 and 35.5 mg kg-1 at harvest, respectively. The study also recommends application of fertilizer B at the rate 0.9–4.5 kg ha-1 for optimum B nutrition to cauliflower in Inceptisols of the Gangetic plains of India.  相似文献   
The knowledge of profile distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) in long‐term agricultural systems could help to store atmospheric carbon in the soil. We investigated profile distribution of easily oxidisable Walkley–Black SOC pool (SOCWB) under long‐term rice‐wheat (R‐W) and maize‐wheat (M‐W) cropping systems under soils of different pedogenesis. The soil samples were collected from the characteristic genetic horizons and analysed for carbon fractions. The SOCWB was the highest in soils under R‐W systems in both Alfisols and Inceptisols. The SOCWB stock in the deeper profile horizons under R‐W system was significantly (p < 0·05) higher than that under M‐W system especially in Typic Hapludalfs. Long‐term R‐W system could store on average 3·55 Mg ha−1 more SOCWB than M‐W system in the Ap horizon. The SOCWB stock in the Ap horizon of all pedons was significantly (p < 0·05) higher in Alfisols than that in Inceptisols. About 60–90% of the total profile SOCWB stock was contributed by B‐horizon because of its greater extent. Considering the whole profile, clay was negatively correlated with SOC fractions; however, the SOC fractions were closely related to each other. This study reveals that the distribution of SOCWB is different in long‐term R‐W and M‐W systems not only in surface but also in the deeper horizons and the magnitude of the variation is influenced by the specific pedogenic processes. This indicates the significance of profile SOCWB stock instead of topsoil SOCWB stock in quantifying carbon retention potential of the long‐term management practices. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present long-term study was initiated to quantify the long-term effects of conjunctive nutrient management on soil quality, identify key indicators, and assess soil quality indices under a rainfed maize–wheat system in marginal Inceptisol soils in India. Results of the study revealed that soil organic carbon was significantly influenced by the conjunctive nutrient-management treatments. Among the nine treatments, the application of 100% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) (80 kg N ha?1), 15 kg N (compost) + 20 kg N ha?1 (inorganic), 25 kg N (compost), and 15 kg N (compost) + 10 kg N ha?1 (green leaf) resulted in greater organic carbon contents of 5.57, 5.32, 5.27, and 5.26 g kg?1, which were greater by 29.5%, 24%, 23%, and 22%, respectively, over the control. The greatest soil quality index (1.61) was observed with application of 25 kg nitrogen (N; compost) as well as with application of 15 kg N (compost) + 10 kg N ha?1 (green leaf). The order of percentage contribution of key indicators toward soil quality indices was available potassium (K) (34%) > available phosphorus (P) (32%) > available N (13%) > microbial biomass carbon (12%) > exchangeable calcium (Ca) (9%). The linear regression equation revealed the principal role of soil quality indicators in maize crop yield. The methodology and the results of the study could be of great relevance in improving and assessing soil quality not only for the study locations but also for other climatically and edaphically identical regions across the world.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the status of inorganic phosphorus (P) fractions in ten virgin soil profiles, and to study the relationships between P fractions and soil properties from Kohgyloyeh and Boir Ahmad province, Iran. The soils belonged to Alfisols, Entisols, Mollisols, and Inceptisols. Mean annual precipitation and temperature ranges were 450–850 mm and 12.2–22.4°C, respectively. Inorganic P was fractionated by sequential extraction with NaHCO3, NH4OAc, MgCl2, NH4F, NaOH, citrate-dithionite-bicarbonate (CBD), and H2SO4, which are referred to as NaHCO3–P, NH4OAc–P, MgCl2–P, NH4F–P, NaOH–P, CBD–P, and H2SO4–P, respectively. Generally, the NaHCO3–P, NH4OAc–P, MgCl2–P, and NH4F–P were higher in surface horizons, especially wherever there was higher annual precipitation. Results showed that H2SO4–P constituted the largest inorganic P fractions in all profiles. For all the soils studied the distribution of P fractions was similar to that of weakly weathered soils under arid and semi-arid regions which represent an early stage of development. Pedogenic P compounds were higher where weathering was higher, i.e., in surface horizons and at higher annual precipitation.  相似文献   
A. K. DOLUI  S. S. ROY 《土壤圈》2005,15(5):611-619
Two Inceptisols and an Alfisol of the Indravati Catchment area in Chattisgarh, India, comprising several gradients in physical and chemical properties were studied to relate phosphate sorption and desorption to soil properties. From the P isotherm curve, the standard P requirement (SPR) of the soils was determined. Phosphate sorption data were also fitted both to the Langmuir and Freundlich Equations. The mean sorption maximum values for three different soil series were: Bastar 〉 Geedam 〉 Mosodi. The fraction of added phosphate sorbed for the 3 series followed this same trend as did SPR; the phosphate sorption maximum and the maximum phosphate buffering capacity, which were estimated by the Langmuir isotherm; and the Freundlich constant 1/n. However, phosphate desorption, as well as the maximum recovery percent did not follow this order. The phosphate affinity constant (K) was also different following the same progression for the 3 soil series as the Freundlich constant K', which measured sorption strength. Meanwhile, an inverse order existed for K and K' versus the percent desorbed relative to the sorbed as well as the maximum recovery percent. In addition, significant correlation coefficients among sorption parameters of P and soil factors were found.  相似文献   
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