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研究温度、营养盐浓度以及光照强度对淡水浮丝藻(Planktothrix sp.)及其代谢产物二-甲基异莰醇(2-MIB)的影响,为控制丝状蓝藻生长及预警水体嗅味物质污染提供实践依据。浮丝藻由中国科学院水生生物研究所淡水藻种库分离于安徽巢湖;设置的实验温度为15、20、25、30℃,BG-11营养盐溶液体积分数为20%、30%、50%、100%,光照为1 000、2 000、3 000、4 000 lx。结果表明,温度对浮丝藻生长密度、总2-MIB生成量及胞外2-MIB分泌量影响最显著,25℃是浮丝藻最适宜生长温度,最高细胞密度可达6.04×105个/mL,30℃是其最适宜的产2-MIB温度,总2-MIB生成量和胞外2-MIB分泌量均最高,分别为3.64×103ng/L和2.78×103ng/L;其次为营养盐浓度,增大BG-11营养盐浓度,浮丝藻生长密度和总2-MIB生成量会随之增加,低浓度营养盐时胞外2-MIB分泌量所占比例较高,表明低浓度营养盐更有利于浮丝藻进行胞外2-MIB分泌;光照对浮丝藻生长及产嗅味物质影响较小,...  相似文献   
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influences of indigenous phototrophs on methane (CH4) emissions from a paddy soil where rice straw was incorporated or was surface-applied. During the cultivation, half of the pots were covered with aluminum foil, except for the minimum space for rice plants, to prevent ambient light reaching the floodwater or the soil surface. Growth of oxygen-producing phototrophs was hardly observed in the unilluminated plots, whereas intensive growth of algae, duckweed and hydrophytes was found in the illuminated ones. Plant growth was not affected by the different treatments. Seasonal changes in CH4 emission determined by a closed chamber method indicated that illumination had no or only minor effects on CH4 emissions when rice straw was incorporated or was not applied, but significantly reduced CH4 emissions when rice straw was surface-applied. Methanogenesis occurring in the soil-floodwater interface was further investigated in two lab-scale model experiments measuring methanogenic activity. As a result, more activated methanogenesis was found in the surface-applied rice straw and the soil around the straw compared with the soil incubated without rice straw. The magnitude of the methanogenic activity in the rice straw incubated under illuminated conditions was significantly lower than that incubated in the dark. Consequently, this study demonstrates that methanogenesis in paddy soil occurs even in the soil-floodwater interface if plant residues like rice straw exist, and such methanogenesis is likely to be suppressed by growth of indigenous phototrophs under illumination.  相似文献   
[目的]介绍各种光源特性,筛选最佳大棚花卉生产补光灯配光方案。[方法]选用菊花切花生产为试材,采用白光复合光照,在大棚里配置高压钠灯、荧光节能灯、LED农业专用灯,根据3种灯具的光形特点和植物生长需求,进行实地测试,比较各种灯具的实际应用效果。[结果]结果表明,LED新型光源在整灯实际应用中节能效果明显优于其他两种灯具;LED方形灯具设计呈蝙蝠翼光形配光曲线最有利于温室实施有效布灯。[结论]LED农业专用补光灯优于目前最常用的钠灯,具有节能易布灯等特点,具有实际推广应用价值。  相似文献   
涂淑萍  曹蕾  喻苏琴 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(28):13486-13487
[目的]研究不同激素配比、蔗糖、活性炭等附加物质及光照对圆齿野鸦椿丛生芽增殖的影响,寻求最适圆齿野鸦椿试管苗增殖的培养基配方及培养条件,为圆齿野鸦椿组培快繁提供一些有益的参考。[方法]以圆齿野鸦椿初代培养的丛生芽为外植体,基础培养基为1/2MS,在不同激素配比、蔗糖、活性炭等附加物质的培养基中进行继代增殖培养,观察不同培养基及光照对圆齿野鸦椿试管苗芽增殖数量和玻璃化的影响。[结果]当培养基的激素配比为IBA0.1mg/L+6-BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L+琼脂7昏/L+蔗糖30g/L,丛生芽增殖系数最高可达3.9倍,激素对芽增殖系数的影响为:NAA〉6-BA〉IBA;活性炭有抑制圆齿野鸦椿芽增殖、促进芽体高生长和降低玻璃化的作用;糖是增殖培养阶段不可缺少的成分;自然光照较日光灯照和暗培养效果好。[结论]激素的合理配比、蔗糖以及自然光照有利于圆齿野鸦椿芽继代增殖培养,活性炭有抑制圆齿野鸦椿芽继代增殖的作用。  相似文献   
半导体二极管(LED)是应用最为广泛的电子元件之一,本文介绍了半导体二极管(LED)的发光原理、特性、分类、检测、应用及发展前景。  相似文献   
刘桂红 《湖南农机》2007,(11):96-97
本文介绍画法几何、工程制图时采用审题后将难题分解成相关与本题解题有关的小题,并采用提问及启发方法,将思路归纳到本题,随后解题.解题后可以根据本题意给予展开成相应的题目再深入讨论.  相似文献   
The activities of main digestive enzyme (proteases, amylase and lipase) and animal husbandry (mainly growth and survival) were studied in common pandora Pagellus erythrinus larvae until 30 days after hatching (DAH). Three different illumination levels (10, 30 and 100 lx) were compared in triplicate and green water technique was carried out. At the end of the experiment, illumination did not affect neither survival nor growth except 10 lx treatment. Similarly, specific growth rate (SGR) was different in 10 lx treatment (p < 0.05), although no differences were found in group 30 and 100 lx treatments (p > 0.05). In all groups, trypsin and chymotrypsin specific activities were firstly detected on day 3 related with mouth opening and slightly increased until 20 and 25 DAH respectively, and after this date specific activities of those decreased. Although, there was a significant difference between 10 lx treatment and other experimental groups (p < 0.05), no differences were found in other treatments (p > 0.05). Pepsin was firstly detected on day 25 related with stomach formation and sharp increase was observed until 30 DAH and then slight decrease was measured from this date and no differences were found between all groups. Amylase was firstly determined on day 2 and increased to day 5. After this date, slight decreases were measured in all groups and continued until end of experiments. The highest specific activity of amylase was determined in 30 lx treatment and no significant differences were found between groups (p > 0.05). Lipase was firstly detected on day 4 and increased to day 10. Then, activity of lipase decreased until day 15 and increased again until 25 DAH. Slight decreases were found in all groups until day 30 and continued to end of experiments. No significant differences were detected among groups (p > 0.05).

Finally, the significant improvement in survival, larval development and specific enzyme activities of larvae were determined in 30 lx treated group. It is thought that this phenomenon is related to optimal keeping conditions provided by the medium illumination level for Pagellus erythrinus larvae.  相似文献   

2020年11月1日-2021年2月28日,在河南郑州地区对冬春季双膜双被装配式日光温室内外温度、光照和湿度小气候进行测定,以探明其温光性能。在温室内外分别布置环境自动记录仪,每台记录仪均连接温湿度传感器和光照传感器,实现数据的自动监测与传输。结果表明:观测期内,温室内旬平均气温为11.4~21.4℃,旬平均最低气温为9.4~16.7℃;温室内0.1m深处旬平均土壤温度为15.4~22.9℃,旬平均最低土壤温度为15.0~22.1℃,温室内外最大气温差和土温差分别为17.0℃和15.6℃。全年最冷时段(1月上旬)温室外旬平均最低气温为−7.9℃,0.1m处土壤温度旬平均最低值为2.2℃,而此时段温室内旬平均最低气温和0.1m处土壤温度旬平均最低值分别达到9.9℃和15.8℃。11月−翌年2月,温室内光照度逐渐增大,晴天光照度在2000~22000lx,11月、12月、1月和2月晴天日平均透光率分别为42%、52%、49%和45%,12月透光率最高,不同月份透光率存在明显差异;阴天温室光照度在300~4000lx,各月阴天日平均透光率分别为34%、35%、36%和33%,透光率差异不明显。11月下旬−1月下旬,温室内夜间湿度为95.4%~99.0%,夜间叶片沾湿时长占比为89.1%~99.5%,温室内湿度大。观测结果说明双膜双被结构日光温室在黄淮地区冬春季具有较好的保温性能,有利于进行喜温果菜类的越冬生产,具有一定的推广应用价值,但是存在温室透光率偏低、光照弱等问题。  相似文献   
将仙客来种子用高锰酸钾质量分数1000×10 6液浸泡26h左右,进行种皮软化和消毒处理,然后播种在泥炭基质内,深度为(0 6±0 1)cm。在无光条件下保持温度(20±5)℃,湿度90%左右,在50~60d后即可发芽。发芽后应注意增加光照和施肥,也可以用稀释的肥料代替喷水,成苗率达89 9%。  相似文献   
在水温24-26℃下,采用室内实验生态学方法,研究了5000 lx光照强度和黑暗对壳长为(63.53±1.22) mm(S组)、(75.87±1.50) mm (M组)和(92.75±3.02) mm (L组)番红砗磲(Tridacna crocea)氧、氨氮及活性磷酸盐代谢的影响.结果显示,光照条件下,番红砗磲释放氧气,吸收氨氮和活性磷酸盐.黑暗条件下,番红砗磲代谢状况与其他双壳贝类类似.番红砗磲个体代谢率与规格密切相关:光照条件下个体越大,产氧率、对氨氮和活性磷酸盐吸收率越高;黑暗条件下,个体越大,耗氧率、对氨氮和活性磷酸盐释放率亦越高.光照条件下,番红砗磲软体部单位干重代谢率与其个体规格呈负相关,个体越大,单位干重的产氧率、氨氮和活性磷酸盐的吸收率越小.实验首次量化了不同光照条件下番红砗磲对氧、氨氮及活性磷酸盐的吸收和排泄状况,结果可为研究番红砗磲在珊瑚礁生态系统中的作用提供依据,对砗磲人工养殖也具有一定的参考.  相似文献   
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