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研究了大豆品种高丰1号于25℃在不同浓度的碘化钾溶液(0、0.5、1.0、1.5、2、2.5、3、3.5 mg/L)中浸泡6 h并培养发芽5 d后,吸水率、发芽率、生物产率和营养成分的变化规律及碘在豆芽各部位中的富集规律。结果表明,低浓度碘可促进豆芽生长,增加可食部分维生素C、游离氨基酸和蛋白质含量,并大幅度提高豆芽中碘的含量,碘质量浓度以0.5~1.5 mg/L时效果最好。  相似文献   
[目的]对用不同方法检测水产品副溶血性弧菌的不同增菌条件进行比较,以期寻找一种快速高效的增菌条件,为提高检测效率提供聋考依据。[方法]采用FDA、ISO、GB/T4789.7-2003、GB/T4789.7-2008、SN0173等方法中的培养基配方,时副溶血性弧菌进行杂种培养,并通过生长曲线测定方法比较验证使用培6-基的增菌效果。[结果]结果表明,含3%NaCl的碱性蛋白胨具有最好的增菌茵效果。[结论]该结果对于检测水产品中副溶血性弧菌具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
2005--2006年利用我国惟一的农田开放式空气CO2浓度增高(FACE)研究平台,以三系杂交籼稻汕优63为供试材料,设计比大气CO2浓度(对照,370umol.mol^-1)高200umol.mol^-1的FACE处理(570umol.mol^-1)和施N量为125kg·hm^-2(LN)、250kg·hm^-2(NN)处理,研究其对汕优63物质生产与分配的影响。结果表明:(1)两季平均,FACE处理使汕优63移栽-分蘖中期、分蘖中期-拔节期、拔节-抽穗期和抽穗-成熟期干物质生产量分别比对照增加了39%、20%、32%和41%,结果使成熟期生物产量显著增加(+33%);(2)与干物质生产量相比,汕优63平均叶面积指数(LAI)和净同化率(NAR)对CO2的响应有相似的季节性变化趋势,但LAI的响应值明显大于NAR;(3)FACE处理使汕优63不同生育时期叶片和稻穗占地上部干重的比例下降,而使茎鞘占地上部干重的比例明显增加;(4)三系杂交籼稻汕优63成熟期生物产量以及不同生育阶段平均LAI、NAR和干物质生产量对FACE的响应与粳稻品种存在明显差异.而干物质分配差异较小。  相似文献   
在2009和2010年利用独特的稻/麦轮作系统FACE(Free Air CO2 Enrichment,开放式空气CO2浓度增高)平台,以武运粳21、扬辐粳8号、武香粳14和武粳15为供试材料,研究了高浓度CO(2比大气背景CO2浓度高200 μmol·mol-1)对粳稻蒸煮米的硬度、粘性、香气、光泽、完整性、味道和口感等的影响。物性分析仪测定结果表明,高浓度CO2环境下粳稻熟米的硬度和粘性总体呈增加趋势,其中扬辐粳8号两指标的增幅均达显著水平。食味计测定结果显示,高浓度CO2对蒸煮稻米香气、光泽度、完整性、味道和口感等食味品质指标均没有影响。相关分析表明,CO2与品种的互作对米饭硬度和粘性有显著影响,但对食味品质参数均没有影响。CO2与年度、CO2与年度和品种间的互作对所有测定参数均无显著影响。两年数据一致表明,未来高浓度CO2环境下粳稻蒸煮米的硬度和粘性将呈增加趋势,增幅因品种而异,但米饭食味品质无显著变化。  相似文献   
Degradation of three herbicides, atrazine, cyanazine and dicamba, was assessed in laboratory microcosms incubated under simulated methanogenic conditions using sediment from Pearl River of Southern China as an inoculum. Atrazine was much more resistant to degradation than cyanazine and dicamba over 300 days of incubation. Biodegradation of cyanazine and dicamba was further substantiated by establishment of enrichment transfer cultures in which the degradation of the respective herbicide was accelerated by the active microorganisms. Degradation of cyanazine initially involved the removal of chlorine and the two side chains, while that of dicamba was O-demethylation reaction forming 3,6-dichlorosalicyclic acid. Results suggest that biodegradation of xenobiotics can be established through enrichment culture transfer technique, and further mechanism of degradation and microorganisms involved can be elucidated.  相似文献   
[目的]探讨食用菌对桑枝中1-脱氧野尻霉素(1-deoxynojimycin,DNJ)的富集作用。[方法]利用反相高效液相色谱法,研究耳菇、香菇、金针菇、鸡腿菇、银耳、姬菇、黑木耳、灵芝、猴头菇9种食用菌对桑枝中1-脱氧野尻霉素(1-deoxyno jimycin,DNJ)的富集能力。[结果]供试食用菌种均不能自我合成DNJ,但黑木耳、灵芝和猴头菇对DNJ有富集作用,而且其菌盖的富集能力远远高于菌柄。随着培养料中桑枝屑比例的增加,灵芝和猴头菇菌盖中DNJ含量也随之增加,在50%桑枝屑时达到最大,分别为0.0704%和0.0472%,再增加桑枝屑比例,则其菌盖中DNJ含量下降,当桑枝屑比例为80%时,其菌盖中DNJ含量分别降为0.0474%和0.0327%。[结论]该研究可为开发具有降血糖功效的桑枝食用菌提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   
We investigated wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain quality under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) of 550 ± 10% CO2 μmol mol−1. In each of two full growing seasons (2008 and 2009), two times of sowing were compared, with late sowing designed to mimic high temperature during grain filling. Grain samples were subjected to a range of physical, nutritional and rheological quality assessments. Elevated CO2 increased thousand grain weight (8%) and grain diameter (5%). Flour protein concentration was reduced by 11% at e[CO2], with the highest reduction being observed at the late time of sowing in 2009, (15%). Most of the grain mineral concentrations decreased under e[CO2] - Ca (11%), Mg (7%), P (11%) and S (7%), Fe (10%), Zn (17%), Na (19%), while total uptake of these nutrients per unit ground area increased. Rheological properties of the flour were altered by e[CO2] and bread volume reduced by 7%. Phytate concentration in grains tended to decrease (17%) at e[CO2] while grain fructan concentration remained unchanged. The data suggest that rising atmospheric [CO2] will reduce the nutritional and rheological quality of wheat grain, but at high temperature, e[CO2] effects may be moderated. Reduced phytate concentrations at e[CO2] may improve bioavailability of Fe and Zn in wheat grain.  相似文献   
A feeding study was conducted in the winter 2001 to determine the effects of feeding rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) enriched with various levels of essential fatty acids on the growth and survival of haddock larvae (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). Rotifer enrichment treatments were: 1) mixed algae, 2) high DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n-3), 3) high DHA and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3), and 4) DHA, EPA, and AA (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6). Larvae were fed rotifers enriched with the different treatments from days 1 to 16 post-hatch. From day 17 until 25 all treatment groups were fed rotifers reared on mixed algae and then weaned onto the International Council for Exploration of the SEA (ICES) Standard Reference Weaning diet (http://allserv.rug.ac.t/aquaculture/rend/rend.htm) over a five day period. The experiment was terminated on day 41 post-hatch. The enrichment treatments affected the fatty acid composition of the rotifers and correlated with the accumulation of these fatty acids in the haddock larvae. However, no significant differences in larval growth or survival to 40 days post hatch were detected, suggesting that all treatments provided the minimal essential fatty acid requirements for haddock.  相似文献   
在广泛文献检索基础上,对嗜金微生物的种属、富集黄金的机理、工业应用价值及潜力进行了概述,为进一步对其开发利用提供科学资料。  相似文献   
Emulsions with different content of (n-3) PUFA and vitamin A were used to enrich Artemia and examine the effect of these nutrients on pigmentation success in turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.). The best pigmentation rates were obtained using an overdose of vitamin A (500 000 IU L?1), but coincided with a high incidence of skeletal deformations. Higher growth and pigmentation rates were achieved by increasing the quantity of (n-3) PUFA oil in the emulsion. The use of (n-3) PUFA-deficient diet caused the highest occurrence of albinism as well as a cessation of metamorphosis.  相似文献   
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