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Abstract –  The interaction between brown trout ( Salmo trutta ; fork length (FL) range 255–390 mm) and inanga ( Galaxias maculatus ; FL range 55–115 mm) was tested during summer through autumn in an artificial stream consisting of a single run-riffle-pool sequence with a natural food supply. Each experimental trial lasted for 15 days, and consisted of two brown trout and 50 inanga collected fresh from a nearby stream, with each species given prior residence in four replicate tests, totalling eight trials in all. In addition, two control trials (each 10 days), with 50 inanga in each, were run. Brown trout almost exclusively occupied the pool, whereas inanga occupied all habitat types, although in different proportions, when tested with and without brown trout. The proportion of inanga in the pool was appreciably lower in the experimental trials with brown trout than in the control trials with no brown trout; prior residence had no significant effect on inanga habitat use. Mortality of inanga attributable to predation by brown trout ranged from 0 to 40% with a mean of 14.5 ± 4.7%. The results suggest that habitat use and survival of inanga populations in small streams can be adversely affected by brown trout.  相似文献   
为进一步促进鱼类栖息地保护与修复工作的深入开展以及保护技术的推广应用,综述了国内外鱼类栖息地评估方法和保护与修复技术的发展概况,归纳了常用的鱼类栖息地评估方法,总结了鱼类栖息地保护与修复项目中运用的技术,分析了现有保护措施存在的问题,提出了较全面的鱼类栖息地评估方法和修复措施的建议,以期为从事鱼类栖息地保护与修复工作的技术人员提供技术参考。  相似文献   
扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley是我国重要观赏和药用植物木芙蓉上的主要害虫之一,但迄今对其被优势天敌亚利桑那跳小蜂Aenasius arizonensis (Girault)(班氏跳小蜂A. bambawalei Hayat)的寄生情况了解甚少。为此,自2017年开始,在浙江兰溪西部的一个木芙蓉种植区开展了为期四年的调查,每年6—9月,分批从木芙蓉植株上采集3龄若虫及未产卵雌成虫,于室内观察寄生情况;并于其中两年观察了不同生境中的寄生情况,探讨了寄生季节变化的动态特征及相关影响因素、杂草促进寄生的途径以及增强该粉蚧自然控制的措施。结果表明,在前期(6—7月)寄生率总体上较低,其中两年最高分别仅有38%和32%,另外两年也很少发现被寄生个体,而且该时期寄生率年份间存在明显波动。而在后期(8—9月),寄生率相对较高,且具有从8月上旬开始逐步上升这一显著特点。观察期间,最高寄生率均出现于各年份9月下旬,四年中分别为89%、62%、55%和13%,年份间差异十分明显。生境类型可对寄生水平产生较大影响,与木芙蓉地块内和杂草稀疏的田埂相比,杂草丛生的田埂上和路...  相似文献   
卢欣 《中国鸟类》2012,3(2):113-117
本文报道了1995年夏-秋季节西藏东南部原始森林鸡类栖息地的利用方式.记录有7个物种,这些物种大多喜欢在阳坡环境,而回避相对潮湿的阴坡环境.在这一鸡类群落中,白马鸡(Crossoptilon crossoptilon)与藏马鸡(C.harmani)的杂交类型在数量上是最丰富的,其次是血雉(Ithaginis cruentus)和斑尾榛鸡(Bonasa sewerzowi).随后于2001年的调查表明,由于地处偏僻,这些鸡类依然没有遭受人类狩猎和栖息地干扰的影响.  相似文献   
草原景观下昆虫群落及种群对生境破碎化的反应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
生境破碎化是制约生物多样性重要的“瓶颈”之一。本研究在已有资料的基础上,论述了影响生物群落结构和种群动态过程的生境破碎化的生物反应特征,以及破碎化生境对生物多样性和种间关系的影响机理及基本理论假说,重点对草原景观下有关昆虫群落结构、丰富度、种群数量与动态、种间关系及群落次生演替等与生境破碎化关系的试验研究进行归纳总结, 提出了在草原环境下进行破碎化生境与昆虫群落和种群发生关系研究的问题及优势条件,指出了种间关系和次生演替与生境斑块格局的关系是草原生物多样性保护研究的关键之一。  相似文献   
以广泛分布在中国北方典型草原的建群种长芒草为研究对象,利用Maxent模型对长芒草在中国当前及未来气候变化下的潜在分布区进行预测并对主要影响其分布的环境变量进行分析,结果表明,采用受试者工作特征曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)对模型精度进行检验所得到的训练数据与测试数据的受试者工作特征曲线面积(areaunder ROC curve,AUC)分别为0.962和0.950,表明模型预测结果可靠,当前中国长芒草高适宜性分布区主要有5个,分别为黄土高原分布区、泰山-沂蒙山分布区、横断山分布区、藏南谷地分布区及天山分布区。在RCP2.6(representative concentration pathways 2.6)和RCP8.5(representative concentration pathways 8.5)两种气候情景模式下预测得到的2070年长芒草最适宜的潜在分布区有逐渐缩小的趋势。Jackknife检验对主导环境变量的筛选结果显示,影响长芒草分布的主要环境变量有地形粗糙度指数(terrain roughness index,tri)、9月降水量(precipitation 09,prec09)、气候湿度指数(climatic moisture index,topowi)、2月最高温度(maximum temperature 02,tmax02)、12月降水量(precipitation 12,prec12)和12月平均温度(average temperature 12,tavg12)。结果可为气候变化背景下中国典型草原的可持续管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
为筛选适合科尔沁沙地种植抗寒性强的苜蓿品种,本试验探究了沙地生境下不同苜蓿品种在低温锻炼期的形态特征,并分析其与苜蓿半致死温度的关系。研究表明:低温锻炼期“肇东”和“公农1号”苜蓿休眠较早;“肇东”、“东苜1号”和“草原3号”对低温较敏感;随季节性降温苜蓿秋眠芽数增加,根颈增粗,根重增加,根长增长,根冠比增大。根颈活力法拟合Logistic方程所得半致死温度表明,8个苜蓿品种抗寒性排序为“东苜1号” > “草原3号” > “农菁1号” > “公农1号” > “龙牧801” > “肇东” > “农菁8号” > “草原2号”;相关性分析表明苜蓿半致死温度与苜蓿根重呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05),而与其他生长指标无显著相关关系。“东苜1号”、“草原3号”等抗寒性较强的苜蓿品种适合在科尔沁沙地区域种植。  相似文献   
《African Zoology》2013,48(1):90-98
Habitat change, mainly through the actions of humans, poses a threat to great white (Pelecanus onocrotalus) and pink-backed (P. rufescens) pelicans in northeastern KwaZulu-Natal, the southernmost distributions of these species on Africa’s eastern seaboard. This study assessed the relative importance and state of the potential pelican habitat in the northeastern KwaZulu-Natal region, focusing particularly on Lake St Lucia and the Phongolo River floodplain. Great white pelicans breed on islands in Lake St Lucia. Should these islands be lost through falling water levels or their becoming joined to mainland by deposits of silt, or by flooding, no suitable habitat for their breeding will remain in the region. By contrast, the pink-backed pelican nests in trees, and there appears to be plentiful alternative habitat. Lake St Lucia and, to a lesser extent, the Phongolo River floodplain, are important foraging areas for both pelican species. The hydrology of both these systems has been affected by human activities.  相似文献   
Black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) are an abundant mesopredator on farmlands (croplands and rangelands) across South Africa. Given their adaptability in a changing anthropogenic landscape, knowledge of spatial movements can provide important ecological information on the species. We captured, collared and monitored five black-backed jackals in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal to determine their home range and habitat use in farmlands. The 95% fixed kernel (95% FK) home range sizes were large, showing a marked seasonal variation in movement. One adult male dispersed 150?km over two seasons (winter and spring) and thereafter settled into a home range that it maintained. Transient home ranges of males and juveniles were larger than resident home ranges. The mean resident home ranges (95% FK) across seasons for adult males, adult female and juvenile males were 11.4 ± 4.3 km2, 5.6 ± 0.36?km2 and 2.15 ± 0.45?km2, respectively. The mean transient home ranges (95% FK) of all the seasons for adult and juvenile males were 1 181.93 ± 575.81 km2 and 104.27 ± 35.64?km2, respectively. Adult jackal preferred croplands in spring, summer and autumn but avoided croplands in winter. Variable habitat use and large home ranges in our study confirmed the species’ ability to adapt to agricultural areas.  相似文献   
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