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FA旱地龙在农作物上抗旱增产效果研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在粮食、油料、蔬菜、瓜果等多种作物上使用FA旱地龙的结果表明 ,FA旱地龙能促进作物的生长发育 ,增强作物抗寒、抗旱、抗干热风等抗逆性能 ,减轻灾害 ,提高农作物产量。同时筛选出了在不同作物上FA旱地龙的最佳施用方法及施用适期  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 1992–93 and 1993–94 at Anand to study the effect of FYM, nitrogen and source of fertilizer on growth and yield of mustard [ Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj & Cosson]. The results showed significant variation in leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), dry matter production and seed yield. The direct effect of farmyard manure (FYM) was conspicuous in improving the growth of mustard. FYM application at 10 tonnes ha−1 significantly increased the LAI, CGR and dry matter accumulation per plant at almost all the stages during first year study (1992–93) and in pooled analysis. Similarly, nitrogen application registered maximum LAI, CGR at 75 kg level and RGR and NAR at 50 kg level at almost all the during both years. Sulphur carrying source (Ammonium sulphate plus single super phosphate) increased all stages growth characters. Maximum dry matter accumulation per plant and seed yield were recorded with highest levels of FYM (20 tonnes ha−1), N (75 kg ha−1) and source having S. Seed yield was strongly associated with LAI and dry matter accumulation per plant at all the stages.  相似文献   
Abstract. Usual residue-management options are to remove the residue, use it as mulch with or without undercutting or to incorporate it into the soil. While the role of surface mulch in evaporation has been widely studied, the information on the effect on evaporation of mulch with undercutting or residue incorporated into soil, particularly in relation to soil type and evaporativity (Eo) is lacking. We studied the effect of wheat straw used in various ways on the course of evaporation loss from soil columns with three soils at Ludhiana, India and one soil at Bushland, Texas, USA, under two Eo's Energy-limited evaporation rates under mulch (Eom) followed the soil-specific relation Eom/Eo= a e(bRes+cEo), where Res is residue rate t/ha and a, b and c are constants; Eo, is expressed in mm/d. In an effort to model the total evaporation (CE) during the energy-limited stage ‘U’ was obtained from appropriate CE versus time curves and (CE-U) was regressed over (t - ti)0.5 to obtain the slope ‘α’ (Ritchie 1972) for the soil-limited evaporation stage. The observed ‘U’ was independent of mulch rate and Eo but was strongly affected by soil type, Values of ‘α’ decreased with increase in mulch rate and decrease in Eo and coarseness of soil. The otherwise short lived benefit of evaporation reduction with mulch per se, which peaked after a few days was maintained when residue was mixed with soil at the stage when evaporation reduction reached a maximum; this benefit continued for several weeks. Cumulative evaporation values computed from ‘U’ and ‘α’ agreed closely with the observed values under straw mulch for loamy sand and clay loam soils and for ‘undercut’ and ‘residue mixed’ treatments on all soils regardless of Eo, and for all situations under small Eo. However, for sandy loam and silt loam soils under Eo of 10 mm/d, the modified square root of the time function of Jalota et al. (1988) gave a better fit.  相似文献   
不同施用方式下保水剂浓度对作物成苗的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对内蒙古干旱地区农业生产实际和保水剂在节水农业中的应用前景,对干旱条件下保水剂浓度对作物出苗和生长的影响进行了研究。通过盆栽试验,研究了保水剂不同施用方式下,浓度对萝卜、玉米和糜子的出苗率和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:施用保水剂可显著提高作物出苗率并改善幼苗生长状况,但其效果因施用方式不同,差异较大。对萝卜而言,5cm施用深度下,沟施时对应浓度在0.10%~0.50%范围内,出苗率比对照提高25.3~44.0个百分点,混施在浓度小于1.00%时,皆能提高出苗率,但提高幅度明显低于沟施;10cm施用深度下,混施时浓度在0.10%~0.50%范围内,出苗率比对照高30个百分点左右,而沟施则不明显。对于玉米和糜子,混施浓度低于0.30%时,玉米出苗率提高5~7倍,糜子出苗率提高2~4倍。从幼苗生长看,萝卜在试验最低浓度0.10%,玉米和糜子在0.10%~0.30%,各处理株高明显优于对照。总体上保水剂和土壤混施优于沟施,施用深度对作物成苗的影响在不同施用方式下不一致,这种差异与保水剂和土壤的相互作用有关。  相似文献   
Identifying land management practices (LMPs) that enhance on-site sediment management and crop productivity is crucial for the prevention, reduction, and restoration of land degradation and contributing to achieving land degradation neutrality (LDN). We reviewed studies in Ethiopia to assess the effects of LMPs on soil loss (84 studies) and crop productivity (34 studies) relative to control practice. Yield variability on conserved lands was assessed using 12,796 fixed plot data. Effects of LMP on soil loss were 0.5–55 t ha−1y−1 compared to control practices yielding 50 to 140 t ha−1y−1. More than 55% of soil loss records revealed soil loss less than the tolerable rate (10 t ha−1). Area closure, perennial vegetation cover, agronomic practices, mechanical erosion control practices, annual cropland cover, and drainage groups of practices led to 74.0 ± 18.3%, 69.0 ± 24.6%, 66.2 ± 30.5%, 66.1 ± 18.0%, 63.5 ± 20.0%, and 40 ± 11,1% soil loss reduction, respectively. A yield increase of 25.2 ± 15.0%, 37.5 ± 28.0%, and 75.4 ± 85.0% was found from drainage, agronomy, and mechanical erosion control practices, respectively. The average yield loss by erosion on fields without appropriate land management practice and on conserved fields was 26.5 ± 26.0% and 25 ± 3.7%, respectively. The findings suggest that practices that entail a continuous presence of soil cover during the rainy season, perennial vegetation, retention of moisture, and barriers for sediment transport were most effective at decreasing soil loss and increasing productivity. This review provides evidence to identify the best LMP practices for wider adoption and inform decision-making on LMP investments towards achieving sustainable solutions to reverse land degradation.  相似文献   
基于MODIS遥感数据计算无定河流域日蒸散   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究无定河流域日蒸散分布规律,应用遥感数据、农业气象站测量数据及Nishida模型等对该流域日蒸散进行了模拟。首先用2001~2002年晴天中国科学院禹城生态试验站Lysimeter测量日蒸散验证模型,模拟与测量的日蒸散相关系数达到0.61。随后,用该模型计算了无定河流域日蒸散,发现无定河流域日蒸散存在较为明显的空间分布规律:2001~2003年连续3年的8月份日蒸散都表现为东北部蒸散明显小于西南部,这是因为东北部基本是荒漠而东南部多是农田,且8月份日蒸散基本在2~5 mm之间变化;从2001年8月份第222 d日蒸散空间分布看,无定河主干道两边蒸散显著高于其他位置,这是由于8月份无定河流域为多雨季节,河谷土壤水分较高的缘故;从2002年内变化来看,不同的土地利用/覆被类型日平均蒸散差别不显著。  相似文献   
为了寻找适合浑善达克沙地参照作物腾发量计算的简易方法,该文以实测的微气象数据为基础,分别采用FAO56 Penman-Monteith(1998)、Hargreaves-Samani(1985)、Irmark-Allen拟合以及Priestley-Tay-lor(1972)计算参照作物腾发量,并以普适性强、精度高的FAO56 Penman-Monteith为基准,对其他方法进行气象因子的非线性修正。结果表明:气象因子修正后的参照作物腾发量精度大大提高,为获得相对可靠的参照作物腾发量开辟了新的途径。FAO56 Penman-Monteith、Irmark-Allen拟合和Priestley-Taylor都需要用到净辐射,而专业测量净辐射的设备在农业气象站里很少安装,使三种方法推广使用受到一定限制。气象因子修正后Hargreaves-Samani需要的气象数据相对容易获得,且计算简单,具有较高的精度,建议在缺少气象资料的干旱地区推广采用。  相似文献   
Landscape changes in the Central Valley of California, USA, have been dramatic over the past 100 years. Irrigated agriculture has replaced natural communities of California prairie, riparian forest, tule marsh, valley oak savannah, and San Joaquin saltbrush. This paper addresses the implication of vegetation change on evapotranspiration as a consequence of these changes. It was found that an increase in irrigated agriculture and a 60% reduction in the aerial extent of native vegetation has not produced significant changes in the moisture transfer to the atmosphere. The apparent reason for this result is that irrigated agriculture has substituted one actively transpiring surface for another and, therefore, has not significantly altered the transpiration flux of the landscape.  相似文献   
为深入认识四川冬春季参考作物蒸散量(ET0)的变化特征,利用1980—2016年四川35个气象站的逐日气象观测资料,采用泰森多边形、气候倾向率和克里金空间插值等方法对其冬春季ET0的时空变化特征进行分析,并通过敏感性和贡献率分析了ET0的变化成因。结果表明:ET0的年代际变化呈先降后增的趋势,空间上呈明显的西南高东部低的分布特征,且高值区范围持续扩大,低值区范围波动缩小。ET0的年际变化呈上升趋势,春季ET0气候倾向率和空间差异明显大于冬季,且ET0高值区与低值区空间分布受海拔高度影响明显。ET0的同一日多年平均值自初冬至初春逐渐上升,1月22日—5月2日仅有8 d的ET0值低于多年日平均值,具有明显连续的高值时段。ET0对日照时数的变化最敏感,其次是对相对湿度与平均气温,对三者均呈高敏感性。平均气温的正贡献率是引起ET0变化的主导因子,其次是相对...  相似文献   
在综合分析资源禀赋、技术条件、市场区位、生产规模、产业基础及布局指向等方面因素,兼顾相对集中连片原则,结合粮食生产现状、市场前景与产业发展趋势的基础上,提出了将湖南划分为“一区一圈两带”的粮食生产区域布局优化战略。对“一区一圈两带”4个片区的粮食生产特征进行了总结,并提出了各片区的功能定位和主攻方向。  相似文献   
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