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Glomalin was measured in soil from farming systems managed for 8 years by chisel tillage (CT), more intensive tillage for organic (ORG) production, and no tillage (NT) on Acrisols (FAO Soil Units) in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. Whole soil and aggregate size classes of >2.00, 0.50–2.00 and 0.21–0.50 mm (macroaggregates), 0.05–0.21 mm (microaggregates), and <0.05 mm (fine material) were examined. Glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) was extracted from 1-g samples (four plots per treatment) with 100 mM sodium pyrophosphate, pH 9.0, at 121 °C in three extraction cycles. Extracts were pooled and quantified by using the Bradford protein assay. Concentrations of GRSP and total carbon (C) in aggregates were linearly related across aggregate size classes for all treatments (GRSP = 0.101C + 0.56, r2 = 0.95). No tillage had significantly greater whole soil GRSP than did CT or ORG (P = 0.01). Mean values for GRSP in aggregates of NT were higher than for CT or ORG aggregates by 0.53 and 0.66 mg g−1 aggregates, respectively. There were no differences among treatments in GRSP concentrations in fine material. In NT the concentration of GRSP increased as aggregate size increased in contrast to the disturbed treatments, CT or ORG, where there were no differences in GRSP concentration across aggregate size fractions. Larger proportions of GRSP were distributed in macroaggregates of NT compared to CT and ORG in contrast to larger proportions in microaggregates of CT and ORG than in NT. Although soil disturbance in ORG farming is greater than for CT farming, both treatments had similar GRSP concentrations and distributions.  相似文献   
甘草萤叶甲空间分布型初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对甘草萤叶甲成虫和幼虫的空间分布型进行了测定,结果表明,成虫符合核心分布和负二项分布,幼虫符合负二项分布;聚集度指标检验成虫、幼虫均为聚集分布。并分析拟合了成虫和幼虫在大田中的理论抽样数学模型。  相似文献   
随着大豆"症青"发生面积的逐步扩大,点蜂缘蝽已引起了大豆科研工作者与生产者的高度重视。为探讨高效的点蜂缘蝽诱捕技术,本研究于2019年8月份在安徽省当涂县用不同诱芯、诱捕器及其组合评价聚集信息素对点蜂缘蝽的诱捕效果。方差分析表明:诱芯、诱捕器及其互作间诱捕效果差异都达极显著水平。缓释包诱芯1-2和PVC诱芯2-2显著高于橡胶塞诱芯3-x和空白对照。小船型诱捕器和双向倒漏斗型诱捕器显著高于通用桶型诱捕器和绿色粘虫板。PVC诱芯2-2、缓释包诱芯1-2和小船型诱捕器的组合效果最佳,但小船型诱捕器底部组件粘虫板会粘住点蜂缘蝽导致点蜂缘蝽死亡。缓释包诱芯1-2、PVC诱芯2-2和双向倒漏斗型诱捕器的组合效果次之,且其能诱捕到点蜂缘蝽完整活体,可为进一步研究提供试虫。对诱捕到的昆虫种类分析表明:试验期间诱到的蛾类昆虫相对较多,特别是橡胶塞诱芯3-x对蛾类有较强的引诱效果;不同诱芯、诱捕器都只诱到少量蜂类昆虫;绿色粘虫板较其它诱捕器粘到显著更多的瓢虫类昆虫。PVC诱芯2-2、缓释包诱芯1-2和小船型诱捕器、双向倒漏斗型诱捕器组成的4种组合能引诱到较多点蜂缘蝽,且其它昆虫较少,说明有较高的专一性,实...  相似文献   
马尾松舞毒蛾卵块的空间分布型,用聚集度指标度量适合聚集分布。Iwao的回归分析法与Taylor幂法则也是确定聚集型分布的好方法,结果都说明是聚集型的。由此可确定抽样调查的最适抽样数,编制序贯抽样分析表,用于预测预报和防治效果的检验。  相似文献   
为了有效防治油松球果小卷蛾(Gravitarmata margarotana)对红松(Pinus koraiensis)的危害,在实验室内对其化蛹行为进行了研究。结果表明:油松球果小卷蛾幼虫无自发的聚集化蛹行为;在土壤及松针中幼虫均能结丝茧并在其中化蛹,但在光滑的容器里不能启动结茧行为,从而化蛹失败。光照对幼虫在土中化蛹场所的选择有影响,在暗区化蛹的数量明显高于光照区;土壤结构对幼虫化蛹场所的选择无影响,在壤土和沙土中化蛹的数量无明显差别。  相似文献   
Many terrestrial mammalian species aggregate to give birth. Such aggregations are likely to be a response to changing resource and water availability, for predator swamping and avoidance of disturbance. The critically endangered saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) is one such species. We analysed spatio-temporal locations of saiga calving aggregations in Kazakhstan over the last four decades obtained from aerial and ground surveys, to identify the factors determining the selection of calving sites within the species’ range as well as any changes in these locations over time. Generalized mixed models were employed in a use - availability framework to assess the factors distinguishing calving from random sites and predict suitable areas for calving. Saigas selected sites, with lower than average productivity and low year to year variability in productivity, at an intermediate distance from water sources, and away from human settlements. A significant change in calving locations was observed during the last decade, with calving areas occurring further north and further away from settlements than previously. The results demonstrate that the choice of calving areas is largely driven by environmental factors. However, disturbance also has a significant impact on calving site selection and in recent decades, its influence overrides that of environmental factors. This increase in the influence of disturbance coincides with a precipitous decline in saiga numbers due to poaching, as well as substantial reductions in the intensity of land use for livestock grazing following the breakup of the Soviet Union. Predictive models based on such studies can improve species conservation by guiding the stratification of sampling for effective monitoring and deployment of rangers to protect the females at this critical time.  相似文献   
Marginal coastal soils are dependent on appropriate land management to prevent soil erosion, as a result of low soil stability combined with exposure to strong winds. An example of such an area is the machair, a fixed dune system utilized for agriculture in the northwest of Scotland, UK. The separate and combined effects of synthetic NPK fertilizer and a traditional soil conditioner (kelp, a seaweed) on soil structure formation, stabilization and biological parameters were studied on a cropped field on the machair. Soil physical properties examined included water retention at 10 kPa matric suction, water stable aggregates (WSA) >1 mm, aggregate stability, and biological properties including ester-linked fatty acid (ELFA) analysis and β-glucosidase activity for microbial biomass and activity, respectively. Significant treatment effects were few and inconsistent between sampling times, but included kelp and/or NPK fertilizer reducing aggregation, water retention, microbial biomass and activity relative to the unamended control treatment. Furthermore, seasonal variation, which could be attributed to changes in soil water content, was stronger than variation in response to fertilizer treatments. Principal components analysis of the ELFA data showed that ploughing promoted fungal biomass relative to bacteria, and confirmed both the absence of consistent synthetic and organic fertilizer effects and the sensitivity of microbial biomass to season. Overall, the study demonstrated the resilience of a calcareous sandy soil to amendment with fertilizer.  相似文献   
大棚黄瓜上烟粉虱成虫动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大棚烟粉虱成虫动态进行了研究.结果表明:烟粉虱成虫的聚集强度随密度的上升而下降;成虫始终处于聚集-扩散-再聚集-再扩散的动态过程之中.烟粉虱成虫在黄瓜植株上部充分展开的幼嫩叶片上数量最大;烟粉虱在大棚黄瓜上呈指数增长,其模型为Nt=2.5642e0.532t,(r=0.9858**).应用最优分割法将烟粉虱成虫动态划分为3个时期,分别为建立期、发展期和暴发期,在种群建立期对烟粉虱实施控制可以获得最佳的效果.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are key components of ecosystems through their influence on plant communities and ecosystem processes. A major source of information regarding the importance of AMF species richness on process rates are mesocosm experiments using different levels of diversity of AMF as provided by single-species cultures of AMF. Since AMF inocula are generally made available in the form of non-sterile pot culture material, it is possible that AMF symbiosis-associated microbiota are at least partially responsible for some effects hitherto directly attributed to the AMF mycelium. Here, we provide evidence that microbiota associated with single-species cultures of AMF (after long-term pot culture enrichment of 7–8 years) can strongly affect the ecosystem process of soil aggregation. This effect occurred in an AMF isolate specific manner, but in the absence of live and active AMF mycelium. We additionally documented large differences in microbiota communities associated with the different AMF inocula (using PLFA analyses), suggesting that these differences were at least partly responsible for the observed changes in soil aggregation. This result points to AMF–microbiota interactions as a largely unexplored mechanism underlying soil aggregation (and potentially other ecosystem processes). We suggest that a reinterpretation of previous experiments using greenhouse-derived AMF cultures may be necessary, and the need to consider AMF symbiosis-associated microbiota in mechanistic studies of AMF and mycorrhizae in general is emphasized.  相似文献   
Earthworms are known to play a role in aggregate formation and soil organic matter (SOM) protection. However, it is still unclear at what scale and how quickly earthworms manage to protect SOM. We investigated the effects of Aporrectodea caliginosa on aggregation and aggregate-associated C pools using 13C-labeled sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) leaf residue. Two incubations were set up. The first incubation consisted of soil samples crushed <250 μm to break up all macroaggregates with three treatments: (i) control soil; (ii) soil+13C-labeled residue and (iii) soil+13C-labeled residue+earthworms. Earthworms were added after 8 d and 12 d (days) later, aggregate size distribution was measured together with total C and 13C in each aggregate fraction. A second incubation was made to assay protected versus unprotected total C and 13C from 21-d laboratory incubations of intact and crushed large (>2000 μm) and small (250-2000 μm) macroaggregates and microaggregates (53-250 μm). Eight different pools of aggregate-associated C were quantified: (1) and (2) unprotected C pools in large and small macroaggregates, (3) unprotected C pools in microaggregates, (4) and (5) protected C pools in large and small macroaggregates, (6) protected C pool in microaggregates, and (7) and (8) protected C pools in microaggregates within large and small macroaggregates. In the presence of earthworms, a higher proportion of large macroaggregates was newly formed and these aggregates contained more C and 13C compared to bulk soil. There were no significant differences between the samples with or without earthworms in the C pool-sizes protected by macroaggregates, microaggregates or microaggregates within small macroaggregates. However, in the presence of earthworms, the C protected by microaggregates within large macroaggregates was a significant pool and 22% of this C pool was newly added C. In conclusion, these results clearly indicate the direct involvement of earthworms in providing protection of soil C in microaggregates within large macroaggregates leading to a possible long-term stabilization of soil C.  相似文献   
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