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王耀红  杨光 《排灌机械》2003,21(1):12-14
通过IR型热水循环泵轴封结构的更新设计实践,阐述了在水温150℃下机械密封的正确设计方法和组合式密封结构专利技术的优点。实践表明,该组合式密封结构作为锅炉热水循环泵的轴封使用是可行的,可以推广应用。  相似文献   
为研究熔盐泵上端间隙密封的运行性能,基于SST k-ω湍流模型和VOF模型对熔盐泵上端密封结构性能进行计算,对不同扬程和不同介质条件下的泄漏量、扬程损失以及溢液腔内气液交界面形态进行分析.讨论扬程和介质条件对上端密封性能的影响,总结了关键变量和上端密封性能之间的相关关系.结果显示:泵扬程的增大会使泄漏量增加,如果扬程过大,黏性会对泄漏量产生显著影响;在相同扬程条件下,4种介质在间隙密封进出口的扬程损失差异均很小;间隙扬程损失随着泵扬程的增大而增加,3种泵扬程条件下间隙扬程损失都稍小于泵扬程;在溢液腔中,轴壁面高速旋转会使液体形成不规则的气液交界面和空腔;泵扬程的增大会抬高气液交界面的最高位置,使排液口内充液更多;在清水介质条件下,对该上端密封在不同扬程和流量的泵中下进行测试,在最高压力工况下熔盐泵仍保持稳定运行,未出现严重泄漏.  相似文献   
针对提升泵存在轴头力过大的问题,采用调整口环直径、前盖板加装辅助叶片、降低转速等方法进行轴向力平衡,对于2500 t/d反渗透海水淡化的提升泵,通过降低转速增加叶轮尺寸的方法来平衡轴向力使结构更趋合理.结合反渗透海水淡化的工艺流程,提出提升泵性能参数的确定方法.鉴于提升泵入口高压的运行环境,选择单级悬臂、双蜗壳、三推力轴承组合结构形式,采用较粗的轴径和较小的悬臂比,提高系统的稳定性.应用新型的上游泵送机械密封,通过100 h的运转试验,在较高的压力环境下运行,仍能保持良好的密封性能,且断面无接触,磨损量小,解决了高压环境下轴封反复失效的问题.  相似文献   
转轮下环间隙对混流式水轮机内部流动特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水轮机转轮间隙内的泄漏涡、泄漏流等复杂的湍流易影响水轮机的性能与稳定性。为了分析下环间隙对混流式水轮机能量特性和内部流态的影响,该文基于N-S方程和SST湍流模型,考虑了0.6 Qd(Qd为设计流量工况)、0.8 Qd、Qd、1.2 Qd共4种流量工况,对5种下环间隙下的混流式水轮机模型机进行三维全流道数值计算。通过对比不同下环间隙方案对混流式水轮机效率与容积损失的影响,结合不同水轮机内部流场特征,分析下环间隙与水轮机性能的关系。计算结果表明:下环间隙由0.4 mm增大到1.3 mm,机组泄漏量增大,水轮机效率整体呈下降趋势。其中,当机组在小流量0.6 Qd工况运行时,间隙对水轮机能量特性影响最为明显,效率下降了4.1个百分点。当机组在小流量0.6 Qd与0.8 Qd工况运行时,下环间隙增大,间隙内部流场与尾水管内部流场呈现小幅度恶化;当机组在大流量1.2 Qd工况运行时,下环间隙增大,转轮叶片吸力面压力分布以及尾水管内部流场均得到改善。该研究可为混流式水轮机结构设计提供有效参考。  相似文献   
为了解决输送核原料的液下泵工作过程中存在无色剧毒氟化氢气体溢出的问题,在此类液下泵的主轴上选取磁流体为密封材料,应用磁流体密封技术,设计了一套采用螺旋齿的磁流体密封结构,并推导出了密封压差设计公式.通过理论分析和试验研究,讨论了液下泵在液体工作环境下的转速、温度、磁流体体积、密封间隙和磁场强度对磁流体密封承压能力的影响.结果表明,设置在液下泵上的磁流体密封结构的承压能力随着转速、温度和密封间隙的增大而下降;随着磁场强度的升高而增大,且密封承压能力试验值最大可达8×10^5Pa;随着磁流体体积的增大而增大,但是当磁流体体积超过一定的临界值后,磁流体密封的承压能力将不再随着磁流体体积的改变而改变,仅仅保持在某一恒定值.该磁流体密封结构的密封方法将会有效地解决输送核原料的液下泵中害氟化氢气体泄漏的问题.  相似文献   
齐保林  贾端红 《农机化研究》2004,(3):209-210,292
对以QY系列为主体的农用潜水电泵修复可靠性低、寿命短的问题,提出了改进措施,从而有效提高潜水电泵修复可靠性,并延长使用寿命。  相似文献   
叶片全调节是大型叶片泵工况调节的主要方式,在分析传统的机械和液压叶片调节方式存在问题的基础上,提出将机械式操作拉杆和液压式操作动力进行组合的环保型叶片调节机构,并设计了接力器的活塞缸分别布置在水泵轴和电动机轴之间的中置式和布置在轮毂上方的下置式2种叶片调节机构型式,较好地解决了密封要求高的问题,保证叶轮无泄漏.建立以三维CFD模拟技术为基础的叶片受力和水力矩大小及分布的预测和计算模型,提出了按不同叶片安放角和不同运行工况下力矩分布设计接力器结构(直径和压力等级)的方法.对现有的受油器结构和控制原理进行改进与完善,并成功研制采用伺服电动机-配压阀和数字比例阀的新型受油器结构,其调节精度可达4‰,实现了叶片精确调节和开/闭环控制.  相似文献   
  • 1. Shellfish mariculture is increasing worldwide and often occurs adjacent to marine mammal breeding and feeding habitat. To better understand breeding pinniped vulnerability to potential shellfish mariculture disturbance and displacement effects in a US National Park, potential mechanisms were explored that may affect the proportion of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) selecting high quality haul‐out sites near shellfish aquaculture within a large colony, and overall seal utilization of that colony in relation to other regional colonies.
  • 2. Seal haul‐out sites isolated from the mainland (no predator access) had higher pup:adult ratios, indicating they are generally more important for pupping. Short‐term human disturbance did not have a significant effect on spatial use, but rather spatial use was pre‐determined by general sandbar isolation. Using multiple competing hypothesis and an information‐theoretic approach, it was found that within the estuary, after removing effects of El Niño, the proportion of seals (total seals and pups only) hauled out near mariculture sites was 8 ± 2% lower during years of higher oyster harvest. Annual oyster harvest was used as a measure of aquaculture activity that could result in direct disturbance or indirect displacement of harbour seals.
  • 3. At the regional scale, oyster harvest, seal counts at a nearby colony, and loss of a major haul‐out site within the estuary, best explained pup and total seal use compared with the region. Regional population size, short‐term human disturbance rate, and other factors were not important. Concurrent with higher oyster harvest, the proportion of regional seals using the estuary declined by 7 ± 2% for seal pups (–65 ± 18 total pups), and 5 ± 2% for total counts ( ? 192 ± 58 total seals). These findings (both within the estuary and at the regional scale) were essentially identical whether modelling oyster harvest as either a continuous or categorical (low/high) variable and when using either frequentist or Bayesian statistical analyses.
  • 4. Marine reserves set aside for wildlife may be less effective when the highest quality breeding and pupping sites are adjacent to regular aquaculture activities. These effects may not be detectable until additional natural variation lowers the quality of nearby habitats. Published in 2011. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.
The current geographical distribution of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus colony inhabiting the Cabo Blanco peninsula (Western Sahara-Mauritania) is described. Its distribution range has apparently not changed since surveys conducted in 1984–1988. Sightings of adults on the Tarf el Guerguerat coast, 20 km north of the known breeding caves, suggests the existence of other possible breeding groups further north. Two caves used by the seals are described for the first time. A review of historical trends in cave occupation by seals made it possible (1) to locate the so-called ‘maternity cave’, last reported in 1949; and (2) to establish that the colony, since its discovery, has occupied at least eight caves, five of which have collapsed. An index of population size based on counts of individuals of identified morphological types indicates that, during 1993–1994, the colony was composed of c.113–165 individuals (excluding pups), a larger number than previously assumed. Counting of seals at times of maximum haul-out is proposed as a tool to monitor population trends, although it is considered unreliable for estimating absolute numbers.  相似文献   
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