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The effect of three herbicides, diclofop-methyl (DM), imazamethabenz-methyl (IM) and fenoxaprop-ethyl (FE), was investigated at the recommended rate (×) and double the recommended rate (2×) in a durum wheat crop. FE had the smallest effect on root system characteristics, while IM had the greatest effect. For all herbicides, the double rate treatment gave a greater statistical reduction than the single rate for root system characteristics. FE had the smallest effect on the activity of aerobic microorganisms, while DM gave the greatest reduction, 10 days after application, and all three herbicides reduced earthworm abundance. DM gave the smallest reduction in the number of tillers and in plant height, while the double rate of IM gave the greatest reduction. For all three herbicides, double the recommended rate resulted in a significant reduction in the weight of 1000 seeds, while no statistically significant deviations were noted at the recommended rate. Finally, the use of all three herbicides resulted in significantly lower statistical yields compared to the sample (control plot), although there were no significant statistical differences among them, for either recommended or double recommended rates.  相似文献   
Kyounghoon  LEE  Tohru  MUKAI  Donhyug  KANG  Kohji  IIDA 《Fisheries Science》2004,70(6):1051-1060
ABSTRACT:   An application of the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP, 153.6 kHz) in combination with a scientific echo sounder (EK60, 38 and 200 kHz) was investigated to estimate the density of krill Euphausia pacifica . The acoustic backscattering strength from sound scattering layers was compared with biomass estimates from midwater trawls. Euphausia pacifica was targeted among mixed species populations in the sound scattering layer in the offshore Funka Bay area of Hokkaido, Japan. The frequency characteristics of acoustic backscattering by krill were calculated using a distorted wave Born approximation scattering model at three frequencies. Krill aggregations identified from the EK60 data were extracted as the mean volume backscattering strength difference between two frequencies. They were then used to identify similar aggregations in the ADCP data by matching observation times and depths for the two methods, which were applied simultaneously. Results from the comparison of the mean volume backscattering strength and the density calculated from the ADCP and EK60 showed that ADCP can be used to measure density and spatial–temporal distribution of krill aggregations. Current speed and direction at the study site were found to be 16.1 cm/s and 187.0°, respectively, and krill speed and direction (including the current component) were found to be 19.8 cm/s and 172.2°, respectively. Based on the ADCP data, the net speed and direction of the krill aggregations were found to be 5.9 cm/s and 128.0°, respectively.  相似文献   
用电沉积法制备Mo-W-Ni-Pb-Ca多元活性阴极,研究了在0.5mol/L H2SO4中的析氢反应,结果表明,多元阴极具有较高的电催化活性,其析氢过电位比软钢阴极降低305mV,i0提高三个数量级,且有较好的稳定性,并用光电子能谱研究了表面组成和结构。证实表面有:Ni,NiO,MoO2,MoO^2-4,WO3,PbO2,PbO,Ca^++等物质。  相似文献   
应用一种自创小型复殖吸虫染色体制备法,对四种常见寄生鱼类的叶形吸虫(中华叶形吸虫、鳗鲡叶形吸虫、鲶叶形吸虫和巴氏叶形吸虫)的染色体组型分析表明,它们的有丝分裂中期染色体二倍体数目均为2n=18,且核型十分接近,即由四对较长的具近端着丝点染色体,四对较短的具近中部着丝点染色体及一对具中部着丝点的短染色体组成。但是,它们在染色体相对长度方面存在一定的差异。聚类分析显示,中华叶形吸虫和鳗鲡叶形吸虫,鲶叶形吸虫和巴氏叶形吸虫分别组成一近缘类群。根据发状科各属虫种的染色体组型资料,探讨了该科吸虫的核型进化问题。  相似文献   
桃树叶片气孔大小的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
观察了桃亚属6个种139份材料的气孔长度和宽度。结果表明,不同种间气孔长度和宽度相差较小,光核桃长度非常一致,其变异系数为0,栽培种的品种之间气孔大小差异更小。栽培种的气孔长、宽均呈正态分布,依概率分级方法将气孔长度和宽度分为5个等级。  相似文献   
辣椒HD-Zip基因家族鉴定、系统进化及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】鉴定辣椒HD-Zip基因家族,并利用生物信息学方法系统分析其在基因组中的分布、基因结构、进化分化特征及在不同组织中的时空表达特异性,解析该家族的进化特征及生物学功能。【方法】根据已报道及PlantTFDB数据库中的拟南芥HD-Zip序列,利用本地BLAST工具在我国辣椒测序品种‘遵辣1号’基因组中比对,并利用Pfam、SMART工具进一步验证。采用EMBOSS Programs、MEGA、GSDS、MEME、MCScanX、OrthoMCL、Circos等软件预测辣椒HD-Zip基因家族成员蛋白理化性质,构建系统进化树,定位染色体,分析基因结构、基因复制类型及直系、旁系同源基因。基于GEO数据库,运用R软件、本地perl语言及Cytoscape分析辣椒HD-Zip组织表达差异并绘制共表达网络。【结果】本研究在‘遵辣1号’基因组中鉴定获得42条辣椒HD-Zip,命名为CaHDZ01—CaHDZ42。CaHDZs长度跨度较大,70%CaHDZ蛋白的pI小于7.0。除CaHDZ42,其余基因不均匀地分布在12条染色体上,部分基因为片段复制。该基因家族可分为4个亚族,分别含有18、9、...  相似文献   
中国古代私人藏书发展述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国藏书的历史源远流长,私人藏书的起源至少可追溯至春秋战国时期,古代私人藏书可以分为4个时期:兴起时期,发展时期,繁荣时期和鼎盛时期。私人藏书的发展繁荣除了社会的发展进步之外,人口的增加也是重要的原因。各个时期呈现出各自的发展特点,但是,总的发展呈现出藏书者的文化性、利用的专用性和分布的地域性特征。  相似文献   
 本研究以硝酸盐营养缺陷型突变体(nit)和多菌灵抗性为遗传标记,在5个所选菌株中设计了3个玉蜀黍赤霉病菌Gibberella zeae的杂交组合,使各菌株之间进行杂交,从而诱导有性重组体。从各杂交组合的后代中任意挑选出3个有性重组体,比较了这些有性重组体与其亲本在无性和有性阶段的主要生物学性状。结果表明,玉蜀黍赤霉中的nit基因及对杀菌剂多菌灵的抗药性基因可以通过有性杂交的方式重组,即发生了有性重组。有性重组体与其亲本在菌落生长、培养性状和致病性方面没有显著差异;但某些有性重组体中,产孢量和产子囊壳能力方面存在一定差异。总体看来,有性重组体仍然保持了较高的适合度。因此,可以认为有性重组在玉蜀黍赤霉群体对多菌灵抗药性发生发展以及群体遗传进化中可能起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
天山地形对新疆大风和降温天气作用的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年5月24日夜间~26日夜间,新疆地区自西向东出现了明显的降水、大风、降温天气过程。为研究此次天气过程中天山地形的作用,文中用WRFV3.1模式对其进行了数值模拟,并通过改变天山山脉的地形高度设计了一组敏感性试验,分析了天山地形对此次强天气过程中大风和降温的影响。结果表明,天山山脉地形对准格尔盆地西北部直至天山山脉北侧的气流有明显的阻挡与减缓作用,对三十里风区、百里风区、汗腾格里峰北坡强风带的形成有直接而重要的作用;地形高度越高,产生垂直运动的地形抬升机制越强,地形强迫抬升作用产生的垂直上升运动越剧烈;天山山脉明显地减轻了寒潮天气过程中南疆塔里木盆地的降温幅度,对准格尔盆地北部的寒潮降温幅度也有一定的减缓作用,对塔里木盆地的"保温"作用较准格尔盆地明显。  相似文献   
单轴压缩条件下岩石破损过程的CT试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用工业计算机层析(ICT)设备与全数字液压实验系统EHF-EG200KN试验机,对大台煤矿冲击倾向性煤层底板岩石试样进行了单轴压缩荷载作用下的CT试验,得到了单轴压缩荷载作用下不同应力阶段岩石试样微裂纹发展的CT图像。通过对CT图像灰度值的分析,得到单轴压缩荷载作用下岩石的损伤破裂过程。为进一步研究煤层底板岩石的破坏及冲击地压的发生机理提供依据。  相似文献   
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