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This paper deals with a study on the effects of mixtures of partially resistant cultivars in focus forming plant diseases. The focus expansion velocity in a mixture of two partially resistant cultivars depends on four parameters, the focus expansion velocity in a crop of cultivar 1 only and in a crop of cultivar 2 only, the net-reproduction in a crop of cultivar 1 and of cultivar 2, respectively. An explicit equation is developed for the damage of a cultivar mixture where the crop is infected by two physiological races of the pathogen. It is shown that cultivar mixtures exist where damage is smaller than in crops of either of the two cultivars only. A simple explicit formula is given on the basis of which it can be decided whether an optimal mixture exists for a given pathosystem.  相似文献   
进入新世纪以来,管理科学在我国取得了蓬勃的发展,逐渐形成了庞杂的学科知识体系,与此同时,管理学也涌现了一大批管理科学专家,并在各自的领域中作出了卓越的贡献。利用中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)2000~2009年的20种管理科学重要期刊文献为数据,从文献计量的角度对我国管理科学十年来的发展进行分析,通过可视化分析工具CiteSpace展示了企业与事业单位管理、管理基础与方法、宏观管理与政策研究三个主要的学科领域的代表人物和研究热点。  相似文献   
建设社会主义新农村是党中央统筹城乡发展的战略决策,是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务,也是解决"三农"问题的切入点。土地整理是社会经济发展到一定阶段解决土地利用问题的必然选择,是指在农村区域内,通过行政、经济、法律和技术等手段,对田、水、路、林、村等的综合整治,是新农村建设目标的重点,也是促进新农村建设的重要保障手段。在分析土地整理概念及其对社会主义新农村建设重要作用的基础上,提出了推进新农村建设中我国土地整理的着眼点。  相似文献   
党的十六届六中全会以来,构建社会主义和谐社会已成为我们党的一项重要的战略任务。准确把握构建社会主义和谐社会的重大意义和科学内涵,正确认识构建社会主义和谐社会所面临的挑战,是把握构建社会主义和谐社会着力点的关键。  相似文献   
众所周知,我国当前正在大力推进农村集体产权制度改革事业,力求农村集体经济组织成员 切身利益能够得到强有力的维护,并且在众多改革试点中成效非常明显,全面加强后续管理就成为今 后最突出的任务。为此,文章就在分析农村集体产权制度改革的侧重点基础上,从立足改革的目标、 目的、范围,明确后续管理工作的关键;强调组织成员身份与股权管理,体现后续管理的核心所在;全 面强化后续管理的保障措施,后续管理方案大力推进三个方面出发,针对后续管理方案加以论述。  相似文献   
实践育人是大学生成长成才的必由之路,在河北农业大学110年的发展历程中,始终以人才培养为中心,注重实践教学。在回顾学校实践教学历史的基础上分析了"以生为本、知行并重"实践育人理念的时代意义和近年来学校实践育人工作的新进展。  相似文献   
党的十六届六中全会以来,构建社会主义和谐社会已成为我们党的一项重要的战略任务.准确把握构建社会主义和谐社会的重大意义和科学内涵,正确认识构建社会主义和谐社会所面临的挑战,是把握构建社会主义和谐社会着力点的关键.  相似文献   
A survey of forestry practices and attitudes was undertaken in four communities in Leyte, the Philippines, to improve understanding of the social and economic factors affecting small-scale forestry development. The survey had three main data collection activities — initial focus group discussions (FGDs), household interviews, and reporting and validation FGDs. A team of enumerators was selected for household interviews which consisted of both males and females, to avoid potential problems of unwillingness of people to talk with those of the opposite gender. The interviewers were also required to be able to speak local dialects (Cebuano and Waray Waray), the survey questionnaires being administered in these dialects. Various methods were used to gain the support and assistance of local government units and barangay captains. Some difficulty was experienced by the survey team in the first community due to barangay elections at the time of the survey, and the requirement by the University of Queensland Ethics Committee that respondents sign a consent form. This requirement was found to be not culturally appropriate for the Leyte smallholder communities. Offering goods at the end of the interview was found to be of limited value for encouraging participation in the survey. Provision of food and drinks were found to encourage FGD participants to express their views, but too much alcohol had a negative effect. The importance of providing comprehensive feedback to respondents and involving them and other stakeholders in development of policy recommendations was apparent. These survey experiences provide valuable insights which are not generally available in textbooks on sample surveys, and provide lessons for planning and conducting smallholder community survey into natural resource management issues.  相似文献   
Bushmeat, defined as meat derived from wild animals, is a potential source of zoonotic pathogens. Bushmeat from restricted animals is illegal to import into the United States under US federal regulations. We reviewed US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) port of entry surveillance records from September 2005 through December 2010 and conducted focus group studies to describe trends in and reasons for bushmeat importation into the United States. In total, 543 confiscated bushmeat items were recorded. Half of the confiscated bushmeat items identified were rodents. Africa was the most frequent continent of origin. Seasonality was evident, with bushmeat confiscations peaking in late spring to early summer. Four times more bushmeat was confiscated during an enhanced surveillance period in June 2010 compared with the same period in previous years, suggesting that routine surveillance underestimated the amount of bushmeat detected at US Ports of Entry. Focus groups held in three major US cities revealed that bushmeat importation is a multifaceted issue. Longstanding cultural practices of hunting and eating bushmeat make it difficult for consumers to acknowledge potential health and ecologic risks. Also, US merchants selling African goods, including bushmeat, in their stores have caused confusion among importers as to whether importation is truly illegal. Enhancing routine surveillance for bushmeat and consistent enforcement of penalties at all ports of entry, along with health education aimed at bushmeat importers, might be useful to deter illegal importation.  相似文献   
云南是一个城乡二元经济结构十分突出的省份,是一个城乡之间、地区之间发展不平衡的省份,是一个贫困面大、贫困程度深的省份,是一个农业生产水平低、科技含量低、比较效益低的省份,是受市场、资金、技术、人才多种制约的省份。结合云南农业农村发展存在的问题和困难,提出利用云南资源优势,发展云南特色现代农业加快社会主义新农村建设。重点分析研究了加快云南特色现代农业的发展重点,以及发展云南特色现代农业推进社会主义新农村建设的对策措施。  相似文献   
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