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SUMMARY: Flume-tank experiments were performed to examine the depth response of a new type of depth-controlled gillnet. Variations of net depth were investigated as the warp was paid out and wound up for different changes of warp length, main sinker weights, and winch speeds. In most experiments, when the warp finished paying out, the net continued to descend and then ascended slightly to an equilibrium depth (overshoot phenomenon). The overshoot distance was nearly constant when the warp was wound up and increased linearly with increasing winch speed when the warp was paid out. An increase in winch speed reduced net settling time, which converged on a constant value for both paying out and winding up.  相似文献   
采用解析木导向曲线法编制了辽东地区日本落叶松地位指数表。在此基础上,对落叶松地拉指数与立地因子及落叶松栽植代数的关系进行了分析,认为不同栽植代数对落叶松人工森地位指数影响差异显,落叶松连作造成立地质量下降。  相似文献   
重迎茬亚麻生长发育障碍机制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重迎茬亚麻减产是由多种因素综合作用的结果,亚麻重迎茬可使病害加重是最主要因素,重茬年限越久发病越严重;重迎茬造成了土壤营养元素的单一消耗,随着重迎茬年限的增加,土壤中速效氮、速效磷、速效钾等含量降低。  相似文献   
As field sampling is time consuming, it is necessary to develop efficient sampling techniques to obtain accurate estimates of the weed seedbank in soil. The relative efficiency between sampling schemes depends on the spatial variability in weed seed density across agricultural fields. Spatial variability of the weed seed density was characterized by theoretical correlograms. A systematic sampling (square grill) scheme was considered and it was found that, taking into account spatial variability, this sampling scheme was more efficient than simple random sampling. As a result, the sample size can be reduced in comparison with that given in previous studies, where spatial correlation was ignored. The reduction depends on the correlation structure defined as a function of the ratio, τ, between the nugget effect and the sill of the variogram. The maximum reduction of the sample size, without loss of either precision or confidence level corresponds to the case where there is no nugget effect, τ = 0. The opposite extreme case, where the reduction is nil, corresponds to the case of a pure nugget effect τ = 1. The abaci based on given expressions are provided to determine the sample size in species whose spatial pattern can be fitted either to a Poisson or to a negative binomial distribution.  相似文献   
谷物胚乳性状QTL区间作图的贝叶斯方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将贝叶斯统计原理和胚乳性状的数量遗传模型相结合,以分离群体中各植株的分子标记基因型以及植株上若干粒种子胚乳性状的单粒观测值为数据模式,提出胚乳性状QTL区间作图的贝叶斯方法.该方法通过Gibbs以及Metropolis-Hastings抽样实现的马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)算法获得QTL效应和位置的估计.方法的有效性用染色体水平和基因组水平2套模拟方案进行验证,结果表明:贝叶斯方法能够准确地估计胚乳性状QTL的位置和效应,并同时区分2种显性效应.  相似文献   
马铃薯甲虫空间分布型及序贯抽样   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say是一种重要的害虫,为明确其在新疆的空间分布,及时采取有效的防控措施,在田间调查的基础上,采取随机取样和Iwao回归分析法对新疆乌鲁木齐地区的马铃薯甲虫成虫、卵块和幼虫的空间分布型、理论抽样数及幼虫的序贯抽样方法进行了研究。结果表明,马铃薯甲虫各虫态空间格局的聚块性指标均大于1,空间分布型为普通群聚型;对低龄幼虫进行序贯抽样,当防治阈值为50头/样方、置信水平为1.96时,防治上、下限方程分别为:d1=50n+81n和d0=50n-81n,当百株虫量达到756头以上时需要进行防治。  相似文献   
目的 林内降雨的空间变异对林地土壤水分、林下植被生长有重要影响,准确刻画其空间变异特征,并确定其收集器的合理布设数量,有助于准确理解森林对水文的影响。 方法 于2021年6—10月,在六盘山半湿润区香水河小流域的华北落叶松(Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii (Mayr) Pilg.)纯林样地,利用样地内布设的40个林内降雨收集器收集每场降雨事件的林内降雨量,分析展叶和落叶期林内降雨的空间变异特征,并量化雨量收集器的合理布设数量。 结果 (1)整个生长季,林内总降雨量440.0 mm,占同期林外降雨量的77.5%,林内降雨空间变异系数28.23%;展叶和落叶期,林内总降雨量分别为153.8 和290.2 mm,占同期林外降雨量的73.0%和80.2%,林内降雨空间变异系数分别为36.0%和18.5%。总体上,林内降雨空间变异随次降雨量、雨强和降雨历时的增加先快速下降后逐渐趋于稳定。(2)整个生长季及展叶和落叶期林内降雨的块基比分别为0.042、0.012和0.275,变程分别为4.8、4.0和6.5 m。(3)在95%置信区间内,若将误差控制在5%内,至少需在展叶和落叶期分别布设17和14个截面积为235.58 cm2的雨量收集器。 结论 受降雨量和冠层结构差异影响,华北落叶松林内降雨空间变异在展叶和落叶期存在差异,不同时期雨量收集器合理布设数与林内降雨空间变异密切相关,要确保整个生长季林内降雨评估的准确性,应重视不同时期雨量收集合理布设数差异的影响。  相似文献   
[目的] 当前研究主要关注非喀斯特地区长时间尺度频率研究,对喀斯特不同降雨等级下的水化学采样频率研究不足,喀斯特小流域不同降雨等级水化学的最优采样频率尚不明确。[方法] 利用黔中高原典型喀斯特小流域在2022年6月至2023年7月不同降雨等级(大暴雨、大雨、中雨)间隔1 h的高频电导率(EC)数据,重采样为2~15 h的低频数据后,结合多种评价指标和突变点理论,确定喀斯特小流域不同降雨等级下水化学的最优采样频率。[结果] (1)喀斯特小流域受地质背景影响,水化学响应降雨呈现暴涨暴落特征,低频采样误差损失量大;(2)I60(最大60 min降雨强度)、前期无雨天数和降雨量通过影响水文过程,进而改变水化学变化特征,最终影响采样频率;(3)大暴雨等级下建议选择4 h频率为宜,大雨等级下建议5 h频率,中雨等级下当I60>10 mm/h时建议5 h采样频率,I60较小时(I60<10 mm/h)最优采样频率为6 h。[结论] 研究结果为喀斯特小流域水化学监测提供参考。  相似文献   
BackgroundFor the treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM) in dogs, novel insulins with decreased injection frequency while maintaining safety and efficacy are desirable. Insulin fused with immunoglobulin‐fragment‐crystallizable (Fc) has an ultra‐long plasma half‐life because it recycles through cells, protected from proteolysis.HypothesisGlycemic control can be achieved in diabetic dogs with a recombinant fusion protein of a synthetic insulin and canine Fc (AKS‐218d) administered subcutaneously once‐weekly.AnimalsFive client‐owned dogs with naturally occurring DM.MethodsProspective clinical trial in dogs with DM that were recruited from the UC Davis Veterinary Teaching Hospital and local veterinary clinics. Dogs previously controlled using intermediate‐acting insulin q12h were transitioned to once‐weekly injections of a preliminary construct identified as AKS‐218d. The dose of AKS‐218d was titrated weekly for 8 weeks based on clinical response and continuous interstitial glucose monitoring. Clinical signs, body weight, serum fructosamine concentrations, and mean interstitial glucose concentrations (IG) over the preceding week were compared between baseline (before AKS‐218d) and during the last week of treatment. Data were compared using nonparametric paired tests.ResultsOnce‐weekly AKS‐218d, compared to baseline twice‐daily insulin therapy, resulted in no significant changes in clinical signs, median (range) body weight (+0.4 kg [−0.5‐1.1]; P = .6), fructosamine concentration (−75 mmol/L [−215 to +126]; P = .4), or mean IG (+81 mg/dL [−282 to +144]; P = .8). No adverse reactions were reported.ConclusionControl of clinical signs, body weight, and maintenance of glycemia was achieved with this once‐weekly novel insulin construct in 4 of 5 dogs.  相似文献   
为分析冬春季连阴雨寡日照对大棚草莓产量和品质的定量化影响,探究其影响规律,促进草莓生产减灾增收,实验筛选3个连阴雨寡日照天气发生较重的典型受灾年份,将未发生该灾害的相近年份同时段作为对照,对比分析草莓棚内气象要素、果实产量和品质相关指标,根据上述年度数据差异进一步分析了受灾最重年份逐月果实产量品质指标,以探究连阴雨寡日...  相似文献   
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