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Effective management of soil requires the spatial distribution of its various physical, chemical and hydrological properties. This is because properties, for example clay content, determine the ability of soil to hold cations and retain water. However, data acquisition is labour intensive and time‐consuming. To add value to the limited soil data, remote sensing (e.g. airborne gamma‐ray spectrometry) and proximal sensing, such as electromagnetic (EM) induction, are being used as ancillary data. Here, we provide examples of developing Digital Soil Maps (DSM) of soil physical, chemical and hydrological properties, for seven cotton‐growing areas of southeastern Australia, by coupling soil data with remote and proximal sensed ancillary data. A greater challenge is how to get these DSM to a stakeholder in a way that is useful for practical soil use and management. This study describes how we facilitate access to the DSMs, using a simple‐to‐use web GIS platform, called terraGIS. The platform is underpinned by Google Maps API, which is an open‐source development environment for building spatially enabled Internet applications. In conclusion, we consider that terraGIS and the supporting information, available on the sister web page ( http://www.terragis.bees.unsw.edu.au/ ), allow easy access to explanation of DSM of soil properties, which are relevant to cotton growers, farm managers, consultants, extension staff, researchers, state and federal government agency personnel and policy analysts. Future work should be aimed at developing error budget maps to identify where additional soil and/or ancillary data is required to improve the accuracy of the DSMs.  相似文献   
基于Google Maps API的远程水质监测系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着水资源日益缺乏,再生水逐渐成为农业灌溉用水的一个重要水资源,而再生水指标监测是其安全利用的关键环节.为长期持续监测再生水灌溉对地下水与地表水的影响,设计开发了一种基于Google Maps API的远程水质监测系统,该系统利用了Google Maps提供的应用程序开发接口和ASP.NET技术,以B/S模式实现了水质监测点漫游、监测数据实时获取、历史监测数据查询、监测信息管理和维护等功能.  相似文献   
Google Maps 提供的高精度地理信息和开放 API 为各个行业提供了新的变革。为此,基于.net 平台,采用二次开发语言 C #和JavaScript ,结合GPS 技术和 SQL server 数据库技术,开发出基于Google Maps 的采棉机地理位置服务系统,实现对采棉机实时定位、历史轨迹回放和路径导航功能,为机采棉公司提供监控和管理服务。  相似文献   
分别应用限制性内切酶HindⅢ、Xba Ⅰ、Soc Ⅰ、Kpn Ⅰ、BamH Ⅰ和EcoR Ⅰ对EDSV—gDNA进行单酶切以及以Hind Ⅲ为参照,选用适当内切酶进行双酶切,经对酶切图谱比较分析,以确定基因组中各酶切位点数及在Hind Ⅲ片段上的位置。结果表明:HindⅢ、Xba Ⅰ、Soc Ⅰ、Kpn Ⅰ、BamH Ⅰ和EcoR Ⅰ的酶切片段分别为9、2、2、5、4、4条,Hind Ⅲ Xba Ⅰ、Hind Ⅲ Kpn Ⅰ、Hind Ⅲ Sac Ⅰ、Hind Ⅲ BamH Ⅰ及Hind Ⅲ XEcoR Ⅰ分别为10、10、11、11和13条,为进一步研究禽类腺病毒的分子生物学特性和构建腺病毒表达载体奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   
用主题图理论的通用参考模型与来自图书馆学和信息构建领域的传统信息组织方法进行了综合比较,从主题图的视角去重新审视这些传统信息组织方法,找出了这些方法之间彼此存在的差异,并抽象出它们之间的共同特征,以便更加深入地理解主题图的理论内涵以及它对于更新传统信息组织方法的深刻意义。  相似文献   
基于Google Maps API的Web地图服务的应用范围已经从大的门户网站扩展到小的个性社区、博客站点,成为网站构建者十分青睐的一种方式,但在备受关注的沙漠化研究领域却很少涉足。沙漠化是人类当今所面临的重大环境与社会问题之一,已经成为制约地区经济可持续发展的主要限制因素。本研究以四川西北部若尔盖地区为例,提出以Google Maps Web地图做为信息平台的地理信息系统。系统拥有视图、属性表、统计图表和图形等功能,为研究沙漠化的现状及危害程度,预测沙漠化发展趋势并规划防沙治沙措施提供了数据和图表参考依据。  相似文献   
以尖孢镰刀菌为指示菌,对南极适冷菌Pseudomonas sp. P4-11 发酵液中的抑菌活性物质稳定性进行了 研究。结果表明,在温度30~60益和pH 值6~10 的范围内发酵液上清的抑菌活性稳定。通过抑菌活性追踪检测,利用 乙酸乙酯萃取、硅胶柱层析及HPLC 等方法对抑菌活性物质进行了分离纯化,获得了2 个具有明显抑菌效果的化合 物(T2-20-7-11-5,T2-20-7-11-7),结构鉴定表明,二者均为壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚类化合物。利用扫描电镜对化合物 T2-20-7-11-5 抑制尖孢镰刀菌孢子的初步研究表明,该化合物可能主要作用于细胞壁或细胞膜,造成细胞内容物 外泄,最终对孢子萌发以及菌丝体生长起到抑制作用。  相似文献   
基于Google Maps API、Mashup及数据库等相关技术建立了东滩耕地资源管理系统,着重介绍了该系统的设计思想、系统结构和实现的关键方法,并给出了系统的运行实例。  相似文献   
Abstract. Soil classification is a tool for stratifying and generalizing information on soil resources but most systems are tailored to handle only slightly disturbed soil. We tested the applicability of the legend of the FAO-Unesco Soil Map of the World and the new World Reference Base for Soil Resources by classifying at the highest order 831 profiles from a nationwide 7 km grid survey in Denmark, where soils are developed in Quaternary glacial and marine sediments and intensively farmed. Comparison of the variability of pH and % clay +% silt of the master horizons (A, E, B, and C) within and between the major well-drained soil groupings shows that liming, fertilizing and ploughing have produced significantly deeper A-horizons with higher pH, lower % humus and C:N ratios on the two-thirds of the country that is cultivated. ‘Anthropogenic’ mollic and umbric horizons are a common result but the liming causes a random final classification of these surface horizons and, hence, random allocation of the soils in both systems. It separates cultivated soils and their undisturbed equivalents, and results in considerable within-group variation in soil texture. Grouping of cultivated and undisturbed soils, on the other hand, results in wide within-horizon pH ranges for most groups, again compromising the advantage of making useful general statements on the basis of classification. We propose that anthropogenic mollic and umbric horizons should be allowed in any soil group and that ‘anthric properties’ should be used to distinguish between profoundly changed cultivated soils and largely undisturbed soils, hereby constructing a two-tier system within each highest-order soil group. We classified the soils according to this proposal. The results show generally narrower ranges for both pH and % clay +% silt. We evaluated the within-group homogeneity by multivariate analysis of variance of pH, % clay +% silt, % clay, % humus, C:N ratio, exchangeable cations, and CEC. The results (Wilks's Lamda) show a higher degree of group compactness compared to the original FAO and World Reference Base systems.  相似文献   
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