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The roots of 20 days old seedlings of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) at the time of their transplantation, were dipped in 10−8, 10−7, 10−6 or 10−5 M of 28-homobrassinolide (HBR) for 15, 30 or 45 min and were allowed to grow in earthen pots, in a net house. The leaves of the plants, at days 30 and 60, possessed elevated quantities of nitrate reductase (NR), carbonic anhydrase (CA) and the contents of chlorophyll. The values for all the above characteristics were significantly higher than that of the water-fed control. The fruits borned at the treated plants were more in number and possessed a lower quantity of ascorbic acid than the control. Moreover, the fruits at ripening, had higher levels of lycopene and β-carotene. Among the treatments, 15 min feeding of 10−8 M HBR proved best.  相似文献   
Free-drainage or “open” substrate system used for vegetable production in greenhouses is associated with appreciable NO3 leaching losses and drainage volumes. Simulation models of crop N uptake, N leaching, water use and drainage of crops in these systems will be useful for crop and water resource management, and environmental assessment. This work (i) modified the TOMGRO model to simulate N uptake for tomato grown in greenhouses in SE Spain, (ii) modified the PrHo model to simulate transpiration of tomato grown in substrate and (iii) developed an aggregated model combining TOMGRO and PrHo to calculate N uptake concentrations and drainage NO3 concentration. The component models simulate NO3-N leached by subtracting simulated N uptake from measured applied N, and drainage by subtracting simulated transpiration from measured irrigation. Three tomato crops grown sequentially in free-draining rock wool in a plastic greenhouse were used for calibration and validation. Measured daily transpiration was determined by the water balance method from daily measurements of irrigation and drainage. Measured N uptake was determined by N balance, using data of volumes and of concentrations of NO3 and NH4+ in applied nutrient solution and drainage. Accuracy of the two modified component models and aggregated model was assessed by comparing simulated to measured values using linear regression analysis, comparison of slope and intercept values of regression equations, and root mean squared error (RMSE) values. For the three crops, the modified TOMGRO provided accurate simulations of cumulative crop N uptake, (RMSE = 6.4, 1.9 and 2.6% of total N uptake) and NO3-N leached (RMSE = 11.0, 10.3, and 6.1% of total NO3-N leached). The modified PrHo provided accurate simulation of cumulative transpiration (RMSE = 4.3, 1.7 and 2.4% of total transpiration) and cumulative drainage (RMSE = 13.8, 6.9, 7.4% of total drainage). For the four cumulative parameters, slopes and intercepts of the linear regressions were mostly not statistically significant (P < 0.05) from one and zero, respectively, and coefficient of determination (r2) values were 0.96-0.98. Simulated values of total drainage volumes for the three crops were +21, +1 and −13% of measured total drainage volumes. The aggregated TOMGRO-PrHo model generally provided accurate simulation of crop N uptake concentration after 30-40 days of transplanting, with an average RMSE of approximately 2 mmol L−1. Simulated values of average NO3 concentration in drainage, obtained with the aggregated model, were −7, +18 and +31% of measured values.  相似文献   
Mulch is considered a desirable management technology for conserving soil moisture, improving soil temperature and soil quality. This study aimed to investigate soil conditions and hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) performance in terms of leaf photosynthetic capacity, fruit yield and quality, and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) under such practices in greenhouse condition. A field experiment across 3 years was carried out with four types of mulch (without mulch [CK], wheat straw mulch [SM], plastic film mulch [FM], and combined mulch with plastic film and wheat straw [CM]). Mulch could improve soil physical properties regardless of mulch materials. FM and CM treatments improved soil moistures status and soil temperature in comparison to CK control, while SM increased soil water content and decreased soil temperature. Mulch increased leaf net photosynthesis rate (PN), stomatal conductance to water vapor (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), and transpiration rate (E), but declined instant water use efficiency (WUEi). No significant effect of mulch application on chlorophyll fluorescence was existent for the entire growth season. Fruit yield and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) showed some increment under all the mulch conditions. Compared to CK, the yield was enhanced by 82.3%, 65.0%, and 111.5% in 2008; 38.1%, 17.4%, and 46.5% in 2009; and 14.3%, 6.5%, and 19.6% in 2010 under SM, FM, and CM conditions, respectively. Although FM produced better fruit quality than other treatments, CM is the recommended practice for hot pepper cultivation in greenhouse condition due to working well to facilitate soil condition (moisture and temperature), plant growth, and marketable yield.  相似文献   
Florida is the largest producer of fresh-market tomatoes in the United States. Production areas are typically intensively managed with high inputs of fertilizer and irrigation. The objectives of this 3-year field study were to evaluate the interaction between N-fertilizer rates and irrigation scheduling on yield, irrigation water use efficiency (iWUE) and root distribution of tomato cultivated in a plastic mulched/drip irrigated production systems. Experimental treatments included three irrigation scheduling regimes and three N-rates (176, 220 and 230 kg ha−1). Irrigation treatments included were: (1) SUR (surface drip irrigation) both irrigation and fertigation line placed right underneath the plastic mulch; (2) SDI (subsurface drip irrigation) where the irrigation line was placed 0.15 m below the fertigation line which was located on top of the bed; and (3) TIME (conventional control) with irrigation and fertigation lines placed as in SUR and irrigation being applied once a day. Except for the “TIME” treatment all irrigation treatments were controlled by soil moisture sensor (SMS)-based irrigation set at 10% volumetric water content which was allotted five irrigation windows daily and bypassed events if the soil water content exceeded the established threshold. Average marketable fruit yields were 28, 56 and 79 Mg ha−1 for years 1-3, respectively. The SUR treatment required 15-51% less irrigation water when compared to TIME treatments, while the reductions in irrigation water use for SDI were 7-29%. Tomato yield was 11-80% higher for the SUR and SDI treatments than TIME where as N-rate did not affect yield. Root concentration was greatest in the vicinity of the irrigation and fertigation drip lines for all irrigation treatments. At the beginning of reproductive phase about 70-75% of the total root length density (RLD) was concentrated in the 0-15 cm soil layer while 15-20% of the roots were found in the 15-30 cm layer. Corresponding RLD distribution values during the reproductive phase were 68% and 22%, respectively. Root distribution in the soil profile thus appears to be mainly driven by development stage, soil moisture and nutrient availability. It is concluded that use of SDI and SMS-based systems consistently increased tomato yields while greatly improving irrigation water use efficiency and thereby reduced both irrigation water use and potential N leaching.  相似文献   
Hemolytic disease of the newborn does not develop in rhesus monkeys because placentally-transferred maternal antibodies do not induce immune clearance of the newborn's erythrocytes. In an in vitro RBC adherence assay, rhesus peripheral blood monocytes did not bind newborn's RBC which had been coated in utero or in vitro with maternal antibodies. Nevertheless, rhesus phagocytes possess receptors that are specific for the Fc portion of IgC and for the C3b. Using purified human IgG subclasses as inhibitors of RBC adherence, rhesus Fc receptors preferentially bind IgG1 and IgG3. Thus, it may be that maternal antibodies are non-opsonic because they belong to IgG subclasses that do not bind effectively to rhesus Fc receptors. Also, RBC adherence appears to be controlled by the level of antibody coating which in turn is determined by avidity of the antibodies and by the number of RBC membrane determinants. The failure of maternal antibodies to opsonize the newborn's RBC and thus cause hemolytic disease is very likely due to the low avidity of antibodies and to the weak expression of blood group determinants on the membranes of these RBC.  相似文献   
Tomato production systems in Florida are typically intensively managed with high inputs of fertilizer and irrigation and on sandy soils with low inherent water and nutrient retention capacities; potential nutrient leaching losses undermine the sustainability of such systems. The objectives of this 3-year field study were to evaluate the interaction between N-fertilizer rates and irrigation scheduling on crop N and P accumulation, N-fertilizer use efficiency (NUE) and NO3-N leaching of tomato cultivated in a plastic mulched/drip irrigated production system in sandy soils. Experimental treatments were a factorial combination of three irrigation scheduling regimes and three N-rates (176, 220, and 330 kg ha−1). Irrigation treatments included were: (1) surface drip irrigation (SUR) both the irrigation and fertigation line placed underneath the plastic mulch; (2) subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) where the irrigation drip was placed 0.15 m below the fertigation line which was located on top of the bed; and (3) TIME (conventional control) with the irrigation and fertigation lines placed as in SUR and irrigation applied once a day. Except for the TIME treatment all irrigation treatments were soil moisture sensor (SMS)-based with irrigation occurring at 10% volumetric water content. Five irrigation windows were scheduled daily and events were bypassed if the soil water content exceeded the established threshold. The use of SMS-based irrigation systems significantly reduced irrigation water use, volume percolated, and nitrate leaching. Based on soil electrical conductivity (EC) readings, there was no interaction between irrigation and N-rate treatments on the movement of fertilizer solutes. Total plant N accumulation for SUR and SDI was 12-37% higher than TIME. Plant P accumulation was not affected by either irrigation or N-rate treatments. The nitrogen use efficiency for SUR and SDI was on the order of 37-45%, 56-61%, and 61-68% for 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively and significantly higher than for the conventional control system (TIME). Moreover, at the intermediate N-rate SUR and SDI systems reduced NO3-N leaching to 5 and 35 kg ha−1, while at the highest N-rate corresponding values were 7 and 56 kg N ha−1. Use of N application rates above 220 kg ha−1 did not result in fruit and/or shoot biomass nor N accumulation benefits, but substantially increased NO3-N leaching for the control treatment, as detected by EC monitoring and by the lysimeters. It is concluded that appropriate use of SDI and/or sensor-based irrigation systems can sustain high yields while reducing irrigation application as well as reducing NO3-N leaching in low water holding capacity soils.  相似文献   
Efficacy of foliar applied fungicides following simulated rainfall for the control of dollar spot (caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennett) was assessed in a two-year field study on creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) turf maintained as a golf course fairway. The study was conducted as a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement. Fluazinam (0.8 kg a.i. ha−1), chlorothalonil (3.79 kg a.i. ha−1) or iprodione (1.5 kg a.i. ha−1) were applied, then subjected to simulated rainfall (2.54-mm) at intervals of 15-, 30-, 60-min post-application, or no simulated rain. In most cases, simulated rainfall occurring ≤60 min post-application had greater disease than no rain plots; however, few differences occurred among rainfall intervals ≤60 min. Fluazinam provided the greatest dollar spot reduction regardless of simulated rainfall interval throughout the study. Chlorothalonil was most susceptible to losses in efficacy due to simulated rainfall, resulting in the greatest disease incidence of those fungicides evaluated. Iprodione was comparable to chlorothalonil during high disease pressure, although during moderate disease pressure it controlled dollar spot for approximately 7 days before disease increased in plots receiving simulated rain compared to those without simulated rain. These data demonstrate that efficacy of fungicides applied for dollar spot control are affected by rain, and differ in their ability to control disease following post-application rain events. Fluazinam, a recently introduced contact fungicide for use on turfgrass, can provide improved control compared to chlorothalonil or iprodione when rain is eminent.  相似文献   


The prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in free range chickens is a good indicator of the prevalence of T. gondii oocysts in the environment. The aim of this study was to isolate T. gondii parasites from heart and brain of seropositive free range (FR) chickens.


Isolation of T. gondii from pooled heart and brain of 41 direct agglutination test (DAT) positive (≥1:40) free range chickens (Gallus domesticus) was carried out by bioassay in mice. T. gondii specific antibodies in mice were assayed by DAT and microscopy was employed for detection and enumeration of brain tissue cysts. Overall, bioassay was positive in 29 (70.7%) chicken samples. T. gondii tissue cysts were isolated from 59% (24/41) of bioassayed chickens: from 2 of 7 chickens with a titer of 1: ≤ 60, 2 of 5 with titer 1: 180, 6 of 8 with titer 1: 540, 10 of 15 with titer 1: 1620, 1 of 2 with titer 1: 6000, 2 of 3 with titer 1:18000, 1 of 1 with titer 1:54000. None of the isolates was pathogenic for mice. Tissue cysts were detected from 61% of seropositive mice (DAT ≥ 1:40). Generally, tissue cyst counts per brain of mouse were low (mean: 132.7 ± 84.4; range: 47–352).


Majority of T. gondii seropositive chickens (Gallus domesticus) in Central. Ethiopia carries the infective parasite. Tissues from the free range chicken might be a source infection for animals and humans.  相似文献   
Information about citrus ethylene-responsive element binding factor (ERF) genes and their functions in fruit ripening or in stress tolerance is still scarce. In the present study, one of ERF genes, CitERF was isolated from fruit of Citrus unshiu with a maximal putative open reading frame encoding 207 amino acids. The deduced protein contains a region rich in acidic amino acids, an AP2/ERF domain and a KRRK nuclear localization signal. It belongs to group B of Class I in the ERF subfamily in which MdERF2 (Malus × domestica ethylene-response factor 2) and PsERF1b (Prunus salicina ethylene-response factor 1b) were involved in the progress of fruit ripening. CitERF mRNA level in fruit peel and pulp increased obviously along with fruit ripening. However, its expression could be reduced significantly by treatments of total shading and fruit-bear-shoot girdling plus defoliation during fruit ripening. As for the response to abiotic stresses, CitERF expression was found to be induced continuously during the treatment of 10% polyethylene glycol. On the other hand, it could be induced to high level at 1 h after the treatment of 4 °C or 250 mM NaCl and then declined continuously. Taken together, the results suggested that CitERF may play an important role in some biological processes during fruit ripening and in improving tolerance to drought, low temperature and salt stress.  相似文献   
弓形虫直接凝集试验改良法的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
用弓形虫直接凝集试验改良法(MDAT)、染色试验(DT)和两种间接荧光抗体试验(IFA)平行检测了国内外的71份人血清,结果表明MDAT与其它试验符合率达91.8~96.0%;同时显示有较高的敏感性和特异性。用WHO国际生物标准化实验室的标准血清定量测得MDAT的灵敏度为0.09IU/ml,接近于改良前方法和DT的灵敏度,高于国外同类试剂盒的灵敏度。作者认为本MDAT具有在基层单位推广和应用的潜在价值。  相似文献   
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