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为了了解fad基因在胡麻蒴果发育过程中对不饱和脂肪酸的调控,对高、中、低三个不同亚麻酸(C18:3)含量的胡麻品种(’CDC Gold’,‘内亚7号’,’Linola’)进行了不同时期的品质测定,以及脂肪酸去饱和酶2a基因(fad2a)、脂肪酸去饱和酶2b基因(fad2b)、脂肪酸去饱和酶2c基因(fad2c)、脂肪酸去饱和酶3a基因(fad3a)、脂肪酸去饱和酶3b基因(fad3b)的qRT-PCR定量分析。结果表明,随着蒴果成熟,可溶性糖含量呈降低趋势,粗脂肪与粗蛋白不断积累,且差异显著(p<0.05)。fad2a基因、fad3a基因以及fad3b基因在各个时期中的表达符合正态分布。以0 d的蒴果为对照,在胡麻种子形成过程中,‘内亚7号’的三个基因在5 d和15 d的表达量迅速增加,到30 d时急剧减少,15 d的fad2a基因表达量为5.23倍,fad3a基因表达量是fad2a基因表达量的14.52倍,fad3b基因的表达量是fad2a基因表达量的16.14倍,表明这三个基因参与不饱和脂肪酸积累过程。在低亚麻酸含量品种‘Linola’30 d中,fad3a基因是fad2a基因表达量的52.71倍,fad3b呈下调趋势;在高亚麻酸含量品种‘CDCGold’30d中,fad3a基因与fad2a基因的表达量均呈下调趋势,fad3b的表达量为3.92倍;在中等亚麻酸含量品种‘内亚7号’中,fad2a基因表达量降低了0.31倍,fad3a基因是fad3b基因表达量的1.87倍。fad2b基因、fad2c基因熔解曲线不稳定,峰值低,可以在后续试验中继续探索。  相似文献   
首先对18个胡麻(Linum usitatissimum Linn.)品系的5个产量构成性状及产量进行相关分析,指出单株粒数和分枝长与产量之间的相关性达显著水平,并且各性状之间还存在着相互作用、相互制约和相互促进的关系。因此对吉林省胡麻产量及其构成性状的关系须采用通径分析方法进行分析,以估算每一个性状对产量的直接作用,以及一个性状通过另一个性状对产量的间接作用。通径分析结果表明,在吉林省提高胡麻产量,可主要通过提高单株粒数和增加分枝数来实现;返青将致使胡麻减产。  相似文献   
Controlled environment studies were conducted to determine the effects of inoculum density, temperature, leaf wetness and light regime on the infection of linseed by Alternaria linicola. The % cotyledons and leaves with symptoms, and the disease severity (% leaf area with symptoms) increased linearly when the inoculum density increased from 1×103 to 1×105 conidiaml–1. The first symptoms appeared on cotyledons and leaves 4 and 6 days after inoculation, respectively. Eight hours of leaf wetness were sufficient to initiate the disease at 25°C but not at 15°C, when 10-h periods of leaf wetness were required. % leaf area with symptoms was lower at 15°C than that at 25°C irrespective of the leaf wetness periods tested. Interruption of a continuous leaf wetness period by a 12-h dry period, occurring at any time between 1 and 18h after inoculation, decreased the % cotyledons with symptoms and the disease severity, with the greatest reductions (60% and 100%, respectively) being observed when the dry period began 6h after inoculation. A. linicola conidia were able to exploit successive 12-h periods of leaf wetness cumulatively to infect linseed plants. Disease incidence and severity were positively correlated with the dark period following inoculation, but they were negatively related to the length of the initial light period. Our findings suggest that infection of linseed by A. linicola and further development of symptoms can occur under unfavourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   
[目的]开展我国不同产地杜仲、紫苏和亚麻种子油的亚麻酸成分评价,为进一步筛选和培育优良亚麻酸作物提供参考。[方法]采用索氏提取和GC-MS法,对11个产地的亚麻、7个产地的紫苏及10个产地的杜仲种子的出油率及α-亚麻酸的含量进行了比较和分析。[结果]不同品种的种子亚麻酸含量差异显著,最高为湖北十堰杜仲种子油(61.49%),其次为吉林延边紫苏种子油(59.92%),最低为山西大同亚麻种子油(48.09%);干重中亚麻酸含量最高为吉林延边紫苏种子(230.1 mg/g干重),最低为云南邵通杜仲种子(140.4mg/g干重);不同品种作物的出油率差异显著,亚麻和紫苏种子平均出油率分别为35.21%和36.80%,显著高于杜仲种子(26.40%)。[结论]在亚麻酸产业开发方面,要综合考虑不同品种、不同地区之间的种子品质差异性。内蒙古亚麻、长春紫苏和湖北杜仲种子油是最经济实惠,又能满足食用健康的油品,故提倡合理开发利用。  相似文献   
【目的】 优化亚麻萌发期耐盐鉴定体系并综合评价种质资源耐盐性,为亚麻种质资源耐盐性评价及耐盐品种培育奠定基础。【方法】 选用芽长、根长和发芽率作为亚麻萌发期耐盐性鉴定的表型性状。利用13个NaCl浓度梯度胁迫处理30份亚麻种质,分析不同指标变化确定胁迫浓度。用确定的浓度对150份亚麻种质进行胁迫,分别统计相对芽长、相对根长和相对发芽率,利用隶属函数法对供试亚麻萌发期耐盐性进行综合评价,结合聚类分析划分耐盐等级。【结果】 以相对芽长或相对根长为指标时适宜的NaCl胁迫浓度为100 mmol/L,以相对发芽率为指标时适宜的NaCl胁迫浓度为220 mmol/L;150份亚麻种质分划为5个耐盐等级:高耐3份、耐盐36份、中耐67份、敏感33份、高敏11份;油用亚麻亚群中各指标均显著高于纤维亚麻和兼用亚麻。【结论】 不同耐盐指标的最适筛选浓度不同。筛选出的3份高耐亚麻种质可用于亚麻耐盐育种及后续研究。油用亚麻相比兼用和纤用亚麻更耐盐。  相似文献   
Y. Chen    E. Kenaschuk  P. Dribnenki 《Plant Breeding》1998,117(5):463-467
The effects of induction medium compositions on flax anther culture were investigated in order to improve the efficiency of callus induction and plant regeneration. Anthers were inoculated onto the modified MS medium supplemented with five different combinations of plant growth regulators. The medium containing the combination of 2mg/l 2,4- dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2,4-D) and 1 mg/1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) produced a significantly higher number of calli forming shoots/100 responded anthers and a significant increase in overall efficiency of regeneration than the same basal medium containing 1 mg/1 a-naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA) and 2 mg/1 BAP (CK). Among the five levels of thiamin hydrochloride tested, the modified MS medium containing 10 mg/1 thiamin hydrochloride significantly increased the number of calli forming shoots/100 responded anthers and the overall efficiency of regeneration compared with the same basal medium containing 0.1 mg/1 thiamin hydrochloride. Maltose concentration had a significant effect on the percentage of anthers producing call, the number of calli forming shoots/100 responded anthers and the overall efficiency of regeneration. The medium containing 6% or 9% maltose produced the highest overall efficiency of regeneration among the five levels of maltose evaluated. Sucrose concentration significantly affected the number of calli forming shoots/100 responded anthers and the overall efficiency of regeneration, and dramatically affected the frequency of microspore-derived plants and the frequency of spontaneous chromosome doubling in microspore-derived plants. The efficiency of doubled haploid line production obtained in this study appears adequate for applied breeding programmes.  相似文献   
将亚麻与红麻的愈伤组织在水解酶的作用下分离出原生质体,然后利用PEG法使这2种原生质体融合。结果表明,用2%纤维素酶+1%果胶酶+0.55mol/L甘露醇处理材料,酶解6h后,可以获得大量游离的、圆球形的原生质体;利用40%PEG6000及0.3mol/LCaCl2溶液(含9%甘露醇,pH9.5)将这2种原生质体融合,可以获得稳定的杂合细胞。  相似文献   
10个亚麻品种对低纬度高海拔生态环境的适应性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
云南省处于低纬度高海拔地区,自然条件明显不同于传统亚麻产区。为了明确亚麻品种对云南自然条件的适应性,开展了10个引进亚麻品种在云南省的2年多点试验。结果表明,除双亚7号和黑亚10号原茎产量较低外,其它的各品种都能较好的适应云南省各参试点地区的自然和栽培条件,获得较高原茎产量。推荐阿里安、高斯等品种在云南推广种植,而黑亚11、12、13号的品种可进一步扩大示范种植面积。  相似文献   
This study focused on the application of native strains of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Sinorhizobium in effective crop production during reclamation of coal‐mine spoil banks. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in spoil‐bank clay with a low dose of organic amendment to determine whether the microbial inoculation improves growth and utility qualities of two cultivars of Linum usitatissimum L. (oil and fiber flax). Inoculation with two native AMF isolates (Glomus mosseae, G. intraradices, and their mixture) significantly increased growth and shoot phosphorus (P) concentration of both flax cultivars. Inoculated fiber flax plants produced fivefold more fibers than the uninoculated ones. In oil flax, mycorrhizal inoculation significantly but quantitatively to a minor degree decreased the concentration of nonsaturated fatty acids in the seed oil. A mixture of five native Sinorhizobium sp. strains supported growth and P uptake of oil flax only in the absence of AMF. However, these beneficial effects of the bacteria were significantly lower as compared to AMF. No synergic action of Sinorhizobium strains and AMF was observed, and their interactions were often even antagonistic. Inoculation with AMF significantly decreased population density of Sinorhizobium in the soil. These results suggest that a careful selection of suitable bacterial strains is necessary to provide effective AMF combinations and maximize flax‐growth support.  相似文献   
In the current paper, we fabricated, characterized, and applied nanocomposite hydrogel based on alginate (Alg) and nano-hydroxyapatite (nHA) loaded with phenolic purified extracts from the aerial part of Linum usitatissimum (LOH) as the bone tissue engineering scaffold. nHA was synthesized based on the wet chemical technique/precipitation reaction and incorporated into Alg hydrogel as the filler via physical cross-linking. The characterizations (SEM, DLS, and Zeta potential) revealed that the synthesized nHA possess a plate-like shape with nanometric dimensions. The fabricated nanocomposite has a porous architecture with interconnected pores. The average pore size was in the range of 100–200 µm and the porosity range of 80–90%. The LOH release measurement showed that about 90% of the loaded drug was released within 12 h followed by a sustained release over 48 h. The in vitro assessments showed that the nanocomposite possesses significant antioxidant activity promoting bone regeneration. The hemolysis induction measurement showed that the nanocomposites were hemocompatible with negligible hemolysis induction. The cell viability/proliferation confirmed the biocompatibility of the nanocomposites, which induced proliferative effects in a dose-dependent manner. This study revealed the fabricated nanocomposites are bioactive and osteoactive applicable for bone tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   
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