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A structural optimization algorithm is performed for single-layer Kiewit reticulated dome by means of ANASYS. In the process of optimum design, the overall weight is taken as objective function; the stress constraints and stability constraints etc are considered. Meanwhile, the geometrical non-linearity is taken into account. Then the overall stability analysis for the optimized single-layer reticulated dome is operated. The results show that the optimization design is reliable.  相似文献   
Background — Thrombocytopenia is a common disorder in dogs and development of an objective diagnostic assay to measure platelets newly released from bone marrow into the blood would provide a noninvasive way to predict megakaryocytopoiesis. Reticulated platelets are newly released platelets with increased concentrations of RNA that can be detected by flow cytometric analysis of blood stained with thiazole orange (TO).
Objectives — The goals of this study were to establish a reproducible method to quantitate reticulated platelets in dogs, to establish a reference interval for reticulated platelet percentages in healthy dogs, and to determine whether the percentage of reticulated platelets was nonspecifically increased in nonthrombocytopenic dogs with clinical disease.
Methods — Blood samples were obtained from healthy dogs and from nonthrombocytopenic dogs presented for a variety of disorders. An aliquot of whole blood was stained with TO and a phycoerythrin-labeled monoclonal antibody to platelet CD61, then analyzed by flow cytometry.
Results — The coefficients of variation were 7.8% to 15.6% (intra-assay precision) and 6.1% to 19.5% (interassay precision). Overnight storage for 18 to 26 hours, under variable conditions, resulted in an increase in the percentage of platelets staining with TO. The reference interval for reticulated platelets in the healthy control group was 0–4.3% (0–12,095/μL). No significant differences were found in the mean percentage of reticulated platelets or absolute concentration of reticulated platelets between control and affected dogs.
Conclusions — These studies demonstrate a reliable, noninvasive diagnostic assay for measurement of reticulated platelets in whole blood and provide a baseline for assessment of the clinical utility of the assay.  相似文献   
针对大跨网壳结构的动力特性,提出了在强烈地震作用下双层球面网壳结构的非线性分析和结构动力稳定性判别方法.单元模型中考虑几何非线性和材料非线性的双重影响.分析时,以静力荷载作用下的受力状态作为时程分析的初始状态,采用B-R判断准则确定其临界荷载,通过加速度峰值-结构最大位移曲线来判别结构的动力稳定性,据此找出其动力失稳临界点及破坏规律.通过算例验证了本文方法的有效性.分析结果表明,双层球面网壳结构考虑双重非线性是必要的;一致缺陷模态对结构承载力的影响比振型模态缺陷的影响大.  相似文献   
In this paper artificial neural networks are used for design of large span double layer torsional reticulated shell. The torsional reticulated shells with spans varying between 50.0 - 80.0m are considered, Back -propagation algorithm is employed for training efficient neural networks for evaluation of the maximum deflection, weight and design of double layer torsional reticulated shell. A special method is developed for data ordering to reduce the nonlinearity of data and to increase the speed of training. This approach also provides the necessary stability. It shows that it is feasible to design double layer reticulated shell with artificial neural networks.  相似文献   
首先推导了大跨空间结构几何非线性地震响应时程分析的计算过程,编制了相应的计算程序,然后重点对圆柱面交叉立体桁架系巨型网格结构进行几何非线性地震响应时程分析.针对主体结构单独承载及子结构参与协同承载两种情况,分析了立体桁架拱内关键节点及关键杆件的地震响应时程曲线,了解了结构基本地震响应时程特性;进行了不同方向地震波作用时程对比分析,论证了该结构抗震验算需考虑三维地震作用;最后将振型分解反应谱法与时程法结果进行了对比分析,说明了对于该结构,反应谱法可用作初步的抗震分析,但最终必须用时程法进行验算.  相似文献   
灾害风荷载下温室单层柱面网壳整体动力倒塌分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
该文针对大跨轻质单层柱面网壳在灾害强风天气下存在动力倒塌破坏的可能性,利用显式有限元分析软件ANSYS/S-DYNA及自编前后处理程序,综合考虑了几何非线性、材料非线性和接触非线性,建立了灾害风荷载下温室单层柱面网壳结构整体动力倒塌的数值分析模型,考察了单层柱面网壳的动力倒塌发展全过程。以节点位移和变形形态等几何特征响应对网壳结构进行了动力倒塌过程分析,将网壳结构倒塌过程依据其特性划分为轻度损伤阶段,倒塌形成阶段和整体倒塌阶段3个阶段;同时以杆件内力和截面塑性发展等力学特征响应对网壳结构进行了动力倒塌机理研究,指出网壳结构的风致动力倒塌原因是风压区压杆反复屈曲和拉杆依次失效相互作用的综合体现。对比分析考虑下部支承与不考虑下部支承单层柱面网壳的动力倒塌过程,结果表明,考虑下部支承柱时网壳结构动力倒塌对应的临界荷载系数发生了25%的明显降幅。该研究为温室网壳结构的抗风设计、工程应用和防灾评估提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
考虑杆件缺陷单层网壳动力稳定分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网壳结构的动力稳定分析是空间结构研究的重要课题之一,目前在网壳结构动力稳定分析中大多没有考虑杆件缺陷对结构动力稳定性能的影响。本研究在考虑节点初始几何缺陷的基础上,采用多段梁法形成初始弯曲来模拟杆件初始缺陷,并以K8型单层球面网壳为例系统分析了在三向地震作用下考虑杆件缺陷的单层球面网壳结构动力稳定特性,以及杆件缺陷对网壳结构整体稳定性的影响。结果表明:考虑杆件缺陷的网壳会较大降低结构的稳定承载力,其中单元的精细划分影响显著。  相似文献   
Background: Immature (reticulated) platelets (r‐PLT) are not routinely assessed by hematology analyzers, but may be useful in the evaluation of the bone marrow response to thrombocytopenia. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the Sysmex XT2000iV hematology analyzer with standard flow cytometry for the determination of r‐PLT percentage in dogs. Methods: Blood samples were obtained from 40 healthy dogs, 12 thrombocytopenic dogs, and 6 dogs with normal platelet counts but with disorders associated with increased thrombopoiesis. The percentage of r‐PLT was determined with a FACscan flow cytometer (r‐PLT[F]) using CD61‐phycoerythrin antibody and thiazole orange, and with the PLT‐O channel of the Sysmex analyzer (r‐PLT[S]). Mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width, and platelet large cell ratio were also determined on the Sysmex. Repeatability (intra‐assay precision) and effect of storage were tested for the automated analyzer. Results: The reference interval (mean±1.96 X SD) for r‐PLT(F) was 1.91±1.29% (range 0.78–3.68%) and for r‐PLT(S) was 0.56±0.82% (range 0.11–2.16%). For both flow cytometry and the Sysmex, the patient group had a significantly higher mean percentage of r‐PLT compared with the control group (P<.0001, unpaired Student's t‐tests). Fair correlation (r=0.71; Spearman's regression analysis) was found for r‐PLT results between the 2 methods, and a negative proportional systematic bias of ?6.26 was found for the Sysmex (Bland–Altman analysis). Based on receiver operating characteristic curves and a cut‐off of ≥0.975%, a sensitivity of 94.7% and a specificity of 85.7% were obtained for detecting r‐PLT on the Sysmex, using flow cytometry as the reference method. Blood samples stored at 4 °C and 25 °C had a significant increase in the percentage of r‐PLT after 24 and 48 hours, respectively. Conclusions: The PLT‐O channel of the Sysmex XT2000iV is capable of detecting immature platelets in healthy, thrombocytopenic, and nonthrombocytopenic ill dogs.  相似文献   
针对系巨型网格结构杆件和节点多、计算工作量大的特点,进行了简化计算方面的研究,提出了将立体桁架等效为连续实体梁、按空间法进行有限元计算的等效空间刚架法.分析了立体桁架的等效截面、等效抗弯刚度,并详细推导了其等效抗扭刚度,分析了主体结构不同边界条件的等效处理方法.对比计算分析表明,该方法计算精度高,主要受力杆件的误差保持在5%以内,计算工作量较完全有限元法大幅度降低,是分析巨型网格结构的一种比较优越的方法.  相似文献   
利用线性自回归过滤器的模拟技术对考虑时间和空间相关性的风场进行模拟,对施威德勒型网壳结构(考虑3种矢跨比1/8、1/5、1/4)进行了水平风作用下的风致振动响应分析。对风振响应的变化规律及其受矢跨比的影响进行了总结。计算了结构的位移和内力风振系数,初步得出施威德勒型球面网壳结构的位移和内力风振系数可统一取为3.0。  相似文献   
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