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光强对水稻叶色白化突变体苗期生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示水稻叶色突变体——高光A和9522中脉白苗期对光强的响应,在光照培养箱中采用遮光法,观测了6种光强下2个水稻叶色突变体及其野生型的出叶速度、苗高和叶绿体色素的动态变化.结果表明,相同生长期内,各种光强下水稻叶色突变体的叶龄和苗高均小于野生型,且高光A比9522中脉白对光强更敏感.高光强下的高光A叶片白化表现最明显,而9522中脉白的叶片白化最明显表现在低光强.2个水稻叶色突变体的叶绿体色素含量与野生型差异最小时的光强均为90001x,但高光A和9522中脉白的差异最大时的光强分别为21000lx和18000lx,这为今后深入研究2个水稻叶色突变体的内在机制提供了先决条件.  相似文献   
用水培法研究Ce(Ⅲ)对紫外辐射(UV-B,280 ̄320nm)胁迫下油菜幼苗光合色素含量与希尔反应活性变化对光合作用的影响。静态数据表明,20mg·L-1CeCl3能有效减缓紫外辐射(T1/0.15W·m-2和T2/0.45W·m-2)胁迫所导致的光合速率下降,叶绿素与类胡萝卜素含量减少及Hill反应活性降低,使得Ce UV-B组各项指标虽低于CK,但明显优于UV-B组。动态曲线显示,Ce减缓了UV-B胁迫期各项指标的下降趋势,加快恢复期的上升速度,且最终达到较好的恢复效果。通过对Chl含量、Hill反应活性与Pn的相关统计学分析发现,Ce对UV-B辐射胁迫下Hill反应活性和叶绿素含量的调节具有改善光合功能的作用,且对Hill反应活性的调节作用大于叶绿素含量。  相似文献   
In vegetable brassicas, cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system is the most preferred mechanism for hybrid seed production and Ogura cybrid cytoplasm is the only source used widely. Effects of the alien cybrid cytoplasm on important quality traits need to be understood for their effective use in breeding programme. In analysing 38 Ogura cybrid cytoplasm‐based cauliflower CMS lines, it was revealed that introgression of Ogura cytoplasm resulted in significant alteration in important quality traits. Cupric reducing antioxidant activity and ferric reducing ability of plasma values were increased up to 5–10 times in different genotypes. Among 38 analysed CMS lines, concentration of plant pigments such as anthocyanin, total chlorophylls and ascorbic acid was reduced in 21, 17 and 32 genotypes, respectively. However, the concentration of total carotenoids and β‐carotene was elevated in most of the CMS lines and total carotenoid was increased up to 20 times in the CMS line, Ogu13‐85‐2A. The results indicate the role of nuclear–cytoplasmic interaction and mitochondrial genome in determining concentration of different quality traits.  相似文献   
Actinomycins as clinical medicine have been extensively studied, while few investigations were conducted to discover the feasibility of actinomycins as antimicrobial natural dye contributing to the medical value of the functional fabrics. This study was focused on the application of actinomycin X2 (Ac.X2), a peptide pigment cultured from marine-derived Streptomyces cyaneofuscatus, in the dyeing and finishing of silk fabric. The dyeing potential of Ac.X2 with silk vs. cotton fabrics was assessed. As a result, the silk fabric exhibited greater uptake and color fastness with Ac.X2. Through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses, some changes of chemical property for the dyed fabric and Ac.X2 were studied. The silk fabric dyed with Ac.X2 exhibited good UV protection ability. The antibacterial properties of dyed and finished silk were also evaluated, which exhibited over 90% antibacterial activity even after 20 washing cycles. In addition, the brine shrimp assay was conducted to evaluate the general toxicity of the tested fabric, and the results indicated that the dyed silk fabrics had a good biological safety property.  相似文献   
【目的】探索黑果腺肋花楸对土壤干旱胁迫的响应。【方法】以两年生黑果腺肋花楸为材料,人工模拟干旱胁迫,通过盆栽试验进行土壤逐渐干旱胁迫和旱后复水处理,研究土壤逐渐干旱及复水对黑果腺肋花楸光合特性的影响。【结果】整个干旱胁迫期间,黑果腺肋花楸的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO_2浓度(Ci)和蒸腾速率(Tr)均逐渐降低,而水分利用效率(WUE)随土壤干旱胁迫程度的加剧而上升;干旱胁迫下,黑果腺肋花楸的叶绿素总量显著降低,叶绿素a/b值显著增加,类胡萝卜素含量变化不明显,并维持较高的叶片相对含水量;CO_2补偿点升高,羧化效率明显减小;干旱30 d,Pn、Gs、Ci和Tr均降到最低值,均显著低于干旱处理前的水平,分别比干旱胁迫处理前下降了85.4%、79.86%、31.98%和91.55%,仍具有一定生物活性,没有死亡;干旱复水后,叶片相对含水量能恢复至对照水平,Pn、Gs、Ci和Tr均迅速升高,Gs、Ci、Tr均未恢复到干旱处理3 d时的水平,但只比干旱处理3 d时降低27.99%、14.15%、16.58%,Pn比干旱处理3 d时升高0.54%,通过表现出较强的恢复能力适应土壤干旱环境。【结论】干旱胁迫过程中,黑果腺肋花楸通过较高的Pn、较低的Tr来提高WUE,保持良好叶片水分状况来抵御干旱胁迫的伤害,胁迫去除后,叶片相对含水量和叶绿素含量均有所增高;各项光合参数值也有所回升,反映出黑果腺肋花楸在复水后具有较强的自我调节能力。  相似文献   

Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.), a native species widely distributed in temperate forests in central China, and Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), an exotic tree species introduced to China from southeastern United States, are dominant evergreen conifers that play a pivotal role in maintaining forest structure and functions for the region. We examined the effects of freezing on these species with chlorophyll fluorescence and electrolyte leakage using both field- and laboratory-based experiments in September 2009 and January 2010, respectively. We found that freezing could cause a greater impact on the Loblolly pine than the Masson pine. Although the two species showed similar values of F v /F m and electrolyte leakage before freezing, the Masson pine needles showed lower F v /F m and higher electrolyte leakage ratios than those of the Loblolly pine when treated in low temperatures (?15 to 0°C). We also found that cold-acclimation was crucial for both species to adapt to low temperatures with the F v /F m ratio decreased approximately by 80% in the first freezing hour for the non-acclimated needles of both species while the cold-acclimated needles showed little changes in the F v /F m ratio. This finding is also supported by our measurements of electrolyte leakage. These results suggest that the Loblolly pine could be more susceptible to freezing damages than the Masson pine in central China.  相似文献   
张征明  杜华  王伟宏  王清文 《林业研究》2010,21(1):59-62,I0002,I0003
探讨了氧化铁颜料对木纤维.高密度聚乙烯复合材耐老化性能的改善作用。采用四种常用的氧化铁颜料与木纤维、高密度聚乙烯和其他加工助剂干混,并用自行设计的双螺杆/单螺杆双阶挤出机组制造木塑复合材料。对该木塑复合材料进行人工加速紫外循环老化处理,用CIE1976L^*a^*b^*表色体系和ASTMD790标准分别对老化前后的材料进行测试,结果显示加入颜料以后木塑复合材料的抗弯弹性模量没有明显的变化,但是弯曲强度都有一定程度的提高。经过2000h人工加速紫外老化以后,不论是颜色要是力学性能都发生了明显的变化。铁红和铁黑着色的试样在整个老化过程中表现较好,颜料添加量约2.28%比较适宜。  相似文献   
渍水对冬油菜苗期生长及生理的影响   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
以中双9号油菜为材料,通过盆栽试验研究了苗期不同渍水时间对冬油菜生长和生理指标的影响。结果发现,光合色素含量在整个试验期间一直下降。其它生长及生理指标均表现为先升高后降低的趋势,其中相对生长率、根系活力、可溶性糖、根系丙二醛(MDA)含量、叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在渍水第13d时达到最高,而叶片MDA含量则在渍水胁迫24d时达到最大值。说明渍水胁迫对冬油菜幼苗地上部和根系生长产生显著影响。短期渍水胁迫下,油菜幼苗能够通过调节自身的生理代谢活动,维持一定的生长量;但是随着胁迫时间的延长,植株生理活动受到严重影响,油菜幼苗生长受抑制,相对生长率显著降低。  相似文献   
马铃薯花色苷研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了马铃薯花色苷的分布、种类、结构、提取纯化方法、生理功能和应用等方面的研究进展,并介绍了块茎在发育和储藏期间花色苷的变化及光、温等外界因素对马铃薯块茎颜色的影响.  相似文献   
不同基因型小麦品种光合色素及抗衰老酶活性的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大田条件下研究了不同多穗型小麦旗叶光合色素含量、叶片抗衰老酶活性及籽粒灌浆参数的差异,为小麦的高产超高产栽培提供一定的理论依据。结果表明,不同多穗型小麦品种叶绿素a含量和叶绿素b含量差异显著,类胡萝卜素含量差异不明显。不同多穗型小麦产量差异显著,烟农24、烟农22、烟2415、烟农21产量分别比鲁麦21提高19.3%、12.6%、12.5%、8.1%。各基因型小麦穗粒数差异不明显。不同基因型小麦SOD、POD、CAT活性差异显著。烟农24 SOD活性较高,烟农21 POD活性最高,烟农22 CAT活性最高。  相似文献   
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