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该文论述在广西职业技术学院番石榴试验园进行促夏梢、番花,成功利用番花生产番花果的试验方法、措施、关键技术等,并对番花果果实的营养成分进行测定,分析其与正造果之间的差异。试验表明番花果生产的关键技术主要有三:一是抓住时机、科学修剪和用好促发夏梢、番花肥。二是合理留好正造果;三是做好番花果保花保果、水肥管理及果实套袋等。  相似文献   
为更好的将ISSR标记应用于番石榴种质研究,本研究以“维邦2号”番石榴DNA为筛选体系试验材料,采用单因子试验对ISSR反应中Mg2+浓度、dNTPs浓度、引物浓度、Taq酶浓度、DNA浓度进行了优化。实验结果表明,番石榴20µl最适反应体系为:2.0µl 10×Buffer,1.0mmol/L Mg2+,0.25mmol/L dNTPs,0.8mmol/L引物,0.2U Taq酶,10ng的DNA。利用该反应体系,选用引物UBC810对9份番石榴种质进行PCR反应,再选取“南宁本地番石榴实生2号”DNA作为模板对8条ISSR引物进行PCR反应,对所确立的扩增体系进行验证。结果显示扩增产物条带多态性丰富,且特异性强、重复性好,表明本研究所确定的反应体系适用于番石榴的ISSR分子标记。  相似文献   
Myrtle rust (caused by Austropuccinia psidii) affects more than 500 known host species in the Myrtaceae family. Three different modelling approaches (CLIMEX, MaxEnt and Multi-Model Framework) were used to project the habitat suitability for myrtle rust at both global and local scales. Current data on the global occurrence of myrtle rust were collected from online literature and expert solicitation. Long-term averages of climate data (1960–1990) were sourced from WorldClim and CliMond websites. Recent reports of myrtle rust in New Zealand were used for validation of model outputs but not in model training and testing. The model outputs were combined into a consensus model to identify localities projected to be suitable for myrtle rust according to two or three models (hotspots). In addition to the locations where the pathogen is currently present, all models successfully projected independent occurrence data in New Zealand suitable for establishment of the pathogen. Climate suitability for the pathogen was primarily related to temperature followed by rainfall in MaxEnt and the CLIMEX model. The results confirmed the optimum temperature range of this pathogen in the literature (15–25 °C). Additional analysis of the precipitation variables indicated that excessive rain (more than 2000 mm in warmest quarter of the year) combined with high temperatures (>30 °C) constrain pathogen establishment. The results of the current study can be useful for countries such as New Zealand, China, South Africa and Singapore where the pathogen has not fully spread or established.  相似文献   
颜色和糖醋液对番石榴实蝇引诱效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]防治番石榴实蝇的危害。[方法]在室内研究的基础上,进一步研究不同颜色和不同浓度的糖醋液对田间番石榴实蝇的诱捕效果。[结果]试验结果表明,糖醋液(2.5%∶12.5%∶25.0%)对雌虫的引诱效果显著地高于其他糖醋液浓度和对照。糖醋液(2.5%∶12.5%∶25.0%)对雄虫的引诱效果显著地高于经验值糖醋液(10.0%3∶0.0%∶10.0%)和对照。在不同颜色对田间番石榴实蝇的诱捕中,红色和黄色与对照均存在显著差异,红色的引诱效果显著地高于黄色。[结论]糖醋液(2.5%1∶2.5%2∶5.0%)和红色对番石榴实蝇有显著的引诱效果。  相似文献   
The mineral compositions of the fruit and tree parts of common guava, Psidium guajava L., and strawberry guava, Psidium cattleianum var. lucidum, were determined. The study occurred during three seasons at six locations in Hawaii to assess guava as feed for livestock. Guava bark contained the greatest concentrations of calcium (Ca) and ash; leaves the greatest concentrations of magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), sodium (Na), boron (B), and manganese (Mn); and the shoots had the greatest concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). The leaves and the shoots had the greatest concentrations of copper (Cu) and iron (Fe). Between guava and waiwi, guava had greater concentrations of most minerals except for Na in all plant parts, and Mg and ash in the leaves. Guava leaves and shoots meet the macromineral requirements for various phases of sheep, goat, and beef cattle life cycles with the exception of P and Na. Guava shoots do not meet Mn requirements for lactating cows.  相似文献   
台湾珍珠番石榴经在元谋金沙江干热河谷引种试验,表现速生、早结、丰产、抗逆性强,果大质优,供果期长,适应性强。  相似文献   
果实香气是重要的果实性状之一,利用顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱质谱联用技术比较了红肉型耶四季桃爷和白肉型耶珍珠桃爷番石榴果实中的挥发性组分差异。在不同果肉类型的番石榴果实中检测到40种挥发性物质袁其中酯类物质种类最多,其次为醛类和醇类物质。红肉型耶四季桃爷番石榴果实挥发性物质种类要多于白肉型耶珍珠桃爷果实,尤其酯类物质的种类和相对含量均较白肉型果实高。白肉型番石榴果实中主要以醇醛类挥发性物质为主(84%),而红肉型番石榴果实中醇醛类物质含量为69%,酯类物质相对含量为24.37%遥己醛和2原己烯醛为两种果肉类型番石榴果实中重要的醛类物质,乙酸-3-己烯酯则是重要的酯类物质。酯类挥发性物质在不同品种果实中相对含量的不同是导致果实香气类型不同的重要原因。  相似文献   
一种新的提高树苗盐容量的移植方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The influence of quinclorac (3,7-dichloroquinoline-8-carboxylic acid) on enzyme activities in flooded paddy soils was assessed under laboratory conditions. The enzymes differed markedly in their response to quinclorac. Quinclorac inhibited proteinase, hydrogen peroxidase, phosphorylase, and urease activities. The higher the concentration of quinclorac applied, the more significant the inhibition to these observed activities with a longer time required to recover to the level of the control. However, soils supplemented with quinclorac were nonpersistent for proteinase~ phosphorylase and urease as opposed to soils without quinclorac. Dehydrogenase activity was also sensitive to quinclorac. Three soil samples with concentrations of quinclorac higher than 1 μg g^-1 soil declined to less than 20% of that in the control. However, the highest dehydrogenase activity (up to 3.28-fold) was detected in soils with 2 μg g^-1 soil quinclorac on the 25th day after treatment. Quinclorac had a relatively mild effect on saccharase activity at the concentrations used in this experiment and a stimulatory one on soil respiration when added to soil at normal field concentrations. Nonetheless it was inhibited at higher concentrations in paddy soils. Quinclorac is still relatively safe to the soil ecosystem when applied at a normal concentration (0.67 μg g^-1 dried soil) but may have some effects on soil enzymes at higher concentrations.  相似文献   
本文首次报道番石榴棒盘孢枝枯病在福建连江的发生及为害情况,并描述了该病的症状及其病原菌(Coryneum psidii Sutton)形态。  相似文献   
The rust fungus Austropuccinia psidii has spread globally and naturalized in areas with naïve species of Myrtaceae. Previous studies have revealed multiple strains of A. psidii within South America and two strains outside of its native range. The rust spreads by windborne mitotic urediniospores, which are the dominant spore stage. Teliospores and basidiospores of A. psidii are also formed; however, the biological role of these stages in the life cycle is unknown. Experiments presented here tested whether basidiospores of A. psidii could infect Syzygium jambos. The sori produced by infection with basidiospores were screened with five microsatellite markers to confirm whether they were a product of recombination. The findings showed that basidiospores of A. psidii could cause infection on species of Myrtaceae and the resulting sori were a product of recombination. This has important implications for programmes that breed for resistance to this aggressive pathogen in commercial eucalypt forestry.  相似文献   
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