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将72只日龄为14d的“星布罗”肉用仔鸡随机分为实验和对照两组,每组36只。实验组接受强度为151x的1L:3D间歇性白炽灯光照,对照组为自然光照。两组的饲喂条件相同。结果:与对照组相比,实验组体重略高而料肉比略低,实验组鸡胰腺A、B细胞的内分泌颗粒减少,A颗粒粒芯周围出现大致均匀的晕轮,B颗粒粒芯呈现不典型的针状、棒状或环状,PP细胞的内分泌颗粒明显增大、增多,胞浆中的粗面内质网、高尔基复合体和线粒体等数量增多。两组鸡的D细胞无明显差异。34日龄的实验组鸡血浆胰岛素含量明显高于对照组,且与体重呈正相关。  相似文献   
对黄瓜、番茄在育苗前期进行短时间的人工补光有明显促进生长的效果。农用荧光灯(BR)的补光效果优于日光型荧光灯(W)。早春育苗进行人工补光的时间以下午自然光照强度稍高于光补偿点、叶片气孔尚未关闭之前为好,呼和浩特、包头3月份16:00、4月份17:00开始补光为宜。补光的光强度在500~800lx 效果明显。光源距幼苗的距离以10cm 为宜。  相似文献   
The infection process ofRhizoctonia solani AG-3 was studied on potato sprouts, cv. Bintje, in growth chamber trials at 15 °C. Initially hyphae ofR. solani grew predominantly in the longitudinal direction of the sprouts (runner hyphae). They tended to follow the junctions between epidermis cells as was observed by SEM. The hyphae formed side-branches mainly half-way of the subterranean parts of the sprouts. They branched several times with short swollen cells to form infection cushions. Lesions developed only underneath the infection cushions and were first observed five days after inoculation. The necrotic area was proportional to the area covered with infection cushions on the sprouts. Depth of the lesions could extend up to the vascular bundle. Sprouts were colonized only in healthy tissue in the epidermal layer underneath the infection cushion and in necrotic tissue. A few days after appearance of the lesions,R. solani formed brown, uninfective mycelium on and in the circumference of these lesions.Aldicarb did not influence any part of the infection process. Ethoprophos delayed the emergence of sprouts, but increased the number of sprouts per tuber. As soon as sprouts had emerged, growth was considerably promoted by ethoprophos. Ethoprophos delayed the appearance of lesions and reduced their size. Oxamyl showed the same effects to a smaller extent.As the size of lesions appears to be proportional to the size of the infection cushions, any agents that change the size of the infection cushions, such as pesticides or antagonists, may alter the severity of the disease.Samenvatting Het infectieproces vanRhizoctonia solani AG-3 werd bestudeerd op aardappelspruiten, cv. Bintje, in een klimaatcel bij 15C. Aanvankelijk groeide de schimmel met runnerhyfen voornamelijk in de lengterichting van de spruit. Via SEM kon waargenomen worden, dat de hyfen hierbij vooral over de begrenzingen van de epidermiscellen groeiden. Het mycelium vormde veel zijvertakkingen, bestaande uit iets gezwollen korte cellen, welke voornamelijk halverwege op het ondergrondse deel van de spruit gevormd werden. Een dichte massa van deze cellen vormde een infectiekussentje. Lesies, welke vanaf vijf dagen na inoculatie werden waargenomen, bevonden zich slechts onder spruitoppervlak bezet met infectiekussentjes. De lesiegrootte was recht evenredig met het spruitoppervlak dat bezet was met infectiekussentjes. De diepte van de lesies reikte tot aan de vaatbundels. De spruit werd alleen door de schimmel gekoloniseerd in gezond epidermisweefsel onder het infectiekussentje en in necrotisch weefsel. Enkele dagen na verschijning van lesies vormde R.solani bruin, niet infectieus, mycelium op en rondom de lesies.Aldicarb had geen effect op het infectieproces. Ethoprophos vertraagde de opkomst en verhoogde het aantal tot ontwikkeling gekomen spruiten per knol in gestoomd zand. Direct na opkomst had ethoprophos echter een sterk groeistimulerend effect. Ethoprophos vertraagde de lesievorming en reduceerde de lesiegrootte, vergeleken met onbehandelde planten. Oxamyl vertoonde deze effecten in geringere mate.Daar de lesiegrootte direct gecorreleerd blijkt met de grootte van het infectiekussentje, mag verwacht worden dat elke beïnvloeding van de ontwikkeling van het mycelium van R.solani, bijvoorbeeld door pesticiden of antagonisten, een verandering van de lesiegrootte ten gevolge heeft.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to correlate the appearance of the symptoms, multiplication and spread of virus after mechanical inoculation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars showing different levels of susceptibility and sensitivity to Potato virus YNTN (PVYNTN). The potato cultivars used were the resistant cultivar Sante and susceptible cultivars Igor, Pentland squire and Désirée. The spread of the virus PVYNTN in infected plants was monitored using different methods: DAS-ELISA, tissue printing, immuno-serological electron microscopy and real-time PCR. In all three susceptible cultivars, the virus was detected in the inoculated leaves 4–5 days after inoculation. From there virus spread rapidly, first into the stem, then more or less simultaneously to the upper leaves and roots. Real-time PCR was shown to be very sensitive and enabled viral RNA to be detected in non-inoculated leaves of susceptible cultivar Igor earlier than other methods. Therefore, for exact studies of plant–virus interaction, a combination of methods which detect viruses on the basis of their different properties (coat protein, morphology or RNA) should be used to monitor the spread of viruses.  相似文献   
Plant resistance to insect herbivory involves gene expression in response to wounding and the detection of insect elicitors in oral secretions (Kessler and Baldwin, 2002, Ann. Rev. Plant/ Biol. 53: 299–328). However, crawling insect larvae stimulate the synthesis of 4-aminobutyrate within minutes and imprints of larval footsteps can be visualized within seconds through superoxide production or transient increases in chlorophyll fluorescence (Bown et al., 2002, Plant Physiol. 129: 1430–1434). Here cryo-scanning electron microscopy was used to demonstrate that larval feet, which are equipped with a perimeter row of hook-like crochets, damage leaf tissue and result in larval footprints. Staining for cell death shows that areas of wounding correspond to footsteps detected through increased chlorophyll fluorescence. Superoxide production in response to footsteps was inhibited by diphenyleneiodonium, an inhibitor of the plasma membrane NADPH oxidase enzyme. Inhibition of superoxide production, however, did not eliminate the detection of cell death. The results demonstrate that larval footsteps damage leaf tissue, and initiate rapid local responses which are not dependent on herbivory or oral secretions. It is proposed that superoxide production at the wound site prevents opportunistic pathogen infection.  相似文献   
福建果树根部的芒果半轮线虫记述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
 芒果半轮线虫(Hemicriconemoides mangiferae Siddiqi,1961)在福建省一些果园发生。寄主有龙眼(Euphoria longana)、荔枝(Litchi chinensis)、芒果(Mangifera indica)、橄榄(Canarium album)、枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)和葡萄(Vitis vinifera)等果树。雌虫唇部正面、环纹和阴门,雄虫侧带以及幼虫角质膜刺突等细微结构用扫描电子显微镜观察。  相似文献   
利用扫描电镜对南美斑潜蝇触角形态和感器进行了观察.结果表明,南美斑潜蝇触角为具芒状,由柄节、梗节、鞭节三部分组成,鞭节上着生触角芒.触角感器有五种,分别为刺形感器、毛形感器、锥形感器、钟形感器和腔锥形感器,所有的触角感器都分布在鞭节上.雌雄成虫在触角形态、感器种类与分布上没有显著性差异.  相似文献   
利用扫描电镜观察了轮纹异痂蝗[Bryodemella tuberculatum dilutum(Stoll)]成虫触角感器的类型和分布。结果表明:轮纹异痂蝗触角为丝状,由柄节、梗节和鞭节组成,雄性个体鞭节包括24个亚节,雌性个体鞭节包括23个亚节。雌雄个体均具有12种感受器,即毛形感受器、刺形感受器(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型)、锥形感受器(Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型和Ⅴ型)、腔锥形感受器、腔形感受器及Bhm氏鬃毛。根据各类感器的形态、分布和显微结构探讨了其可能承担的功能。  相似文献   
稻瘟病菌Magnaporthe oryzae严重威胁水稻的产量与质量,明确稻瘟病菌与水稻互作过程及机理,对防治稻瘟病具有重要意义。本研究利用稻瘟病菌常用致病菌株GUY11和ZB25,构建了绿色荧光蛋白GFP的过量表达菌株,并通过荧光显微观察菌株侵染寄主水稻过程中侵染结构的形成与发育,包括孢子萌发、附着胞形成、侵染钉形成、侵染菌丝增殖、坏死斑形成及产孢。另外,通过比较过量表达菌株对稻瘟病高抗水稻和易感水稻的侵染过程,发现侵染过程的差异主要集中于侵染钉的穿透和侵染菌丝的定殖。本研究为分析稻瘟病菌对寄主水稻的定殖规律提供了一种有效工具。  相似文献   
携带增强型绿色荧光蛋白(Enhanced green fluorescent protein, EGFP)的脑心肌炎(Encephalomyocarditis virus, EMCV)嵌合病毒是研究该病毒体内外生物学特性的有力工具。因此,本研究基于前期构建的巨细胞病毒(Cytomegalovirus, CMV)感染性克隆,在EMCV基因组2A蛋白序列之后插入EGFP基因片段,并将重组质粒转染BHK-21细胞,获得携带EGFP的嵌合病毒。通过荧光定量PCR(real-time PCR)、间接免疫荧光(Indirect immunofluorescence assay, IFA)及半数组织细胞感染量测定(Median tissue culture infective dose, TCID50)等方法对拯救病毒的基因组复制、蛋白表达及病毒粒子的感染性进行测定,结果证实嵌合病毒能够在BHK-21细胞上成功表达EGFP并产生完整的病毒粒子。然而,相较于野生型亲本拯救病毒,嵌合病毒在BHK-21细胞上的复制能力降低,并且在连续传代后逐渐失去绿色荧光信号,表明嵌合病毒中EGFP...  相似文献   
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