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一种准零刚度被动隔振系统的非线性共振响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了一种机构的负刚度特性和它与线性主弹簧并联后而成的隔振系统的准零刚度特性,推导了准零刚度被动隔振系统的主谐波共振、亚谐波共振和超谐波共振的幅频特性表达式.结果表明,机构的负刚度区域随弹簧的初始变形与杆长的比值增大而变宽;隔振系统的准零刚度区域随主弹簧的刚度与机构中的弹簧总刚度的比值以及机构中的弹簧初始变形与杆长的比值增大而变宽;经比较发现,本文推得的被动隔振系统的同一种谐波共振幅频特性与杜芬方程的幅频特性均存在较大偏差.因此,对于这类被动隔振系统的运动微分方程,若以位移激励的幅值与激励频率平方的乘积代替单位质量的激励力幅值按杜芬方程的解来处理谐波共振问题将会带来较大误差.  相似文献   
In this paper, taking a D1201 spindle as an example, we discuss the dynamic analysis of spindle by using the theory of the complex model, we also analyse the factors which effect the dynamic characterics of spindle and give results which arc reference value to improving the structure of spindle,  相似文献   
油气悬架加载试验台正弦波复现控制方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对某油气混合型悬架试验系统,建立了油气悬架负载的电液伺服驱动力控制系统的数学模型.提出基于Widrow-Hoff学习算法的ADALINE神经网络控制定步长幅相控制正弦波复现方法.在对算法收敛速度影响因素分析的基础上,提出了应用相对量实现幅相控制的改进方法.以油气悬架加载试验台系统特性为仿真对象,对比了相对量控制方法与绝对量控制方法在收敛速度上的不同,给出了系统收敛时间与输入信号频率和幅值的关系,算法收敛终值与幅值及频率的关系.结果证明,将相对量作为幅相控制的输入,可以有效地提高系统的收敛速度,间接提高了正弦波复现的精度,使幅相控制方法具有更好的实用效果.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   Photosynthetic activities of hermatypic corals (28 genera, c . 68 species and c. 92 specimen) were measured in November 2000 at Sekisei lagoon, Okinawa, Japan, using an underwater pulse amplitude modulated fluorometer. Maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) ranged from 0.61 to 0.70 and had an average value of 0.664 (standard deviation [SD], 0.0289). Following the measurement of Fv/Fm, quantum yield (Fm'-F)/Fm' at eight-leveled actinic-light intensities were obtained from all specimens. Values of electronic transport rates (ETR) were nearly the same under low photosynthetic active radiation (PAR; µmol quanta/m2 per s) condition and varied with increasing PAR. The value of ETR at 100 µmol quanta/m2 per s ranged from 21.3 to 30.0 and had an average of 27.8 (SD, 2.09). In August 2001, a coral bleaching event was observed in Sekisei Lagoon. During the event, photosynthetic activities of 21 specimens of eight species (seven genera) were measured. By applying two indicators, Fv/Fm and ETR at 100 µmol quanta/m2 per s obtained in August 2000, 18 of 21 specimens were suggested under the bleaching process. In case of Porites lutea , seven colonies were visually evaluated for their condition of bleaching and were found to have two 'normal', three 'slightly bleached' and two 'heavily bleached'. From the density of zooxanthellae, colonies evaluated 'normal' or 'slightly bleached' did not show an apparent difference. However, they were clearly identified by Fm/Fv and ETR at 100 µmol quanta/m2 per s.  相似文献   
基于地形梯度特征淇河流域生态系统服务价值损益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统服务对人类生活具有十分重大的影响,研究生态系统服务价值有助于了解生态系统服务功能变化过程。文章利用修正后的中国陆地单位面积生态系统服务价值量表,结合2000年、2015年两期土地利用/覆被数据估算淇河流域生态系统服务价值,从地形梯度上分析流域内2000—2015年生态系统服务价值变化,深入探讨地形起伏度上生态系统服务价值空间特征。结果表明:(1)2000—2015年淇河流域内以林地、草地和耕地面积为主,研究时段内耕地减幅最大(29 671.64 hm2),草地面积增幅最大(8 854.38 hm2),未利用地单一动态度最高为632.14%;(2)2000—2015年研究区生态系统服务价值减少0.14亿元,耕地ESV在200~400 m高程分级上减幅最大(4 464.64万元),坡度分级上>35°林地ESV减幅最明显(4 293万元),水域ESV在微起伏地区增益最多(5 940万元)、林地ESV在中起伏地区减少5 492万元和微起伏地区增益3 967万元;(3)单项生态系统服务价值在地形梯度上损益存在差异,增益最大为水源涵养、土壤形成与保护减损最明显;(4)各项生态系统服务功能对研究区生态系统服务总价值贡献等级保持稳定,依次排序为支持服务 > 调节服务 > 供给服务 > 文化服务;敏感性指数均小于1,表明生态系统服务价值对价值系数缺乏弹性,研究结果具有稳健性。  相似文献   
为了探究翼型振摆运动时的动态特性以及升力波动形成机制,采用基于浸入边界法的自编求解器,对NACA0012翼型在1 000雷诺数作不同起始攻角、不同振摆频率、不同振摆幅值的俯仰振摆运动进行了直接数值模拟,并分析了升力系数的波动特性和其与流场演变的相关性。结果表明:翼型的高频振摆(2.92 Hz)较低频振摆(1.46 Hz)平均升力增加范围在5.2%~17.2%之间,且对于大初始攻角(15°)升力增加更为显著,增加17.2%;翼型振摆过程中升力系数的波动趋势主要受翼型俯仰振摆频率由1.46 Hz增加至2.92 Hz的影响,压力面的流动分离及尾缘处负压梯度回流引起尾缘旋涡卷起后脱落是引起翼型压力波动的主要原因,并且进一步导致了翼型整体升力出现幅值较大、频率高于3 Hz次频的波动。研究结果可为工程中风力机等流体机械翼型颤振引起的流动不稳定性研究提供理论参考和工程依据。  相似文献   
The effects of alternating day/night temperatures, varying in maxima and minima but all averaging 30 °C, on germination and seedling characteristics of Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench) were investigated. Seeds of sorghum CSV 15 were soaked in 2, 4 or 6 g NaCl l−1 solutions for 2 days at 25 °C, soaked in water for 1 day at 25 °C, or untreated. After treatment, drying and storage, seeds were germinated at 30/30 (day/night), 35/25, 40/20 or 41/19 °C temperature regimes under a polyethylene glycol-induced drought level of −3 bar. Results revealed no advancement of germination percentage but a partial increase in germination speed by osmotic seed treatments. All three osmotic treatments also reduced the plumule/radicle ratio owing to a speculated increase in root over shoot growth. Temperature regimes significantly influenced both germination and seedling characteristics with the optimum temperature appearing to be 35/25 °C. Increasing the temperature amplitude from 30/30 to 35/25 °C increased germination speed, which was reduced by incremental increases in temperature amplitude to 40/20 or 41/19 °C.  相似文献   
"强柱弱梁"是确保大震不倒的一项重要设计原则,是框架结构的基本抗震手段和重要措施,是一种理想的抗震屈服体制,但真正实现起来却有一定难度。  相似文献   
Rheological methods are applied whenever flow behavior of substances needs to be investigated on a particle‐to‐particle scale executed by a parallel‐plate rheometer. Under oscillation, mechanical effects due to trafficking or vibrations caused by agricultural and forest machinery can be simulated by conducting amplitude‐sweep tests. Hooke's law of elasticity, Newton's law for ideal fluids (viscosity), Mohr‐Coulomb's equation, and, finally, Bingham's yielding are well‐known relationships and parameters in the field of rheology. This paper aims to introduce rheometry as a suitable method to determine the mechanical behavior of salt‐affected soils when subjected to external stresses. Potassium‐treated loamy sand from Halle and loamy silt from Kassel, both sites located in Germany, as well as loess from Israel, saturated with NaCl solutions in several concentrations were analyzed. From the stress‐strain–relationship parameters like the storage modulus G′ and the loss modulus G″, yield stress τy and the linear viscoelastic (LVE)–deformation range including the deformation limit γL, i.e., the transition from an elastic to a viscous state, were determined and calculated, respectively. With respect to salt effects, amplitude‐sweep tests on originally CaCO3‐rich Avdat Loess show an increasing stability if saturated with higher NaCl concentrations. Comparable tests with K+‐rich substrates from Halle and Kassel evinced similar tendencies including the phenomenon of a critical K+ content, which becomes more obvious in case of the drained (–60h Pa) loamy‐silt samples from Kassel. Nevertheless, a higher microstructural stability is given in both substrates from Halle and Kassel, affected by different water contents, in general, which influence the exchange and availability of cations. The results verify that oscillatory tests are applicable for retracing salt‐induced effects, beside those ones, which are influenced by texture, current water content, and/or further chemical parameters.  相似文献   
介绍斗式电磁振动给料器的特点和送料原理,通过给料器力学模型的建立,分析影响振幅的因素以及频率比的选择;振幅对物料输送方式及输送速度的影响,得出最佳振幅的选择原则,进而为设计给料器的参数设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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