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Fire has historically been an important ecological factor maintaining southeastern U.S. vegetation. Humans have altered natural fire regimes by fragmenting fuels, introducing exotic species, and suppressing fires. Little is known about how these alterations specifically affect spatial fire extent and pattern. We applied historic (1920 and 1943) and current (1990) GIS fuels maps and the FARSITE fire spread model to quantify the differences between historic and current fire spread distributions. We held all fire modeling variables (wind speed and direction, cloud cover, precipitation, humidity, air temperature, fuel moistures, ignition source and location) constant with exception of the fuel models representing different time periods. Model simulations suggest that fires during the early 1900's burned freely across the landscape, while current fires are much smaller, restricted by anthropogenic influences. Fire extent declined linearly with patch density, and there was a quadratic relationship between fire extent and percent landscape covered by anthropogenic features. We found that as little as 10 percent anthropogenic landcover caused a 50 percent decline in fire extent. Most landscapes (conservation or non-conservation areas) are now influenced by anthropogenic features which disrupt spatial fire behavior disproportionately to their actual size. These results suggest that land managers using fire to restore or maintain natural ecosystem function in pyrogenic systems will have to compensate for anthropogenic influences in their burn planning. This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The Pocono mesic till barrens (PMTB) are a unique assemblage of fire-maintained shrub communities that support numerous rare species. Historically these barrens covered a large area in the vicinity of Long Pond, Pennsylvania, USA. However, due largely to regional fire suppression instituted in the early 1960s, over 70% of the area covered by barrens succeeded to fire-intolerant forest that does not support the rare species. We investigated the influence of forest proximity on barrens succession across three geomorphic types during periods of high fire frequency and fire suppression, testing the hypothesis that forest processes such as seed rain, shading, and detrital enrichment of soils enhances barrens succession through a contagion effect. Evidence of a forest contagion effect should be shown by increased rates of barrens succession with increasing proximity to the nearest forest edge. In order to detect a forest contagion effect, barrens persistence and barrens succession were modeled in proximity zones of 0-50 m, 50-100 m, 100-200 m, and greater than 200 m from the nearest forest edge. We used existing GIS data layers for fire, geomorphology, and vegetation distribution in 1938, 1963, and 1992. The layers were modified and overlain using ArcView software to determine persistence and succession rates for each unique combination of layers in each proximity zone from 1938 to 1963 (pre-fire suppression) and 1963 to 1992 (post-fire suppression). ANCOVA results indicate that proximity to the nearest forest edge significantly affected barrens persistence rates in both time periods, but succession rates were significantly affected in 1938 to 1963 only. Twenty-eight percent of the 1938 barrens succeeded to forest by 1963; 56% of the 1963 barrens became forest by 1992. Results support previous findings that barrens persistence is enhanced by increased fire frequency, and that barrens persist longer where they overlie flat glacial till than on other geomorphology types.  相似文献   
运用比较分析等方法,对宾夕法尼亚州和上海市学校体育课程设置进行比较分析发现,美国学校体育课程设置内容广泛,重视个体全面发展、注重人文关怀、注重各级学校体育课程衔接;提出上海市学校体育课程设置要提高衔接性、体育课程设置应该重视人文关怀,关注残疾人体育、充分利用体制优势,促进学生养成良好体育锻炼习惯、加强学校、家庭和社区的联动,构建完整体育活动圈等建议。以期为学校体育课程改革提供些许有益的参考,从而进一步促进学生身心健康。  相似文献   
二战后美国经济周期波动发生显著变化。相比二战之前,美国经济周期扩张期拉长,衰退期缩短,二者之间形成剪刀差。经济周期长度、扩张期跨度和紧缩期跨度的离散度远远大于战前。二战后至今,美国经济中周期出现(朱格拉周期)呈拉长的趋势,扩张期远远长于衰退期,中周期(朱格拉周期)和短周期(基钦周期)的波幅经历了从小到大的阶段性变化。  相似文献   
2个桉树无性系微量元素叶片营养诊断初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步提高桉树Eucalyptus产量,对桉树施微肥试验区的叶片进行了分析.采用叶片营养诊断临界值法探讨了2个桉树无性系的微量元素营养状况,初步获得了刚果12W5桉E.ABL 12W5和尾叶桉U6E. urophylla U6的部分微量元素营养的诊断指标,并进一步在中试区作诊断评价和检验.结果表明:桉树叶片的钼、锌、铜、锰的质量分数与一般植物的有差异.2个无性系的微量元素叶片营养诊断临界值,刚果12W5桉为硼27.90 mg·kg-1 ,锌45.00 mg·kg-1 ,铜1.08 mg·kg-1 ,铁288.00 mg·kg-1 ;尾叶桉U6为:硼13.50 mg·kg-1 ,锌10.80 mg·kg-1 ,钼0.15 mg·kg-1 ,锰216.00 mg·kg-1 ,铁117.00 mg·kg-1 ,其中桉树叶片养分诊断标准与微肥中试区的叶片分析数据相吻合的有这2种桉树叶片中的硼,尾叶桉中的钼,刚果桉中的铜;而中试区的桉树叶片锌、铁、锰的分析数据均未能与诊断标准相吻合,故这3种元素暂不适宜用临界值法诊断指导施肥.表6参22  相似文献   
为了实现数据信息方便快捷传输,基于MSP430单片机的多通道作物蒸发蒸腾量测定仪,将U盘作为存储介质,实现了单片机与U盘的直接通讯。U盘模块通过SPI总线与MSP430F169进行数据通讯,方法简单、易于操作,克服了数据采集器与计算机数据传输对计算机环境的依赖性,对于野外农林业数据信息的采集具有重要意义。  相似文献   
自装载美国大豆的外轮货舱中取样,研究进口美国大豆携带杂草和杂质的含量关系:取样量为5 kg/1 000 t,是能反映进口大豆中杂草和杂质含量关系的最低取样量;把进口美国大豆杂质含量划分为1.5%、1.5%~2.0%和2.0%3个区间,其携带杂草含量和种类与杂质含量呈显著的正相关;进口大豆中携带杂草含量高的,检出频率也相对高,但检出的杂草总种类数少于杂草含量低的;杂草含量低的,检出频率也相对低,但检出的杂草总种类数多于杂草含量高的。  相似文献   
金优9017属中迟熟中籼三系杂交水稻新组合,该组合表现为穗大粒多,米质优,产量高,抗逆性较强,抗高温性强,适应性广。  相似文献   
新疆昌吉州波斑鸨分布与数量考察初报   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
本文报道了波斑鸨(Otisundulata=Undulataundulata)在新疆昌吉州境内的分布和种群数量。昌吉州为我国波斑鸨的主要繁殖地,繁殖区由三片不连续的地区组成,总面积约13400km2,界于E88°30’-91°15’,N43°57’-45°之间。据12条样带统计结果,平均栖息密度为0.032±0.0082只/km2,种群数量为428.8±100.88只,即319—539只。  相似文献   
International study programs have contributed to the diffusion of modern irrigation technologies, approaches, and problems. But the patterns and processes of international travel have received little attention to date. This paper examines foreign visits to the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) from South Asia and the Middle East from 1946 to 1990. Using data from the Foreign Activities Branch of the USBR, we compare the participation rates from 16 countries in South Asia and the Middle East. India, Turkey, and Egypt had the highest rates of participation, followed by Pakistan, Iran, and Israel. The frequency of visits is influenced by political, economic, cultural, and institutional factors. But the most important factors appear to be foreign relations and geopolitics. Given the problems faced by national irrigation bureaucracies around the world, there is a need to focus more directly on political factors than in the past.  相似文献   
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