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对3个洋葱品种的4个播种期进行比较试验,结果表明,洋葱先期抽薹率与品种和播种期密切相关,产量与先期抽薹率呈显著负相关。江苏地区适宜的播期为9月中下旬,9866为较适宜的品种。  相似文献   
格尔木紫皮大蒜种植的气候条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用格尔木气象观测资料,分析了格尔木的气候特征,根据紫皮大蒜的生长特征和对气象条件的要求,分析了紫皮大蒜种植的农业气象条件,提出建立适宜气候条件下的科学管理模式,发展紫皮大蒜种植产业。  相似文献   
湘红菜薹一号的选育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
湘红菜薹一号是以自交不亲和系9415-2和孤雌生殖系J-7-2配制的紫菜薹一代杂种,极早熟,从播种到始收45天左右,早期产量高,菜薹亮紫色,无蜡粉,味甜,品质好,耐热,抗软腐病能力强,适应性广,适用于长江流域夏秋栽培和早熟秋冬栽培。  相似文献   
文章分析探索了应用可见近红外光谱技术快速、高效、便捷测定土壤营养参数的可能性。采集蓬莱镇组紫色土样本,比对分析了不同肥力水平、土壤厚度和土壤粒径条件下采集土壤光谱对可见近红外光谱特征的影响,筛选出不同厚度、粒径土壤条件下的碱解氮含量预测模型。研究结果表明,土壤样本厚度为30mm时具有最大的光谱反射率,建立的氮含量预测模型效果最佳,校正集和验证集的相关系数分别为0.84和0.83,均方根误差分别为1.79和1.87。土样粒径在0.25-0.85mm时氮含量的预测效果最佳,校正集和验证集的相关系数均超过0.8,且均方根误差较小;但当土样粒径<0.25mm时,氮含量预测模型效果明显下降。采用20目(<0.85mm)过筛、30mm厚度土壤样本采集可见近红外光谱和偏最小二乘法(PLS)模型预测,可以实现对蓬莱镇组紫色土碱解氮含量的较好光谱预测。  相似文献   
绿色饲料添加剂是当前研究的方向,本实验以红皮洋葱为原料,研究其抗氧化作用。用95%乙醇作溶剂,通过微波辅助法提取洋葱精油,料液比为1∶5,微波功率160W,微波时间160s,微波处理之后浸泡2h,浸泡温度55℃,抽滤后减压旋转蒸发除去溶剂得洋葱精油。然后将其加入猪油和花生油中,添加浓度分别为0、0.07%、0.1%、0.2%和对照组0.05%的BHT(二叔丁基羟基甲苯)。采用烘箱贮藏法,以过氧化值(POV)和酸价(AV)为指标研究其对猪油和花生油的抗氧化作用。结果表明:洋葱提取物对猪油和花生油有一定的抗氧化作用,且具有剂量关系。  相似文献   
Purple flowering stalk (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis var.purpurea Hort.) was generally regarded as a recalcitrant species for microspore culture in Brassica crops. Conditions for reliable induction of microspore embryogenesis were studied in 12 genotypes of purple flowering stalk. A treatment of short heat shock to microspore by incubating at 32 °C for 18 h was suitable for the survival of microspores, sustained cell divisions, and further induced embryogenesis. Subsequently, the reduced concentration of macro salts (1/2 NLN) provided an optimal condition for the development of embryoids. Under the optimized conditions for microspore embryoid development, 10 genotypes responded to microspore culture with the frequencies ranging from 2.7 to 70.5 embryoids per dish. However, regenerated plants were obtained from 9 genotypes, and more than 75% these regenerated plants were double haploid. This report establishes an efficient protocol for microspore culture and offers great potential for DH breeding in purple flowering stalk.  相似文献   
The effects of three set-sizes (12.5, 17.5 and 22.5 mm in diameter) and seven storage temperatures (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °C) on bolting, bulbing and seed yield in two onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars ‘Hygro’ and ‘Delta’ were investigated. The incidence of bolting increased linearly with set-size and curvi-linearly with decreasing storage temperature. Time to inflorescence emergence and floret opening showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the earliest inflorescence emergence and floret opening occurring at 5 °C and the latest at 30 °C for ‘Hygro’ and at 25 °C for ‘Delta’. Seed yield per umbel also showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the lowest seed yield occurring at 30 °C for ‘Hygro’ and at 25 °C for ‘Delta’ and the highest seed yield at 5 °C. For a seed crop, storage of large sets (22.5 mm) of these cultivars at 5 °C for 120 days appeared to be optimum with 5–12% higher seed yield per umbel than that of 90 days storage. Bulb yield showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the highest bulb yield occurring at 25 °C and the lowest at 5 °C.  相似文献   
Environmental and genetic factors influence growth and bulb development of onions by affecting their physiology. Photoperiod plays critical a role in bulb development and determines the suitability of a cultivar for a particular region. Long days and high temperatures promote onion bulbing. Bulbing is regulated more by temperature than photoperiod, as determined by growing degree days. Far-red light promotes bulbing most effectively. High-temperature storage of sets (above 20–25°C) results in increased total bulb yields, while very high temperature (25.5–31°C) or temperature below 0°C depresses yield. Plant density has an impact on bulb size: the higher the plant density the smaller the bulb size. Onion is more sensitive to water stress during bulb formation and enlargement than during the vegetative stage. Nitrogen improves bulb development, but too much nitrogen promotes excessive vegetative growth and delays maturity. Growth hormones (gibberellins and ethrel) promote the growth and development of bulbs. Flowering and bulb formation in onion is regulated by different (Flowering Locus T) FT genes. Two antagonistic FT-like genes regulate bulb formation. AcFT1 promotes bulb formation, while AcFT4 prevents AcFT1 up-regulation and inhibits bulbing. There is a need to link our research with the genetics and physiology of onions, to enhance bulb yield.  相似文献   
花青素是广受人们喜爱的植物色素,在食品加工、杂种纯度鉴定中具有重要的作用。本研究鉴定了一个以日本晴为受体、优良紫鞘恢复系R225为供体亲本的紫鞘水稻染色体片段代换系Z519。Z519共含有16个代换片段,分布于除第10染色体外的其他11条染色体,平均长度为6.85 Mb。Z519在芽鞘3 mm时鞘尖呈现紫色,其后在叶鞘、叶缘、茎维管束和柱头等部位出现紫色线条,而日本晴各部位均为绿色。Z519叶鞘中花青素含量极显著高于日本晴,剑叶中没有显著差异。与受体日本晴相比,Z519的株高显著降低,千粒重、主穗总粒数和实粒数显著增加,有效穗数、主穗长和结实率无显著差异。进一步以日本晴与Z519杂交产生的F1和F2群体对紫鞘基因进行了遗传分析和分子定位。该紫鞘表型受显性单基因控制,位于第1染色体In Del标记L03和SSR标记L01之间37.8 kb的区域,被命名为PSH1。对该区间进行候选基因预测和测序,Z519在一个编码质体ATP/ADP转运蛋白的LOC_Os01g45910基因第一外显子的第238~252碱基的GTG重复区又多插入了GTG 3个碱基,导致增加了一个甘氨酸。q RT-PCR结果进一步表明其表达量在Z519中明显降低,初步确定LOC_Os01g45910是PSH1的候选基因。该研究为PSH1调控花青素的分子机制奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   
通过研究西南大学试验农场包括不同的耕作、轮作和施肥的综合利用方式对经14年28茬的紫色水稻土水溶性有机碳的差异,探究利用方式对水溶性有机碳的影响。结果表明:0 ̄30cm土壤水溶性有机碳变化范围在30.3 ̄339.8mg/kg,热水提取的水溶性有机碳变化范围在60.9 ̄740.2mg/kg,两种方法提取的有机碳随深度增加而降低。长期垄作并实行稻油轮作的利用方式使土壤水溶性有机碳在0 ̄30cm土层与其他利用方式相比明显增加,并且差异显著;而水旱轮作(稻油)利用方式下的水溶性有机碳含量最低。水溶性有机碳可用作评价利用方式对紫色水稻土质量变化影响的有效指标。从提高土壤水溶性有机碳含量的角度来看,垄作并实行稻油轮作的利用方式比较适合紫色水稻土。  相似文献   
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