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《蒙古秘史》中的野生食用植物研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
经考证,在《蒙古秘史》中的植物古蒙古名称中,有山荆子、稠李、地榆、鹅绒委陵菜、葱、山韭、山丹和野韭等8种野生食用植物。植物区系及地理分布的研究表明,这些植物在十二世纪蒙古人所采集的地点,即现在的蒙古国肯特山脉地区仍有广泛分布。从民族植物学的研究看,它们在蒙古族民间被用于代粮、野菜、茶用、药用和调味品,比过去的利用有了很大的发展,已成为独特的植物利用文化。本文不仅对蒙古学研究能够提供可靠的依据,而且对寻找新的食用植物种类及其开发利用研究也提供了一些基本资料。  相似文献   
Conidia ofAlternaria linicola produced on infected linseed crops were mainly dispersed by wind. The numbers of conidia in the air above linseed crops collected by a Burkard spore sampler were greatest between 1200 h and 1300 h, when the relative humidity was lowest. Although numbers of conidia collected decreased with increasing height within and above the crop canopy, air-borneA. linicola conidia were present up to 80 cm above the crop canopy. Conidia ofA. linicola were transported by wind up to at least 40 m downwind from an artificial line inoculum source, but their numbers decreased with increasing distance from the source. In 1991, 1992, and 1993, the dispersal ofA. linicola conidia above linseed crops followed a seasonal periodicity which was influenced by weather conditions and cultural practices. The greatest numbers of conidia were collected during July, August and early September and coincided with periods favourable for sporulation and with an increase in the incidence of the disease in the senescent crop. Air-borneA. linicola conidia produced on point or line inoculum sources (naturally infected linseed stem debris) were responsible for the spread of the disease in linseed crops. In 1992 and 1993, the disease was first detected downwind from the sources, but by the end of the growing seasons, it had spread in all directions and up to 20 m and 60 m from the sources, respectively. Disease gradients were initially steep near the inoculum sources but they became flatter with time due to the secondary spread of the disease.  相似文献   
重庆地区色叶植物资源及其在园林中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
色叶植物是未来园林应用的主要造景植物之一,本文就重庆地区色叶植物资源作了详细调查.按植物色彩分成常色叶类、春色叶类、秋色叶类和两季色类,并对其在园林中的应用途径和前景作了详尽介绍.  相似文献   
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is one of the most destructive citrus virus diseases in the world. The construction of an engineered antibody, EMBL accession number AJ278109, able to specifically recognize its antigen, i.e. the coat protein of CTV, directly on infected plant material without any purification or manipulation of the entire woody plant. The potential uses of this engineered antibody are discussed.  相似文献   
黄瓜雌雄株性别苗期化学鉴别方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用BTB(溴麝香草酚蓝 )法、NADH(还原辅酶Ⅰ )法和TTC(氯化三苯基四氮唑 )法对黄瓜雌雄株进行了苗期鉴别 ,结果表明 :雌、雄株提取液加入BTB液后雌株转色快于雄株 ,反应后 5h(小时 )内在 6 30nm处雌、雄株吸光值差异最大 ,是鉴别黄瓜雌、雄株的最佳时期。雌、雄株NADH含量和TTCH含量差异显著。BTB法、NADH法和TTC法鉴别雌雄株其差异显著概率均为极显著 ,BTB法和TTC法对雌、雄株混合群体的鉴别正确率均为 10 0 % ,二者可应用于黄瓜雌、雄株苗期鉴别。而NADH法对混合群体的鉴别正确率仅 71.4%。  相似文献   
嘉兴城区公园木本观赏植物调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对嘉兴市城区10个公园的绿地木本观赏植物的种类、生长状况、景观配置等调查结果显示:共有观赏树木157种,乔木∶灌木∶藤本比例为82∶64∶11,落叶树种与常绿树种之比为86∶71,各树种生长良好,但存在养护管理技术跟不上,树种配置时对立地条件考虑不充分等问题。  相似文献   
中国帕米尔高原种子植物属的区系研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
中国帕米尔高原座落于新疆西南部,北纬37°-39,°东经73°-76,°面积约30000km2,区内平均海拔约4000m,拥用种子植物963种(包括变种),分属于59科303属,其中裸子植物3科3属12种,被子植物56科300属951种。种子植物属的区系特征如下:1)单种属、少种属占极高的比例,属种比值偏高,植物区系组成复杂,2)属级水平分析表明,本区植物区系以北温带为主的温带成分占主导地位,仅有13个从热带分布区延伸到温带的热带属,且在本区所含种类极少,但丰富了本区植物区系的组成,3)植物区系较为年轻且有一定的衍生性,4)高原生态因子的作用,使本区植物获得了适应寒冷和干旱的特性。  相似文献   
Mechanical inoculations with contaminating tools and propagation of infected budwood were considered the main causes for the omnipresence of multiple viroid species among citrus and other Middle Eastern and Mediterranean fruit trees and grapevines. However, neither means could explain viroid infections of wild trees — scattered on terrains inaccessible to humans — nor the finding of similar viroids among graft-incompatible plants. Northern hybridization of RNA extracts made of scrapings from the surfaces of goat (Capra hircus) horns that were rubbed against etrog (Citrus medica) stems infected with a citrus viroids complex, revealed accumulation of considerable amounts ofCitrus exocortis viroids (CEVd) andHop stunt viroids (HSVd). Experimental transmission of both CEVd and HSVd was obtained by rubbing healthy citrus plants with goat horns that had been rubbed 24 h earlier on infected etrog stems. These results implicate goats as possible vectors of viroids. Transmissionvia goats could have facilitated the long-range spread of viroids among cultivated and wild plants andvice versa and also among graft-incompatible plants.  相似文献   
转基因甜瓜植株的获得及其抗病性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
甜瓜(Cucumis melo)子叶外植体能被含双元载体的根瘤农杆菌菌不妨功体内含1个NPT-Ⅱ基因(新霉素磷酸基转移酶Ⅱ基因),以供选择卡妹妹纱抗性的转化甜 1个WMV-2 CP基因(西瓜花叶病毒2号外壳蛋白基因)。卡那霉素抗性植株经PCR-Southern杂交试验表明,外源的WMV-2 CP基因确已通过农杆菌介导的转化途径导入甜瓜细胞。目前转基因甜瓜已开花结果。攻毒试验表明,与对照相比,转基因  相似文献   
链格孢菌的产毒培养条件及其毒素的致病范围   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
从世界性恶性杂草紫茎泽兰自然发生的叶斑病病斑上分离得到6个链格孢菌菌株,对它们的产毒情况进行了研究。筛选出产毒能力强的501菌株,确定了有利于该菌株产毒的温度为25℃、pH值为4.13、培养时间为5-7天、黑暗及静置等培养条件。选择74种植物,以离体叶片针刺法对粗毒素的致病范围进行了测试,表明粗毒素具有一定范围的选择作用特性,从中筛选出草莓、苦苣菜、鸭跖草、火柴头、刺槐、水花生等敏感植物作为毒素的生测材料。  相似文献   
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