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Because vanadium (V) is easily reduced to a cationic form within plant cells, data from resin-extraction of soil were analysed for evidence of interactions between V and the resin-extractable concentrations of magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) on soybean seed yield. Three varieties, 9091, 9061 and 704, were grown over a 3-year period in a corn–soybean–wheat rotation. Surface soil samples (0–15 cm) were extracted with ion-exchange resins, extracts were analysed by inductively coupled plasma methods (ICP), and the results were regressed against seed yield using SAS PROC STEPWISE analysis using forward selection, backward elimination and maximum R2 routines. The seed yield of each variety showed a correlation with a unique set of resin-extractable concentrations of V, phosphorus (P), Mg and Ca, and the V:(V + P), Mg:(Mg + Ca), Mg:(Mg + 1000 V) and Ca:(Ca + 1000 V) ratios. Variety 9091 was most sensitive to the Mg:(Mg + Ca) ratio. Variety 9061 was most sensitive to extractable V and to the V:(V + P) ratio. Variety 704 was sensitive to extractable P, V and Ca and the Mg:(Mg + 1000 V) ratio. For variety 9091, Mg fertilization (not currently practised) may be an economical practice, whereas P fertilization of 704 may not be economical. Each regression technique varied slightly in identification of important factors in seed yield. Concentrations and ratios of resin-extractable elements in soil provide insights into optimal genotype selection and possible management alternatives for a given soil.  相似文献   
大豆室内耐冷筛选及其在田间的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本试验把生长箱大豆耐低温萌发筛选与田间早春播研究相结合,验证耐低温发芽的可靠性。在实验室,萌发期表现抗冷的大豆,田间出昔期仍表现抗冷或较抗冷。实验表明,大豆出苗的生物学最低温度平均为7.1℃,所需有效积温136℃。地温的高低直接影响大豆早春出苗的多寡,两者呈密切的正相关。黄、青、黑豆中,以黑豆抵抗早春不良气候条件的能力最强。  相似文献   
【目的】评价中国栽培大豆微核心种质的群体结构和遗传多样性水平,为拓宽大豆遗传基础、发掘优异基因、改良大豆品种提供理论依据。【方法】利用大豆20个连锁群上的100个SSR位点,对来自全国28个省补充完善的248份栽培大豆微核心种质进行SSR遗传多样性及群体结构分析;采用PowerMarker Version 3.25软件统计等位变异数、平均等位变异数、多态性信息量(PIC值)及亚群特有等位变异数等参数;基于遗传距离建立了栽培大豆微核心种质的无根Neighbor-Joining树;用Structure2.2软件对微核心种质的群体结构进行评价。【结果】100个SSR位点在248份材料中共检测出等位变异1460个,每个位点变异范围为2—33个,平均为14.6个,每个位点PIC值变异范围为0.158—0.932,平均为0.743。基于模型的群体结构分析显示,依据LnP(D)无法判断最佳K值(群组数),但通过计算系数ΔK发现,K=3为微核心种质的最佳群体结构。结合种质的生态类型及品种类型分析发现,地理来源相同的种质具有聚在一起的倾向,但来源相同的种质也有分在不同组的情况。不同生态类型及品种类型间均存在较多的互补等位变异和特有等位变异。【结论】中国栽培大豆微核心种质具有丰富的遗传多样性,可以用来拓宽大豆品种遗传基础;不同生态类型及品种类型间存在较多的互补及特有等位变异,是种质创新及品种改良的物质基础;栽培大豆微核心种质存在明显的群体结构,为微核心种质在育种中的直接或间接利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
To enable the estimation of production and consumption rates of free glycine in soils through 15N isotope dilution experiments, an isotope dilution mass spectrometric method was developed. The method, which enabled high precision N isotope ratio determination of glycine in soil extracts at δ15N levels up to 4000‰ and concentrations from approximately 2 μM, is based on the following steps: (i) addition of glycine spike to the soil extract, (ii) removal of humic substances and pre-concentration of glycine using solid phase extraction, (iii) derivatization of amino acids, (iv) separation of the derivatives using gas chromatography (GC), (v) their combustion to yield sample N2 gas, and (vi) finally the use of N isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). Judging by uncertainty budget calculations, the precision obtained (SD=0.01-0.06 at% 15N) is sufficient for detecting differences in N isotopic ratios obtained in 15N isotope dilution experiments.  相似文献   
Nodulating and non‐nodulating soybeans were grown on a Alfic Udipsamment and a Typic Hapludoll amended with 10 or 100 kg N/ha. Tissue and grain samples were analyzed to determine N2‐fixation, dry matter, and N, P, and K accumulation. Highest grain yields were associated with the highest levels of N2‐fixation and N and K accumulation in grain. The largest dry matter production was by nodulating plants grown on a high soil N regime. Nodulating plants accumulated more grain and tissue N, P, and K than non‐nodulating plants. Nitrogen stress increased P concentrations in both grain and tissue and decreased harvest indices.  相似文献   
Field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of planting date and cultivar on B, Zn, Mn, Fe, Mg, and Ca content of soybean leaflets, petioles, and stems at beginning bloom (R1), beginning seed (R5) and physiological maturity (R7) growth stages. The concentrations of all the nutrients analyzed were influenced by planting date and cultivar in at least one year. The concentration ranges were: B, 16–167 ppm; Zn, 14–98 ppm; Fe, trace‐575 ppm; Mn, 12–122 ppm; Mg, 0.18–0.89%, and Ca, 0.47–3.02%. As the plants developed, [Fe] generally decreased, [Mn] increased, and [Zn] showed no consistent response. Changes in B, Mg, and Ca concentrations with plant development varied with the plant part. Leaflet [Ca] and [B], and petiole [Ca] and [Mg] increased during seedfill. Petiole and stem [B], and stem [Mg] and [Ca] decreased during seedfill.  相似文献   
Tolerance to low-phosphorus soil is a desirable trait in soybean cultivars. Previous quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies for phosphorus-deficiency tolerance were mainly derived from bi-parental segregating populations and few reports from natural population. The objective of this study was to detect QTLs that regulate phosphorus-deficiency tolerance in soybean using association mapping approach. Phosphorus-deficiency tolerance was evaluated according to five traits (plant shoot height, shoot dry weight, phosphorus concentration, phosphorus acquisition efficiency and use efficiency) comprising a conditional phenotype at the seedling stage. Association mapping of the conditional phenotype detected 19 SNPs including 13 SNPs that were significantly associated with the five traits across two years. A novel cluster of SNPs, including three SNPs that consistently showed significant effects over two years, that associated with more than one trait was detected on chromosome 3. All favorable alleles, which were determined based on the mean of conditional phenotypic values of each trait over the two years, could be pyramided into one cultivar through parental cross combination. The best three cross combinations were predicted with the aim of simultaneously improving phosphorus acquisition efficiency and use efficiency. These results will provide a thorough understanding of the genetic basis of phosphorus deficiency tolerance in soybean.  相似文献   
【目的】分析中国大豆栽培和野生种质资源脂肪及脂肪酸组分含量(本文简称脂肪性状)的变异特点,筛选优异种质,为不同生态区域大豆脂肪性状育种提供材料和依据。【方法】从中国全国各大豆生态区抽取代表性的栽培和野生材料进行田间试验,测定脂肪性状,进行各性状变异特点分析,并应用多元变异指数、聚类和主成分法分析中国和各生态区大豆脂肪性状的综合变异。【结果】(1)中国栽培大豆脂肪平均含量为17.21%,比野生种提高6.22%;油酸平均含量为23.25%,提高7.75%;亚麻酸平均含量为8.00%,减低4.23%;亚油酸平均含量为53.53%,减低2.57%;但栽培种的变异小于野生种;不同生态区均有此同一趋势。栽培大豆和野生大豆的饱和脂肪酸含量在全国和各区差异均不大。(2)中国野生群体及各生态区群体脂肪性状的多元变异度均大于相应的栽培种,长期人工选择使栽培种的变异相对减小,但多元变异方向相对较宽。(3)栽培种脂肪含量与来源地纬度呈极显著正相关,而野生种未见相关,推论栽培种脂肪含量与纬度的相关主要应是人工选择的结果。(4)筛选得到高脂肪、高油酸、高亚油酸、低亚麻酸的优良材料,其中N23547和N23697为兼具高脂肪(>23%)、高油酸(>30%)、低亚麻酸含量(5%左右)的优异资源。【结论】栽培大豆脂肪、油酸平均含量显著高于野生种,亚麻酸平均含量显著低于野生种,亚油酸平均含量略低于野生种,饱和脂肪酸平均含量与野生种差异不大。脂肪性状在各个生态区域内均存在丰富的变异,区域间的变异并不比区域内大。栽培种脂肪含量与纬度的相关主要是人工选择的结果。筛选出一批优异种质。  相似文献   
Approximately 7,000 accessions of Korean soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) landraces, largely composed of three collections, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute’s soybean (KAS), the Korean Crop Experiment Station’s soybean (KLS) and the Korean Agricultural Development and Technology Center’s soybean (KADTC) collections, have been conserved at the Rural Development Administration (RDA) genebank in Korea. The accessions within collections were classified based on their traditional uses such as sauce soybean (SA), sprouted soybean (SP), soybean for cooking with rice (SCR), and OTHERS. A total of 2,758 accessions of Korean soybean landraces were used to profile and to evaluate genetic structure using six SSR loci. A total of 110 alleles were revealed by at the six SSR loci. The number of alleles per SSR locus ranged from 9 to 39 in Satt187 and Satt_074, respectively. The number of alleles ranged from 87 in the KADTC collection to 96 in the KLS collection, and from 63 in the SCR group to 95 in the SP group. Nei’s average genetic diversity ranged from 0.68 to 0.70 across three collections, and 0.64 to 0.69 across the usage groups. The average between-group differentiation (G st) was 0.9 among collections, and 4.1 among the usage groups. The similar average diversity among three collections implies that the genetic background of the three collections was quite similar or that there were a large number of duplicate accessions in three collections. The selection from the four groups classified based upon usage may be a useful way to select accessions for developing a Korean soybean landrace core collection at the RDA genebank. DNA profile information of accessions will provide indications of redundancies or omissions and aid in managing the soybean collection held at the RDA genebank. The information on diversity analysis could help to enlarge the genetic diversity of materials in breeding programs and could be used to develop a core collection.  相似文献   
不同遮光处理对菜用大豆产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设置遮双层网、遮单层网和不遮网3种处理,对32个菜用大豆品种(系)各小区的标准荚数、标准荚重、百粒重、产量等指标进行比较。结果表明:筛选出了3种处理条件下平均小区产量均超过1 300 g的上海红皮、灵川吕竹豆等菜用大豆品种(系)6个;各处理小区平均产量与标准荚数、标准荚重呈极显著的正相关;耐阴性较强的菜用大豆品种(系)在遮光和正常条件下平均产量均较高。  相似文献   
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