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豫谷6号是应用有性杂交技术,经连续南繁、温室加代选择育成的夏谷新品种。具有高产稳产、高抗倒伏、高度抗旱、综合抗病力强等优良特性,适宜中等以上肥力水、旱地种植。  相似文献   
牛胚胎移植技术已趋于成熟。我国新疆牧科院用一步细管法移植牛冻胚受胎率达41%;牛和羊鲜胚四分胚移植也产下1头犊牛和6只羔羊。家畜体外受精,因卵子体外成熟和受精卵体外培养尚不过关,目前仍停留在实验室阶段。胚胎性别鉴定,1990年Koopman发现单拷贝基因,该基因是Y染色体的性决定区,命名为SRY,可利用PCR技术制成雄性特异DNA探针盒,进行马、牛、羊、猪早期胚胎性别鉴定。北京农学院等单位用PCR扩增牛SRY序列进行奶牛胚胎性别鉴定准确率达100%。英、日、法等国已获得牛胚胎细胞核移植后代;我国也获得1只核移植兔。北农大和新疆牧科院合作以绵羊精子为载体导入牛生长激素基因rMTbGH DNA成功,外源基因整合率为3%。  相似文献   
肉兔双列杂交遗传效应的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用了5品种完全双列杂交,用Havey程序对德国花巨兔(G)、比利时兔(B)、新西兰白兔(N)、加利福尼亚兔(C)、丹麦白兔(D)的主要生产性能进行了遗传效应分析。首次采用加性——显性模型分析了优势杂交组合优势性状的基因效应值与杂种优势率的关系,对杂种优势机理作了一定探讨。结果表明:最佳杂交父本、母本分别为G(♂)或N(♂)、N(♀);最优杂交组合为GB、NG。此外,GN、DN、GC、BC也不失为优秀组合  相似文献   
家蚕第2隐性赤蚁的遗传学研究——Ⅱ.ch-2基因的连锁分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ch-2基因是继ch之后新发现的一种隐性赤蚁ch-2基因与pM(2)、Ze(3)、L(4)、Pe(5)、E~(EL)(6)、q(7)、st(8)、I(9)、w-2(10)、ms(12)、cf(13)、U(14)、Se(15)、cts(16)、B_m(17)、nb(19)、rb(21)、or(22)、sp(23)、Nd(25)、及Y_m等各标志基因都是独立遗传.Ch-2与mln杂交F_2代分离+ch-2+min:ch-2+min:ch-2mln:ch-2mln=523:284:231:0≈2:1:1:0;ch-2与elp杂交F_2代分离+ch-2+elf:ch-2+elp:+ch-2elp:ch-2elp=219:97:68:0≈2:1:1:0,充分说明ch-2与mln、elp是连锁遗传的,即ch-2基因位于第18连锁群.  相似文献   
Although the molluscicide Frescon is a strong neurotoxin to the Lymnaea stagnalis central nervous system in vitro, it is probable that the exposure of the whole animal to this molluscicide fails to result in central nervous system abnormalities: Frescon does not appear to reach the brain in sufficient quantity to disrupt its normal activity. However, only those Frescon analogs found to be neurotoxic were molluscicidal, suggesting some related mode, if not site, of action. Frescon and its analogs may act by affecting excitable tissues other than the nervous system (e.g., the snail musculature) by altering certain functional and/or structural membrane properties.  相似文献   
AIM: To prepare gfp-bcl-XL-contained recombinant adenovirus(rAd-gfp-bcl-XL).METHODS: Bcl-XL gene was amplified from pEGFP-C3-bcl-XL, subcloned into shuttle plasmid and formed transfer plasmid of pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL. Then pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL was linealinzed with PmeI and co-transformed into BJ5183 bacteria with adenovirus genomic plasmid of pAdEasy-1. The identified recombinant adenovirus plasmid was digested with PacI and transfected into 293 cells to package recombinant adenovirus particles. The target gene was detected by PCR.RESULTS: There were about 35% positive recombinant bacterial clones after the co-transformation of pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL and pAdEasy-1 into BJ5183. Recombinant adenovirus particle were produced and further amplified after the transfection of pAdEasy-1-gfp-bcl-XL into 293 cells. PCR test indicated that the recombinant Ad contained bcl-XL gene. The titer of the purified rAd-gfp-bcl-XL was 6.5×1012 PFU/L. CONCLUSIONS: The homologous recombination in bacteria is a convenient and high efficient method to prepare rAd-gfp-bcl-XL. This affords a good gene transfer vector for the gene therapy in human’s diseases.  相似文献   
自交系9804和9909杂交配制成杂交一代干椒,植株生长旺盛,座果力强,较抗病毒病和疫病,果实指形,纵长17~19cm,横径1.2cm,青熟果绿色,老熟果鲜红色,单果重8.3g,味辣,品质佳,中熟品种,从定植到采收55d(天),一般每667m^2产1500~1900kg。  相似文献   
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