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Mediterranean ecosystems are water limited and the current general circulation Models (GCM) and ecophysiological models forecast a warming and a further increase of drought in the next decades. A stronger water stress can decrease the capacity for nutrient absorption by plants. We conducted a field experiment to simulate forecasted drought and warming in a Mediterranean calcareous shrubland to assess the performance of root-surface phosphatase activities of the dominant shrub Globularia alypum. These enzyme activities were higher in autumn and spring, when the climate conditions were optimal for plant activity, than in summer or winter, when there was either lack of water or cold temperatures. A decrease in soil moisture in drought plots decreased root-surface phosphatase activity (29% in summer and 25% in autumn). The decrease in root-surface phosphatase activity in drought plots coincided with a decrease in P leaf concentrations and P accumulation in aboveground biomass and loss of photosynthetic capacity of some dominant shrub species of this ecosystem, and with a tendency to increase total soil-P. These results suggest that the expected drier conditions in this Mediterranean shrubland in the next decades will slow down the P uptake by plants, thereby, diminishing the P contents in biomass and increasing total P contents in soil in non-available forms and that this can be, in part, attributable to a result of the decrease in root-surface phosphatase activity.  相似文献   
对梵净山野生吉祥草(Reineckea carnea)与普通吉祥草在各种立地的生长情况、耐寒性、耐高温性、耐旱性等方面进行了比较.结果表明,在相同的立地下,野生吉祥草生长情况优于普通吉祥草,且具有更强的优良特性.梵净山野生吉祥草更适合用于园林绿化中,为梵净山野生吉祥草在当地园林中的应用提供一定的依据.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The deployment of synthetic attractants for the manipulation of lacewing populations as aphid predators is currently used in integrated pest management. This study investigates a synthetic bait comprising floral compounds previously found to attract the Chrysoperla carnea complex, and, for the first time, the aphid sex pheromone components (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)‐nepetalactol and (4aS,7S,7aR)‐nepetalactone, in field experiments in Hungary, for their ability to manipulate lacewing populations. RESULTS: The synthetic floral bait attracted both sexes of the Chrysoperla carnea complex, and Chrysopa formosa Brauer showed minimal attraction. The aphid sex pheromone compounds alone attracted males of C. formosa and C. pallens (Rambur). When the two baits were combined, Chrysopa catches were similar to those with aphid sex pheromone baits alone, but carnea complex catches decreased significantly (by 85–88%). CONCLUSION: As the floral bait alone attracted both sexes of the carnea complex, it showed potential to manipulate the location of larval density via altering the site of oviposition. Aphid sex pheromone compounds alone attracted predatory males of Chrysopa spp. and can potentially be used to enhance biological control of aphids. For the carnea complex, however, a combination of both baits is not advantageous because of the decrease in adults attracted. Assumptions of intraguild avoidance underlying this phenomenon are discussed. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
吉祥草是一种优良的地被植物,在常德地区被大量应用,但在很多地方均生长不良,据分析与光照强度有关。选择800盆吉祥草进行遮荫试验,进行常规的养护管理,观察记录吉祥草的生长状况并做比较分析,连续进行2年试验。结果表明,吉祥草在透光率20%-30%状态下生长良好,园林绿化中可应用在疏林底下,或与其他耐阴地被植物和山石搭配为最佳。  相似文献   
棉田防护林是棉花害虫天敌的重要源库之一。通过调查阿拉尔地区棉田防护林,发现防护林对棉花害虫天敌越冬有一定的诱集保护作用,且不同的树种诱集保护天敌的数量不同,10年生以上的树木诱集效果最好。防护林上诱集保护的主要棉花害虫天敌有:蜘蛛、菱斑巧瓢虫、十一星瓢虫、孪斑唇瓢虫、草蛉、黑食蚜盲蝽、华姬蝽、小花蝽等。根据棉花害虫天敌越冬对树种具有一定选择性,提出本地区单一树种防护林的改造设计方案。  相似文献   
阐述了吉祥草的生态环境分布,形态特征,园林应用的范围、效果、优点、缺点以及广泛的药用价值.  相似文献   
【目的】研究Cry1Ac蛋白通过棉花、棉蚜的传递对普通草蛉酶活性及生长发育的影响,为转Bt基因棉花的安全性评价提供参考和依据。【方法】采用ELISA方法,检测Bt棉、取食Bt棉的棉蚜和捕食棉蚜普通草蛉体内Bt杀虫蛋白含量;通过酶活力测定普通草蛉幼虫取食Bt棉花上棉蚜后其体内的类胰蛋白酶、类胰凝乳蛋白酶和氨肽酶的酶活性;室内生物测定普通草蛉取食Bt棉花上的棉蚜后对其生长发育的影响。【结果】Cry1Ac杀虫蛋白在棉叶中的表达量为788.76 ng/g,远高于棉蚜体内的2.35 ng/g,取食Bt棉花上棉蚜的普通草蛉3龄幼虫体内并未检测到Bt杀虫蛋白;通过三级营养传递的Cry1Ac蛋白对普通草蛉酶活力影响甚微。【结论】棉蚜取食Bt棉花后体内仅能累计微量Cry1Ac蛋白;普通草蛉取食Bt棉花上的棉蚜后,对其体内三种酶活性和生长发育均没有负面影响。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In spite of concern regarding potential non‐target effects of GM crops, few studies have compared GM pest control with conventional methods. The impacts of cypermethrin and oilseed rape expressing oryzacystatin‐1 (OC‐1) were compared in this study on the predator Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens). RESULTS: Adults fed purified rOC‐1 showed a subtle shift in digestive protease profile, with an increasing reliance on serine proteases (chymotrypsin), increase in aspartic proteases and a slight reduction in elastase activity. Although there were no effects on mortality, onset of oviposition was delayed; however, once egg production commenced, egg laying and hatching success rates were comparable with those of controls. Oryzacystatin‐1 expressed in pollen showed no detrimental effects. Cypermethrin had no effect on mortality owing to high levels of non‐specific esterase activity resulting in partial breakdown of the insecticide. In spite of this, there was a significant delay in onset of oviposition and a significant reduction in egg production and viability. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the potential for pest management to impact on predators, but importantly it highlights the ability of the predator to detoxify/respond to treatments with different modes of action. In this case, exposure to an insecticide carried a greater fitness cost than exposure to a protease inhibitor expressed in transgenic crops. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
以荷花蔷薇为父本与无刺野蔷薇杂交,结果表明,两蔷薇的杂交亲和性差,杂交后代园艺性状分离广泛.从杂交后代和荷花蔷薇自然实生后代中共选育5个优良株系:3株无刺,1个花高度瓣化,1株花型新颖奇特且花期晚14d.选出的优良株系生长健壮、花色花型优美,可作园林美化植株.  相似文献   
人工释放普通草蛉田间防治棉蚜效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2013年利用人工繁殖的普通草蛉对新疆哈密地区棉田的棉蚜进行生物防治,结果表明,棉田释放密度为30、40、50和60粒/株的普通草蛉卵5~13d后,与对照相比,各处理棉田的棉蚜数量均呈不断下降趋势,与对照相比校正防效不断升高。其中释放卵50和60粒/株10~13d后,校正防效可达69.88%~78.73%,取得了较好的防治效果。本研究通过小区试验研究人工繁殖的普通草蛉对棉田棉蚜的生物防治效果,为新疆棉田棉蚜的生物防治研究提供了理论基础和指导依据。  相似文献   
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