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We sampled saproxylic beetles using trunk window traps in two birch-dominated forests in Finland during 1990-1999. The sampling scheme, 10 traps attached to living fruiting bodies of Fomes fomentarius growing on dead birches, remained unchanged in both forests throughout the study period. Beetles belonging to 32 selected families were identified every year, whereas all species were identified during the last 4 years. Total number of identified individuals was 40,294 and number of species 583, of which 258 were saproxylic (dependent on dead wood). Species richness of rare and threatened saproxylic beetles in the samples varied a lot between the years and did not fluctuate synchronously between the forests. Variation between years was smaller when all saproxylic species were pooled together and some abundant species fluctuated synchronously in the two forests. Similarity indices and DCA-ordination did not generally suggest decreasing similarity between samples with increasing temporal isolation. Incidence-based similarities of common saproxylic species within and between forests and years were high (means 0.7-0.8), whereas those of rare saproxylics were roughly 50% smaller and much more variable. More than 75% of the common saproxylic species found during the entire 10-year period were detected already after 3 years of sampling but accumulation of rare and threatened species was much slower. Our results suggest that: (1) occurrence of rare and threatened species in samples is much less predictable than that of common species and, e.g. reserve selection based on rarities should be made cautiously; (2) estimation of total number of threatened species in a forest is very difficult, because such species accumulate slowly in the samples; (3) samples from different years can be comparable in certain cases.  相似文献   
详细描述了鞘翅目步甲科3属6种,等天敌昆虫的分类地位、形态特征,简述了天敌昆虫的生活习性、发生程度。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨鞘翅目昆虫多样性变化对不同生境类型的生态反应。[方法]选取哈尔滨市不同生境区域中的样地,分析鞘翅目昆虫的群落结构及其多样性。[结果]共获得鞘翅目昆虫标本3 215个,隶属鞘翅目55科120属233种,其中以小蠹科(Scolytidae)等为优势类群。东北林业大学林场多样性指数最高,其次是哈尔滨植物园,帽儿山实验林场老山实验站最低。帽儿山实验林场老山实验站物种丰富度和优势度指数最高,其次是东北林业大学林场,哈尔滨植物园最低。不同生境类型的鞘翅目昆虫群落多样性的时间动态不同,哈尔滨植物园的鞘翅目昆虫群落多样性指数随时间的波动最小,帽儿山实验林场老山实验站的物种数和优势度指数波动较大。不同生境区域鞘翅目昆虫相似性系数为中等不相似或极不相似水平,说明各生境类型的鞘翅目昆虫栖息地空间异质性较大,导致鞘翅目昆虫群落间相似性程度较低。[结论]该研究可为城市生态可持续发展、森林生态系统的多样性保护提供科学依据和理论基础。  相似文献   
本文记录了采自山东泰山的瓢虫科昆虫30种,其中属于山东省的新记录7种。  相似文献   
[目的]为有效实施烟草储藏害虫综合治理、确保烟草及其制品品质提供新方法。[方法]研究不同温度(25、35、45、55、60、65℃)下处理不同时间(60、75、90、105、120 s)对烟草甲成虫、蛹、幼虫和卵的致死作用。[结果]结果表明,不同处理温度、不同处理时间对烟草甲各虫态的致死作用效果差异显著。在处理温度为25、35和45℃时,该试验各个处理时间对烟草甲各虫态均无致死作用,而在处理温度为55℃以上时对烟草甲各虫态均具有较强的致死作用。在处理温度为60℃时,对烟草甲成虫、蛹、幼虫和卵达到100%致死作用的最短处理时间分别为90、120、75和75 s。[结论]高温处理可以作为一种有效的害虫防治方式运用到储烟害虫综合治理当中。  相似文献   
描述了小崎齿瓢虫属(Afidentula)和长崎齿瓢虫属(Afissula)各一种幼虫形态,幼虫标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
In a study of the effect of forest clear-cutting on the saproxylic beetle fauna in aspen in Norwegian boreonemoral forest, we find that both sun exposure and substrate are important structuring factors for the community of saproxylic beetles. Even though the species number and abundance is rather similar across the gradient of sun exposure, there is a major turnover in species composition in decaying aspen from mature forest to clear-cuttings. Our results confirm that aspen is an important element for beetle biodiversity both because of a generally species-rich community and a high number of rare and threatened (red-listed) beetles. There is a higher probability of presence of red-listed beetle species in snags than in logs. Sun exposure increases the probability of presence of red-listed species, but this was largely an effect of one dominating species. We conclude that retention of trees when clear-cutting is an important means for safeguarding the fauna of saproxylic beetles in aspen.  相似文献   
对天津自然博物馆自1913年以来所收藏的3000多号鞘翅目天牛科昆虫标本进行了系统鉴定分类,计有狭胸天牛亚科(Philinae)、锯天牛亚科(Prioninae)、幽天牛亚科(Aserminae)、花天牛亚科(Lepturinae)、天牛亚科(Ceranbycinae)、沟胫天牛亚科(Lamiinae)6亚科144属379种。  相似文献   
Winkler extractors, a simple device presumed to extract macro-invertebrates efficiently from soil and litter samples, is being used increasingly in ecological surveys and functional studies of soil macro-invertebrate communities. In this study the extraction efficiency and taxonomic bias of the Winkler extraction are evaluated for extraction periods of 3 h up to 7 weeks, calibrated by hand-sorting after 7 weeks. The method extracts most macro-invertebrates completely or to a proportion of over 90% except Isopoda, Diplopoda and Mollusca. However, for an exhaustive result, a long extraction period of several weeks is necessary. For the most speciose group (adult beetles) and for the commonly most abundant group (ants), a short extraction of 3 days was sufficient to get 70% of the individuals and nearly all species. Three days was also sufficient to recover the rank abundance order of beetle families, while for ‘higher taxa’ and for Chilopoda species, 4 and 3 weeks were necessary, respectively. Optimum extraction times for the abundant macro-invertebrate groups and possible adjustment factors for the soil macro-invertebrates of temperate woodlands are proposed to compensate the taxonomic bias caused by short extraction periods. However, for recording an accurate snapshot of the soil and litter fauna at a particular time, shorter extraction periods are advisable because of the short life cycle of many soil invertebrates causing emergence of later stages or a second generation during longer extraction periods. The problem of contamination of samples is also discussed.  相似文献   
中国叩甲科昆虫12亚科的支序分类研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取中国叩甲科昆虫12亚科间的13个特征,经量化处理并判定特征的极化方向后得到数据矩阵,再利用计算机支序分类软件PAUP4.0进行数据处理,得出中国叩甲科昆虫12亚科的谱系图。研究结果表明:叩甲科可明显地划分为3个自然类群,它们的亲缘关系可表示为(7,8),((2,4)3)9),(((11,12)10)5(1,6)),其中齿胸叩甲亚科(7)与露唇叩甲亚科(8),槽缝叩甲亚科(2)与萤叩甲亚科(4),小叩甲亚科(11)与心盾叩甲亚科(12),尖鞘叩甲亚科(1)与异角叩甲亚科(6)是4对姊妹群,每对姊妹群中的2个亚科间亲缘关系最近;单叶叩甲亚科(3)和叩甲亚科(9)与第2对姊妹群(2,4),梳爪叩甲亚科(10)与第3对姊妹群(11,12),胖叩甲亚(5)与第4对姊妹群(1,6)亲缘关系较近;齿胸叩甲亚科(7)与露唇叩甲亚科(8)是最原始的1对姊妹群,小叩甲亚科(11)与心盾叩甲亚科(12)是最进化的1对姊妹群。  相似文献   
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