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梓树的育苗繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梓树系紫薇科梓树属乔木,树冠开展,树皮灰褐色、纵裂.叶广卵形或近圆形,长10~30cm,通常3~5浅裂,有毛,背面基部脉腋有紫斑.圆锥花序顶生,长10~20cm;花萼绿色或紫色;花冠淡黄色,长约2cm,内面有黄色条纹及紫色斑纹.蒴果细长如筷,长20~30cm.种子有毛.花期5月.喜光,稍耐阴,喜深厚、肥沃、湿润土壤,不耐瘠薄,耐轻度盐碱,耐寒性强,在小兴安岭地区也可栽植.  相似文献   
Changxuan 3S, a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice line with eui gene, is derived from the TGMS rice line Pei'ai 64S by irradiation with 350 Gy of ^60Co γ-ray. To elucidate the uppermost internode elongation of the TGMS line with eui gene, Changxuan 3S and its parent Pei'ai 64S were used to study the effects of temperature on panicle exsertion. At 24℃, the uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S elongated the fastest from the 4^th day before flowering to 0 day (flowering), being 2.1-fold as that of Pei'ai 64S, whereas it elongated slowly during the 12^th day to the 4^th day before flowering and the 1^st to the 3^rd day after flowering. The uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S exserted from the flag leaf sheath at 22℃, 24℃ and 26℃, and the length of elongated uppermost internode increased with the decreasing temperatures. At 28℃, though the panicles of Changxuan 3S were still enclosed in the leaf sheath, the degree of panicle enclosure was significantly lower compared with Pei'ai 64S. Cytological studies on Changxuan 3S showed that the uppermost internode elongation was attributed to the increase of cell number and cell elongation, and the latter was more significant. Moreover, the numbers of outermost and innermost parenchyma cells and the cell length of the uppermost internode reduced with the increasing temperatures.  相似文献   
李文东 《中国林业》2009,(18):48-48
香椿是高大的乔木树木,楝科,雌雄异株,叶呈奇数羽状复叶,圆锥花序,两性花白色,果实是椭圆形蒴果,翅状种子,种子可以繁殖。树体高大,除供椿芽食用外,也是园林绿化的优选树种。人们食用香椿久已成习,汉代就遍布大江南北。古代农市上把香椿称椿,把臭椿称为樗。  相似文献   
紫羊茅属禾本科羊茅属,是一个多年生草本优良品种,株高20~30cm,常密集簇生,株丛发达,覆盖良好。圆锥花序狭窄稍下垂,花药黄色,颖果细小,千粒重0.72~0.75g。茎少叶多,叶狭窄而绿,可形成厚密、均匀而又柔软的层,由于返青早,形成草层快,绿色期长,抗寒性强,  相似文献   
A study was done on the relationship between Aphelenchoides besseyi and the symptoms of small grains and erect panicles. This is an important rice disease in Jiangsu Province, China. A. besseyi was extracted from small grains and erect panicles and cultured artificially, and then inoculated into bud and leaf sheaths of seedlings of two Oryza sativa cultivars, namely Zhendao 2 and Wuyunjing 7 in a greenhouse. The effect on rice growth, in particular the small grains and erect panicles, was revealed by the extent of the disease, seed expansion stages, nematode load, and nematode mortality. In contrast to healthy seedlings, the height, length, and the numbers of spikelets of unhealthy panicles of Zhendao 2 were decreased by 6.7, 16.4, and 13.5%, respectively. Before anthesis, nematodes were attracted to the leaf sheath and apical meristem, nematode load increased by 40%; after anthesis, nematodes occurred in spikelets principally and the number increased by 90.8%. The percentages of infected seeds and nematode load were highest in plump seeds and lowest in empty seeds. Nematode mortality on grain with normal endosperm was lower than seeds with abnormal endosperm. Results indicated that A. besseyi was the pathogen in rice with the symptoms of small grains and erect panicles. Wuyunjing 7 manifests only the small grains and erect panicles symptoms and not the symptoms of leaf white-tip. These symptoms of small grains and erect panicles are new symptom records for the disease caused by A. besseyi on rice.  相似文献   
葡萄为葡萄科葡萄属木质藤本植物,小枝圆柱形,有纵棱纹,无毛或被稀疏柔毛,叶卵圆形,圆锥花序密集或疏散,基部分枝发达,果实球形或椭圆形,花期4-5 月,果期8-9 月。葡萄为著名水果,生食或制葡萄干,并酿酒,酿酒后的酒脚可提酒食酸,根和藤药用能止呕、安胎。今天为大家介绍葡萄的种植方法与技术,希望可以帮助到大家。  相似文献   
形态特征 成株秆丛生具分枝,光滑,直立或基部膝曲。叶鞘光滑,大部短于节间。叶舌短小、膜质。叶片纵卷成针状。圆锥花序.小穗线形,灰绿色或紫色。  相似文献   
李万方 《花卉》2010,(4):29-29
蛾蝶花(Schizanthus pinnatus)原产南美智利,是茄科蛾蝶花属的二年生草本花卉。其花形既像飞蛾,又似蝴蝶。蛾蝶花全株疏生微粘的腺毛,原种高50~100厘米,园艺栽培变异的矮生品种高30~45厘米。叶互生。1—2回羽状全裂。圆锥花序,顶尘,花多,花冠径3-4厘米,花瓣5片,平展,其中3片花瓣的基部色较深,大多为红色、紫色、堇色,并有黄色斑块。  相似文献   
小叶丁香又名四季丁香,为木犀科丁香属落叶灌木。植株丛生,成熟树高1.0~1.5m,单叶对生,叶近圆形或卵圆形,基部楔形、圆形至阔楔形,叶片长2-3cm,3年生植株开花结实,圆锥花序密集,自侧芽生出,花紫红色,芳香,6月是开花盛期,常有秋季再次开花现象,蒴果披针形,常为镰刀状,10月上旬种子成熟。小叶丁香是阳性树种,耐寒、耐旱、耐贫瘠、耐轻盐碱,抗病虫害能力强。产于辽宁省、西北、华北及华中有分布,常生于石质山坡上,黑龙江省除黑河以北地区以外其它地区均可栽培。小叶丁香适宜于四旁绿化,也可丛植、片植于路旁、草坪、林缘,由于株形低矮、枝叶稠密、萌芽力强、耐修剪,多修剪成球形配置在草地景点或道路隔离带中,还可修剪成绿篱,用于分隔小区。如果带状栽植后不修剪,当花开时节,形成一条花带,景色迷人,近年来苗木市场小叶丁香供不应求,是城市绿化的优良、珍贵树种,前景效益可观。  相似文献   
六道木,属忍冬科,,六道木属,灌木。我国约有十个品种,小叶六道木、南方六道木等几个品种都适合做盆景材料,分布在中部、西南部至东南部。六道木树高一般1m-3m。叶卵形、叶片较小;花白色或粉红色;聚伞花序单生或组成圆锥花序;花冠钟状,花期较长:花谢后花萼可在枝头上留1至2个月,也很漂亮。  相似文献   
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