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In this study, the effects of nitrogen (N) rate (60, 120, 180 and 240 kg N ha?1 applied in three equal dressings at seeding and after the first and second cuttings) and stubble height (7, 14 and 21 cm) on the dry matter (DM) yield, crude protein (CP) content, and CP yield of a sorghum–sudangrass hybrid [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf., cv. Pioneer 988] in the three‐cut system was investigated. The N rate had no significant effect in the first and third cuttings, but in the second cutting DM yields increased significantly with increase in N rate. The highest yield of 9.1 t ha?1 was obtained with 80 kg N ha?1 for the average of 2 years at the second cutting, but no significant difference was found among the 40, 60 and 80 kg N ha?1 rates. CP content and yield were not significantly affected by N rate at the first and third cuttings, but CP content and yield were significantly affected by application of N at the second cutting. Stubble height had a significant effect on CP content at the third cutting. However, it had no significant effect on CP content at the first and second cuttings. Stubble height had a significant effect on the CP yield at the first cutting, but no significant effect on CP yield at the second and third cuttings.  相似文献   
Abstract. In Australia, stubble burning and tillage are two of the major processes responsible for the decline of soil organic carbon concentration in cropped soils, and the resulting soil degradation. However, the relative importance of these two practices in influencing the soil organic carbon concentration and the long-term impact on soil quality and productivity are not clear. The effects of stubble burning as practised by farmers in southeastern Australia were evaluated in two field trials, one of 19 years duration, the other of 5 years. Conventional tillage (three tillage passes) led to greater loss of soil organic carbon than stubble burning. Loss of total soil organic carbon attributed to stubble burning in the 0–10 cm layer was estimated to be 1.75 t C ha−1 over the period of the 19-year trial, equivalent to 29% of that lost due to tillage. In the 5-year trial, no change in soil organic carbon due to stubble burning was detectable. Changes in soil quality associated with stubble burning detected in the longer trial included a reduction in macro-aggregate stability, and increases in pH and exchangeable K+. Only the latter two were detected in the shorter trial. A higher mean wheat yield (average 0.15 t ha−1) following stubble burning was observed in the 19-year trial but not in the 5-year trial. Research to monitor the longer term effects of stubble burning is needed, and to identify conditions where loss of soil organic carbon is minimized.  相似文献   
利用DH群体进行白菜株高和开展度的QTL定位分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
应用AFLP、SRAP、RAPD、SSR及同工酶等标记构建的326个标记位点的白菜遗传图谱和81个DH株系群体,采用M apQTL 5软件对白菜的株高和开展度进行QTL定位。结果表明:通过2年试验,在10个连锁群上共检测到27个QTL,主要分布在R 5、R 10连锁群上:其中控制株高的有11个,控制开展度的有16个;获得2年稳定表达的控制株高的QTL 1个,控制开展度的QTL 3个;各QTL加性效应各不相等,其遗传贡献率为13.3%-29.2%;控制株高和控制开展度的QTL位点表现为紧密连锁或相似的位置,主要集中在R 5连锁群上。  相似文献   
为摸清不同类型毛竹林竹笋-幼竹高生长差异,选择立地条件和经营水平一致的毛竹纯林、竹杉混交林和竹阔混交林,调查分析竹笋-幼竹高生长特征及其变化规律,拟合竹笋-幼竹高生长节律方程。结果表明:不同类型毛竹林对竹笋-幼竹高生长产生不同影响,尤以毛竹纯林经营对其影响明显,竹笋-幼竹高生长时间缩短,立竹相对高度增高;不同类型毛竹林竹笋-幼竹高度、日生长量随时间变化均呈“慢—快—慢”的变化节律,但竹笋-幼竹高度、日生长量毛竹纯林在高生长上升期、盛期的前期明显较竹杉、竹阔混交林大,在高生长盛期的中后期提前急剧下降,竹笋-幼竹高度毛竹纯林在高生长盛期时较竹杉、竹阔混交林大,而后2种类型毛竹林竹笋-幼竹高度、日生长量均接近;不同类型毛竹林竹笋-幼竹高生长节律均可用逻辑斯缔方程拟合。  相似文献   
付秀琴  王梅 《草业科学》2014,8(5):927-934
以我国南方广泛分布的黑麦草(Lolium perenne)+白三叶(Trifolium repens)退化草地为研究对象,探讨了不同留茬高度刈割处理下草地群落、功能群和主要优势物种补偿性生长的响应模式。研究表明,刈割能提高黑麦草+白三叶草地地上生物量,高茬(12 cm,HC)和低茬(6 cm,LC)刈割均能实现群落地上生物量正补偿性生长;禾草和杂类草在低茬和中茬(9 cm,MC)等较大刈割强度下仍能获得较高补偿性生长;豆科牧草地上生物量在高茬及中茬等适度刈割处理下为超补偿生长模式,补偿指数G/C分别为1.20和1.23,在低茬刈割下为低补偿模式(G/C=0.98)。表明豆科牧草的补偿性生长受刈割强度影响较大,在草地管理过程中可通过合适的留茬高度来提高豆科牧草的产量。而菊科类植物在3种留茬高度下均表现为G/C1(介于0.31~0.48),显示出明显的欠补偿特征。通过对不同留茬高度处理地上生物量与根系生物量分配关系分析发现,禾草类地上补偿性生长有可能是通过改变植株的生物量分配模式来实现的;杂类草和菊科植物则是由地上部分生长与根系协同生长完成;刈割对豆科植物的影响主要体现在地上部分,其根系生长具有相对独立性。群落和功能群水平的地上生物量补偿性生长最终都是由各优势物种不同响应模式来实现的。该研究结果对于解释放牧和刈割等利用方式对黑麦草+白三叶混播草地的种群结构变化、生物量构成和再生特性影响等具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
陈玲玲  支树立  毛培胜  陈琪 《草业科学》2014,8(12):2356-2362
牧草种子收获后的田间管理对次年的种子产量具有重要影响, 尤其是在果后营养生长期较长的地区, 种子收获后针对秸秆和残茬的田间管理往往被忽视, 对于新的枝条形成、越冬返青以及植被的利用年限均造成不利影响。本文对牧草种子田收获后的田间管理方法、作用、效果和技术要点等进行综述, 并结合国内外的研究进展, 提出牧草种子收获以后, 在管理种子田的方法措施中普遍存在的问题, 为解决我国牧草种子产量低、质量差等问题提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   
根据同一滩地、不同高程杨树林一个轮伐期的定位观测,杨树造林保存率和材积生长量均随滩地高程降低、淹水时间增加而减小。东南湖滩地根据其杨树宜林性分为3类:①高位滩地,适于建速生丰产林基地;②中位滩地,可作一般用材林、防浪林、抑螺林的造林;③低位滩地,一般不宜直接用于杨树造林。  相似文献   
麦茬直播水稻农业气象条件分析   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
结合涟水县近10年温度、日照、降水量资料,对水稻生育期的温、光、水特性进行分析,结果表明:近10年6月中旬至10月下旬的平均积温为3 327.5℃,平均日照时数为915.3h,平均降水量为756.5mm,满足麦茬直播水稻全生育期需求。  相似文献   
不同海拔高度对寿宁县毛竹生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用随机试验设计法对毛竹生长与不同海拔高度之间的关系进行研究,通过对比分析,结果表明:毛竹不同海拔高度之间的立竹数差异不明显,而平均胸径差异极显著,生长在较低海拔高度的毛竹平均胸径较大,经济效益好;培育高产优质的毛竹竹用材,其海拔高度应选择800 m以下。  相似文献   
矮生性水稻对赤霉素反应的初步研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
 就47个水稻矮秆品种对GA3的反应进行了研究,结果表明,在籼稻中凡携带有sd-1基因位点的材料其株高对GA3反应均较敏感,而株高对GA3反应迟钝甚至无反应者均可推断其携带有与sd-1非等位的矮生基因,这将可作为鉴别sd-1基因位点的一种新的简捷方法;在粳稻中,具有d-47、d-7、d-12、d-13、d-14、d-18h、d-19、d-30位点的矮秆材料其株高对GA3反应敏感,而具有d-1、d-2、d-3、d-17和sd-s(t)等13个矮秆基因位点的材料其株高对GA3反应不敏感:GA3对各株高构成因素的影响随材料不同而异,但第III、IV节间对GA3的反应最明显。  相似文献   
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