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应用了GC/MS方法分析炼油厂汽提污水中的有机物,其结果可作为实用除油技术的依据。  相似文献   
Stratospheric ozone (O3) depletion has led to increased terrestrial ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) radiation (290–320 nm). Leaves exposed to this radiation produce UV‐absorbing compounds in the epidermal cells, which protect plants from UV‐B damage. To determine the role of UV‐absorbing compounds in the UV‐B sensitivity of weeds (common chickweed (Stellaria media), downy brome (Bromus tectorum), green smartweed (Polygonum scabrum), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), spotted cat’s‐ear (Hypochoeris radicata), and stork’s‐bill (Erodium cicutarium)) seedlings were exposed to 0, 4 (field ambient), 7 (18% O3 depletion) and 11 (37% O3 depletion) kJ m?2 d?1 of biologically effective UV‐B radiation in a greenhouse. Ultraviolet‐absorbing compounds were extracted from the second true‐leaf (0.5 cm2 samples) with methanol : distilled water : HCl (79 : 20 : 1) in an 85°C water bath for 15 min, and the absorbance of the extracts measured at 300 nm. The shoot dry biomass was recorded to determine the susceptibility to UV‐B radiation. Common chickweed was the most sensitive and green smartweed the least sensitive weed to UV‐B radiation. The latter accumulated more UV‐absorbing compounds and this accumulation occurred earlier compared with common chickweed. As UV‐BBE radiation levels increased from 0 to 11 kJ m?2 d?1, the green smartweed shoot biomass did not decline. However, the biomass of all five susceptible species declined despite an increase in the UV‐absorbing compounds in response to increased UV‐B radiation. Therefore, formation of a ‘UV‐screen’ in these species is not sufficient to fully prevent UV‐B damage. When the concentration of UV‐absorbing compounds in the six species was plotted against their susceptibility to UV‐B radiation, no relationship was observed. Thus, while the accumulation of UV‐absorbing compounds may be a major factor in the protection of certain species against UV‐B radiation and may offer some degree of defence in other species, it does not explain UV‐B susceptibility differences in weedy species in general.  相似文献   
Background: CDK4/6 (Cyclin-dependent kinases 4/6) are the key promoters of cell cycle transition from G1 phase to S phase. Thus, selective inhibition of CDK4/6 is a promising cancer treatment. Methods: A total of 52,765 marine natural products were screened for CDK4/6. To screen out better natural compounds, pharmacophore models were first generated, then the absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, and toxicity (ADMET) were tested, followed by molecular docking. Finally, molecular dynamics simulation was carried out to verify the binding characteristics of the selected compounds. Results: Eighty-seven marine small molecules were screened based on the pharmacophore model. Then, compounds 41369 and 50843 were selected according to the ADMET and molecular docking score for further kinetic simulation evaluation. Finally, through molecular dynamics analysis, it was confirmed that compound 50843 maintained a stable conformation with the target protein, so it has the opportunity to become an inhibitor of CDK4/6. Conclusion: Through structure-based pharmacophore modeling, ADMET, the molecular docking method and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, marine natural compound 50843 was proposed as a promising marine inhibitor of CDK4/6.  相似文献   
为探究笃斯越橘、蓝靛果、树莓、黑加仑4种特色寒地浆果滋味特点,及其滋味形成的特征性物质组成,该研究基于超高效液相色谱-四极杆飞行时间质谱(ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry, UPLC-QTOF-MS)和气相色谱质谱法(gaschromatography-mass spectrometry, GC-MS)分别对4种浆果的非挥发性和挥发性物质进行鉴定和筛选,并进行公因子分析;同时进行4种浆果的电子舌分析及感官评价,得出4种浆果滋味品质模糊综合得分。结果显示:笃斯越橘糖酸比为4.41,特征性挥发性物质为α-松油醇和苯甲醛,电子舌酸味响应值最强;黑加仑糖酸比为3.80,特征性挥发性物质为苯乙醇和乙酸,各滋味响应值相当;蓝靛果糖酸比为3.37,总酚含量最高,特征性挥发性物质为正己醇和3-己烯-1-醇,咸味和鲜味响应值最高;树莓糖酸比为8.19,特征性挥发性物质为乙酸和α-紫罗酮,甜味和苦味响应值最高;经筛选鉴定及统计分析得出4种浆果的非挥发性物质中有显著差异的化合物有10种,分别为塔格糖、乳酸、阿洛酮糖、草酸、柠檬酸、天冬氨酸、茜草苷、6α-甘露二糖、蔗糖和异槲皮素。滋味感官模糊综合评分由大到小为树莓、蓝靛果、笃斯越橘、黑加仑;因子分析结果表明4种浆果滋味组成得分由大到小排序依次为黑加仑、蓝靛果、笃斯越橘和树莓。该研究结果可为4种寒地浆果的产品开发滋味调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   
南京板鸭生产过程中风味成分组成及其变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按传统生产工艺生产南京板鸭,分别在原料、干腌、湿腌、排坯、风干5 d、风干10 d和风干15 d等7个工艺段随机取6只板鸭的股二头肌作为样品进行风味成分检测.结果显示:在原料、干腌、湿腌和排坯阶段的鸭肉中分别检测到33、68、18和31种风味化合物;在风干5 d、10 d和15 d的鸭肉中分别检测到43、57和54种风味化合物.这些成分可归类为:含硫类、胺类、醇类、羧酸类、烃类、酮类、酯类、醛类、醚类、含氮类和呋喃类化合物.在南京板鸭成品的风味成分中,醛类、醇类、烃类和酮类分别占化合物总数的37.78%、26.93%、18.39%和11.72%.主成分分析显示,第一主成分主要由2种醛、1种羧酸和1种醇组成,第二主成分主要由2种醛、1种酮和1种烯组成.第一和第二主成分总计解释了南京板鸭风味成分变化总方差的85.0%.  相似文献   
Resistance to plant disease is often specific and metabolites and receptors contributing to this specificity may have specific structures. However, simple, structurally-unrelated compounds induce systemic resistance in unrelated plants to diverse pathogens including fungi, bacteria and viruses. Both resistance and induced systemic resistance (ISR) are associated with the rapid accumulation of the same structurally unrelated putative defense compounds that have diverse functions. It has been suggested that cultivar (race)-specific resistance is initiated by the specific interaction of a pathogen product (or pathogen induced product) and a plant receptor. However, restricted infection by pathogens can result in ISR and many different compounds can cause ISR. It is thus evident that there are both specific and non-specific routes to the master switch for ISR and there may be more than one master switch. Are reactive oxygen species and free radicals regulating the master switch(es) via both routes? It is also evident there are many switches, other than the master switch. Adding to the complexity of resistance and ISR are the observations that different compounds and pathways may mediate different biochemical resistances. Activation of one of the pathways may antagonize or enhance the activation or effectiveness of another. The review will address these complexities and questions and propose directions of research which require high priority. Factors which encourage and suppress the application of ISR in agriculture will also be addressed.  相似文献   
枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌株的抗菌物质及其特性   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
 产几丁质酶枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌株的固体培养物在黄瓜灰霉病菌和番茄叶霉病菌抑菌试验中证实,抑菌活性物质存在于过滤上清液中,它们是从酸沉淀物中提取出的伊枯草菌素、生物表面活性素和存在于盐析粗蛋白中的几丁质酶。在叶霉孢子萌发试验中,伊枯草菌素微弱地抑制孢子萌发但强烈破坏芽管和新生菌丝;生物表面活性素和几丁质酶则强烈抑制孢子萌发并长久性地抑制芽管伸长。在PDA平板上的灰霉菌丝抑菌试验中,伊枯草菌素抑制菌丝生长,引发菌丝顶端膨大,形成泡囊,泡囊破裂后原生质外泄;几丁质酶抑制菌丝生长,引发产生不规则的菌丝团;生物表面活性素在平皿上对菌丝则不显示出抑菌活性。  相似文献   
甘薯长喙壳菌产生芳香性气体物质研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李倩  邓吉  李健强 《植物保护》2009,35(4):8-14
根据国内外相关文献报道及作者的研究实践,评述了甘薯长喙壳菌(Ceratocystis fimbriata Ell. et Halst.)及其产生芳香性气体物质的组成、影响因素、收集检测方法和应用价值;比较了芳香性气体物质几种收集方法的优劣和技术难点;分析了甘薯长喙壳菌产生芳香性气体物质特征在天然香味物质获取新途径、农作物废料再利用和作物病害防治方面的潜在应用前景;提出了围绕甘薯长喙壳菌的生物学特性开展系统研究,加速开展芳香性气体物质收集方法的筛选、组分分析及其生物学效应为主的应用基础和应用技术综合研究的建议  相似文献   
套袋对鸭梨果实香气及糖酸组分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静态顶空和气相色谱-质谱联用技术、高效液相色谱技术,研究了生长期套袋对鸭梨果实挥发性成分、糖酸组分等风味物质的组成和含量的影响。结果表明:套袋导致鸭梨香气物质种类减少和相对百分含量降低。套袋鸭梨采收时测定的香气成分有3类18种,其中酯类15种、烯类2种、醇类1种;不套袋鸭梨采收时测定的香气成分有3类26种,其中酯类23种、烯类2种、醇类1种。鸭梨的主要香气成分是乙酸己酯、己酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯。套袋和不套袋鸭梨均检测到3种糖、4种有机酸组分,其中糖组分主要为果糖,其次为蔗糖、葡萄糖,有机酸组分主要为苹果酸,其次为乙酸、柠檬酸、草酸,但不同处理间含量存在差异。  相似文献   
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