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论电子阅览室的知识导航与信息服务   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文立足于知识导航与信息服务,对网络环境下电子阅览室的服务内容、服务保障、目前面临的现状进行了论述,并提出了服务对策。  相似文献   
In order to develop a rapid, sensitive and specific qPCR assay for detection and quantification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), a pair of primers and TaqMan probe were designed according to the conserved sequence of known TYLCV isolates. Combining with MNP technique, a novel MNP-qPCR detection method was established and verified based on specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility tests. The results indicated that the Ct value of plotted standard curve showed good linear relationship(R2 =0.9994)with the log of copy number of template. The established method showed a high specificity for TYLCV detection without crossing reaction with Tomato severe leaf curl virus and Tomato yellow leaf curl Sadinia virus, and was 10-fold more sensitive than routine PCR. Both coefficients of variation were less than 2%, indicating a good reproducibility. We have provided a novel method for detection of TYLCV in plant samples rapidly and quantitatively.  相似文献   
基于 VSM 的农机作业精益管理模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农机作业正向社会化服务迈进、农机作业组织呈现数量增长快、服务方式多、服务能力和水平不断 提高的特点;但也存在由于服务组织结构不合理、管理不规范等因素造成的服务水平低、服务收益波动大等问题。 为 了规范农机作业过程管理、提高作业绩效、应用基于活性系统模型(VSM )的组织设计方法、将多种精益管理手段和 方法引入农机作业服务管理中、构建了面向农机作业服务精益管理的活性系统模型。 案例研究结果表明、该模型可 用于指导我国农机作业服务组织实施精益管理的组织结构设计和运作诊断。  相似文献   
长爪沙鼠是河西走廊北部荒漠草地的优势鼠类,危害严重。古浪县位于河西走廊东部,北部荒漠草地的长爪沙鼠,5月鼠密度在29.1只/hm^2~52.3只/hm^2之间,至9月造成牧草损失586kg/hm^2。通过调查鼠密度和牧草损失量,结果充分显示长爪沙鼠的种群密度与其造成的损失量之间呈明显的正相关关系,其回归方程式为:M=13.96×-8.10。通过防治及综合分析研究后提出在河西走廊的古浪县北部荒漠草地长爪沙鼠的防治指标为5.33只/hm^2,5月份防治。  相似文献   
芝麻枯萎病病原菌致病力室内鉴定方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 芝麻枯萎病(Sesame Fusarium wilt, SFW)是由尖孢镰刀菌芝麻专化型(Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. sp. sesami (Zap.), FOS)引起的一种土传真菌病害, 是世界芝麻生产上的主要病害之一。为测定FOS致病力, 本文选用郑芝98N09等4个芝麻品种, 在苗期对15个FOS菌株的致病力强弱进行了室内鉴定和评价。结果表明, 采用1×106个/mL分生孢子悬浮液与无菌蛭石和无菌土壤按V1∶V2∶V6比例混合接菌(即最终接菌浓度为1.4×105孢子/g土壤), 在接菌后第7 d幼苗开始出现枯萎病症状, 调查菌株致病性的最佳时间为接菌后第25 d~28 d;在供试15个FOS菌株中, 对4个品种均表现为强致病力的菌株有8个(DI>50), 均表现为弱致病力的菌株有5个(DI<20);不同芝麻品种对不同菌株的抗性有一定差异。该方法可应用于芝麻枯萎病病原菌致病性测定和芝麻种质抗枯萎病特性评价, 并为后续的机理研究提供了技术支持。  相似文献   
利用SCI对我国农业学科进行科技评价的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用美国ISI发布的2001年度期刊引文报告(JCR2001)数据,对主要的几项期刊指标在农业学科期刊中的分布情况进行了比较分析.从中得知在理、工、农、医4大学科领域中,SCI收录农业学科期刊最少,农业的高影响力期刊也最少.如果不同学科用同一个标准来衡量,将会影响那些收录期刊数、被引频次较少及一些重要的冷门学科的正常发展.文中以SCI收录浙江大学农业学科论文为实例进行了验证,并提出利用SCI对我国农业学科进行科技评价的思考及建议.  相似文献   
俞欢慧  张慧王亮MM  Es  ca  la  da  KL  Heong  潜华 《广东农业科学》2014,41(11):95-99
长期以来农药的不合理利用已经引发了环境污染、食品安全等一系列问题、探索减少农药投入的生产 模式、构建稻田生物多样性生态控制病虫害的水稻生产模式已经成为稻田可持续发展的重要手段之一。 为了更好 地开展海南稻田生物多样性保护、发挥稻田生态系统服务功能、有必要系统全面地了解农民对稻田生物多样性保护 认知及农药使用情况、我们在海南北部和南部分别开展了调查。 结果显示、调查区大部分稻农对稻田生物多样性概 念不了解、相关知识掌握较少、且仅有极少数农民接受过相关的多样性种植培训或者指导。 在农药使用上、存在过 量使用、盲目使用和跟风使用等一系列不科学问题、直接导致海南稻田生态系统遭到破坏、种植成本骤增、稻农净收 益降低。 通过分析、就海南水稻生产中的农药使用问题提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   
鱼塘溶氧自动控制系统可根据测量到的鱼塘溶氧值实现增氧泵自动开启,从而获得较为稳定的鱼塘养殖环境,保证鱼类正常生长。系统采用STC12C5A16S2单片机控制,应用TC35i通讯模块实现远程信息手机接收与遥控操作。控制器具有溶氧控制值可设定、能测量溶氧及温度数值、自动启停增氧泵、异常温度短信提醒等功能。  相似文献   
  1. Although the frequency of occurrence of plastic ingestion in the large-sized dolphinfish and tunas taken by the Hawai'i longline fishery is very low (frequency of occurrence < 5% of sampled individuals), the ingestion of plastic in smaller-sized specimens caught with pole-and-line gear by commercial and recreational fishers has not been investigated.
  2. This study examined ingestion of >0.25 mm marine plastic debris (MPD) by four predatory fish species caught by commercial fishers around the Main Hawaiian Islands, and documented ingestion in three species: 85.7% of albacore tuna (n = 7), 40.0% of skipjack tuna (n = 10) and 12.5% of dolphinfish (n = 8).
  3. Yellowfin tuna (n = 10) did not contain any MPD, probably owing to the high proportion of empty stomachs (60%).
  4. For skipjack tuna, the frequency of occurrence of MPD ingestion was significantly higher for the smaller-sized specimens caught with pole-and-line (40%), compared with the larger-sized specimens caught with longlines (0%).
  5. For dolphinfish, the frequency of occurrence of MPD ingestion was similar for the similar-sized specimens caught with pole-and-line and with longlines.
  6. The ingested MPD items were micro–meso plastics, between 1 and 25 mm. While most ingested items were fragments, albacore also ingested line and skipjack also ingested sheets.
  7. The predatory fishes ingested light MPD items that float in sea water, but there were species-specific differences in their polymer composition: albacore contained more polypropylene and polyethylene, and skipjack contained more elastomers, characterized by a high percentage of ester plasticizers.
  8. Altogether, these results suggest that albacore and skipjack tunas ingest plastic of different types and polymers. Yet more research is needed to understand how differences in vertical distribution, foraging ecology and diet influence the MPD sampled by these predatory fish species.
北京林业发展战略研究与规划   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
北京市位于华北平原的北端,东南与天津市接壤,其余边界均与河北省相邻,距渤海约150km,是中国的首都。全市陆域面积1.68万km2。    相似文献   
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