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王军  韦爱梅  孙思 《林业科学》2007,43(7):51-54
通过接种青枯菌与非病原的大肠杆菌,对2个桉树无性系和1种非寄主树木的根表吸附菌量及根内含菌量进行测定.结果表明:青枯菌对感病寄主根表的吸附量多于对抗病寄主和非寄主根表的吸附量,对感病寄主根部的侵入量多于对抗病寄主但少于对非寄主根部的侵入量;病原菌较非病原菌对感病寄主根表的吸附量大,但二者对感病寄主根部的侵入量则依据根部伤口的有无而互有高低.青枯菌接种24 h内,感病寄主根表吸附菌量和根内含菌量呈上升趋势,在抗病寄主及非寄主根表的吸附菌量和根内含菌量却呈下降趋势.从统计学上看,青枯菌对寄主根部的吸附和侵入都显示出了一定的选择性,但由于病原细菌能够大量地吸附和侵入抗病寄主和非寄主根部,非病原细菌也能够大量地吸附和侵入桉树根部,因此这种选择性的生物学意义不大,青枯菌对桉树根表没有表现出明显的识别行为.  相似文献   
体细胞培养能获得稳定的遗传材料,还能通过变异获得抗性的育种材料。在现代科学技术的支撑下,通过体细胞培养来获得次生代谢物和进行细胞育种的技术不断完善。本文从桉树愈伤组织培养、原生质体培养、悬浮培养、体细胞胚胎发生和人工种子等五个方面对二十世纪八十年代以来桉树体细胞培养的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
采用溶胶-凝胶法,对含水率142%~146%的速生桉树生材进行改性处理,采用电镜SEM、X-射线能谱仪DAX及红外光谱FTIR分析,观察木材微观结构和SiQ分布状态,并检测理化性能.结果表明:浸渍时间不同,改性材中的SiO2含量和分布不同;改性材的增重率最大达45%,气干密度可提高至0.6 g/cm3左右,抗弯强度、硬度及耐光老化性能等均相应提高.  相似文献   
桉木基复合材料研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桉树作为我国主要的人工林树种之一,具有品种多、生长速度快等优点,在缓解我国木材供 需矛盾上发挥了重要作用。由于桉木存在高生长应力、节疤、易变形开裂等劣势,目前工业上主要用作 纸浆、纤维板或胶合板和单板层积材的芯板,其利用方式单一,附加值较低。近年来研究者们以桉木与 塑料、竹材等材料为原料制备复合材料,展现出良好的尺寸稳定性、力学性能、阻燃性、抗菌性等性能, 有效地提高了桉木的利用价值,拓宽了桉木在人造板、集装箱等领域的应用。文章分别介绍了桉木 / 塑 料、桉木 / 竹、桉木 / 水泥、桉木 / 无机物 4 种复合材料,并对其制备工艺、性能等方面的研究进展进行 综述。  相似文献   
LoRa技术是最新出现的一种无线通信技术,具有低功耗、距离远、工作在非授权波段等特点,与ZigBee等现在常用的无线通信技术相比,其在人工林无线传感器网中更具潜力。然而由于LoRa的传输受环境影响较大,目前在人工林中传播特性的研究还处于空白。本研究基于Shadowing信号衰减模型,在广西东门林场中测试了433 MHz信道LoRa信号在两种天线高度下(1.5,2.0 m)和3种不同环境下(开阔环境、3 a林龄桉树人工林,5 a林龄桉树人工林)LoRa信号接收强度(RSSI)随距离变化的情况,每种条件下得到了两组数据。首先利用其中一组数据对模型进行拟合,拟合结果表明,LoRa信号传输遵从Shadowing模型,拟合度在0.886~0.982。然后利用另一组数据对模型的精度进行验证,验证结果表明,模型精度较高,模型的精度介于0.780~0.961。最后分析了桉树人工林中影响LoRa信号传输的主要因素。本研究的方法和获得的信号衰减系数可以为桉树人工林无线传感器网络监测中LoRa节点的组网和部署提供依据和参考。  相似文献   
对同安钮夜蛾(Anua indiscriminata Moore)幼虫在桉林的分布进行了调查,并在室内测试了几种农药对其幼虫的毒性,结果表明,同安钮夜蛾幼虫在林间为聚集分布;其虫口密度在同一树冠不同方向或层次上的分布差异不显著;坡向对同安钮夜蛾幼虫的分布影响显著,南坡的虫口密度高于北坡的。在供试的农药中,25%灭幼脲Ⅲ号悬浮剂0.67 g/L液、1.8%阿维菌素乳油0.25 g/L液、保尔或锐劲特0.5 g/L液、0.3%印楝素乳油2 g/L液、1.3%鱼藤氰乳油或10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂1 g/L液对同安钮夜蛾5~6龄幼虫的毒杀效果均达96%以上。  相似文献   
The study describes the capacity of trees to control the rise in water table and thus prevent the formation of waterlogged soils and development of secondary salinization in canal irrigated areas. It was conducted in RCC lysimeters of 1.2 m dia. and 2.5 m depth filled with sandy loam alluvial soil (Typic Ustochrept), with provisions to maintain water table depth at 1, 1.5 and 2 m from the surface and groundwater salinity at 0.4, 3, 6, 9 and 12 dS m-1. The amount of water biodrained by eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis) and bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea) at the given water table depths and groundwater salinity levels was monitored over four years by daily measuring the water needed for maintaining the water table. The trees continued to absorb and transpire water throughout the year, the capacity being more in summer and rainy than that was in the winter season. The eucalyptus plant could biodrain 2880, 5499, 5518 and 5148 mm of water in the first, second, third and fourth year of study period, from non-saline groundwater and a water table depth of 1.5 m. The amount of water biodrained was more at 1.5 m as compared to 1 and 2 m water table depths. The biodrainage capacity of trees was significantly affected by the salinity of the groundwater. However, even at salinity of 12 dS m-1, the eucalyptus plant biodrained 53% of that under non-saline conditions. It was calculated that biodrainage could control water table rises upto 1.95, 3.48, 3.76 and 3.64 m in first, second, third and fourth year, respectively. The secondary salinity developed in the root zone, upto 45 cm depth, did not exceed 4 dS m-1 even at water table depth of 1 m with salinity of 12 dS m-1. The volume of water biodrained by bamboo increased with time and could control water table rises upto 1.09, 1.86, 2.46 and 2.96 m in first, second, third and fourth year of growth, respectively.This study indicates that due to high transpiration capacity and an ability to extract water from deeper layers containing saline groundwater, the trees can control the rise in water table in irrigation command areas and prevent the formation of waterlogged and eventually the saline wastelands.  相似文献   
The rust fungus Austropuccinia psidii has spread globally and naturalized in areas with naïve species of Myrtaceae. Previous studies have revealed multiple strains of A. psidii within South America and two strains outside of its native range. The rust spreads by windborne mitotic urediniospores, which are the dominant spore stage. Teliospores and basidiospores of A. psidii are also formed; however, the biological role of these stages in the life cycle is unknown. Experiments presented here tested whether basidiospores of A. psidii could infect Syzygium jambos. The sori produced by infection with basidiospores were screened with five microsatellite markers to confirm whether they were a product of recombination. The findings showed that basidiospores of A. psidii could cause infection on species of Myrtaceae and the resulting sori were a product of recombination. This has important implications for programmes that breed for resistance to this aggressive pathogen in commercial eucalypt forestry.  相似文献   
Puccinia psidii has long been considered a significant threat to Australian plant industries and ecosystems. In April 2010, P. psidii was detected for the first time in Australia on the central coast of New South Wales (NSW). The fungus spread rapidly along the east coast and in December 2010 was found in Queensland (Qld) followed by Victoria a year later. Puccinia psidii was initially restricted to the southeastern part of Qld but spread as far north as Mossman. In Qld, 48 species of Myrtaceae are considered highly or extremely susceptible to the disease. The impact of P. psidii on individual trees and shrubs has ranged from minor leaf spots, foliage, stem and branch dieback to reduced fecundity. Tree death, as a result of repeated infection, has been recorded for Rhodomyrtus psidioides. Rust infection has also been recorded on flower buds, flowers and fruits of 28 host species. Morphological and molecular characteristics were used to confirm the identification of P. psidii from a range of Myrtaceae in Qld and compared with isolates from NSW and overseas. A reconstructed phylogeny based on the LSU and SSU regions of rDNA did not resolve the familial placement of P. psidii, but indicated that it does not belong to the Pucciniaceae. Uredo rangelii was found to be con‐specific with all isolates of P. psidii in morphology, ITS and LSU sequence data, and host range.  相似文献   
The visible and near infrared (NIR) (350-2500 nm) spectra and the MOE of 438 small clear wood samples from Chinese fir, eucalyptus and poplar 72 were measured. Using partial least-square (PLS) modeling, the NIR spectra could be used to predict MOE and MOR of the clear-wood samples from Chinese fir and eucalyptus solid wood. NIR spectra could only be used to Predict MOE but not MOR of poplar clear-wood samples. With the exception of MoR of poplar clear-wood samples, the correlations between NIR and the mechanical properties are very strong, and the calibration and test correlation coefficients are both above 0.80.  相似文献   
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