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散养成乳牛舍环境测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一栋散养成乳牛舍为对象,系统地测定了舍内外的气温、气湿、风速、辐射强度、黑体温度及屋顶热流量。结果表明:从6月1日—9月10日,舍内旬均气温都在23.43℃以上,舍内14:00气温旬均值都在28℃以上,舍内旬均THI都超过71.71;屋顶热流量曲线的斜率很大、峰值出现于14:00,并且与舍外黑体温度呈高度的正相关;舍内与舍外的黑体温度、辐射强度分别呈中等以上的正相关;冬季舍内寒冷,同时受舍外气流影响大。笔者认为,通过增加牛舍高度、先用高热阻屋面材料和冬季防风可望改进此类牛舍的环境。  相似文献   
家兔选育性状典型相关分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择日本大耳白和新西兰两个品种家兔的生长、繁殖、以及体尺3组共17个性状,应用多元统计方法进行了典型相关分析,结果表明;日本大耳白兔的初生重、初生窝重、21日龄重、泌乳力、胸围等5个性状,新西兰兔的产活仔数、初生重、21日龄重、泌乳力、断奶窝重、母兔体重等6个性状为主要性状。  相似文献   
An aggregation index (AI) to quantify spatial patterns of landscapes   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
There is often need to measure aggregation levels of spatial patterns within a single map class in landscape ecological studies. The contagion index (CI), shape index (SI), and probability of adjacency of the same class (Qi), all have certain limits when measuring aggregation of spatial patterns. We have developed an aggregation index (AI) that is class specific and independent of landscape composition. AI assumes that a class with the highest level of aggregation (AI =1) is comprised of pixels sharing the most possible edges. A class whose pixels share no edges (completely disaggregated) has the lowest level of aggregation (AI =0). AI is similar to SI and Qi, but it calculates aggregation more precisely than the latter two. We have evaluated the performance of AI under varied levels of (1) aggregation, (2) number of patches, (3) spatial resolutions, and (4) real species distribution maps at various spatial scales. AI was able to produce reasonable results under all these circumstances. Since it is class specific, it is more precise than CI, which measures overall landscape aggregation. Thus, AI provides a quantitative basis to correlate the spatial pattern of a class with a specific process. Since AI is a ratio variable, map units do not affect the calculation. It can be compared between classes from the same or different landscapes, or even the same classes from the same landscape under different resolutions.  相似文献   
物位检测技术在现代化工业控制中占有重要地位。由于现场具体的安装环境不同,被测介质种类和状态不同,情况异常复杂,因此必须根据具体的现场工况,合理地选择物位检测的方法和产品。为此,提出了一种基于混沌理论的超声波物位检测系统,并论述了信号处理方法,从而能准确识别噪声干扰与超声波回波信号,提高了物位检测精度。  相似文献   
用毛细吸渗原理快速测量土壤田间持水量的研究   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:18  
田间持水量是衡量田间土壤保持水分能力的重要指标,视为对作物有效的土壤水分的上限,对农田灌溉和作物水分管理具有十分重要意义。该研究提出了能快速测量土壤田间持水量的新型毛细吸渗法。该方法以田间持水量为无地下水影响下土壤基质所能吸持的最大含水量为物理基础,设计了一套满足田间持水量要求的实验方法、装置和程序,采用5种不同土壤测量了其田间持水量,并与用威尔科克斯法测量得到的田间持水量进行了对比。结果表明:所提出的新型测量方法,无论是基本原理还是室内试验均可行。与威尔科克斯法相比,其测量值略微偏小;两种测量值相关性很好,相差约为9%,产生这种现象的原因主要是土壤的吸湿过程与脱湿过程中土壤含水率的滞后所致。与传统的测量方法相比,该方法可大大缩短测量时间,具有利用前景。  相似文献   
浅析高校图书馆人力资源建设中的绩效考评工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校图书馆规模与馆藏量的逐年扩大。对于管理与服务水平的要求将越来越高。做好图书馆人力赍源建设成为做好其他各项工作的决定因素。结合图书馆的发展目标。探讨了如何做好高校图书馆的绩效考评工作。  相似文献   
脂肪酸值仪法测定稻米脂肪酸值研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本研究建立了稻米中脂肪酸值的脂肪酸值仪测定方法。该方法适用于在室温下以无水乙醇提取稻谷、糙米、大米中游离脂肪酸,用标准氢氧化钾滴定液滴定,进行脂肪酸值的测定。结果表明,脂肪酸值在0~240(KOH)/(mg/100g)范围内与消耗标准滴定液的体积呈良好的线性相关,r=0.9997;方法的回收率为89%~113%;三个不同脂肪酸值的稻谷样品15次平行测试的极差最大者为1.73(KOH)/(mg/100g)干基,小于重复性临界值2(KOH)/(mg/100g)干基,标准偏差在0.36~0.55范围内,99%置信区间(随机误差的不确定度)均≤±0.42;40个样品的检测结果与GB/T15684-1995法检测结果比较,均小于重复性临界值2(KOH)/(mg/100g)干基。  相似文献   
[目的]为了确保美系短角牛选育及推广利用工作顺利进行。[方法]对云南省种羊场扩繁选育的全日制放牧条件下短角牛进行体重、体尺测定。采用牛体重、体尺测定的常规方法,分别测定初生、6月龄、12月龄、18月龄、24月龄、36月龄和成年等不同发育阶段公母牛的体重和体尺。[结果]短角牛种公牛有两个增重高峰,分别是从初生到6月龄和从36月龄到成年;而短角牛母牛的增重从初生到12月龄增重为最快,以后的增重速度变慢。成年公牛体重821.56±62.67kg,体高143.44±5.00cm,体斜长172.89±7.85cm,胸围207.50±7.98cm;母牛分别为543.14±45.20kg,135.34±4.56cm,160.59±7.90cm和187.96±7.20cm。[结论]美系短角牛在云南省种羊场生长发育良好,具备了一定的供种能力。  相似文献   
采用巴赞堰流公式计算流量的水头可调薄壁堰式渠道流量智能测控系统通过渠道流量量测与控制试验,验证了其精准的测流功能和智能控制技术的可行性。为进一步提高该测控系统运行的效率和稳定性,减少运行能耗,对矩形薄壁堰堰流公式进行水力试验研究,通过分析堰上水头和流量关系,拟合出矩形薄壁堰流量计算公式。通过向该拟合公式引入修正系数λ=0.848,将测控系统测得的堰上水头数据值代入该拟合公式求得的流量值与电磁流量计测得流量值的差值的平均值为-0.004L/s,标准差为0.119,线性相关系数R2=0.989 1。该拟合公式相对于巴赞堰流公式形式简单、参数较少、运算简便,同时也满足节水灌溉对精准测流的要求,更适用于水头可调薄壁堰式渠道流量智能测控系统,对于在灌区推广和使用该测控系统具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
Measurements of intestinal wall thicknesses from ultrasound imaging (US) are routinely used to support diagnoses of intestinal disorders in cats, however published studies describing observer agreement are currently lacking. The aim of this retrospective, observer agreement study was to quantify inter- and intraobserver repeatability and agreement in the measurement of intestinal wall layer thicknesses and the segmentation of transverse sections of small intestines in US images of 20 cats. Intestinal wall layer thickness measurements of the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa layer, and total thickness of these layers were performed on five cats with small cell epitheliotropic lymphoma, five with inflammatory bowel disease, and 10 with other conditions. Thickness measurements and the segmentation encompassing the serosa layer were obtained from five observers four times non-sequentially. The average standard deviation in thickness measurements (95% confidence interval) in the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa, and total thickness were 0.35 (0.07–0.95), 0.24 (0.07-0.52), 0.22 (0.06-0.49), 0.20 (0.05-0.49), and 0.57 (0.11-1.60) mm, respectively. The average intraclass correlation coefficients, which estimates the degree of consistency in thickness measurements and segmentation areas for each observer, ranged from 0.355 to 0.870 and 0.850 to 0.993, respectively. The interclass correlation coefficient, which estimates the degree of consistency when measuring a thickness or segmentation area over all observers ranged from 0.115 to 0.753, and 0.811 to 0.902, respectively. The overall average Dice Coefficient, which estimates the extent of overlap of the segmentations for all observers was 0.957 (0.933 to 0.972). Our results suggest segmentations of small intestines have a higher interobserver agreement than measurements of intestinal wall thicknesses.  相似文献   
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