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Native Monterey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) stands on the Monterey peninsula have been significantly modified by natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The exclusion of fire and the introduction of pitch canker (caused by Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O’Donnell) created a need for the examination of these changing ecosystems with respect to regeneration, especially as these stands reach mature ages. We established 210 plots on 35 transects distributed throughout five stands in order to describe the current stand structure and quantify the extent and condition of regeneration. The results indicated that Monterey pine seedling establishment varies throughout the peninsula depending on percent canopy cover, duff and litter depth, and percent shrub cover while seedling growth is influenced by percent shrub cover. Canopy cover was also found to inversely influence shrub cover. Our study highlights the importance of understory removal to increase Monterey pine regeneration and seedling growth as canopy cover decreases, especially in areas where coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Nee) and poison-oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum E. Greene) are abundant.  相似文献   
Large disturbances such as fires and floods are landscape processes that may alter the structure of landscapes in nature reserves. Landscape structure may in turn influence the viability of species and the functioning of ecosystems. Past reserve design and management strategies have been focussed on species and ecosystems rather than on landscape-scale processes, such as disturbance.An essential feature of a natural disturbance regime is the variation in disturbance attributes (e.g., size, timing, intensity, spatial location). Although some past reserve management policies have included natural disturbances, perpetuating disturbance variation has not been the explicit goal of either reserve design or management.To design a reserve to perpetuate the natural disturbance process requires consideration of: (1) the size of the reserve in relation to maximum expected disturbance size, (2) the location of the reserve in relation to favored disturbance initiation and export zones and in relation to spatial variation in the disturbance regime, and (3) the feasibility of disturbance control at reserve boundaries, or in reserve buffers.Disturbance management possibilities are constrained by the design of the reserve and the reserve goals. Where a natural disturbance regime is not feasible, then it is important that the managed disturbance regime mimic historical variation in disturbance sizes and other attributes as well as possible. Manipulating structure on the landscape scale to restore landscapes thought to have been altered by historical disturbance control is premature given our understanding of spatial disturbance processes in landscapes.  相似文献   
The role of disturbance in structuring vegetation is widely recognized; however, we are only beginning to understand the effects of multiple interacting disturbances on ecosystem recovery and development. Of particular interest is the impact of post-disturbance management interventions, particularly in light of the global controversy surrounding the effects of salvage logging on forest ecosystem recovery. Studies of salvage logging impacts have focused on the effects of post-disturbance salvage logging within the context of a single natural disturbance event. There have been no formal evaluations of how these effects may differ when followed in short sequence by a second, high severity natural disturbance. To evaluate the impact of this management practice within the context of multiple disturbances, we examined the structural and woody plant community responses of sub-boreal Pinus banksiana systems to a rapid sequence of disturbances. Specifically, we compared responses to Blowdown (B), Fire (F), Blowdown-Fire, and Blowdown-Salvage-Fire (BSF) and compared these to undisturbed control (C) stands. Comparisons between BF and BSF indicated that the primary effect of salvage logging was a decrease in the abundance of structural legacies, such as downed woody debris and snags. Both of these compound disturbance sequences (BF and BSF), resulted in similar woody plant communities, largely dominated by Populus tremuloides; however, there was greater homogeneity in community composition in salvage logged areas. Areas experiencing solely fire (F stands) were dominated by P. banksiana regeneration, and blowdown areas (B stands) were largely characterized by regeneration from shade tolerant conifer species. Our results suggest that salvage logging impacts on woody plant communities are diminished when followed by a second high severity disturbance; however, impacts on structural legacies persist. Provisions for the retention of snags, downed logs, and surviving trees as part of salvage logging operations will minimize these structural impacts and may allow for greater ecosystem recovery following these disturbance combinations.  相似文献   
Tree mortality in Amazonia has been related to regional variation in soil, topography and climatic disturbances, but the magnitude of the effect of these factors on tree mortality at local and mesoscales remains poorly determined. We investigated tree mortality in 72 1-ha permanent plots spanning 64 km2 of tropical moist forest in Reserva Ducke, Manaus, Brazil. Plots were censused three times (2000-2003, 2003-2005, and 2005-2008), resulting in two census intervals. The relationships of soil and topography to tree mortality were dependent on tree size. Small- and medium-sized trees (1 ? dbh < 30 cm) had similar relationships of mortality with soil and topography, while large trees (dbh ? 30 cm) showed different (or no) relationships. The effects of soil and topography on tree mortality also varied temporally. In the second census interval after storms, soil and topography explained about one-fourth of the spatial variation in mortality of small- and medium-sized trees (<30 cm dbh), whereas no effects were detected in the first census interval. In particular, soil fertility was the most important predictor of tree mortality in the study area. Topography alone (altitude and slope) was associated with only 12% of the spatial variation in tree mortality and the magnitude of the effect of soil and topography on tree mortality also increased after storms. In general, plots on more fertile soils, on steep slopes and sandy soils in valleys showed greater tree mortality than those on plateau with well-drained clayey soils. Therefore, disturbance history and tree size should be included when scaling up tree mortality from local to regional scales. As much variation remains unexplained, other landscape features, such as watershed morphology and wind exposure, may be necessary to make more precise predictions on patterns of tree mortality in Central Amazonia.  相似文献   
Considerable recent attention has focused on how human disturbance alters the behaviour of imperiled taxa. Data on such impacts are common for waterfowl, marine mammals, and some large game animals. However, little is known about how human disturbances affect reptiles, perhaps because most reptiles are secretive and are not commonly seen by the public. We studied the impact of human disturbances on the nesting and basking behaviour of the yellow-blotched map turtle (Graptemys flavimaculata) on the Pascagoula River in southeastern Mississippi, USA. We found that both nesting and basking behaviour of map turtles were altered by human recreational activities. Turtles attempting to nest commonly abandoned their attempts upon the approach of a boat and, prior to nesting, numerous individuals waited several hours near the beach without emerging. Basking turtles frequently dove into the water upon the approach of a boat and some did not return to bask. Anglers in small boats that remained in the vicinity of basking sites caused the most disturbances, whereas personal water crafts (jet skis) caused fewer disturbances. Our data suggest that interruption of nesting activities may have an especially severe impact on the viability of this population through changes in numbers of clutches females are able to lay and altering the microhabitat females select for their nests.  相似文献   
不同人为干扰强度下甜槠群落物种多样性比较分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用Margalef丰富度指数(dM)、Shannon-Winener指数(H′)、Pielou均匀度指数(J)、均优多指数(Z),研究了不同人为干扰强度(轻度和重度)对甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)群落物种多样性的影响.结果表明,由于不同强度的人为干扰导致群落生态因子、种群繁殖对策发生明显变化,物种的数量特征和分布特征产生差异,使重度人为干扰群落的物种多样性比轻度人为干扰群落的高,但乔木层的Shannon-Wiener指数比轻度人为干扰群落低,灌木层和草本层则较高.重度人为干扰阻碍和延缓了群落的恢复进程,当干扰强度减弱时,群落中原有种群逐渐恢复并有新种侵入.  相似文献   
We studied the regeneration of tree species in the sub-tropical forest of Alaknanda Valley in Garhwal Himalaya, India. The overall regeneration status was fairly good in the study area. Seedling density ranged between 520 and 1,240 seedlings per ha while the density of saplings varied between 400 and 800 saplings per ha. Out of eight sites studied, five sites, viz., A1 , A2 , B1 , B2and C2contained the highest number of seedlings (280-480 per ha) and saplings (200-440 per ha) for Pinus roxburghii and remaining three sites viz., C1, D1and D2represented the highest number of seedlings (240-400 per ha) and saplings (200-240 per ha) for Anogeissus latifolius. The DBH class distribution of the tree species revealed that the highest number of individuals was concentrated in the lower diameter classes while smallest numbers were found in the higher diameter classes. Species such as Acacia catechu, Anogeissus latifolius, Dalbergia sissoo, Engelhardtia spicata, Lannea coromandelica, Mallotus philippensis and Pinus roxburghii have the largest number of saplings and seedlings in the lower DBH classes, suggesting that they have good regeneration potential. Other species such as Aegle marmelos, Bauhinia variegata, Bombax ceiba, Cassia fistula, Erythrina variegata, Haldinia cordifolia, Mangifera indica, Ougeinia oojeinensis, Phyllanthus emblica, Syzygium cumini, Terminalia alata and Toona hexandra have either no or very small number of saplings in the lower DBH classes, which indicates that the status of these species implies poor regeneration.  相似文献   

Boreal and temperate forests cover a large part of the Earth. Forest ecosystems are a key focus for research because of their role in the carbon (C) balance and cycle. Increasing atmospheric temperatures, different disturbances (fire, storm and insects) and forest management (clear-cutting) will change considerably the C status of forest ecosystems. Using the eddy covariance (EC) method, we can define interactions among environmental factors that influence the C-balance and whether a forest ecosystem is functioning as a C-sink or C-source or possibly is C-neutral. In our review of published studies of different disturbances, we found that most of the post-disturbance studies based on EC method focused on the effects of forest fire and clear-cutting, only a few studies studies focused on the effects of storms and insects. Generally a forest is a C-source until several years after disturbance and then a forest is able to absorb C and become a C-sink. Recovery to C-sink status required up to 20 years in clear-cut areas. Recovery following wildfire disturbance was much longer, possibly more than 50 years. Recovery to C-sink status required approximately 5 years after storm and insect outbreak, however we can not predict overall recovery period because of the missing data.  相似文献   
[目的]研究川东北丘陵地区不同土地利用方式的土壤紧实度特征。[方法]以西华师范大学华凤校区不同土地利用类型为研究对象,选取25个测样点,分析丘陵地区土壤紧实度的变化特征。[结果]土壤紧实度随土层深度的增加而增加,随坡度的增加而降低。但植被条件不同,也可能导致其土壤紧实度有所差异;植被覆盖率越高,其土壤紧实度越大;植被垂直结构越好,其土壤紧实度越高;枯枝落叶降低了土壤表层的紧实度。[结论]该研究对川东北丘陵地区的土地利用与水土保持研究,以及城市绿化的模拟与分析提供基础数据。  相似文献   
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