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百脉根单株产量主要农艺性状的相关和通径分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对百脉根单株的11个农艺性状的相关分析,结果表明:分枝长度(X2)、分枝节间数(X3)、分枝茎粗(X4)、侧枝数(X6)、侧枝长度(X7)、侧枝节间数(X8)、侧枝茎粗(X9)对单株产量(Y)的作用达到极显著水平,分枝数(X1)、自然高度(X11)与单株产量的相关性达到显著水平,而分枝叶柄长度(X5)、侧枝叶柄长度(X10)则与产量的相关性不显著.通径分析结果表明:各性状对产量的直接效应从大到小依次为:分枝长度(1.121 6)>分枝节间数(0.346 3)>侧枝长度(0.114 6)>分枝数(0.106 4)>分枝茎粗(0.084 6)>侧枝节间数(0.034 2)>侧枝茎粗(0.028 9)>侧枝数(0.021 6)>侧枝叶柄长度(-0.043 6)>分枝叶柄长度(-0.065 4)>自然高度(-0.748 2).  相似文献   
木材干燥导水系数和换水系数的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尚德库  艾沐野 《林业科学》1992,28(5):476-479
木材(板、方材)的导水系数和换水系数是反映木材干燥或存放过程中水分迁移的重要物性参数。然而,我国对木材导水系数和换水系数的研究和测定工作十分有限。木材干燥有关的理论计算中,常用原苏联的数据。由于这些数据本身可能存在的误差及用于我国树种的可靠程度难以估计,故使理论结果的实际运用受到限制。本文采用等厚试件系数分离法研究和测定了木材干燥过程动态导水系数和换水系数。  相似文献   
邓恩桉组培中影响继代增殖条件的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
探讨抗寒树种邓恩桉组培快繁中影响其继代培养的因素。实验表明,继代培养以改良MS为基本培养基,随继代次数的增加逐渐减少细胞分裂素BA和生长素NAA的浓度。最初几次继代,BA的浓度为0.5 mg/L,NAA的浓度为0.2 mg/L。然后BA的浓度逐渐降低到0.1~0.3 mg/L,NAA的浓度逐渐降至0.05~0.1 mg/L,继代5~6次后,BA的浓度保持在0.1~0.3 mg/L,NAA的浓度保持在0.05~0.1 mg/L。继代周期随季节而不同,夏季为15~25 d,春秋季为20~35 d,冬季为40~50 d,芽的月增殖系数为3~5倍,满足工厂化育苗的要求。组培苗的玻璃化和遗传变异等异常现象很少,节间长度适中,有利于生根。  相似文献   
Components of the energy and heat balances were examined in two maize hybrids grown at three different plant densities (40, 70 and 100 thousand plants per hectare). One of the hybrids was drought tolerant, while the other was bred for cultivation under irrigated conditions. An increase in plant density influenced not only the size of the leaf area, but also the distribution of the leaves at various plant heights. The extinction coefficient, which provides a quantification of radiation penetration, was higher in the irrigated treatments. By contrast to the other two treatments, the plant canopy in the thinly sown stands remained open throughout the vegetation period, and thus behaved quite differently to the closed stands, making it impossible to compare them. Smaller albedo values were recorded for the hybrid bred for irrigation and in thinly sown stands. The low plant density allowed more energy to reach the soil, from which it was reflected, making a considerable contribution to the final temperature in the stand. The latent heat, in keeping with the quantity of water transpired, was the greatest in the densely sown stands. There was little difference between the latent heat values of the normal and dense stands in either hybrid, indicating that they both had a similar sensitivity to increased stand density. If sufficient water is available it would appear that the stand density could be increased even for the drought-tolerant hybrid.  相似文献   
家兔选育性状典型相关分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择日本大耳白和新西兰两个品种家兔的生长、繁殖、以及体尺3组共17个性状,应用多元统计方法进行了典型相关分析,结果表明;日本大耳白兔的初生重、初生窝重、21日龄重、泌乳力、胸围等5个性状,新西兰兔的产活仔数、初生重、21日龄重、泌乳力、断奶窝重、母兔体重等6个性状为主要性状。  相似文献   
We used geo-spatial statistical techniques to examine the spatial variation and relationship of soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil moisture (SM) in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF), Puerto Rico, in order to test the hypothesis that mountainous terrain introduces spatial autocorrelation and crosscorrelation in ecosystem and soil properties. Soil samples (n = 100) were collected from the LEF in the summer of 1998 and analyzed for SOC, SM, and bulk density (BD). A global positioning system was used to georeference the location of each sampling site. At each site, elevation, slope and aspect were recorded. We calculated the isotropic and anisotropic semivariograms of soil and topographic properties, as well as the cross-variograms between SOC and SM, and between SOC and elevation. Then we used four models (random, linear, spherical and wave/hole) to test the semi-variances of SOC, SM, BD, elevation, slope and aspect for spatial dependence. Our results indicate that all the studied properties except slope angle exhibit spatial dependence within the scale of sampling (200 – 1000 m sampling interval). The spatially structured variance (the variance due to the location of sampling sites) accounted for a large proportion of the sample variance for elevation (99%), BD (90%), SOC (68%), aspect (56%) and SM (44%). The ranges of spatial dependence (the distances within which parameters are spatially dependent) for aspect, SOC, elevation, SM, and BD were 9810 m, 3070 m, 1120 m, 930 m and 430 m, respectively. Cross correlograms indicate that SOC varies closely with elevation and SM depending on the distances between samples. The correlation can shift from positive to negative as the separation distance increases. Larger ranges of spatial dependence of SOC, aspect and elevation indicate that the distribution of SOC in the LEF is determined by a combination of biotic (e.g., litterfall) and abiotic factors (e.g., microclimate and topographic features) related to elevation and aspect. This demonstrates the importance of both elevation and topographic gradients in controlling climate, vegetation distribution and soil properties as well as the associated biogeochemical processes in the LEF.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
李强  李学伟 《四川畜牧兽医》2004,31(2):28-28,30
引进丹麦先进仪器FAT—O—MEAT’ER(肉脂仪)对中国鲁梅克斯食品总公司名山县屠宰场中5821头猪进行了现场测定,测量性状为最后一根肋骨处离背中线4~5cm处的膘厚(P2)和倒数第三、四根肋骨之间,离背中线4—5cm处的膘厚(RF)以及眼肌厚度(RM),并估测出瘦肉率。对所测胴体各性状的均数和相关性分析,表明本地商品肉猪胴体质量低于国外水平。  相似文献   
【目的】略阳乌鸡是陕西省特有的家禽品种,该品种具有体型大、肉质好、氨基酸含量丰富、对林地散养适应性强的优点,但也存在生长缓慢,产蛋性能差的不足。为此,在系统测定略阳乌鸡生产性能的基础上,开展对体重和产蛋性状遗传参数的估计,阐明遗传效应对上述性状的调控作用及性状间的遗传关系,期望为这些性状的选育奠定理论基础。【方法】对略阳乌鸡蛋用系一世代71个半同胞家系799只公鸡和804只母鸡6、10、14、20周龄和开产日龄体重进行测定,以个体为单位记录从开产到31、35和40周龄产蛋数,以四分位数〒1.5倍四分位距为界删除异常值,更正性别记录错误。以性别为固定效应,育种值为随机效应用单变量动物模型估计各性状遗传力,用双变量动物模型估计性状间遗传相关,用逆伽玛分布指定育种值和残差项方差先验分布,用贝叶斯算法执行130 000次迭代,弃去前30 000次迭代结果,以100为间隔抽取1 000个估计值获得方差和协方差后验分布,计算各性状遗传力和性状间遗传相关。用R语言PerformanceAnalytics软件包chart.Correlation命令计算性状间表型相关。【结果】略阳乌鸡6、10、14、2...  相似文献   
天山北坡经济带人口分布与经济发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口分布是影响经济发展的重要因素。人口分布与经济分布的最基本属性是不均衡性,人口与经济的空间集中化是区域发展的内在规律。本文从人口与经济发展的关系出发,通过对天山北坡经济带人口数量、人口密度、人口分布等因素与经济发展相关关系及动态演进的多方面分析,为天山北坡经济带进一步实施人口与经济空间集中化战略,建立起人口、经济与环境协调发展的区域格局提供一些理论依据与对策。  相似文献   
为研究黄河径流的长程相关规律,利用非趋势波动分析法对黄河近80年月径流序列进行了分析,初步得出以下结论:黄河近80年月径流存在内在的长程相关性;长程幂律相关的标度指数а≌0.39;尽管大于11.3a尺度区间的а与小于11.3a尺度区间的а有所不同,但可能由于所分析的径流序列长度受到限制,没有足够的理由判断11.3a是个交叉点;通过波动分析进行趋势预测,在未来十几年,黄河径流的变化可能会成下降趋势。  相似文献   
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