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通过实验表明:在冬季最低气温-28.3℃的黑龙江省密山市饲养产蛋鸡,只要鸡舍保温良好,适当增加鸡的饲养密度,不用供热,也可保持鸡舍内温度在13℃—15℃的最佳鸡产蛋环境温度;在151天的冬季里实验组鸡,按入舍鸡计算平均每只鸡产蛋103.8个,产蛋率为68.74%,仅比对供热取暖鸡舍的对照组鸡群产蛋率低0.5%,故在寒冷的黑龙江省推广产蛋鸡舍冬季不供热是完全可能的,其经济效益也是显著的。  相似文献   
本文报道了江西三种危害食用菌的绿色霉菌的生物学特性。它们是:绿色木霉(Trichoderma Viride pers exFn)。产黄青霉(Penicillium Chrysoenum Thom)和构巢曲霉(Aspergillus nidulcms(Eidzm)Winter)。  相似文献   
Abstract –  The interaction between brown trout ( Salmo trutta ; fork length (FL) range 255–390 mm) and inanga ( Galaxias maculatus ; FL range 55–115 mm) was tested during summer through autumn in an artificial stream consisting of a single run-riffle-pool sequence with a natural food supply. Each experimental trial lasted for 15 days, and consisted of two brown trout and 50 inanga collected fresh from a nearby stream, with each species given prior residence in four replicate tests, totalling eight trials in all. In addition, two control trials (each 10 days), with 50 inanga in each, were run. Brown trout almost exclusively occupied the pool, whereas inanga occupied all habitat types, although in different proportions, when tested with and without brown trout. The proportion of inanga in the pool was appreciably lower in the experimental trials with brown trout than in the control trials with no brown trout; prior residence had no significant effect on inanga habitat use. Mortality of inanga attributable to predation by brown trout ranged from 0 to 40% with a mean of 14.5 ± 4.7%. The results suggest that habitat use and survival of inanga populations in small streams can be adversely affected by brown trout.  相似文献   
2004年10月~2006年12月观察了昆明地区昭觉林蛙(Rana chaochiaoensis)的产卵期、产卵量、孵化时间、孵化率以及蝌蚪期持续时间等.结果显示,昆明地区昭觉林蛙的产卵期为每年10~11月;产卵量平均为1 859.92粒·团-1;完成胚胎发育期全过程需8~9d;蝌蚪孵化率达99%以上;蝌蚪期持续时间为6个月,Ⅰ期蝌蚪发育历时130d,Ⅱ期蝌蚪发育需42d,从蝌蚪进入第Ⅲ期到观察超过50%的幼蛙登陆为10d左右.昭觉林蛙繁殖时对产卵场的选择条件为足够的水域面积、水温和丰富的水草.  相似文献   
基于遥感信息和产量形成过程的小麦估产模型   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为提高小麦遥感估产的精确性和机理性,在广域环境条件下进行了多品种小麦的种植试验,并基于遥感信息获取的瞬时性与广域性,结合小麦产量形成的生理生态过程及其与气候环境的相互关系,建立了较为简化的小麦估产模型.通过组件化的设计方法实现了遥感信息和估产模型的耦合,即利用抽穗期遥感影像反演的LAI和生物量及时替换小麦估产模型对应参数变量,进而实现对小麦产量的估测.通过试验验证,小麦产量的预测值与实测值较为一致,预测小麦产量的RMSE为354.18 kg·ha-1,利用小麦估产模型可以对不同年份、不同区域的小麦产量形成情况进行监测预报.  相似文献   
以超高产小麦兰考矮早八和豫麦49为材料,研究了开花期旗叶光合与水分利用对光强的响应。结果表明:开花期,随着光强的增加,旗叶光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Cond)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用率(WUE)均表现不同程度增大,超过一定的光强后反而下降;但胞间CO2浓度(Ci)随光强的增加而降低。与豫麦49相比,兰考矮早八在较高光强下旗叶仍表现出较高的光合特性与水分利用。  相似文献   
冬草莓无土栽培技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筛选出在长江中下游地区不经人工促进花芽分化处理,在不加温大棚套小拱棚栽培条件下,进行冬季草莓生产的优良品种-丰香、南农09。这两个品种采用无土栽培,不论水培或基质培均可在 12月开始上市,陆续采收到翌年 4月下旬。折合666.7m2 的产量在1000 kg以上,品质好、产量高,且灰霉病发病较轻,是比较理想的冬草莓品种。  相似文献   
Researchers have applied numerous techniques to improve billfish stock assessments, including habitat‐based models that incorporate behavioral and oceanographic parameters to standardize historical catch‐per‐unit‐effort time‐series data. These methods have allowed researchers to account for significant changes in the depths of pelagic longline (PLL) gear deployments over time. This study presents habitat‐use data recovered from high‐resolution 5‐ and 10‐day pop‐up satellite archival tags (PSATs) attached to 47 surviving white marlin released from commercial and recreational fishing gears offshore of the U.S. East Coast, the northern Caribbean, and Venezuela between 2002 and 2004. Data recovered from transmitting tags indicated that white marlin spent nearly half of their time associated with warm, near‐surface waters (<10 m). All fish displayed frequent short duration (mean: 39.8 min) vertical excursions from surface waters to depths averaging 51 m. Qualitative and multivariate classifications of data from completely transmitted movements of surviving white marlin revealed two major types of descents: one pattern was characterized by deep ‘V’‐shaped excursions of relatively short duration (mean: 23.4 min) while the other featured descents that were more broadly ‘U’‐shaped and confined to a specific depth range for an extended period of time (mean: 75.8 min). Based on the frequency, persistence, and patterns of these vertical movements, white marlin appear to direct a considerable proportion of foraging effort well below surface waters, a behavior that may account for relatively high catch rates of white marlin on some deep‐set PLL deployments.  相似文献   
  • 1. Three classes of habitat used by groups of fish species classified as conservation and management priorities were developed for the Gerua River (also known as the Girwa River, Karnali River) in the Ganges river basin. This river is large (mean annual discharge ca 1500 m3 s?1, up to 900 m wide), surrounded by protected lands of India and Nepal, and upstream of major diversions and river alterations.
  • 2. Fish and habitat sampling was conducted at 45 sites from 2000 to 2003. Data were analysed for 2172 fish of 14 species. Species and life stages found occupying a statistically distinct subset of the river habitats were grouped to identify classes of river habitat for conservation.
  • 3. Most species and life‐stage groups specialized on specific habitat conditions revealed by multivariate analyses of variance and a principal component analysis. The most numerous and diverse group (six species, 15 life stages) was associated with deep depositional habitats with sandy substrate. Two species covering three life stages were primarily oriented to erosional habitat marked by fast current velocity with pebble and cobble substrate. A third group of three species of adults and juveniles were intermediate in habitat use.
  • 4. River conservation for fish faunas should maintain both erosional and depositional channel habitats with depths, substrates, and current velocity inclusive of the ranges reported. The erosional and depositional nature of the key habitats requires that rivers be maintained with flows capable of channel‐forming functions.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
  • 1. This paper documents a diverse, reproducing freshwater mussel community (20 species) in Lower Lake — an impounded, regulated portion of the Little Tallahatchie River below Sardis Dam in Panola Co., Mississippi, USA.
  • 2. Despite being regulated and impounded, the lake has a heterogeneous array of habitats that differ markedly in mussel community attributes. Four distinct habitat types were identified based on current velocity and substrate characteristics, representing a gradient from habitats having lotic characteristics to lentic habitats. All four habitat types supported mussels, but habitats most resembling unimpounded, lotic situations (relatively higher current velocity and coarser substrate) had the highest mussel abundance and species density (10.1 mussels m?2, 1.8 species m?2, respectively). Lentic habitats (no flow, fine substrate) were characterized by lower abundance and species density (2.0 mussels m?2, 0.8 species m?2, respectively), but supported mussel assemblages distinctive from lotic habitats.
  • 3. Evidence of strong recent recruitment was observed for most species in the lake and was observed in all four habitat types.
  • 4. Although impounded and regulated, Lower Lake represents one of the few areas of stable large‐stream habitat in the region. The presence of a diverse, healthy mussel community in this highly modified habitat suggests that a large component of the regional mussel fauna is relatively resilient and adaptable and is limited primarily by the absence of stable river reaches. Management actions that increase stream stability are likely to result in expansion of the mussel fauna and restoration of a valuable component of ecosystem function in this region.
Published in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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