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Kyounghoon  LEE  Tohru  MUKAI  Donhyug  KANG  Kohji  IIDA 《Fisheries Science》2004,70(6):1051-1060
ABSTRACT:   An application of the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP, 153.6 kHz) in combination with a scientific echo sounder (EK60, 38 and 200 kHz) was investigated to estimate the density of krill Euphausia pacifica . The acoustic backscattering strength from sound scattering layers was compared with biomass estimates from midwater trawls. Euphausia pacifica was targeted among mixed species populations in the sound scattering layer in the offshore Funka Bay area of Hokkaido, Japan. The frequency characteristics of acoustic backscattering by krill were calculated using a distorted wave Born approximation scattering model at three frequencies. Krill aggregations identified from the EK60 data were extracted as the mean volume backscattering strength difference between two frequencies. They were then used to identify similar aggregations in the ADCP data by matching observation times and depths for the two methods, which were applied simultaneously. Results from the comparison of the mean volume backscattering strength and the density calculated from the ADCP and EK60 showed that ADCP can be used to measure density and spatial–temporal distribution of krill aggregations. Current speed and direction at the study site were found to be 16.1 cm/s and 187.0°, respectively, and krill speed and direction (including the current component) were found to be 19.8 cm/s and 172.2°, respectively. Based on the ADCP data, the net speed and direction of the krill aggregations were found to be 5.9 cm/s and 128.0°, respectively.  相似文献   
In some pathophysiological processes such as severe shock, the patients and animal experimental models fail to respond to pressor medicine. Vascular hyporesponse or vasodilation is one of the key problems in treatment of these patents. Although considerable progress had been made in recent years, the precise mechanisms of vascular contractile hyporeactivity have not been completely elucidated. A number of studies indicate that vascular hyporesponse or vasodilation correlate with many factors. In this review, the possible mechanisms about vascular hyporesponse or vasodilation during shock and other pathphysiolgoical processes were discussed.  相似文献   
AIM:To investigate the effect of lansoprazole on gastric ulceration in rats. METHODS:Using the gastric ulcer model induced by hemorrhagic shock, restraint water-immersion stress and pylorus-ligature, the protective effect of lansoprazole (iv) on gastric ulceration was observed. RESULTS:Pretreatment with lansoprazole (7.5-60 mg/kg) significantly inhibited the formation of gastric ulcer in the three models in a dose-dependent manner. The autiulcer efficacy of lansoprazole was similar to that of omeprazole in the equal dose, but stronger than that of omeprazole for ulcer induced by water-immersion stress.CONCLUSION:The intravenously administered lansoprazole inhibited formation of experimental gastric ulcer in rats.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the protective effects of diltiazem (Dil) on liver, pancreas and small intestines in hemorrhagic-shock canines and its mechanism. METHODS: The canines were bled to a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 5.33-6.67 kPa for 30 min to produce the model of shock. During the shock, the dogs received water-soluble calcium channel blocker Dil or normal saline. The MAP was kept at the level for 90 min, then the total blood which was bled previously was reperfused. They were observed for 240 min. RESULTS: Dil could significantly elevated MAP of the hemorrhagic-shock canines (P<0.01) and the activity of superoxide dismmutase (SOD) of pancreas tissue (P<0.01), also it could decrease content of malondialdehyde (MDA) of the liver, pancreas and small intestine tissues (P<0.01). Electron microscope data indicated that Dil-treated dogs have a normal ultrastructure in the liver, pancreas and small intestine tissues. CONCLUSION: Dil can protect the structure and function of the liver, pancreas and small intestine in hemorrhagic-shock canines.  相似文献   
天山地形对新疆大风和降温天气作用的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年5月24日夜间~26日夜间,新疆地区自西向东出现了明显的降水、大风、降温天气过程。为研究此次天气过程中天山地形的作用,文中用WRFV3.1模式对其进行了数值模拟,并通过改变天山山脉的地形高度设计了一组敏感性试验,分析了天山地形对此次强天气过程中大风和降温的影响。结果表明,天山山脉地形对准格尔盆地西北部直至天山山脉北侧的气流有明显的阻挡与减缓作用,对三十里风区、百里风区、汗腾格里峰北坡强风带的形成有直接而重要的作用;地形高度越高,产生垂直运动的地形抬升机制越强,地形强迫抬升作用产生的垂直上升运动越剧烈;天山山脉明显地减轻了寒潮天气过程中南疆塔里木盆地的降温幅度,对准格尔盆地北部的寒潮降温幅度也有一定的减缓作用,对塔里木盆地的"保温"作用较准格尔盆地明显。  相似文献   
采用300 Hz脉冲波断续音在实验室水槽中对许氏平鲉Sebastes schlegeli幼鱼进行音响驯化试验。结果表明:在驯化第15天开始聚集时间减小到2 s,之后到20 d均无大变化;聚集时间从第5天开始整体呈递减趋势,驯化第16天,聚集时间达到最短(16 s);聚集率则逐日增加,驯化第18天,聚集率达到最高,为91%,平均聚集率为83.9%;音响驯化结束10 d后再次放声,许氏平鲉开始聚集时间为3 s,聚集时间为44 s,聚集率为86.3%。由此可见,300 Hz脉冲波断续音对许氏平鲉有明显的驯化作用;许氏平鲉对驯化声音记忆力超过10 d且效果显著。  相似文献   
超声波辅助提取葛根黄酮的工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用超声波提取法,研究了乙醇浓度、固液比、超声波提取时间、超声波功率4个因素对葛根(Puerariae lobata(Willd.) Ohwi)黄酮提取率的影响,并采用L8(27)正交试验确定超声波提取葛根黄酮的最优工艺。结果表明:超声波作用时间与固液比对葛根黄酮得率有显著影响(P〈0.05),并且其交互影响显著(P〈0.05)。优化的葛根黄酮提取条件为:乙醇浓度70%、料液比1:25、超声功率240W、超声时间40rain。  相似文献   
超声波对尼罗罗非鱼幼鱼生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择尼罗罗非鱼Tilapia nilotica幼鱼(平均体重为1.95 g±0.60 g)为试验对象,用3种不同强度的超声波对其进行辐射刺激,共设3个试验组和1个对照组。经过60 d的超声波辐射养殖,结果表明:各组间体重存在极显著性差异(P<0.01),其中每天受频率为23 kHz、声源声强为200 mW/cm2的连续超声波辐射刺激5 min的试验组鱼,其体重最高,比对照组鱼体重增长约7.58%;但每天受频率为23 kHz、声源声强为600 mW/cm2的连续超声波辐射刺激5 min的鱼体,其体重反而比对照组体重减少约5.80%。各试验组尼罗罗非鱼体重与胃蛋白酶活性之间没有明显关系。当环境声强为1.58~1.60 mW/cm2时,对尼罗罗非鱼幼鱼生长比较有利。  相似文献   
应用超声波破碎苏云金芽孢杆菌试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用超声波对一定浓度的苏云金芽孢杆菌的营养细胞和芽孢进行破碎试验,结果表明:在试验条件下,超声波破碎达到95%以上的破碎率所需时间为30~50min,尤其是菌液浓度为每毫升50亿,用Φ10变幅杆破碎,40min破碎率可达99.9%。而细菌的芽孢,无论是采用幅杆Φ6或Φ10,其破碎效果不明显。  相似文献   
基于现实路段中存在的信号配时不合理的现状,利用绿波控制的思想,结合道路实际情况,将相邻的3个交叉口作为一个系统,利用韦伯斯特配时方法统一优化配时,利用图解法确定合适的相位差,最终得到合理的配时方案.通过仿真软件模拟分析,比较优化前后主干道通行情况,验证了配时方案的优越性.  相似文献   
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