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减少发展中国家毁林及森林退化引起的温室气体排放, 森林保护、可持续森林管理和增加森林碳储量(REDD+)在减缓气候变化行动中的作用越来越明显, 已经成为《联合国气候变化框架公约》谈判的重要议题。近年来各缔约方针对方法学、融资机制和REDD+与清洁发展机制(CDM)关系的谈判争论越来越激烈。在《联合国气候变化框架公约》第18次缔约方会议(COP18)期间, 对REDD+议题提出了新的要求, 除了有关于逐步建立国家水平森林参考排放水平或参考水平等有关方法学的技术与科学问题外, 基金在融资机制中的作用和非碳效益支付议题也有待进行深入的磋商。文中基于对各缔约方提案的分析结果和REDD+示范项目开展情况, 结合我国森林资源现状, 分析了REDD+机制对我国可能产生的影响并提出后续谈判期的对策建议。  相似文献   
减少因毁林和森林退化引起的温室气体排放(REDD)对控制和减缓全球气候变暖具有重要作用。UNFCCC第11次缔约国会议将REDD议题列入气候谈判议程, 希望REDD成为2012年后承诺期减缓气候变化的重要措施之一。文中在对国际社会关于REDD的谈判进展和指导原则等进行概述的基础上, 探讨了当前国际社会关注的REDD的焦点问题, 分析了这些焦点问题的现状及其可能的发展趋势, 并据此提出讨论和建议。  相似文献   

As the role of forests in climate change mitigation is explicitly recognized in the Paris Agreement, the need to enhance the adoption of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices is crucial. Therefore, this paper aims at identifying and evaluating barriers in adopting SFM practices in the context of forest carbon emission reductions. A total of 15 barriers in adopting SFM practices are listed through literature and expert inputs. Using Cameroon as a case study, the listed barriers are then evaluated by experts to determine their relative importance using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. According to our findings, the ‘Regulatory and Legislative frameworks’ barrier category was attributed to the highest importance among other categories, in adopting SFM practices in the forestry sector. ‘Inadequate political will and incentive to enforce regulations’ appears to be the major obstacle in adopting SFM practices in Cameroon. As carbon emission reduction initiatives are being developed, there is need to move from broad to concrete suggestions that will overcome these barriers. However, proper diagnosis is necessary in order to target barriers with the right incentives and enabling conditions that will support carbon programs and projects to deliver effective emission reductions.  相似文献   
REDD+机制保护的热带森林是最具有生物多样性、复杂性的森林生态系统,因热带森林的破坏严重,所以其自然成为全球环境保护的重点.分析了国际REDD+机制中的森林生物多样性保护问题,研究了UNFCCC和CBD下的REDD+机制森林生物多样性保护,最后为克服技术和政治上的障碍,提出了若干国际REDD+机制中森林生物多样性保护的策略.  相似文献   
雪明  武曙红  程书强 《林业科学》2012,48(3):128-131
对《UNFCCC》缔约方会议关于REDD+行动可测量、可报告和可核查的相关规定进行解读;分析现阶段我国实现REDD+行动可测量、可报告和可核查目标的难点和重点;提出适合我国国情的REDD+行动类型;建立以目的、实施状况、对可持续发展和消除贫困的贡献、环境效果、可持续性和成本有效性为普遍性指标的我国REDD+行动的测量、报告和核查体系框架.  相似文献   

It is claimed that reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) could contribute to sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks as well as having the potential to deliver significant social and environmental co-benefits (+). From the perspectives of local factors and broader governance issues related to REDD+, this study aims to explore findings related to three crucial elements, commitment, transparency and continuity, implemented jointly with participatory forest management in Tanzania in the case of the REDD+ mechanism. This paper argues that commitment and transparent systems are needed at village level, as well as at the various levels of forest governance and among the donors, in order for REDD+ benefits to be shared equitably at the REDD+ project level. Any REDD+ project should include safeguards that recognise and protect the continuity of multipurpose functions of the forest to local people and avoid dependence on external payments.  相似文献   
减少森林砍伐和退化机制中的碳评估探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涉及森林的气候行动能够最直接地降低大气二氧化碳的增长速度, 并可以最低代价赢得在其他工业部门发展减排技术的时间。通过在发展中国家实施REDD+, 能够显著地减少温室气体排放。在监测、报告和核查(MRV)温室气体排放上存在的技术问题, 以及渗漏、额外性和永久性等政策问题, 是REDD+程序中最主要的障碍。为了实现全球气温升高不超过2℃临界点的目标, 需要国际体系和组织、各国政府和私营部门发挥重要的作用, 需要各国加强建设监测、报告、核查森林碳储量的能力, 需要开发和利用地面测量碳储量计算模型和卫星遥感数据判读转化技术。文中介绍了对实现REDD+可能有重大贡献的国际体系和组织的最新动态以及国家级MRV系统的特征, 探讨了实现全球森林碳评估的途径以及卫星数据在森林碳评估中的应用等, 提出了我国在参与REDD+活动中存在的挑战和应该采取的对策。  相似文献   
We focused on key aspects of forest governance for biodiver- sity conservation in implementing new climate change policies. The national forest institutions must be adaptive to identify the existing pitfalls of prior conservation policies to take advantage of new climate change policies. Strengthening roles and technical capacity of national institutions for systematic biodiversity monitoring and carbon stock assessment is required in developing and least developed countries. Community participation needs careful analysis to ensure equitable ac- cess of particular social groups to local decision-making processes and to sustain optional livelihoods. The livelihood options around forest reserves or protected areas must be taken into account to enhance forest-based adaptation.  相似文献   
首先概述了REDD+机制的国际法律依据,然后以印度尼西亚的REDD+机制国内法律框架及实践为例探讨了发展中国家REDD+机制的立法路径,即制定REDD+法规等国内法律框架和从事印尼-澳大利亚森林碳伙伴关系等示范项目等,最后探讨了对我国构建REDD+机制法律框架的启示:制定国内的REDD+法规;保护土著人民的权利;进行土地所有权改革;加强土地权利的保护;改善REDD+机制和土著人民之间的相互关系等.  相似文献   
As in many other developing countries, the state government of Acre, Brazil, is developing a program for compensating forest holders (such as communities of rubber tappers and indigenous peoples as well as small, medium and large private land holders) reducing their emission of atmospheric heat-trapping gases by not deforesting. We describe and then apply to Acre a method for estimating carbon stocks by land cover type. We then compare the results of our simple method, which is based on vegetation mapping and ground-based samples, with other more technically demanding methods based on remote sensing. We estimated total biomass carbon stocks by multiplying the measured above-ground biomass of trees >10 cm DBH in each of 18 forest types and published estimates for non-forest areas, as determined by measurement of 44 plots throughout the state (ranging from 1 to 10 ha each), by land-cover area estimated using a geographical information system. State-wide, we estimated average above-ground biomass in forested areas to be 246 ± 90 Mg ha−1; dense forest showed highest (322 ± 20 Mg ha−1) and oligotrophic dwarf forest (campinarana) the lowest biomass (20 ± 30 Mg ha−1). The two most widespread forest types in Acre, open canopy forests dominated by either palms and bamboo (for which ground-based data are scant), support an estimated 246 ± 44 and 224 ± 50 Mg ha−1 of above-ground biomass, respectively. We calculate the total above-ground biomass of the 163,000 km2 State of Acre to be 3.6 ± 0.8 Pg (non-forest biomass included). This estimate is very similar to two others generated using much more technologically demanding methods, but all three methods, regardless of sophistication, suffer from lack of field data.  相似文献   
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