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Accomodation of important sources of uncertainty in ecological models is essential to realistically predicting ecological processes. The purpose of this project is to develop a robust methodology for modeling natural processes on a landscape while accounting for the variability in a process by utilizing environmental and spatial random effects. A hierarchical Bayesian framework has allowed the simultaneous integration of these effects. This framework naturally assumes variables to be random and the posterior distribution of the model provides probabilistic information about the process. Two species in the genus Desmodium were used as examples to illustrate the utility of the model in Southeast Missouri, USA. In addition, two validation techniques were applied to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the predictions.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We evaluated support for four alternate hypotheses explaining the distribution of breeding Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) in forests at varying distances from the forest edge in three Midwestern USA landscapes with varying amounts of forest fragmentation (core forest area ranged from 5 to 70%). We focused on breeding cowbirds’ use of forest because of the risk of nest parasitism to forest-dwelling hosts and to identify factors affecting breeding cowbird habitat selection. We compared distances of cowbird locations in the forest from the forest edge (“edge distances”) to distances of random forest locations in the entire landscape or within individual cowbird home ranges. We analyzed 1322 locations of 84 cowbirds across three landscapes. We found support for the landscape context hypothesis that breeding cowbird preference for forest edge varied with landscape context. Ninety percent of cowbird locations were within 150–350 m of forest edge, despite the overall availability of forest at greater distances from edge (as far as 500–1450 m) both within cowbird home ranges and the entire forested landscape. Cowbird preference for edge varied by landscape context largely due to differences in the availability of forest edge. In a highly fragmented forest cowbirds utilized the entire forest and likely viewed it as “all edge.” In less fragmented forests, cowbirds preferred edge. We consider how variation in cowbird edge preference might relate to patterns in host abundance, host diversity, and host quality because cowbird movements indicate they are capable of using forest farther from edges.  相似文献   
A study was established in the Missouri Ozarks to evaluate coppice regeneration of oak. Five years after a 32-year-old stand was clearcut and regenerated naturally through stump sprouts, the dominant sprout on each stump was identified based upon height. Treated plots were thinned to the single dominant sprout on each stump whereas control plots were not thinned. Twenty-five years later the largest 247, 371, 494, and 618 stems per ha were examined and height of the dominant sprout at age 5 was found to be strongly related to dbh at age 30 in both thinned and unthinned plots. However, in the thinned plots, the largest 494 stems per ha were on average 11%, 28%, and 58% greater, respectively, in height, dbh, and volume compared to similar dominant sprouts in unthinned plots. Logistic regression analysis was used to develop curves for the evaluation of potential gains from clump thinning. In this analysis, the average height of a stand at age 5 was used to estimate thinning gains at age 30.  相似文献   
Understanding fish movement in impounded river systems is important for fisheries management. Otolith chemistry was used to examine walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) intra‐ and inter‐reservoir movement in four Missouri River impoundments. Age‐0 individuals were reclassified with 75%–93% accuracy to known natal sites, allowing for reliable evaluation of movement patterns of age‐1 and older fish. Nearly half of walleye occupied the same location annually (i.e. site residency) between 2009 and 2010. In 2011, during the largest flood on record since 1898, downstream movement (49% of age‐1 and older fish) exceeded upstream movement (7%) and site residency (33%) across the study area. After the flood, most walleye moved downstream within reservoirs (45%) or were site residents (37%). Entrainment occurred most frequently during the flood year and was proportionally greatest in downstream reservoirs. Otolith chemistry is useful for understanding walleye movement and entrainment and is a tool for fisheries management with applications such as informing reservoir water releases, harvest regulations and habitat protection and rehabilitation within and outside the Missouri River reservoir system.  相似文献   
The middle Missouri River (MMR; Fort Randall Dam, SD to Gavins Point Dam, NE‐SD) is stocked with hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes and Richardson), from upper Missouri River broodstock to aid recovery of this federally endangered species. Emigration of these fish through Gavins Point Dam restores genetic connectivity that likely existed pre‐impoundment but could lead to outbreeding depression in the future. Recapture data of hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon stocked in the MMR were evaluated to improve understanding of pallid sturgeon emigration. From 2004 to 2015, 219 emigrants were caught: 4 stocked at age ≥2 years and 215 stocked at age ≤1 year. Emigration of the 2001‐2007 year classes stocked at age 1 was a consistent phenomenon and appeared higher than emigration of year classes stocked at ages 2–3. Little evidence suggested emigration was associated with an unusually high‐water event in 2011. The annual emigration probability of individuals stocked at age 1 estimated from multi‐state mark–recapture models was 0.05 [95% confidence interval = 0.04–0.06] for fish ages ≥1 year. This study suggests that alterations to stocking practices (e.g. stocking age) may affect emigration rates and, therefore, connectivity among pallid sturgeon populations.  相似文献   
  • 1. Criteria exist to help determine native distributions of species, but they are seldom explicitly used.
  • 2. As an example of their utility, nine revised and expanded criteria are applied to assess the status of northern plains killifish in the Cheyenne River drainage. Use of each criterion is demonstrated. The criteria are: (1) history, (2) detectibility, (3) biogeography, (4) life‐history, (5) human affinity, (6) invasion path, (7) invasiveness, (8) phylogenetics, and (9) pre‐history.
  • 3. Upon review, only one criterion weakly supports non‐native status, whereas five strongly support native status, one weakly supports native status, and two are equivocal.
  • 4. Criteria to determine native distributions provide a rigorous method to assess available information, reveal knowledge gaps, and produce testable hypotheses. As demonstrated here, their consistent use as a cohesive set would greatly improve understanding of species distributions, benefiting conservation efforts and related meta‐analyses.
Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract Evaluating the response of fish populations to environmental influences requires precise age estimation. Pectoral fin rays and scales were compared to determine which is more precise for estimating age of blue sucker, Cycleptus elongatus (Lesueur), from the Missouri River, USA. Mean coefficient of variation was significantly lower for fin rays both among three novice readers (rays 19.9%; scales 23.1%) and among three reads by a single experienced reader (rays 11.8%; scales 18.6%). Additionally, exact per cent agreement (rays 20.0%; scales 14.3%) and within‐1‐year per cent agreement (rays 89.1%; scales 73.9%) were higher for fin rays compared with scales for multiple reads by the same experienced reader. Age–bias plots revealed that scale ages were lower than fin‐ray ages >7. The use of fin rays is recommended for estimating ages of blue sucker until validation procedures are conducted.  相似文献   
  1. Large-scale movement of fishes is a challenge for conservation and management in rivers, especially when individuals can cross jurisdictional boundaries.
  2. Assessing large-scale movement is particularly difficult during early life stages, especially when endangered species are involved. After hatching, free embryos of the federally endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) drift long distances during development. Following the transition to exogenous feeding, individuals may continue to move downstream, resulting in a potential two-step migration.
  3. Tagged age-0 pallid sturgeon were stocked into the lower Missouri River, which provided an opportunity to assess pallid sturgeon dispersal as well as the hypothesized two-step migration. From July 2018 to April 2021, 79 individuals were captured, with most dispersing 200–800 km downstream from the stocking location.
  4. The observed dispersal of pallid sturgeon supports the two-step downstream migration hypothesis. This migration may lead to dispersal into the Mississippi River, which highlights the need for expanded monitoring into the Mississippi River for an effective evaluation of pallid sturgeon recovery actions. This study also reinforces the importance of inter-jurisdictional management and collaboration to better account for the large-scale movement of river fishes.
Perspective on present day issues associated with wildland fire can be gained by studying the long-term interactions among humans, landscape, and fire. Fire frequency and extent over the last 320 years document these interactions north of the Arkansas River on the southern edge of the Lower Boston Mountains. Dendrochronological methods were used to construct three fire chronologies from 309 dated fire scars that were identified on 45 shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) remnants. Fire frequency increased with human population density from a depopulated period (the late 1600s and early 1700s) to a peak in fire frequency circa 1880. Fire frequency then decreased as human population continued to increase. Fire frequency and human population density were positively correlated during an early period (1680–1880) with low levels of population, but negatively correlated during a later period (1881–1910) with high levels of population. We hypothesized that this difference is due to limits on fire propagation and ignition caused by land use and culture, as well as human population density. Relatively high human population densities (>5 humans/km2) were associated with a peak in the maximum number of fires per decade in this highly dissected, ‘bluff and bench’ landscape compared to less dissected regions of the Ozarks.  相似文献   
Abstract – Energy transfer mechanisms often cannot be identified with either an isotope or a food habits analysis; however, a combined assessment provided collaborative support for depicting backwater food webs. Lateral dimensions in riverine function substantially influence backwater ecology; however, backwater communities are highly dynamic and infrequently investigated due to logistical difficulties. We created seasonal food webs for an upper Missouri River backwater using a combined food habits and stable isotope analysis. Temporal transition of energy origins was apparent. In the spring, carbon primarily originated from sediments, detritus and periphyton. During mid-summer, carbon was derived from a variety of sources, but included large proportions of terrestrial plants and particulate organic matter. By early fall, the backwater was uncoupled from the river, and autochthonous phytoplankton appeared to be the dominant carbon source. During all sample periods, Chironomidae was an important trophic link conveying energy from the primary producers to the higher consumers. Additionally, zooplankton were an important energy transfer taxa to the abundant age-0 fish community in the fall, and Corixidae were important in the spring.  相似文献   
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