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从非线性角度研究期锌市场,运用R/S分析法对期锌市场进行分析,发现期锌市场的Hurst指数为0.6183,其价格收益率序列是分维时间序列,具有分形结构,维数为1.6174。期锌市场的平均周期长度为176天,具有强持续性和相关性。关联系数为19.47%,远远大于国外相关市场。在风险方面,期锌市场的风险比期铜市场的要小,而比股票市场的风险要大。  相似文献   
从国际经验来看,农产品批发市场不但是辐射面广、凝聚力强的产销中心,更是农产品价格形成中心.农产品批发市场的规范、有序运行对稳定农产品市场供求,引导农业生产顺利进行具有关键性的作用.而我国农产品批发市场由于发展滞后,运作方式原始、粗放,应有功能没有得到充分发挥.因此,加强基础设施建设,强化制度建设并实行农业产业化是进一步发挥农产品批发市场价格中心作用的关键措施.  相似文献   
【目的 】财政支农资金投改股作为我国财政资金使用方式的一种创新探索,对提高财政资金的使用效率、助推乡村振兴和实现农民共同富裕具有重要意义。【方法 】文章在梳理财政资金投改股政策的基础上,从有为政府和有效市场两维度构建理论分析框架,并以贵州省湄潭县为例,借助理论分析论框架分析其在财政支农资金投改股中的具体做法,总结其在现阶段所取得的成效。【结果 】湄潭县以明确股权范围和股权设置、设置分红比例等机制展开探索,根据项目参与主体和地理环境等因素因势利导的采取了“公司+农户(贫困户)+基地”“农户+村股份经济合作社+公司”“项目+企业+社区+农户”和“村集体+公司”等运行模式,有效实现了有为政府和有效市场的双向协同,发挥了财政支农资金“四两拨千斤”的作用。【结论 】湄潭县财政资金投改股实现了财政支农资金良性运作、提高了支农资金效益、有效增加了农民的收益,但仍存在现实问题,未来需建立完善的财政资金退出机制、加强政府部门的项目审核评估、健全财政资金使用的监管措施。  相似文献   
高芸 《农学学报》2012,2(10):76-78
综述了农产品产业链从生产、收购、流通、批发,到最后零售环节的纵向链条上的价格变化的相关经济学研究。此类研究利用各类价格数据、生产指数、消费指数、预期指数等数据进行计量经济检验,验证市场整合关系,估计纵向市场价格传递速度,找出引起价格传递的原因及其作用机理。研究得益于市场整合理论的发展,已开发出成熟的计量模型。且研究取得的主要结论基本一致。未来,该领域研究还会向构建系统性模型进行实证检验的方向发展,模型以供给和需求函数为基础,纳入更多变量,解除营销企业存在规模报酬不变和完全竞争市场条件的严格假设,更贴近真实经济运行情况。  相似文献   
对2013年和2014年广州10个迎春花市的水培花卉的经营情况、种类丰富程度、种类组成、应用情况等的特点和变化趋势进行调查,结果表明迎春花市销售的水培花卉有42种,隶属14科33属;以观叶植物为主;有7个花市在2014年的经营规模比2013年大,以花都区花市的水培花卉经营规模最大,种类最丰富。两年中均有6个花市有专营水培花卉的花档。文章对发展水培花卉提出了建议。  相似文献   
This paper presents the findings of a study aimed at identifying the determinants of price formation in the mussel industry in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is one of the major producers of mussels in Europe and the largest exporter. As such it is expected to have an important influence on price formation in Europe. The investigation of price formation attempted to identify the most important determinants of price at the wholesale market level and to test any interactions between the Dutch market and other markets in Europe. Estimation was by means of an econometric demand analysis using monthly data from the single auction market at Yerseke. The Dutch market was found to be highly competitive, with price highly responsive to supply, quality and seasonality. This short-term price elasticity is paired with price-inelastic short-term supply. Therefore there is potential for shifting the demand curve without inducing a shift in supply. The implications of these results are discussed and suggestions for marketing put forward.  相似文献   
Expressing values in agricultural markets: An economic policy perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many mechanisms now exist forconsumers to express progressive values inpurchasing decisions. Although demand for suchgoods has grown, these goods remain the purviewof small niche markets. Focusing on the marketfor agricultural goods (and the choice betweenthe paradigms of industrialized versussustainable agriculture), this paper discussesthree major reasons (market failures, entrybarriers, and biased policies) why it isdifficult for consumers to express their valuesfor a more sustainable system in this way, andwhy policy change is needed to create a fairerplaying field. The current policy, voluntarylabeling, is inadequate. A new set of policies,including taxes and subsidies to correct marketfailures, is needed to create opportunities forconsumers to support values such as health,community, and stewardship.  相似文献   
我国木材流向的现状是向心运输。其经济背景原因是:森林资源定势;木材生产区与木材消费区地域位差;各省(区)经济开发不平衡;以及全国水陆交通网配置格局等因素所决定。我国木材流向的具体特征是:边远省区向中原省区运输;人少地区向人多地区运输;经济欠发达地区向经济发达地区运输;新开发地区向早期开发地区运输;以地域位置而论就是四面八方向黄淮中州和长江中下游运输。综观全国木材流通的市场特点:东北区是一个稳定供应型木材市场;华东区属大进大出好买好卖型木材市场;西南区是先自然经济后商品经济半封闭型木材市场;西北区则是一个成交绝对量小、买难卖亦难的疲软型木材市场。  相似文献   
Three smallholder dairy production systems in Zambia, Sri Lanka and Kenya are analysed and compared. The focus is on the relationships between the animal production system, the farm household system, and the institutional environment. Attention is given to the valuation of marketed and non-marketed products and the intangible benefits of livestock in insurance, financing and status display. The comprehensive and comparative analysis of the production systems shows the direct relationship between type and intensity of dairy production and the presence or absence of markets for milk and other products, services and employment. The generally unobserved income components resulting from products other than milk and from the intangible benefits prove to be a substantial proportion of the total income in all three systems. The comprehensive perspective on the dairy production system results in policy suggestions that include institutional linkages.  相似文献   
采用沪市A股国有上市公司2010年数据,运用相关分析方法,从四个视角分析国有企业集团内部资本市场配置效率。理论分析和实证研究结果表明:(1)国有企业集团内部资本市场能够缓解融资约束;(2)国有企业集团内部资本市场并未异化为控股股东利益侵占途径,集团总部与成员企业之间以及成员企业内部的代理问题是导致内部资本市场低效的主要原因。  相似文献   
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