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A field experiment was conducted during the winter season of 1992–93 and 1993–94 at Agricultural Experimental Farm, Giridih, Bihar to evaluate the intercropping systems of legumes, gram ( Cicer arietinum L.), pea ( Pisum sativum ) and lentil ( Lens culinaris ) with wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) in 1:1 and 2:1 'row replacement series'. Intercropping systems were assessed on the basis of new indices termed as actual yield loss (AYL) and intercropping advantage (IA). This paper highlights the comparative effectiveness of evaluating the intercropping systems through the existing intercropping indices like LER, RCC, aggressivity. The indices AYL and IA seem to be more appropriate particularly when per plant yield is considered. Intercropping reduced the yield of component crops compared with respective pure stands. Wheat + pea in 1:1 row replacement series gave the highest wheat yield equivalent value (3.02 t ha−1) followed by wheat + lentil (2.91 tha−1). When the actual sown proportion was considered wheat + lentil (1:1) resulted in maximum AYL (+0.610) and IA (+0.279) values. This treatment also gave the maximum monetary advantage (Rs 5985.45 ha−1).  相似文献   
Abstract. Soil samples from a 32-year grassland field experiment were taken from 0–5, 5–10, and 10–15 cm soil depths in February 2002. Plots received annual treatments of unamended control, mineral fertilizer, three rates of pig slurry and three rates of cow slurry, each with six replicates. Samples were analysed for cation exchange capacity (CEC), exchangeable cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), pH and Olsen P. Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) was calculated as a sodicity indicator. Mean ESP was generally greater for slurry treatments than the control, with a trend of increasing ESP with application rate. This was particularly marked for cow slurry. At 0–5 cm depth ESP increased from 1.18 in the control to 1.75 at the highest rate of pig slurry and 5.60 at the highest rate of cow slurry. Similar trends were shown for CEC, exchangeable Na+, K+ and Mg2+, Ca2+ and Olsen P. The build-up of soil P due to slurry applications, together with this combination of physical and chemical factors, may increase the risk of P loss to surface waters, particularly from soils receiving high rates of cow slurry.  相似文献   
应激性急性肾上腺皮质功能不全症的病理机制十分复杂,目前人医的各类文献中大都以“垂体—肾上腺轴”功能不全、功能衰竭、或发生广泛性出血坏死性病演作解释。本病在奶牛分娩难产过程中并不少见,病牛的症状表现以心衰和失钠性低血症为主征。但在兽医临床上由于认识不足,曾有不少中外学者将奶牛产后卧地不起的各类疾病,含糊地统称为“母牛睡倒爬不起来综合征”;更由于救治不当,病牛常以淘汰或死亡告终。本文通过对一具体典型病例辨析,着重讨论了本病的基本病理反应和确立诊断依据,强调对本病救护施治时应遵循的基本原则,供同道们在分析和解决这一实际问题时参考。  相似文献   
磷是植物生长必需的营养元素之一,在农业生产中起着关键作用。然而,长期过量的磷肥投入导致土壤磷素水平增加,进而加大了土壤磷素流失风险,造成农业非点源磷污染,同时这也成为导致水体富营养化的主要因素之一。因此,识别和管理农业非点源磷的流失风险关键区,成为面源污染亟待解决的关键问题。磷指数模型起源于20世纪90年代,是评估农田磷流失潜力和指导磷管理决策的重要工具之一。根据研究区特点,美国众多学者在各州设立了不同的磷指数指标体系,优化了磷指数的组成因子、计算方法和分级标准。本文对美国各州磷指数模型评价体系进行了综述和评价,指出了磷指数模型的局限性,提出了改进方向,以期为我国磷素管理方法提供借鉴。  相似文献   
小白菜是中国种植面积较广、深受大众喜爱的蔬菜,但真实菜地环境中虫害往往出现在叶片的特定区域,且受环境因素如光照和背景干扰较大,影响对其的智能检测。为提高小白菜虫害的检测效率和准确率,该研究提出一种基于YOLOv5s网络框架改进的YOLOPC小白菜虫害识别模型。首先,引入CBAM(Convolutional Block Attention Module)注意力机制,将其放在CBS(卷积层Convolution+归一化层Batch normalization+激活函数层SILU)的输入端构成CBAM-CBS的结构,动态调整特征图中各个通道和空间位置的权重;使用上采样和1×1卷积操作来调整特征图的尺寸和通道数,实现不同层次特征的融合,增强模型的特征表示能力。同时,改进损失函数,使其更适合边界框回归的准确性需求;利用空洞卷积的优势提高网络的感受野范围,使模型能够更好地理解图像的上下文信息。试验结果表明,与改进前的YOLOv5s模型相比,YOLOPC模型对小白菜小菜蛾和潜叶蝇虫害检测的平均精度(mean Average Precision, mAP)达到91.40%,提高了12.9个百分点;每秒传输帧数(Frame Per Second, FPS)为58.82帧/s,增加了11.2帧/s,增加幅度达23.53个百分点;参数量仅为14.4 MB,降低了25.78个百分点。与经典的目标检测算法SSD、Faster R-CNN、YOLOv3、YOLOv7和YOLOv8相比,YOLOPC模型的平均精度分别高出20.1、24.6、14、13.4和13.3个百分点,此外,其准确率、召回率、帧速率和参数量均展现出显著优势。该模型可为复杂背景下小白菜虫害的快速准确检测提供技术支持。  相似文献   
针对分析参数变化对电机损耗效率的影响建立了永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor)损耗模型,推导出电机损耗最小的最优定子电流。然后,分析铁损电阻、铜损电阻以及磁链变化对损耗精度的影响。结果表明,当铁损电阻变为原来的1.2倍时,总损耗效率增加1.0%;当铜损电阻变为原来1.5倍时,总损耗效率下降28%;当磁链变为原来的1.4倍时,总损耗效率下降1.4%。通过电机损耗的参数敏感性分析,为基于模型的电机高效率控制提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
Increasing food loss and waste (FLW) is a global problem, and efforts are being made to use waste food as potential livestock feed material. The amount of self-supplied feed is lower in Japan than in other countries, and the government recommends FLW use for animal feed. Sake (Japanese rice wine) is a traditional alcoholic beverage. During the sake manufacturing process, large amounts of squeezed solids or “lees” (sake lees) are generated. Sake lees are nutritious and functional, but are prone to spoilage. In this study, we investigated whether sake lees should be mixed with animal feed immediately or after drying. To assess the usefulness of sake lees as a poultry feed ingredient and determine the effect of sake lees on intestinal immunity, we performed a feeding trial with three treatments: a raw sake lees (RSL) diet, dried sake lees (DSL) diet, and control diet. Three-week-old broilers were fed these diets (n=8 per group) for two weeks. We then calculated feed efficiency and performed RT-qPCR to assess the effects of diet on intestinal immunity. The growth performance in the RSL diet group was equivalent to that in the control diet group. The DSL diet became difficult for broilers to eat, resulting in decreased growth performance. In the ileum of RSL-diet broilers, the mRNA expression levels of TGF-β1 and avian β-defensin (AvBD)12 were significantly increased compared to those of control diet broilers (p<0.05), and a significant correlation was observed between the two genes (p<0.05). Our results indicated that sake lees should not be dried and should be mixed immediately with feed, and this sake lees when fed to chicken activates the intestinal immunity. However, sake lees have a lower fat content than corn, and it is thus important to combine sake lees with high-energy feed.  相似文献   
Identifying land management practices (LMPs) that enhance on-site sediment management and crop productivity is crucial for the prevention, reduction, and restoration of land degradation and contributing to achieving land degradation neutrality (LDN). We reviewed studies in Ethiopia to assess the effects of LMPs on soil loss (84 studies) and crop productivity (34 studies) relative to control practice. Yield variability on conserved lands was assessed using 12,796 fixed plot data. Effects of LMP on soil loss were 0.5–55 t ha−1y−1 compared to control practices yielding 50 to 140 t ha−1y−1. More than 55% of soil loss records revealed soil loss less than the tolerable rate (10 t ha−1). Area closure, perennial vegetation cover, agronomic practices, mechanical erosion control practices, annual cropland cover, and drainage groups of practices led to 74.0 ± 18.3%, 69.0 ± 24.6%, 66.2 ± 30.5%, 66.1 ± 18.0%, 63.5 ± 20.0%, and 40 ± 11,1% soil loss reduction, respectively. A yield increase of 25.2 ± 15.0%, 37.5 ± 28.0%, and 75.4 ± 85.0% was found from drainage, agronomy, and mechanical erosion control practices, respectively. The average yield loss by erosion on fields without appropriate land management practice and on conserved fields was 26.5 ± 26.0% and 25 ± 3.7%, respectively. The findings suggest that practices that entail a continuous presence of soil cover during the rainy season, perennial vegetation, retention of moisture, and barriers for sediment transport were most effective at decreasing soil loss and increasing productivity. This review provides evidence to identify the best LMP practices for wider adoption and inform decision-making on LMP investments towards achieving sustainable solutions to reverse land degradation.  相似文献   
高校图书馆书刊损毁丢失透视及遏制对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
书刊的损毁、丢失问题是目前高校图书馆面临的普遍现象,并有蔓延之趋势。文章就这个问题进行了透视和剖析。深刻揭示了该现象产生的原因,并提出了遏制对策。  相似文献   
[目的] 黄土高原退耕还林(草)工程驱动的生物结皮发育可显著抑制土壤侵蚀,为探明土壤抗侵蚀性能随生物结皮生长发育的变化特征及其响应机制。[方法] 设置藻结皮、藓结皮和自然演替结皮3个处理,培育176天,系统研究生物结皮不同发育阶段及其类型差异对黄绵土抗侵蚀性能的影响。[结果] (1)生物结皮盖度、厚度、生物量、叶绿素和粗糙度随生长时间均显著增加,培育初期藓结皮较高,培育末期自然演替结皮反而最高。(2)随生物结皮发育,土壤黏结力呈幂函数增强,较初期增加39.8%~60.3%;质量损失率呈指数函数减小,较初期降低45.6%~57.3%;饱和导水率变化趋势较为复杂,但培育末期均最低(0.08~0.12 mm/min)。(3)土壤黏结力随生物结皮盖度、厚度、叶绿素、生物量和表面粗糙度的增加呈幂函数增长,质量损失率随生物结皮盖度、厚度、叶绿素、生物量和表面粗糙度的增加呈指数函数下降。(4)土壤抗侵蚀综合指数(Cser)可表示为盖度(Cov)、厚度(T)和生物量(B)的幂函数(Cser=0.279 Cov0.194 T0.188 B0.119, R2=0.73, p<0.05)。[结论] 黄土高原生物结皮发育可显著提高黄绵土抗侵蚀性能,藓结皮效果最强。  相似文献   
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