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王晓  陈鹏  张硕  李振斌  王凡  刘锦  刘永杰 《植物保护》2019,45(2):211-217
为明确常见杀虫剂对日本通草蛉各虫态的影响,在室内分别采用浸渍法和喷雾法测定了12种(8类)杀虫剂对日本通草蛉卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的毒性,并评价了杀虫剂对日本通草蛉的毒性风险。结果表明,高效氯氰菊酯对日本通草蛉为极高风险,毒死蜱、吡虫啉、烯啶虫胺和阿维菌素为高风险,溴氰虫酰胺、啶虫脒和氯虫苯甲酰胺为中等风险,噻嗪酮、吡蚜酮、螺虫乙酯和甲氧虫酰肼为低风险;与其他虫态相比,12种杀虫剂对日本通草蛉蛹的毒性均为最低。在害虫生物防治及综合治理中应尽量选用对日本通草蛉毒性低的杀虫剂,以起到保护天敌的作用。  相似文献   
试验研究了卡死克对通缘步甲成虫的急性致死毒性及田间撒施卡死克毒饵后对其种群数量消长的影响。室内口腔灌喂250ppm浓度的卡死克药液2μl/头后的第1~15天,灌药组与灌清水组的存活率均在70~90%,统计结果无显著差异,说明药剂对该步甲元急性致死毒性。在毒饵撒施后的7~17天,采用陷阱诱捕法调查对通缘步甲田间种群数量的影响,结果表明:处理区与对照区的日均诱捕数量为28.3和28.5头,两区间的差异并不显著。卡死克既不杀伤草地上游猎捕食的通缘步甲又能有效控制蝗虫种群数量的增长,使其能够发挥控制害虫的作用。通缘步甲发生数量大,与蝗虫种群消长有跟随现象,是一种值得研究保护利用的优势天敌种类。  相似文献   
为了确定秃疮花水溶性外用制剂的临床应用剂量标准,试验用甘肃省畜牧兽医研究所研制的秃疮花水溶性外用制剂,以Reed-Muench法进行了体外抗病毒试验。试验结果表明秃疮花水溶性外用制剂对GPV的IC50=2-6.5倍个外用制剂试验单位(8.8mg/mL外用制剂干物质);对CPDV的IC50=2-7.2倍个外用制剂试验单位(5.4mg/mL外用制剂干物质)。这说明秃疮花水溶性外用制剂对GPV和CPDV有一定的抑制功能。  相似文献   

Trials were performed with early and semi-early potatoes to test the effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizer level (0-160 kg N ha-1) and timing (all at planting versus half then and half either soon after emergence or 3 weeks later). All seven trials with earlies were irrigated as required, whilst different irrigation regimes (moderate versus intensive) were compared in two trials with semi-earlies. No benefit was derived from splitting the N application. Haulm growth and N uptake increased in all cases almost linearly up to the highest N level, but tuber yield did not respond in the same way. The optimum N level was 80 kg N ha-1 for a yield of 15 Mg ha-1, rising to 120 kg N ha-1 for a yield of 40 Mg ha-1. Tuber quality was lowered by the use of excess N fertilizer, particularly in the case of earlies. The quantity of mineralised N present in the soil after harvest rose sharply with above optimum fertilizer use, and the amount of N present in crop residues also increased. The likely leaching after early potatoes was estimated to be up to 80 kg N ha-1. The proportion of fertilizer N which was not accounted for in either tuber yield, crop residues or mineral N in soil was 26% in earlies and 38% in semi-earlies.  相似文献   
Irregular plagues of house mice, Mus musculus, incur major economic impacts on agricultural production in Australia. The efficacy of zinc phosphide (ZnP), the only registered broadacre control agent for mice, is reported as increasingly variable. Have mice become less sensitive over time or are they taking a sub-lethal dose and developing aversion? In this laboratory study, the sensitivity of mice (wild caught; outbred laboratory strain) was assessed using oral gavage of a range of ZnP concentrations. The estimated LD50 values (72–79 mg ZnP/kg body weight) were similar for each mouse group but are significantly higher than previously reported. The willingness of mice to consume ZnP-coated grains was determined. ZnP-coated grains (50 g ZnP/kg grain) presented in the absence of alternative food were consumed and 94% of wild mice died. Mice provided with alternative food and ZnP-coated wheat grains (either 25 or 50 g ZnP/kg grain) consumed toxic and non-toxic grains, and mortality was lower (33–55%). If a sublethal amount of ZnP-coated grain was consumed, aversion occurred, mostly when alternative food was present. The sensitivity of wild house mice to ZnP in Australia is significantly lower than previously assumed. Under laboratory conditions, ZnP-coated grains coated with a new higher dose (50 g ZnP/kg grain) were readily consumed. Consumption of toxic grain occurred when alternative food was available but was decreased. Our unambiguous findings for house mice indicate a re-assessment of the ZnP loading for baits used for control of many rodents around the world may be warranted.  相似文献   
家蚕可能通过取食漂移到桑叶上的玉米花粉从而受到转基因玉米中表达的Cry蛋白的影响。实验采用室内生物测试的方法评价了转cry1Abcry2Ab基因玉米GAB-3花粉对家蚕可能产生的影响,并采用在饲料中掺入蛋白的方式检测了转基因玉米中广泛使用的6种Cry杀虫蛋白对家蚕的毒性。当桑叶上GAB-3花粉密度为50粒·cm-2时,对家蚕幼虫存活率无显著影响,达500粒·cm-2时,家蚕14 d存活率为0;以10粒·cm-2的GAB-3花粉饲喂家蚕幼虫7 d对其体重无显著不利影响,但延长饲喂时间或者当GAB-3花粉密度为50粒·cm-2时,家蚕的体重显著低于对照组;转基因和非转基因玉米花粉处理14 d或更长时间的家蚕体重均低于无花粉处理组。与非转基因对照处理组相比,低于100粒·cm-2的转基因玉米GAB-3花粉处理组家蚕的化蛹率、茧重、茧壳重和蛹重无显著差异,转基因玉米和非转基因玉米花粉处理均会延长家蚕幼虫的发育历期。GAB-3花粉对家蚕7 d的LC50为261.18粒·cm-2,随着处理时间延长,LC50下降。测试的6种Bt杀虫蛋白对家蚕的毒性依次为Cry1C>Cry1Fa>Cry1B>Cry2A>Cry1Ab>Cry1Ac。目前,在中国接近商业化的转基因玉米中多采用的Bt杀虫蛋白为Cry1Ab和Cry2A,二者对家蚕的毒性较低,并且在实际生产中,家蚕接触到的转基因玉米花粉密度较低,因此转Cry抗虫基因玉米对家蚕的风险较低。  相似文献   
基于遥感反演获得的太湖悬浮泥沙浓度数据,利用移动窗口方法,分析探讨了平均局部方差和移动窗口尺寸的关系。在90~1 860 m移动窗口尺寸变化范围内,太湖悬浮泥沙浓度的平均局部方差随着移动窗口尺寸的增大而增大,且抛物线模型能较好的描述2者的关系,回归系数0.9959。通过对抛物线模型求最大值可知,局部方差最大值所对应的移动窗口尺寸为2 308.33 m,根据当时的风速和风向,考虑泥沙浓度空间分布与水体运动之间的相关性,该尺寸可以解释为太湖逆时针环流的本征尺度。  相似文献   
氟化钠对雏鸡半数致死量的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为弄清氟对禽类的毒性影响,选用1日龄罗曼褐蛋鸡56只,随机分为7组,每组8只,经饮水添加不同量的氟化钠,1次性灌喂,观察7d内动物中毒死亡情况,计算LD50等指标。结果:急性LD50及其95%可信限分别为960.48mg/kg,594.72~1326.24mg/kg。结论:鸡对氟的耐受量较大,禽产品中氟残留量不容忽视,它可能危及人类健康。  相似文献   
以从茶树油粕中提取茶皂素的得率为评价指标,研究提取溶剂、方法、时间、温度和料液比等因素对茶皂素得率的影响,并通过正交试验确定茶皂素最佳提取工艺条件,同时考察了所得茶皂素对几种果蔬采后致病菌的抑制作用。结果表明,茶树油粕中提取茶皂素的最佳工艺条件为:以75%乙醇作为提取溶剂,料液比1∶14(g/mL),85℃热回流提取2.5 h,茶皂素的得率达13.3%,经AB-8大孔吸附树脂纯化后,纯度达95.64%。所获茶皂素对胶胞炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)、灰葡萄孢霉(Botrytis cinerea)和链格孢菌(Alternaria alternata)菌丝的生长均有显著的抑制作用,半最大效应浓度(EC50)值分别为203.62、165.87和550.61mg·L^-1,其中以对B. cinerea的抑制作用最强。  相似文献   
This study sought to investigate the possible inhibition mechanism of red rice polyphenols (RRP) on pancreatic α-amylase (PA) activity. RRP showed strong inhibition against PA activity and the half-inhibitory concentration (IC50) value was 3.61 μg/mL. The fluorescence quenching of PA by RRP was a combination of static quenching and dynamic quenching. RRP could aggregate with PA and the physiochemical properties of the aggregates were closely related to the concentration of RRP. Kinetic analysis suggested that the inhibition mode of RRP on PA was reversible inhibition, which was a mixing of competitive inhibition and noncompetitive inhibition. Molecular docking speculated that RRP could form hydrogen bonds with PA by binding to the catalytic active sites (ASP197, GLU233 and ASP300) and the microenvironments of TRP58 and TRP59 were altered, thus inhibiting PA activity.  相似文献   
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