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角眼牡蛎蚧是樟树上的重要害虫,在浙江省余姚市1a发生3代,大多以受精的雌成虫越冬,少量以孕卵雌成虫、卵、若虫和蛹越冬。初孵若虫期喷洒0.3%阿维菌素乳油或10%吡虫啉乳油,固定若虫期喷洒40%杀扑磷乳油,基本能控制其危害。  相似文献   
柳蛎盾蚧危害与丁香防御蛋白活力的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在柳蛎盾蚧的未危害期(5月末)、危害盛期(6月末)、危害弱期(7月末)、危害末期(8月末),测定高抗类[什锦丁香等7种(品种)]、中抗类[西南丁香等3种(品种)]、易感类[紫丁香等2种]、高感类(红丁香)13种(品种)丁香叶中的POD,SOD,CAT,PPO,PAL,TI和CI 7种防御蛋白的活性.结果表明:危害时期,丁香种(品种)对丁香防御蛋白活力有极显著影响(P<0.01).POD活性,在危害盛期,在高抗、中抗类丁香中均显著升高(P<0.05),而在易感、高感类中应激滞后,即分别在危害弱期和危害末期升高.CAT在易感类和高感类丁香防御上起主导作用,其活性在危害盛期显著升高,而中抗和高抗类未见明显变化.SOD活性,在危害盛期高抗类丁香中无显著变化,而其余3类则显著降低.PPO活性在未危害期的高低与抗性相关,在虫害盛期诱导表达的强弱也与抗性相关;PAL活性未能反映抗性品种间的差异.TI和CI活性,在未危害期的高低与其抗虫性无明显相关性,在危害盛期的升高幅度与抗虫性呈正相关.综上所述,PPO在未危害期的活力可作为筛选丁香抗虫种(品种)的指标,危害盛期POD,PPO,TI和CI活性升高的幅度与丁香抗虫性呈正相关.  相似文献   
本文报道了作者研究蛎盾蚧属两近缘种的研究结果。在1985—1986年研究蛎盾蚧属的过程中,发现紫疤蛎盾蚧L.beckii与苏铁蛎盾蚧L.cycadicola两者种限模糊,有过渡类型存在。作者通过对两者种的大星标本进行了深入细致的观察研究,共观察显微个体计300余个,并从两者种的各个相同部位进行了详尽的对比和论证,提出了两者种应归并为同种的详细依据。本文研究所用材料源于山西农大外虫研究室,种名由汤纺德教授鉴定,在研究过程中,得到汤纺德教授的精心指导并审阅,在此深表谢意。  相似文献   
昆虫生长调节剂抑食肼防治杨圆蚧和柳蛎盾蚧   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抑食肼是一种昆虫生长调节剂.对杨圆蚧和柳蛎盾蚧具有特效.对天改安全。使用1%~2%抑食肼油剂防治两蚧固定著虫的药效在90%~98%:防治柳蛎盾蚧卵的药效在94%~98%.使用25%押食肼可湿性粉剂100~200ug/g.防治柳蛎盾蚧初孵著虫的药效在91%~96%。押食肼油剂具有内吸和胃毒作用并具有速效.特效.为蚧虫的防治提供一种理想,安全、经济和高教的新型杀蚧剂。  相似文献   
柳蛎蚧的发生规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳蛎蚧在树干上的分布(累计虫口密度)规律为树干中部〉上部〉下部。树干上北方位出口数较南方位虫口多。严冬、酷夏后死亡率高,通过黑龙江省10个市县柳蛎蚧发生面积与温度、湿度等气象因子关系的研究,建立了柳蛎蚧发生面积的多元线性回归预测模型。经检验证明,用该模型进行初步预测是可靠的。柳蛎蚧有螨类、瓢虫、寄生蜂及寄生蝇等多种天敌。  相似文献   
柏牡蛎蚧的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
柏牡蛎蚧(Lepidosaphes cupressi borchsenius)是危害杨梅[Myrica rubra(Lour.) Sieb. et Zucc]的重要害虫,在浙江省余姚市1年发生2代,以受精的雌成虫在杨梅小枝条、叶片上越冬。化学防治以若虫盛孵初期喷雾和杨梅采摘后在树干基部打孔注入氧化乐果和甲胺磷农药,效果较好。  相似文献   
The timing and pattern of mussel scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi (L.)) crawler emergence was monitored in relation to air and bark-surface temperatures using sticky band traps around branches in apple orchards in Kent, UK in three successive years, 2007-2009. The emergence and migration of the crawlers lasted for over 4 weeks at a high level, much longer than had been previously reported. In all three years, there were clearly two peaks of emergence of the crawlers, possibly because there is a diapausing and non-diapausing form of the insect. A temperature sum model developed in the 1990s in The Netherlands using air temperatures predicted the peak emergence of crawlers to within 5-16 days; however, the model was less accurate when tree bark temperatures for the north or south of the tree were used. We have developed two models to predict the emergence of the crawlers by revising the original Dutch model. The observed emergence period (5-95%) was longer than the predicted in all three years but the two revised models performed better than the original Dutch model.In two experiments, in 2007 and 2008, the efficacy of a wide range of insecticide products at different timings during crawler emergence was evaluated. Of the 7 products compared as single or two sprays (spray volume 500 l ha−1) at different emergence timings, or with the addition of adjuvants or as winter treatments, thiacloprid 480 g/l SC (375 ml ha−1) and acetamiprid 20% w/w SP (375 g ha−1) gave the best and similar control, reducing the percentage of fruits infested by 94%. Two sprays of fenoxycarb 25% w/w WG (600 g ha−1) gave the poorest control (28%). Two sprays of spirodiclofen 240 g/l SC (600 g ha−1), chlorpyrifos 75% w/w WG (960 g ha−1) or flonicamid 50% w/w WG (140 g ha−1) gave intermediate results, reducing the percentage infestation by 72% on average. Adjuvants gave no additional value to the treatments when applied in admixture and winter applications of mineral oil (spray volume 1000 l ha−1), alone or in admixture with chlorpyrifos or thiacloprid were not effective at controlling mussel scale the following growing season.Overall, acetamiprid and thiacloprid were the most efficacious insecticides and this study indicates that sprays are best applied in the latter part of the migration (after 50% emergence) with an interval between sprays of at least two weeks to span the long emergence period of the pest.  相似文献   
松小蛎蚧的生物学特性及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
松小蛎蚧 (LepidosaphespinetiBorchsenius) (重要异名 :InsulaspispinetiBorchsenius)隶属同翅目 (Homoptera)盾蚧科 (Diaspididae)牡蛎蚧属 (Lepidosaphes) ,是许多省、市广为分布  相似文献   
程红  严善春 《林业科学》2013,49(6):97-106
根据柳蛎盾蚧在丁香上的虫口密度,应用聚类分析法将13种(品种)丁香分为高抗类(什锦丁香等7种)、中抗类(西南丁香等3种)、易感类(紫丁香等2种)、高感类(红丁香)。分别在柳蛎盾蚧的未危害期(5月末)、危害盛期(6月末)、危害弱期(7月末)、危害末期(8月末)采集叶片,用香兰素盐酸法、高效液相色谱法测定其内的单宁、酚酸含量,分析丁香叶中单宁、总酚酸含量、酚酸种类等与柳蛎盾蚧危害的关系。结果表明:高抗类丁香叶中的酚酸种类齐全,或者未危害期内总酚酸、单宁含量均显著高于其余种(品种)(P<0.05),或者危害盛期单宁、总酚酸增幅均显著高于其余种(增幅为81.75%~888.43%)。中抗类丁香,只在危害盛期总酚酸含量增幅显著高于易感和高感类丁香,单宁含量显著高于易感类丁香。易感和高感类丁香在未危害期单宁和总酚酸含量相对较低,危害盛期单宁或总酚酸含量存在诱导滞后性,酚酸种数只是高抗和中抗类丁香的1/2。此外,一些特定酚酸种类的有无及其含量的多少也与丁香的抗性相关,如:高抗类及中抗类丁香在5—8月均检测到肉桂酸,易感和高感类丁香5—8月均未检测到肉桂酸。总之,丁香中酚酸种类多、总酚酸或单宁含量高,或者其单宁和总酚酸含量能在虫害后迅速升高、增幅大的种类,对柳蛎盾蚧的抗性就强,反之则弱。  相似文献   
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