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Cabot's tragopan Tragopan caboti is an endemic and endangered pheasant of the lower montane forests of southeastern China. The typical habitats of the tragopan have been seriously fragmented because of forest management for timber production and farmland reclamation in recent years. The effects of the fragment size and isolation on the distribution of the cabot's tragopan were studied in Wuyanling Natural Reserve. Thirty one habitat fragments (2.5-48.5 ha) surrounded by non-habitat sapling coniferous forests, in an intensively managed forested landscape, were surveyed over four seasons for the occurrence of cabot's tragopan. Five of the 31 fragments were occupied in all four seasons and nine were not occupied. Both landscape and habitat factors affected the occurrence of cabot's tragopan, with landscape factors having the greatest effect. Large and less isolated habitat fragments containing a larger amount of the tree Daphniphyllum macropodum were occupied significantly more often than small, isolated fragments. The appearance of cabot's tragopan in the habitat fragments was best explained by the size of the fragments, the distance to the nearest suitable habitat and the amount of macropdous daphniphyllum trees. Our results could be used to improve the management of the forests where Cabot's tragopan occurs in southeastern China.  相似文献   
在达尔文(1859)看来,新物种只有通过竞争或者自然选择的方式淘汰原有物种才能进入由其他物种占据的生境并成功定居下来。然而,新物种进入生境并成功定居还有另外一个途径,那就是由于超级居群能在全球尺度上改变整个地球环境,从而能在原有环境中创造出一些全新的微环境来,正是这些全新的微环境使新物种避开了和原有定居者的剧烈竞争,很容易地进入了一直由其他物种占据的生境中并成功地定居下来。换句话说,超级居群导致了全球环境的分化,导致了全球尺度上的生境多样性。同时,超级居群通过环境的异质化为新物种准备好了很多全新的微环境,新物种在全新的微环境中的成功定居实现了新物种和原有定居者的长期共存。而这种长期共存导致了整个生物圈的生物多样性的增加。超级居群是地球上很多新环境的创造者,是生境多样性和生物多样性之间的桥梁,据此就能很容易地解释新物种为什么不时能和原有定居者共存甚至依赖于原有定居者,从而导致二者间剧烈竞争缺失的现象。  相似文献   
适宜的气候要素是保障东北春玉米健康生长和高产稳产的基本条件。依据温、光、水气候要素对春玉米生长的影响,分别构建温度、日照和降水适宜度模型,引入有效降水提高模型精度,再基于有效降水和实际降水将三种气候要素耦合建立综合气候适宜度模型Ⅰ和模型Ⅱ,并利用1994—2013年有效气象、物候数据和2003—2010年像元尺度大田玉米生长状况时序遥感监测信息对海伦和泰来两个典型东北农业台站进行模型测试检验,将最适用模型应用于东北三省玉米典型种植区以估算2008与2009年25个站点不同生育期各气候要素适宜度。检验结果表明,“基于有效降水的模型Ⅰ”所估算的全生育期综合气候适宜度与NDVI、EVI的相关系数(0.58、0.29)均优于“基于实际降水的模型Ⅱ”(0.52、0.18),融合有效降水信息的模型Ⅰ更能有效捕获气候要素对春玉米生长胁迫现象。应用结果显示,模型Ⅰ估算的2008和2009年东北春玉米全生育期综合气候适宜度分别为0.67和0.56,与该地区2008年春玉米实际产量高于2009年表现一致;两年间东北三省春玉米各气候要素适宜度总体表现为温度>日照>有效降水;辽宁与吉林的温度、有效...  相似文献   
基于日喀则地区7个国家气象站1980—2021年逐日气象数据,分析构建了高原马铃薯气温(T)、光照(S)、水分(W)、气候(C)适宜度评价模型并对其时空变化特征进行分析,结果发现:近42年日喀则地区S平均值为0.82,呈逐年弱下降趋势,T、W、C适宜度平均值分别为0.79、0.64、0.61,均呈逐年上升趋势;马铃薯全生育期的光热资源都在最合理区域(S、T≥0.7),满足了其长发育需求。W在播种~出苗期(W=0.62)、开花~成熟期(W=0.44)呈现较低水平,是制约日喀则地区马铃薯生长发育的最主要因素;T、S空间分布较均匀,且呈现自西向东、自南北向中递增趋势,W空间分布不均匀。桑珠孜区—南木林县一带地区为马铃薯综合气候适宜度高值区(C>0.6),适宜大力发展马铃薯产业。由本文建立的日尺度气候适宜度评价模型得出的年际变化和区域特征结果与实际情况比较一致,为了解气候变化下日喀则马铃薯生长发育适宜度的时空变化提供依据。  相似文献   
为了探究长江十年禁渔后安庆江段刀鲚的生境履历,利用X射线电子探针微区分析技术研究安庆江段不同类型长颌刀鲚(Coilia nasus)和短颌刀鲚的耳石Sr和Ca微化学特征。结果显示,根据耳石Sr/Ca值的变化值将安庆江段的短颌刀鲚分为2类,一类是其比值为一直小于3.0的低值,表明其纯淡水的生境履历;另一类是其比值不仅有小于3.0的低值区,还有大于3.0的高值区(小于7.0),表明其不仅有淡水的生境履历,还有高盐度的河口半咸水生境履历。长颌刀鲚的耳石Sr/Ca值均具有小于3.0的低值区和大于3.0 (甚至大于7.0)高值区的显著波动,表现为典型的淡水、河口半咸水及海水的溯河洄游型生境履历,Sr含量面分析图谱也可印证上述结果。本研究表明,长江安庆江段刀鲚群体组成较为复杂,同时存在溯河洄游型、淡水定居型短颌刀鲚和溯河洄游型长颌刀鲚3种生态表型个体。  相似文献   
[目的]测度国土空间冲突强度,分区探讨国土空间冲突管理和优化国土空间利用途径,为县域国土空间可持续开发利用提供新的思路。[方法]以江西省宜黄县为例,通过景观生态指数模型、可开发强度分析、用地现状与适宜性评价叠加3种方法,以“把握景观格局—明确开发强度—摸底适宜性—实现功能优化”综合视角为导向,构建综合视角下国土空间冲突测度模型,识别乡镇尺度下空间显著冲突与区域本位基底相耦合的综合冲突类型区,进而提出功能优化措施。[结果](1)2010—2020年宜黄县城镇化趋势扩大,生态空间的容纳度变低,国土空间主要表现为农业生产空间和生态空间向工矿生产空间和城镇生活空间转移。(2)2010—2020年宜黄县区域空间冲突强度加剧,不同时段和区域下空间冲突强度和分布情况差异显著,可控空间主要分布在南部,轻度和中度冲突在域内分布较为均匀,重度冲突主要分布在北部、中部和东部。(3)根据开发强度和冲突产生诱因,可将宜黄县乡镇划分为地形发展劣势区、城镇开发密集区和自然保护地集中区3类,作为空间功能优化的重点。(4)宜黄县乡镇尺度上空间冲突类型区分布存在差异性,表现为:农业空间与生态空间冲突>城镇空间与生态...  相似文献   
[目的]为对爪鲵进行更深入的实验研究奠定基础,实现濒危动物的保护和繁衍。[方法]对爪鲵的人工饲养进行初步研究。[结果]根据爪鲵的生活习性、栖息环境和恒温箱原理,设计并制作了适合爪鲵生长发育和繁殖的恒低温养殖箱,成功模拟了一个与其野生栖息环境状态相似的生存空间。[结论]在实验室实现了对爪鲵的人工饲养,从而达到保护濒危物种的目的。  相似文献   
Small patches of natural or semi-natural habitat have an important role in the conservation of biodiversity in human-dominated environments. The values of such areas are determined by attributes of the patch as well as its context in the surrounding land mosaic. There is a need for better understanding of the ways in which assemblages are influenced by patch context and the scale over which this occurs. Here we examine the influence of regional environmental gradients on the richness, annual turnover and composition of breeding bird species in small woods in south-eastern England. Regional gradients were defined independently of woods by an ordination of attributes for 5 km × 5 km landscape units across a 2100 km2 region. Patch-level attributes, particularly area, were the most important predictors for most bird variables. For woodland migrants and woodland-dependent species, variables representing the context of each wood, either at a local or regional scale, explained significant additional variance in species richness after accounting for wood area, but did not do so for species turnover. Significant context effects for woodland-dependent species related to the extent of hedges and woodland cover in the local vicinity (<1 km radius), whereas for woodland seasonal migrants the best predictors of richness after patch area were two regional environmental gradients. The initial cue to settlement for migrants may be at a coarse regional scale, with selection for suitable landscapes that have a greater extent of woodland cover. Edge species showed different responses: they were influenced by the diversity of structural features in woods, and were a more-dominant component of the avifauna in isolated woods in open fenland environments of the region. Significant relationships between coarse regional gradients (25 km2 units) and bird assemblages in small woods (0.5-30 ha) suggest that population and community processes in the avifauna operate across a broader scale than local patch neighbourhoods. They also highlight the importance of adopting a landscape or regional perspective on potential changes to land-use in rural environments, and on the conservation management of small reserves.  相似文献   
Due to their high abundance and ubiquitous existence, microbes are considered to be efficient colonisers of newly established habitats. To shed light on the dispersal mechanisms of soil microbes, a controlled microcosm experiment was established. In these microcosms, the dispersal of microbes from a source humus patch to originally sterile humus patches (embedded in a mineral soil matrix) was followed for 16 months, applying 16S and 18S ribosomal DNA-based PCR-DGGE molecular methods. Specifically, the role of enchytraeid worms and habitat (humus) corridors as possible facilitators of microbe dispersal was studied. The results showed that enchytraeid worms function efficiently as vectors for horizontal dispersal of saprophytic fungi in soil. Some of the fungi also proved to disperse through the corridors by vegetative growth, although this dispersal was inefficient as compared to dispersal with the enchytraeids. Virtually no saprophytic fungi were able to disperse through the mineral soil matrix in the absence of both enchytraeid worms and corridors. Unlike soil fungi, the dispersal of soil bacteria was not affected by any of the studied factors. The results of the present experiment provide direct evidence of the crucial role of soil fauna in aiding the horizontal dispersal of soil fungi. The role of enchytraeids as a functionally important species in boreal forest soils is further emphasized, since bringing microbes into contact with new resources is likely to enhance the rate of decomposition in soils.  相似文献   
Many upland areas of the British Isles have seen declines in the area and condition of heather (Calluna vulgaris)-dominated heathland vegetation. To reverse this decline, management regimes must be designed to rehabilitate areas that have seen this decline. As most of this heathland vegetation is primarily managed by grazing, such management has to determine what stocking levels can maintain the vegetation in a desired state. This paper describes how to reverse this decline through suitable grazing management.A degraded ‘wet-heath’ system, previously grazed at 2.1 sheep ha−1, was subject to a range of grazing treatments over a 5-year period. Treatments varied in intensity (0-1.4 sheep ha−1) and timing (summer only, winter only, or year round) of grazing. Grazing levels were maintained at 2.1 sheep ha−1 outside the fenced areas. Vegetation composition remained stable outside the fenced treatments. All the fenced treatments showed an increase in the relative frequency of the evergreen Calluna vulgaris, with the greatest increase being in the ungrazed treatment, and the least in the year round 1.4 sheep ha−1 treatment. This increase was in line with a reduction in heather utilisation to relatively low and sustainable levels. Other species that benefited from reduced grazing included Carex nigra, Deschampsia flexuosa and to a lesser extent Galium saxatile and Erica tetralix, whereas a range of moss species including Hypnum jutlandicum and Rhytidiadelphus loreus were more frequent at higher grazing levels. Though the recovery of heather was similar in the two seasonally grazed treatments, the vegetation showed different overall trajectories. Winter only grazed allowed a substantial increase in the cover of the deciduous Molinia caerulea, whereas this species was kept in check by summer only grazing. A stocking level of between 0.7 and 1.4 sheep ha−1 appears to be appropriate to maintain and even enhance the cover of heather on degraded wet heath. Complete removal is not necessary. Grazing restricted to the winter period is inappropriate in areas where M. caerulea occurs. Setting appropriate stocking levels to maintain the condition of the vegetation must take into account site conditions, especially the presence of species that can affect the utilisation of heather.  相似文献   
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