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无花果树可用于石漠化治理,同时具有一定的经济价值。为筛选出适宜石漠化地区的优良无花果品种,本研究引进20个无花果品种为试验材料,对其生长特性、病虫害抗性和成活率进行比较分析,并采用主成分分析法对无花果品种品质进行综合评价。结果表明:丰产黄、波姬红、法紫为20个无花果树中品质优良的品种。因此,可在石漠化地区适当推广种植丰产黄、波姬红、法紫3个品种。  相似文献   
2016年2月,威远县从中国农业大学引进无花果品系威紫,经过4年的试验种植表明,该品系在当地表现良好,弥补了缺乏紫黑色果皮鲜食品系的不足。果实长卵形,果面光洁,果皮紫黑色、韧性好,果肉无中空、浅红色,平均单果重45.8g,最大80g,含糖量15.6%,含酸量0.2%,果实始熟期7月中旬,成熟期持续到10月下旬,果实发育期84~91天,定植第3年进入盛产期,每666.7m^2产量1500kg左右,丰产性较强,果实品质佳,商品性好,可作为优良鲜食无花果品系在川渝地区推广。  相似文献   
无花果越冬防寒技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在同等环境条件下,分别对无花果采用土壤埋实法、草绳缠绕法、橡塑缠绕法3种防寒措施,越冬后,比较3种措施以及不同的埋实深度、缠绕高度对无花果萌芽、展叶时间以及受冻情况的影响.结果表明:利用土壤埋实法越冬的无花果萌芽、展叶时间早,受冻株数少,长势最好,最佳的埋实深度为30 cm,无花果可安全越冬.  相似文献   
5种榕属植物不同发育阶段叶片的热值与灰分含量动态   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对厦门园林植物园的5种榕属植物不同发育阶段叶片的灰分含量、干质量热值与去灰分热值的变化动态进行了初步研究。结果表明:①随着叶片的发育(从幼叶→成熟叶→老叶),灰分含量有升高的趋势,5种植物中老叶灰分含量均不是最低,说明叶片可能具有维持自身营养元素平衡的机制;②5种榕属植物不同发育阶段的叶片中,幼叶含有较高的干质量热值,不同发育阶段的榕属植物叶片干质量热值变化趋势因种而异;③5种榕属植物不同发育阶段叶片的干质量热值与灰分含量具有显著的线性相关(P<0 05);④不同发育阶段叶片去灰分热值的变化趋势因种而异,也不是固定不变的。表4参16  相似文献   
The methanol extract of Ficus sarmentosa var. henryi (King) Corner was found to detect potent inhibitory activities against 6 crop pathogenic fungi, Fusarium graminearum, Pumpkin fusarium Wilt, Curvularia lunata (Wakker) Boed, Septoria zeicola Stout, Botrytis cinerea, and Rhizoctonia solani. Four flavonoids were isolated from the extract of F. sarmentosa var. henryi by activity-guided fractionation and they were identified as eriodictyol (1), homoeriodictyol (2), dihydroquercetin (3), and luteolin (4) by spectroscopic means and displayed excellent inhibitory activity against F. graminearum and S. zeicola. Among them, luteolin (4) showed the strongest inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 56.38 and 81.48 mg L^-1, to the fungi, respectively. The in vitro inhibitory activity of F. sarmentosa var. henryi (King) Corner was reported for the first time and the inhibitory action mechanism of luteolin (4) was worthy of further research.  相似文献   
北碚榕扦插繁殖技术研究北碚榕扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]得出北培榕扦插繁殖技术最优的生根处理方式。[方法]研究了激素种类、处理浓度、处理时间、插穗长度以及基质种类对北培榕扦插生根的影响。[结果]插穗的最优长度为10 cm,用1 000 mg/L的IBA溶液处理15 s生根率可达96.7%。总体来看,IBA处理插穗的效果比NAA要好,根系较发达;扦插基质以珍珠岩:腐殖土为2∶1最好。[结论]扦插成活的难易程度除了和植物本身特性有关,还与处理插穗的激素种类、浓度、时间等有关。插穗的长度、扦插季节以及枝条的粗细对插穗生根也有很大影响。  相似文献   
无柄小叶榕容器苗形态和生理质量评价指标筛选   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
因其独特的园林景观和耐低温、耐盐碱的特征, 无柄小叶榕是热带、亚热带地区生态环境建设和泥质海岸防护林的重要树种之一。苗木质量直接影响到造林成活率及初期的长势。本研究以180 d的无柄小叶榕容器苗为研究材料,测定无柄小叶榕容器苗的形态、生理等共31个指标因子,通过主成分分析、综合评定,找出能够反映无柄小叶榕容器苗质量的关键指标以及辅助指标。研究结果表明:无柄小叶榕容器苗的苗木质量主要决定于苗木的总生物量、地下干物质、地径和根团。评定无柄小叶榕容器苗的质量应以苗木的地径、全株干(鲜)重、质量指数、根干(鲜)重、茎干(鲜)重等形态指标,结合光合指标(净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率、水分利用率)、叶绿素含量(A、B及总叶绿素)、根系活力等生理指标为关键指标,并辅以苗高和高径比作为辅助指标来综合评价。  相似文献   
以白菜黑斑病菌(Alternaria brassicae)、番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)、辣椒疫霉病菌(Phytophthora capsici)、苹果腐烂病菌(Valsa mali)、西瓜枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.niveum)、烟草赤星病菌(Alternaria alternata)为指示菌种,对从无花果(Ficuscarice)中分离获得到的64株内生真菌进行抗真菌活性试验,结果表明18株内生真菌具有抗菌活性,占总内生真菌的28.1%,将具有抗菌活性的菌株进行分类鉴定,分属于2目、4科、8属。  相似文献   
目前小叶榕是万州区主栽的行道树种.近年来,发生的主要害虫有褐斑白蚕蛾、榕蓟马,影响了树势和园林景观.本文就这些害虫的特征、发生及防治进行系统地总结和描述.  相似文献   
The antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity of caulerpin was investigated. This bisindole alkaloid was isolated from the lipoid extract of Caulerpa racemosa and its structure was identified by spectroscopic methods, including IR and NMR techniques. The pharmacological assays used were the writhing and the hot plate tests, the formalin-induced pain, the capsaicin-induced ear edema and the carrageenan-induced peritonitis. Caulerpin was given orally at a concentration of 100 μmol/kg. In the abdominal constriction test caulerpin showed reduction in the acetic acid-induced nociception at 0.0945 μmol (0.0103–1.0984) and for dypirone it was 0.0426 μmol (0.0092–0.1972). In the hot plate test in vivo the inhibition of nociception by caulerpin (100 μmol/kg, p.o.) was also favorable. This result suggests that this compound exhibits a central activity, without changing the motor activity (seen in the rotarod test). Caulerpin (100 μmol/kg, p.o.) reduced the formalin effects in both phases by 35.4% and 45.6%, respectively. The possible anti-inflammatory activity observed in the second phase in the formalin test of caulerpin (100 μmol/kg, p.o.) was confirmed on the capsaicin-induced ear edema model, where an inhibition of 55.8% was presented. Indeed, it was also observed in the carrageenan-induced peritonitis that caulerpin (100 μmol/kg, p.o.) exhibited anti-inflammatory activity, reducing significantly the number of recruit cells by 48.3%. Pharmacological studies are continuing in order to characterize the mechanism(s) responsible for the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory actions and also to identify other active principles present in Caulerpa racemosa.  相似文献   
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