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水杉色二孢毒素生物活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水杉枯萎病病原菌色二孢(Diplodia sp)真菌可以产生有毒代谢物。生物测定结果表明:该毒素具有广谱性,对裸子植物水杉和池杉、被子植物中杨柳科的垂柳、安石榴科的石榴等树木枝条具致萎作用,对小麦、玉米、油菜等种子的发芽及生长具有一定的抑制作用。粗毒素透析及稳定性测试表明:该毒素成分复杂,包括可以透过和不能透过半透膜的组分,具有很强的热稳定性,但在室温下放置长时间后活性会降低。  相似文献   
Systemic induction of defenses (e.g. phenolic metabolites) is considered vital in conifer resistance to pathogens and insects, and forms the mechanistic basis of the systemic induced resistance hypothesis (SIRH). In this study, the SIRH was tested on juvenile Austrian pine. Main stems expressed SIR in a manner that was consistent with the SIRH, while shoots became uniformly more susceptible to subsequent inoculations, demonstrating clear organ specificity in the tree's response. The majority of phenolic metabolites were poorly correlated with phenotype. Thus, the defensive system of Austrian pine is highly plastic and organ specific, and cannot be predicted by phenolic profiles alone.  相似文献   
湿地松根腐病被进一步证实是由Diplodia pinea(Desm.)Kickx所引起,本研究还发现Sphaeropsis Sapinea(Fr.)Dyko&Sutton也是病原之一.我们所见的S.Sapinea与一般的D.Pinea(异名:S.Sapinea)在形态、培养特性和孢子萌发等方面有明显的差异,可能是这个种的一个变种.这两种菌都能使2年生松苗和16年生生长衰弱的松树死亡.它们对松树的浸染与松毛虫引起的失叶量有密切的关系.  相似文献   
7个松色二孢菌菌株生物学特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
根据松公二孢菌7个菌株的菌落特征,子实体形态,致病力,营养生长及产孢条件,将其分为HZ型和HN型2类进行观察。结果表明,来自湖南和湖北的HZ型菌株致病力强,来自广东的HN型菌株致病力弱,且差异显著(α=0.05)。在供试培养基,pH和15-32℃条件下,HN型菌株菌落生长速度大于HZ型菌株,气生菌丝更发达。HZ型菌株与HN型菌株对高温(36℃)和低温(10℃)的适应性存在明显差异。光照,营养和温度  相似文献   
麻疯树两种病害的报道   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对云南省永仁县神宇新能源公司老怀哨玉碗水和永兴灰坝梁子麻疯树(Jatropha curcas)基地新造林地的调查研究,发现2种麻疯树病害,其中一种表现为枝干腐烂,另一种表现为根茎腐烂;发病率分别为1.2%和2.3%,但危害严重;通过鉴定,引起枝干腐烂的病原菌的分生孢子阶段属于半知菌的聚生小穴壳菌(Dothiorella gregaria),引起根茎腐烂的病原菌的分生孢子阶段属于半知菌的色二孢属的一种(Diplodiasp.),未发现它们的有性世代。  相似文献   
山东花生茎腐病发生规律及防治研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对山东省十几个县市花生茎腐病的调查研究结果表明,该病在花生主产区苗期发病率高,主要危害茎基部及分枝,并与土质、气候、栽培方式密切相关。一般有两次发病高峰期,第一次出现在6月中旬,全省花生主产区普遍发生。8月中下旬以后,随着植株衰老,病情指数缓慢上升进入第二个发病高峰期。田间防治试验表明,好力克+多菌灵、腈菌唑+多菌灵、甲基托布津和百泰防治效果分别为92.36%、76.74%、79.8%和78.35%。  相似文献   
Decline of newly planted, grafted grapevines is a serious viticultural problem worldwide. In the Riverina (New South Wales, Australia), characteristic symptoms include low fruit yields, very short shoots and severely stunted roots with black, sunken, necrotic lesions. To determine the cause, roots and wood tissue from affected plants in 20 vineyards (Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay grafted to V. champini cv. Ramsey rootstock) were assayed for microbial pathogens. Ilyonectria spp. (I. macrodidyma or I. liriodendra, producers of phytotoxin brefeldin A, BFA, and cause of black foot disease of grapevines) and Botryosphaeriaceae spp. (predominantly Diplodia seriata) were isolated from rootstocks of 100 and 95% of the plants, respectively. Togninia minima and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (cause of grapevine Petri disease) were isolated from 13 and 7% of affected plants, respectively. All Ramsey rootstock stems of grafted plants sampled from a supplier nursery were infected with Ilyonectria spp. and D. seriata. Diplodia seriata, but not Ilyonectria spp., was also isolated from 25% of canes sampled from the rootstock source block. Root inoculation of potted, disease‐free Chardonnay plants with Ilyonectria isolates from diseased vineyards caused typical disease symptoms, while co‐inoculation with Botryosphaeriaceae spp. increased disease severity. This is the first study to show that a major cause of young grapevine decline can be sequential infection by Botryosphaeriaceae from rootstock cuttings and Ilyonectria spp. from nursery soil. Although the Petri disease fungi were less common in young declining grafted grapevines in the Riverina, they are likely to contribute to the decline of surviving plants as they mature.  相似文献   
通过79个辽宁松球壳孢菌菌株与4个A型和B型标准菌株、5个美国菌株在菌落和分生孢子形态方面的对比研究,发现辽宁的菌株在形态上基本一致。辽宁菌株与美国的类型A相近,主要表现在孢子表面平滑,通常无隔或有1个隔,在成品PDA培养基上产生绒毛状、白色至灰色菌落。不同之处在于,辽宁菌株在自制PDA培养基上形成贴在培养基表面的菌落——与类型B相似,分生孢子长度介于A型和B型之间或与后者相近。5个美国菌株与类型A一致。同时发现,培养基的来源对菌落形态研究非常重要;光照使菌落气生菌丝有所减少且出现绿色;培养基和寄主种类对孢子大小有影响。  相似文献   
国外松枯梢病的松色二孢菌9个菌株生物学特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对来自不同发病程度,不同地点的国外松枯梢病松色二孢菌的9个菌株的生产,产孢等生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明,各菌株生长的最适温度为25-30℃,PH值为6-7,相对湿度为90%以上;9245、H21二菌株对湿度在培养其中加入1‰的硼对各菌株的生长和产孢有不同程度的抑制作用,尤以抑制产孢最明显,表现出硼对国外枯病的发生,发展有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   
Potted plants ofPinus nigra subsp.laricio were fertilized with ammonium sulphate (AS) and potassium sulphate (PS) each year during 3 consecutive years. The then 5-year-old plants were artificially inoculated withSphaeropsis sapinea. The fungus caused much bigger bark necroses in plants that had been fertilized with AS, than in plants fertilized with PS. It is concluded thatP. nigra growing in poor sandy soil becomes more susceptible toS. sapinea when fertilized with an excess of AS. This may explain partly the increased incidence ofS. sapinea inP. nigra stands in areas with a high rate of atmospheric NH4-deposition in the Netherlands.  相似文献   
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