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While several population viability analyses (PVAs) have been performed on anadromous salmonids, less attention has been given to stream-living salmonids. In this work, we explore the role of PVA as a tool in the recovery of threatened stream-living salmonid species. The analysis has been performed with reference to marble trout Salmo marmoratus, a salmonid with a limited geographic distribution and at risk of extinction due to hybridization with the non-native introduced brown trout. Demographic parameters, such as survival, fecundity and density-dependent patterns were estimated from an eight year on-going monitoring program of two translocated marble trout populations in pristine, previously fishless streams (Zakojska and Gorska) in the Soca and Idrijca river basins (Slovenia). To explore the importance of disturbance events such as floods on marble trout population dynamics, we performed a PVA under three scenarios: (1) occurrence of both severe and moderate floods; (2) occurrence of only moderate floods; (3) no flood events. Our analysis shows that population viability is threatened only by severe flood events, otherwise the two populations prove to be fairly stable with population abundance fluctuating around stream carrying capacity. A sensitivity analysis performed on model parameters highlighted that density-dependence in first-year survival and the magnitude of reduction in population size after a severe flood are the two most crucial parameters affecting population abundance and quasi-extinction probability, respectively. While only extreme floods can drive the population to extinction, the increase in juvenile survival when population abundance collapses after a major flood may allow the populations to quickly recover from few reproductive individuals back to stream carrying capacity.  相似文献   
Adult and juvenile mobility has a considerable influence on the functioning of marine protected areas. It is recognized that adult and juvenile movement reduces the core benefits of protected areas, namely protecting the full age–structure of marine populations, while at the same time perhaps improving fisheries yield over the no-reserve situation through export of individuals from protected areas. Nevertheless, the study of the consequences of movement on protected area functioning is unbalanced. Significant attention has been paid to the influence of certain movement patterns, such as diffusive movement and home ranges, while the impacts of others, such as density-dependent movements and ontogenetic migrations, have been relatively ignored. Here we review the diversity of density-independent and density-dependent movement patterns, as well as what is currently known about their consequences for the conservation and fisheries effects of marine protected areas. We highlight a number of ‘partially addressed’ issues in marine protected area research, such as the effects of reserves targeting specific life phases, and a number of essentially unstudied issues, such as density-dependent movements, nomadism, ontogenetic migrations, behavioral polymorphism and ‘dynamic’ reserves that adjust location as a realtime response to habitat changes. Assessing these issues will be essential to creating effective marine protected area networks for mobile species and accurately assessing reserve impacts on these species.  相似文献   
There is substantial interest in how mortality rates affect animal populations, but mechanisms explaining when and under what circumstances particular causes of death incur demographic responses are far from clear. In theory, small or expanding populations should experience additive mortality from anthropogenic causes of death, but whether such effects are homogenous across a population or expressed only in certain high-risk individuals is open for debate. We used competing risks models to analyze mortality patterns among radio-collared wolves (Canis lupus, n = 711) from three populations in northwestern United States (1982-2004), and evaluated the degree to which anthropogenic mortality was additive vs. compensatory to natural demographic processes. Almost 80% (n = 320) of wolves dying of known fates were killed by anthropogenic causes (legal control, illegal killing, harvest in Canada, vehicle collision), and additive effects of anthropogenic mortality were most pronounced in northwestern Montana where wolf exposure to humans and livestock was high compared to either the Greater Yellowstone Area or central Idaho, where anthropogenic risk was lower. In contrast, risk from natural hazards was lower in northwestern Montana than in the other areas, implying some degree of compensatory mortality from anthropogenic risk. Animals recruited to the study following human-wolf conflict had markedly higher anthropogenic risk than those recruited for standard monitoring purposes, and juvenile wolves as well as dispersers, succumbed to higher anthropogenic risk. Multivariate models revealed that increasing wolf population density promoted higher anthropogenic risk and reduced natural risk, indicating that partially-compensatory effects of anthropogenic mortality actually became increasingly additive with population density. The observed compensatory mortality and hazard heterogeneity in our study implies that demographic responses to mortality risk may be complex and more subtle than previously thought; the density-dependent effect of anthropogenic mortality portends a stabilizing influence of humans on recovering wolf populations. We conclude that future assessment of the role of anthropogenic mortality should include individual-based hazard estimation as a complement to traditional population-level approaches.  相似文献   
This is a preliminary study of the possible density-dependent growth of four spot megrim, Lepidorhombus boscii. Values of mean length by age class are related to the abundance indices of ages in 1991–1994 in North-eastern Atlantic waters (ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa). The analysis is performed separately for each sex and for each of the 3 subdivisions: VIIIc2, VIIIc1 and IXa2. The most significant relationships between growth and population density are found in juveniles of the first of these three subdivisions and in the area of study as a whole.  相似文献   
Knowledge gained from monitoring has been the basis for many critical decisions in threatened and endangered species and ecosystem management. Long-term monitoring has been recognized as a necessity for elucidating population trends and community interactions, particularly for long-lived species or ecosystems with slow rates of change. We examine seasonal and annual cycles of morphological changes in a threatened, long-lived, insular reptile, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), on Stephens Island, New Zealand. We used body condition indices as a surrogate measure of fitness, and examined seasonal fluctuations, using data from an intensive mark-recapture study, and long-term trends using a dataset that spans 54 years. In spite of seasonal and annual fluctuations, body condition of tuatara has declined significantly between 1949 and 2003; the decline was only evident after >22 years of monitoring. We hypothesize that increasing numbers of tuatara have resulted in a density-dependent population response driven by past habitat modification on Stephens Island. We emphasize the need for long-term monitoring and suggest that potentially costly management decisions, particularly for long-lived species or ecosystems with slow rates of change, should not be based solely on short-term monitoring.  相似文献   
The nematophagous fungi Arthrobotrys oligospora and Myzocytiopsis glutinospora increase to large numbers (>103 propagules/g of soil) when moth larvae killed by entomopathogenic nematodes are added to soil microcosms. In spite of these increases, it is unclear how effective these nematophagous fungi are in suppressing nematodes. We measured nematode mortality in microcosms with small numbers of assay nematodes, and we examined assay nematodes recovered at the end of the experiment for signs of fungal parasites. Because the microcosms did not have a moat or other refuge, the assay nematodes remained vulnerable for the 3 days that they were in the soil. Mortality in this experiment was not substantially increased compared to a previous experiment, which measured the mortality of a larger number of assay nematodes in microcosms surrounded by a moat. Mortality, however, increased from 34 to 50% when recovered assay nematodes were examined and when those with conidia of the nematophagous fungus Hirsutella rhossiliensis were considered dead. The zoosporic fungus M. glutinospora was not detected, perhaps because the soil water potential was too low. Contrary to our expectations, there was no evidence of negative feedback on nematodes (i.e., no evidence of density-dependent mortality) because the addition of dead moth larvae greatly increased numbers of resident nematodes and A. oligospora but did not greatly affect the probability of nematode mortality.  相似文献   
Many fisheries have alternative target stocks and selectively exploit the one with the highest expected income. Although target switching is very common in practice, few attempts have thus far been made to study target switching. In this paper, we investigated the potential effects of target switching on the yield and sustainability of fish stocks by equilibrium analysis and stochastic simulation. The equilibrium analysis showed that we can increase Fextinction by switching. The stochastic simulation revealed that well-planned target switching increases yields and simultaneously decreases the risk of the stocks collapsing. Target switching decreases fishing pressure on the less-abundant stock and helps the declined stock to recover. Therefore, the minimum stock level is increased by switching. As switching keeps both stocks at productive levels, the total yield is increased by switching. Target switching is effective, especially when the catchability increases with the depletion of a stock population. Target switching depends on the availability of information on stock abundance. Thus, we examined the vulnerability of switching to stock assessment errors. If the stock assessment is very uncertain, then little or no switching is recommended. Target switching can have substantial effects on fisheries. Therefore, we must investigate the mechanisms of switching and incorporate switching into management plans.  相似文献   
An endemic dwarf birch, Betula apoiensis, is critically endangered, and two populations of this species are restricted to the ridges of Mt. Apoi in Hokkaido, Japan. We observed the flowering phenology, pollen dispersal, and viable seed production and conducted pollination experiments in order to examine pollen limitation and hybridization with a sympatric congener, B. ermanii. B. apoiensis flowered earlier than B. ermanii but had a more variable flowering time among trees than B. ermanii. The female flowering of B. apoiensis temporally overlapped with the male flowering of B. ermanii as well as with that of B. apoiensis. Pollination experiments demonstrated that seed set and seed germination were higher in female flowers outcrossed than in those that were non-pollinated, selfed, hybridized with B. ermanii pollen, or pollinated naturally. A few selfed or hybrid seeds were filled and germinated, which indicates that self-incompatibility and reproductive barriers are not complete. Logistic regressions of local density of conspecific trees on natural seed set and seed germination were significantly positive. These results suggest that B. apoiensis is pollen-limited.  相似文献   
Spatiotemporal changes in growth patterns of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta that returned to the Ishikari (Japan) and Namdae (Korea) rivers in 1984–1998 were investigated using scale analysis. Juvenile chum salmon from both populations left coastal marine areas after spring at a size of over 8 cm fork length (FL). In summer, juvenile salmon from the Namdae River entered the Okhotsk Sea at a larger FL than did Ishikari River juveniles. There were no significant differences in annual growth between populations of 1-, 2-, and 4-year-old fish. For 3-year-old fish, however, Namdae River salmon had significantly higher synchronous and sympatric growth than did Ishikari River salmon. Mean FL of adults was also larger in Namdae River salmon than in Ishikari River salmon. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) results showed (1) negative linear relations between FL and catch, (2) homogeneous slopes of those relations at regional and species levels, and (3) nonhomogeneous slopes at the population level, indicating that density-dependent effects on growth were most significant at this level. We concluded that growth of chum salmon was concurrently influenced by stronger effects of intrapopulation competition and weaker effects of inter- and intraspecific interactions in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   
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